My friend Shelley sent a whole mass of photos that she took of Barn Quilts while traveling through Nova Scotia, Canada!
I love Barn Quilts wherever I can find them – we saw several while driving through Iowa a couple of weeks ago, and my own area of the Blue Ridge Mountains are also a haven for barn blocks found not only on barns, but houses, sheds, garages…I love seeing them!
Shelley writes:
Hi Bonnie,Of COURSE we would like to see!
We're in Nova Scotia visiting family and got to travel along a very quiet and sparsely populated highway through some farm land. There were 15 barn quilts placed along what was called the Stewiacke Valley Barn Quilt Trail. They were really neat to see. They have a facebook page with some photos of how the "quilts" were constructed. We could get closer to some than to others.
Thought you might like to see.
And I’m so happy that I can share them with you too!
A horse is a horse, of course of course!
So picturesque!
I’m swooning!!
Berry Bushel!
This is a block I did for a previous Addicted to Scraps column! It’s still begging to be made into a REAL quilt…..when will I find time?
Donkey! So cute!
I love how barns change from area to area..the shingles on this one add so much rustic texture!
Broken Star! So great!
Dresden plate. Look at that view!
More horsing around!
Humming bird!
Hey Ma! There’s a Hole in the Barn Door!
More Dresden love on a very weathered barn.
If only this barn could talk!
Framed Nine Patch!
Tulips all in a row!
Each one of these Barn Blocks made me smile! I hope they did you too!
Thanks for sharing a bit of your vacation with us, Shelley!
I’m back home again – we left the cabin at 7am and made it home just a bit ago. I’ve got 3 days of desk duty ahead of me, so I am really looking forward to some sewing time during Quilt-Cam tomorrow night! 9pm Eastern!
Happy Monday, Everyone!
Kentucky where I live has LOTS OF Blocks on Barns. I like it when hubby drives so I can enjoy seeing them. I'm toying with making a smaller one to put on the front of MY HOUSE! Love those blocks. I like looking at the barns too. I've always loved barns and.......horses so I'm living in the right place.
Love Barn Quilts!! My younger son and his wife gave me one for Christmas a couple of years ago. It is a Carpenter's star in purple, lavender and white. My husband is a carpenter. They painted it themselves. It is done in purples, lavenders and white. It hangs on our shop building. Bonnie in Iowa
Thanks for sharing.
There's a Barn Quilt Trail I need to go and see in my State. Very Cute Blocks shared. My Favorite is the Broken Star today. Can't wait to sew with you a while on QuiltCAM!
Just preparing to move to that area so I'll add the trail to my list of things to wander and see on weekends. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing! Your added phrases really made me smile! It just occurred to me...I need to have my fabulous carpenter father make one for him and one for me! Have a wonderful day creating tomorrow. Family in town so not sure if I will make it.
My favorite one was the blue, yellow & orange one! Does anyone know what the name of it is? When we took a trip up the coast to the top of Oregon from So California we did see a few along the way.
Oh how lovely!! Such good pictures of these! I love them all, but today the donkey was really the cutest. Have you ever heard a donkey bray? They are LOUD!
Thought I'd share this about barn quilts: Nearly every state has a barn quilt trail (37 states, I think) and we have visited ours in and around Tillamook, OR. There's a wonderful book to document the history of barn quilts, "Barn Quilts and the American Quilt Trail Movement," a wonderful reference/coffee table book by Suzi Parron. I just received my copy (check Amazon.com) if you're interested. Happy quilting, everyone! Melanie
There are several trails in Wisconsin that features quilt blocks on barns. Shawano County has a list of various barns to view.
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