This is Kim!
Kim brought the smallest Show & Share to class!
Kim loves scraps as much as I do!
Kim has embarked on the Pineapple Crazy Train and we were all sharing in her excitement all weekend long by sending any little trimmed off triangle bits her way to add to her variety!
You know, it *IS* always more fun to sew with someone else’s scraps than to continue to bore ourselves silly with our own, and watching Kim go giddy over these little handfuls of happiness just made us ALL that much happier too!
Kim, the next time I see you, I am sure your Pineapple Crazy will be well on the way to being done, one block at a time!
When people gasp at the number of pieces in this quilt, my reply is “Yes, there ARE 45 pieces in each 5’’ block, but they are SHORT seams, they really don’t take all that long to do!”
The best part was, the pattern for Pineapple Crazy was found in the same book that our Saturday Talkin’ Turkey class used – String Fling!
An Allietare finish from Saturday’s class!
Another Allietare from Sunday’s class!
A Beautiful Celtic Solstice from Monday’s class!
Vintage Twin Sisters Quilt, 1950s
Close up!
This was a special quilt made by a family member, a great grandmother if I remember correctly. Can you imagine all of these scraps as dresses, skirts, blouses, aprons, and all else? What a life these fabrics represent because they did indeed come from the scrap bag of a busy seamstress!
And that aqua? LOVE!!
There are many more photos to share, so pour yourself a cuppa something, put your feet up and enjoy. Remember you can use the controls on the screen to pause, reverse, go forward, etc.
Click the image below if you are unable to view the slide show on your mobile device. You’ll be taken to the photo album for viewing.
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Show & Share, Cincinnati, OH 2016 |
Sadie and Jeff!
I made it home to Greensboro about 5pm last night, Jeff and Sadie pulling up to the curb to load the luggage in the back, and me in the front.
Doesn’t this girl look HAPPY to see me? It’s likely that she was just HOT…77 degrees when I landed! It was hot in Detroit for March, too. I’ll take it! Bye bye, winter of 2016!! We are not sad to see you GO!
Today is going to be a bit of a blur. I am washing the contents of my suitcase, repacking the trunk show bags with the workshop quilts for 3 guilds in Michigan. I leave tomorrow.
The first thing I saw in my email this morning was a notice from Delta telling me “It’s time to check in!” OH. Great.
I’m very excited about my Michigan groups – I am just NOT excited about hauling my carcass back to the airport tomorrow morning. I’ll be leaving my front door at 5:20am.
If I am a good girl and can stay off of Facebook, I’ll get all of the book orders caught up and to the post office by 4pm and I’ll have time to do a bit of quiet stitching this evening.
Quiltville Quote of the Day!
Criss Cross Applesauce quilt from my book Scraps & Shirttails II . Made with recycled fabrics.
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
There is a Dan Fogelberg song that has a line that reminds me of your work 'Same Auld Lang Syne'.....he sings....'the audience was heavenly but the traveling was hell...' When you talk about how you love to do the workshops, meet your new (and old) students, but how the traveling gets hard.....this tune becomes an ear worm.....😄
I miss you already!
@Sally I LOVE Dan Fogelberg! We really did lose him too early. I have all of his albums on my phone, he goes with me wherever I go :)
@Carolyn I miss you already too! SO good to see you! XOXOX
oooh love that vintage sisters quilt....and those little pineapple blocks are soo fun! got a stack of those going myself...
I love reading your blog. Every morning, as soon as I can focus my eyes, my tablet is on and your blog up and running. Although I love all of it, the quotes are one of my favorite parts. Today's as often it happens, is very apropos. My mother's 93rd birthday was yesterday, with a great luncheon for her party. And although I have only one sibling and Dad passed 8 years ago, I felt invisible. I love my mom,but everyone else had dinner plans, together. My husband was included in these plans, but I wasn't. In fact, I was the only person not invited! I even invited myself, only to be told "it wouldn't work" and too bad, but I cannot have dinner, or a visit, or anything with anyone else. Happens a lot, so I should expect it. But when my sister, my only sister, puts me in every uncomfortable position that she can, cause that makes her more inportant and more the center of attention, just more, if she lies aboutme, telling whatever to make me look bad, she feels better I guess, and of course she thinks that makes her seem better than me. Sigh. Your quote is on point. Definitely. Thank you. Thank you for all you do. Your friends and family are very lucky to have you.
Bonnie, In your spare time....haha, would you consider putting all your 2016 quotes somewhere altogether on your site? I love reading them and have found many that "hit the spot." Also do you mind if I copy and post on facebook or if you would rather I didn't that's ok, too. Have a great trip with those Michigan girls and take time to breathe. Don't want you to run yourself ragged. Happy Quilting! Cheryl
I love that picture of Sadie!
I think Sadie is one happy dog! What a precious picture of her! She's so happy Mommy has returned.
Thanks, Bonnie, for sharing your interesting life with us. You do so much and spread joy wherever you are. I love reading your blog every night before I go to bed. You are a true inspiration.
Vivian in TX
Busy Cincinnati ladies. You are such an inspiration for us Bonnie. I'm urrently making charity quilts with all the orphan blocks from your designs-spreading your love!
Aw, Sadie is so cute! She has such a sweet smile and soft look in her eyes. She's saying, "Welcome home, Mommy!" Dogs give such unconditional love, I truly love the saying, "Dog is God spelled backwards."
Bonnie---I have been working on crumb blocks for several years--actually about the time I started in on Celtic Solstice mystery quilt as my leader/enders. I have LOTS. Can you think of a way to use these? I thought of stars but that seemed rather predictable. So do you have any ideas? OR should I maybe sub the crumbs for string blocks?
Oh my stars that Sadie looks so happy it gave me a big smile seeing that adorable picture.
Hope you have a save trip and a great time teaching.
Am getting THE Taxes ready for the CPA. Have been working on it for 3 days.
Will be glad when that is done and hope to cut more scraps and do some quilting.
Come back home save and sound!
Yoka Bazilewich
You rock! I love your quilts! Travel safe!
I hope that you will offer either a book or a calendar of just Quilts & Quotes!
Although I love to see all of your pictures of beautiful quilts on your blog posts, the picture of Sadie made me laugh out loud. Thanks for making me smile (again).
I so wanted to respond to Cynthia Leffler's post. I too have this superpower called invisibility, although sometimes it's a curse. My sister is the sweetest person in the world, but the other day I was suffering from the invisibility when we went to a local home show. Everyone wanted to talk to her and everyone just ignored me for some reason. I was happy for her, but sometimes invisibility hurts.
By the way, my name is Cynthia too! Love Bonnie's sayings. Somehow they make everything better.
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