
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Bye Bye, Quilts!

Yesterday was a day for packing up quilts, making sure they had the proper labels attached, and that includes taking “snapshots” and printing out photos of the quilt along with any area that you want for a particular detail shot, and pinning the snapshots WITH the image form, to the quilt.

This is new for me..I’ve usually just labeled the quilts and sent them off, letting the photographer decide the best way to display or zoom in on any particular area.  I’m afraid my instructions are quite vague!  There are some wide area snap shots that simply say “BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER!” on the detail tag.  How am I supposed to know what will be the best area to focus on in the end for the book?

This process happened yesterday for all 12 book quilts.  And since there were a few snap shots on my phone from taking these, I thought I’d share them with you!

This is the bottom right corner of Jingle Bell Square, currently featured in the Nov/Dec i2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine.  It should be available near you!


I love this quilt for the happy scraps it contains – I sewed it through last winter and it gave me hours of pleasure cutting, piecing, pressing and assembling all of these little scraps into a quilt with MUCh variety!



Another Quiltmaker Cover Quilt, getting the labels pinned in place before boxing up and hauling them all off to FedEx for their long journey to California.


And away they go!

Be safe, Quilts!

All of my deadlines are falling into place, but it seems with less margin than I have ever dealt with before…remember the guy at the circus with the plates spinning on poles?  All of my plates are spinning but there are times I worry that some of those plates will begin to drop and fall, crashing to the floor –while dealing with OTHER plates.

So far so good!


Last Night’s Kitting up!

I will have a loaner machine while in Maine at Retreat in Rangeley, and I am looking forward to some evening time spent sewing with the other ladies!  Class will go from 9 to 4, but after that – the time is mine to just be “One of the Girls”.  Can’t wait!


My Missouri Iron!

I tried out my vintage iron that I picked up in Missouri for the first time last night.  Great heat!  No auto shut off, and no vent holes either.  PERFECT.

I love the bakelite handle and the little red knob that turns with little thumb effort to give me the setting I want.  And it’s only a 3/4 size iron so not too big, bulky or heavy.


And with that I’m off on another adventure!

And yes, I packed my warm and woolies – do you see what the possibility is for Sunday?! 

Oh, I’m so not ready for this!

But I AM ready for some of this!!

Bring on the fall colors!

Catch you from Maine, everyone!

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sao said...

Thanks for sharing the photos. Happy traveling to you AND YOUR QUILTS!

sao in Midlothian, VA

Diane H said...

Safe travels to you...have fun and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Natalie in Maine said...

Hi Bonnie, I am in central Maine and it's been really nice the last few weeks, but yea, the cold is coming. The colors in the trees though are amazing and you will I'm sure get lots of beautiful foliage pictures. I was just telling my husband that last weekend was probably our last perfect weather weekend. It was so perfect even though we were out working in the wood pile. I hope you have a great time in Maine. Hopefully you can relax a little. Sometimes doing too much isn't good for you. Hopefully you can slow down and enjoy.

betsy k said...

that quilt is beautiful

Terry said...

Safe travels Bonnie enjoy your time away.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilts, Bonnie. You are amazing! Take care of yourself, though. We want you to be around for a long time. Don't burn yourself out. - Barbara P.

Kimberly Smith said...

Love that iron!! And love the quilts too! Safe travels.

Anonymous said...

Can't hardly wait to see the colors for the mystery quilt!

Marcia L said...

Welcome to Maine - the fall foliage is the best this week that is has been in years. I loved attending your last Maine presentation. Have a great time!

janequiltsslowly said...

I just love Jingle Bell Square. I'll have to get that Quiltmaker issue.

Anonymous said...

Some day, there needs to be a quilt show of all of your quilts..... it will require a large venue and will be magnificent.

Vic in NH said...

"Let it snow! Let it snow, Let it snow..." No more bugs, weeds, heat and humidity, YEAY!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your crumb-y stars. I have a bunch of crumb blocks I have been meaning to do something with -- I decided the quilt I was making them for was too twee- and have been trying to think of a project that would use all of them.

You got me out of the all or nothing mind set I hadn't even realized i was in. It sounds silly but that was a "light bulb" moment.

I have learned so much not only from your classes but also from this blog. Thank you for all you do.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Lu Anne Scott

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