We had a visitor yesterday late afternoon.
I was busy sewing at the machine, ear buds in my ears, listening to the Jim Brickman channel on Pandora as I stitched happily away. I tend to listen to “only instrumental” things when I’ve got my thinking cap on. I can hear my own thoughts that way and lyrics don’t clog my brain.
Anyway…I look up to see arms flailing trying to get my attention. Ear buds out, I could hear Sadie whining like crazy.
There was something outside of our window.
Oh my word – a grey fox had come to nibble at the deer feeder!
I was armed only with my cell phone at this point, and I quietly slid over to the one window that was minus a screen – we had removed it just for this purpose. It’s not fun trying to get photos with window screen as a barrier.
I zoomed in as closely as I could, as far as my phone would let me:
So cute! While all of this phone video was being taken, The Hubster ran upstairs to get the “Big Camera” from the dining room. My voice was urgently pleading inside my brain “Hurry Hurry Hurry!” and sending subliminal encouragement to our visitor “Don’t leave yet. Stay. Stay a bit longer!”
And Sadie was whining her OWN chorus of “Something is out there! Let me at it! Let me at it!” Of course, we new better than to let her out until Mr Foxy was long gone.
Why Mr Fox, what sharp teeth you have!
Happy Trails to you!
After he was long gone, we did let Sadie go out, and she went nuts with discovering new smells! And I must say – I have NEVER seen the hair stand up on her back so high from neck to tail. She looked like she was wearing a mohawk. Such excitement!
Views from the Blue Ridge Parkway!
The afternoon was so warm we hopped on the motorcycle and headed out for a close to 90 mile round trip route around the Blue Ridge to say hello to summer.
Along with 1/2 of the population of North Carolina, who were also out and about! We still enjoyed the beautiful day.
Helmet hair and big smiles.
This is my bliss!
and there was just A BIT of sewing.
One block done, and another block in step-outs for demonstration purposes. I’ve got to do the same for the border blocks next, and also the half block that completes a couple of the rows in the quilt. This is not as fun as regular piecing toward a project finish. But I’m telling myself that it IS, and just telling myself to get it done.
This is posting a bit late this morning. It’s that time of year when mountain hikes have to happen early morning if they are going to happen at all due to temps and humidity. So Sadie and I have already been out to do our 2 1/2 mile hike, have breakfasted and showered and are ready to start the day.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Change your attitude with gratitude!
Vintage string star found by my friend Irene in Kentucky. I love friends who go antique quilt hunting for me just for backdrops for my quotes! They make this goal of one quote per day for a year possible!
This afternoon there may be a jaunt out to West Jefferson to poke around the antique mall there, just because.
But for now…I’m off to work on those step-outs.
Have a lovely Sunday, everyone!

Wow! The fox is beautiful!
Those are some tiny stars inside of stars there. I tried finding the block in EQ. Is this a NEW quilt from the book?? Fun to catch the FOX on camera. no pictures of Sadie with her hair standing on end? Happy Antiquing.
Mary, this is not an EQ block. It's the block I designed for 100 blocks by 100 designers in a past issue, that became my wanderlust quilt that was on the cover of Quiltmaker Magazine. This quilt is also featured in my new book coming out in Septmeber, Addicted to Scraps.
Hi Bonnie! Enjoy your day! Seeing the fox was a treat; we usually see a lot of deer ( which I love EXCEPT when they eat my hyacinths and tulips!) have a lovely weekend with your family. I can never say it enough , thank you for all you do for us quilters. Happy Memorial weekend.
Love the fox. We had one winter with us one year and watched her raise her kits in the spring.
That summer there were no rabbits or squirrels in the area. Nature had taken care of the overpopulation.
Love the block....am waiting for the new book!
We have foxes in our woods here in Southern Oregon. Did this one bark? When the ones here bark, it sounds like a "cough". I look forward to your blog every morning!
Thank you! Rose drclearwaters@rcetronics.com
How exciting! Seeing a fox is indeed a special treat. I happened to get up about 2:00 am one morning and saw my cat looking out the front window. I went to see what she was seeing and there was a gray fox under the tree right outside my window! I couldn't take my eyes off it. What were the odds that I would catch a glimpse of it? I was as thrilled as I know you were. Enjoy every sighting. They're a gift to us.
I love to read your comments daily but will forgive you in advance when you take a day, 2 or 3 off, especially in the mountains or with family.
I truly enjoy all of your quotes...and the quilts they are superimposed upon. Grey foxes can climb trees so you might look up and see if you see anymore of them. I remember seeing a group of them down at Brookgreen Gardens that were up in the trees while their red brethren lazed away on the ground. Such fun.
Enjoy your weekend and thanks for your blog and inspiration.
Just think, when you are done filming you can finish the step outs and have almost a complete quilt done! Loved the pics of your visitor, although poor Sadie probably only wanted to play-not! I do miss the wildlife now that I live in the city-except the skunks!
Wow! Wonderful photos and video of the Fox! Rare opportunity to see such a beautiful animal! Love it!
Great pictures of the fox. As I continued to read, I was prompted to say thank you for your daily quotes. I'm not sure that I had thanked you yet. I look forward to that part of the post for the content of the quote as much as a glimpse of a quilt. I will be sorry when this year ends, so I'll continue to appreciate these for the rest of the year. Thank you!
Hello Bonnie ..... I just wanted you to know that I got to see your Quilt of Valor , Mini Winston Ways at the Quilt Expo in Des Moines yesterday. I was so excited to see it. I didn't realize when I saw it on your blog that it was for this purpose to be auctioned off in Iowa. The final bid was $ 409.00. It would have been so fun to be the recipient who got to take that home with them. I wanted to take it home with me : ) but I knew my husband would never understand why I had to pay so much just to make it mine. I loved taking a closer look at your fabrics. You have taught me... fabric new or old is about color not style.... use it up : ) Thanks for all you do. Know that you are loved. Janita
What a beautiful animal...so happy you got to see him. I live in the SF bay area, and every once in a while we get red foxes in the neighborhood...in fact one day when I walked down my drive to pick up the paper, one was a the end of the drive with what looked like a rabbit in his mouth!! I was shocked that there would be foxes living in our very urban neighborhood, but what a delight to see (from a distance!).
What a beauty that fox is! Great photos! I have some here in western n.c. Smokeys and they sound like a woman screaming... I was spooked when I first heard them. Mating, I suppose. Google it n watch you tube or wickepedia . You'll know it when u hear it. Ha ha I've had bear in the last week eating my pears and apples from trees. So happy to see you are out doing what you love! Yes, it's very busy here with people coming to smoky man nat park, lake Fontana, whitewater rafting at the gorge (nantahala river), riding train (smoky man railroad). Love that block!
Love the fox how fun such a beautiful animal am anxiously awaiting your new book
What a beautiful creature!
Irene in Kentucky, I live in Kentucky too but have seen all the beautiful vintage quilts you are finding. Where are you looking to be so successful?
What a gorgeous picture of the fox! The setting is just perfect. Such a treat to see. Thanks for all the beautiful pictures and stories you share with us. Will be looking forward to your new book!
Beautiful fox!!! Love the gray and rust colors. Nature has so many gifts and surprises if you just notice!
Oh, wow,,,, I was mesmerized by Mr. Fox! What a treat to see such a beautiful creature in irs natural habitat... Poor Sadie.... She must have bern going nuts..... Not sure what my two Chihuahuas would have thought.... Thanks for such an amazing video...
Lovely pictures of your wild visitor! I live in the Pennsylvania countryside and have fox visitors frequently. They loved to play with the sandbox toys my daughter had under her playset. I would find them - and an odd shoe - scattered around our yard. Can't wait to see your new quilt designs in the upcoming book!
WHAT A GORGEOUS CREATURE!!! She/he will probably be back, esp. since you didn't allow Sadie out to "greet" him... wow, bet that got your adrenaline flowing for the hour! love your posts, blogs, sew alongs... your brain is like a demented bee, always working... <3 ... Cats AKA Momcat... <3
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