
Friday, June 05, 2015

Happy Ten Year Anniversary!


**NOTE!**  This Giveaway is now CLOSED!  Congrats to our lucky winner!

I can’t believe that I have been blogging here at Quiltville’s Quips & Snips for TEN YEARS!!

Where does the time go?  Isn’t life amazing?

And it’s been really fun to go through the archives and see just where we have come  and what wonderful things have happened over the past decade. 

It’s been a wild journey – and I am eager to see how the next 10 pan out!

To celebrate—I’m having a little giveaway!  Look what just came out:


The July/August 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

Doesn’t the quilt on the cover look Summer-licious??

Inside this issue you will find several variations on log cabin designs –here are a couple of my favorites:


Clam shells!

They  look curved, but different widths of strips will give you this round effect…and you know how I love blue and white!


Check out this lovely!  I love the woven appearance!

My own Addicted to Scraps column also deals with the Log Cabin block this month –I just love log cabins, and they are perfect for scrappy quilting too!


I love the sparkle of the half square triangle in the centers!

I plan on doing these in rainbow colors….such a great scrap buster!

So this is what we are going to do.  Leave me a comment in the comments section below.  Our lucky winner will win not only a signed copy of Quiltmaker Magazine from me..but I am throwing in a special anniversary celebration surprise:


A gift pack from Colonial Needle and Presencia Threads!


Look at all of the yummy goodies in here!

Remember, you MUST leave your email address visible in your comment to be eligible to be drawn.  Especially if you are signed in as anonymous.  Also – if you are a google+ user or if your  profile for blogger is google+.  It won’t show your email address, and I need your email to be able to draw our winner.

If you would, please leave your favorite moment with me over the past 10 years in your comment!  What have you loved about this blog?  Celebrate with me!

I will draw our winner upon my return home from New York and Pennsylvania next Wednesday!

Good luck everyone!  My flight is about to board and it is time to put this lap top away and get ready for some mile high hexie time!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Donna W said...

Congratulations - 10 years! Enjoy reading your blog and look forward to seeing where your journeys take you, what you are working on, and the tips that you share with us. Thnaks

Ellen said...

Happy Anniversary,Bonnie! Your Mystery Quilts are what get me through the long winters in AK! Keep them coming!

Joolz said...

I would love to win the quiltmaker magazine. Already in love with the one on the cover.

I haven't been following the blog for too long, but my favourite was watching your process from the ideas and colour inspirations through to the finished Grand Illusion. Truly educational and informative.

Julie DOT mirdoch AT shaw DOT ca

Joolz said...

I would love to win the quiltmaker magazine. Already in love with the one on the cover.

I haven't been following the blog for too long, but my favourite was watching your process from the ideas and colour inspirations through to the finished Grand Illusion. Truly educational and informative.

Julie DOT mirdoch AT shaw DOT ca

Joolz said...

I would love to win the quiltmaker magazine. Already in love with the one on the cover.

I haven't been following the blog for too long, but my favourite was watching your process from the ideas and colour inspirations through to the finished Grand Illusion. Truly educational and informative.

Julie DOT mirdoch AT shaw DOT ca

Joolz said...

I would love to win the quiltmaker magazine. Already in love with the one on the cover.

I haven't been following the blog for too long, but my favourite was watching your process from the ideas and colour inspirations through to the finished Grand Illusion. Truly educational and informative.

Julie DOT mirdoch AT shaw DOT ca

Shelby said...

Happy Anniversary!!! 10 years of fun for all of us. Thank you sooooo much!

Betty said...

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I hope there will be many more years to come! My favorite blog moment would be when you came to our guild a few years ago and posted about the potluck buffet we had. Lots of chocolate was provided to fuel a room full of NW Alabama quilters making Pineapple Blossom blocks. I enjoyed your class so much! bhquilter at gmail dot com

tac73 said...

Happy 10 Year Anniversary! I love seeing what you are doing in all your travels as well as your wonderful quilting tutorials. Really enjoyed the Grand Makinaw hotel series last year.

Dar said...

Happy 10 yr anniversary Bonnie. Times really does fly when you are having so much fun -- and we certainly are when it comes to your blog. I love being on your fabulous trips around the globe through your blog, along with all the wonderful free patterns you so generously give us. See you soon.

Mary Dowell said...

Happy Anniversary! I have loved reading your blog and keeping up with your travels! I also enjoy quilt cam, it is nice to have a quilting party in my own sewing room. I would love to win. dowellcrafts@hotmail.com

Lilac Joan said...

Happy Anniversary to Bonnie! It is also my too. Number 51. Love everything you showed but especially would love to have the needle and thread case.


Anonymous said...

We so appreciate all you do... Happy Anniversary!!!
Sandy N.

Anonymous said...

We so appreciate all you do... Happy Anniversary!!!
Sandy N.

Anonymous said...

We so appreciate all you do... Happy Anniversary!!!
Sandy N.

Unknown said...

I remember your old website, one with the picture of your sewing studio on an upper floor of a house...at the time, mine was in the basement, but nice, but was jealous of the light you had. Im happy to report that now Im in a nicely lit quilt studio (one story house in FL).

Grandma E. said...

Hi Bonnie, Glad you're having so much fun...I have really enjoyed traveling with you in pictures..you have made it so enjoyable..almost like being there with you...thank you so much! I would never have seen the places you have been to if you hadn't taken those pictures and posted them for us...so thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Quilting has been so fulfilling for us since you have been on quiltville quiltcam..lets keep this going! I look forward to you each and every time. You are so caring and such a helpful person to us even if we have just started or ol'time quilters....that's a rare find! Love love you! Ella in North Wilkesboro, NC..telp67@yahoo.com

Pam said...

Congratulations Bonnie on your 10 year anniversary of blogging. You are doing such a great job and you have so much energy. I really admire you and all you do. See you in Auburn!! pamd30@comcast.net

JustPam said...



Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

I've enjoyed the past year of your blog since I found you. Thank you and I wish you many, many more. rmgsummers at yahoo dot com

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Wow! Congrats on your ten year anniversary--you're the best!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of your blog are the travel updates. I'm also crazy about quilt cam!


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joni said...

Congratulations on 10 years!
Can't wait for your mystery projects!
See you Monday in Erie!!

Unknown said...

Love touring the world with you as you share your talents with quilters worldwide. Please continue for another 10years.

crafty said...

Love quiltcam and pictures of your travels.

Pam said...

Happy 10th anniversary. I've followed for a good number of those years and still find myself looking forward to every post. I love visiting with an old friend everyday!! There have been so many great moments it's impossible to narrow the field to one, and over the course of the years my favorite has changed, but right now I am enamored with Mona's quilting journey. She is so lucky to have in person what most of us only get online!! I have Bonnie envy, lol!! Would love to win this issue of Quiltmaker and the little gift box. Thanks for the chance to enter.

Pam in Tacoma

Jamie McClenaghan said...

Dear Bonnie,

Happy, happy anniversary! I have been totally hooked ever since discovering your blog and am really looking forward to Peru with You. Thanks for all you have done.


lefuntz said...

Congratulations Bonnie. It would be too difficult to pick a favorite. I enjoy traveling with you since I don't get away much. I love your generosity in sharing your talent, patterns, tutorials and ideas. Your life is very full and in sharing you fill ours as well. Thank you. I hope to follow you for the next 10 years. I'll try to keep up! lefuntz@cox.net

Unknown said...

Congratulations, what an amazing time we've all had, thank you Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years blogging. I really enjoy seeing all you do and your scrappy patterns are great. Thanks for all the new ideas you give us.

Donna Bredt tdbredt@geneseo.net

Barbara said...

Dear Bonnie, I so love your posts! I look forward to them as a sweet spot in my days, so thanks you so much! even though I already have this issue, I would still live to be in the giveaway!
Thanks and Blessings! Barbara Green, San Clemente CA bigrin@cox.net

Unknown said...

Way to Go! so thrilled to be a part of this great community of quilters. Just wish I would of found ya sooner. Have only discovered it in the last year. But because of it have renewed my love of quilting. I love participating in your quiltcam and reading your blog. I did get to attend one of your workshops locally and am still piecing my Talking Turkey. I absolutely love that pattern. I hope to take a trip to Italy or go on a cruise with you, One day :) lol.
Thanks for all you do.

Michaela Williams

CyndyK said...

I think my favorite moment with you is when you bought the cabin in the mountains. I've enjoyed all of your posts about it. I love all your free patterns and inspiration you give us. Thankyou, Bonnie! Cyndy Knapp cknapp3626(at)sbcglobal(dot)net

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Thank you for all of your time teaching us. amtmbrwlf@gmail.com

ladydobie said...

I came for the quilts and web cam. I gotta say, though, I look forward to seeing your cutie, Sadie! Celeste areddobie1@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your sharing, Bonnie. I love 'travelling' with you through your blog ... most entertaining! Candy
becan AT shaw DOT ca

Char Nash said...

Would love to win!

Wendy said...

Congratulations on 10 years...quite a milestone. I enjoy your blog and web cams, and I especially love the Quiltville's Open Studio page on Facebook. Would love to win this giveaway!
Wendy mzdetail@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie
WOW 10 years already, congratulations.
Enjoyed your blog all these years!
Thanks for all you do.
Bev in BC

Jittina said...

Congratulations on your 10th blogiversary!
I've loved every blog you wrote, every moment you shared, ever since I discovered your blog way back in (I think) 2009. Just keep up the good work!

thimble said...

My favourite part of your blogging is that you make each of your readers feel like we are your special quilting buddy! I enjoy your enthusiasm for life!


Unknown said...

I only found you a couple of years ago, & I've enjoyed every minute spent with you; but I guess my favorite is when you showed us about Leaders and Enders! What a revelation! Love it, & I too love log cabin quilts. That was one of the first real pieced design I made & I've loved them since. What a joy you are to spend time with & I so wish I could take a class with you some time but hard for me to travel now. So I spend it with you thru my computer. What a neat prize too, would love to win. Happy travels & see you on the blog!
Sandra in north Mississippi

Prissy said...

Congratulations on your 10th year! I discovered you a little over 2 years ago, but it has been a very rewarding and inspiring time. Thank you for all you share!

Deb B. said...

I just started following your blog last year. I have started the Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt...it may take me forever to finish it. I have enjoyed seeing all the variations that people have made. Your scrap users system appeals to me, but it seems a daunting task to cut all the scraps into usable sizes. Thank you for the opportunity for a giveaway.

D-Bee Creations said...

to be honest....my favorite was the moment I discovered your blog and website. I remember thinking to myself "omg...someone else that thinks like me!". Anytime a newbie asks me to recommend sites to visit, yours is at the top of the list. Thank you so much for the years of inspiration and the personal email of encouragement when I sent you a photo of a finished quilt top. Here's to many, many more years of awesomeness!! hugs.....

Judy S in New Hampshire said...

Congratulations on the 10 year anniversary. Its quite the milestone!

I love that when you travel..even if its (only) to Quilt Villa...I get to come along and enjoy the trip right along with you. I also enjoy learning about vintage sewing machines. Thanks for the opportunity to win! Judy Sigsworth jsigswor@gmail.com

Rhonda said...

Bonnie, Congrats on the great milestone! Thanks for bringing us along on your quilting adventures! From the scrap user's system, to the free patterns, to your travel adventures, and quilt cam!
I also got to meet you in person in Spokane, WA. :):)


Nancy said...

I'm a late-comer to your blog and have only been following since last fall. My favorite posts were Grand Illusion. What a wonderful quilt!


Lynnwa said...

10 years is a wonderful accomplishment and I wish you many more years. I enjoy your whole blog and love the Quilt Cam. myweedox at centurytel.net

KeanieQuilter said...

Thanks so much for brightening my day....every day...and all about quilts! It appears that we are a great-big-family here!
Tried to post earlier today and goofed on my gmail sign in...so I looked and I believe I'm not listed yet. I am a techno-dino, so bear with me. teresakeane703@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

I don't think I can come up with just one moment I love the crumby block and have made a quilt with them and gave away more than I can count. I also came across the way you make bias binding you have no idea how much I use that method it sure has saved me a lot of time and trouble. Your quilt cam is fun and one day I will learn how to send you a message. Keep up the great work and all your story's about where you are and what your doing.

Thank you
Sandy Johnson

Rosemarie said...

Rose Menassas
Congratulations on ten years of inspiring us all! Good luck and continuing success. I would love to win a signed copy and the cute little giftie! Thanks for picking me!

Doris R said...

Wow, the number is really getting up there. Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

I love a log cabin. That would be any log cabin.


Mo Shippee said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I found you about two years ago but love traveling with you in your many adventures! Mo in Schwenksville PA wmgmk@aol.com

Mo Shippee said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I found you about two years ago but love traveling with you in your many adventures! Mo in Schwenksville PA wmgmk@aol.com

Maria said...

I'm new so I haven't made any of your patterns yet but I enjoy the inspiration here and in your FB group! Thank you for sharing your beautiful work and teaching your techniques. bttrfldsv3 [@] cox.net

Anonymous said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! I have learned so much from your mystery quilts, you are a great teacher. Your blog is so interesting - love the travel pictures, and all the happy quilters at your classes!

JWhite said...

Congrats! 10 Years doing anything is a huge accomplishment!! I thoroughly enjoy your travels, quilting ideas and wisdom...looking forward to much more.

Judy in Washington

Anonymous said...

So happy I found Quiltville. Congratulations on ten years!


dlamore32 said...

Bonnie - Congrats on 10 Years ! Time does fly - I
Really love the travel posts and the antiquing and
the mysteries....
Donna dlamore32@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and thank you for keeping the s inspired for the last ten years. I'd love to win that perfect little case.

Susan Lyle

Emily C said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. So very hard to say what is my favorite moment. I love all the beautiful pictures of quilts that you make. I love all the colors and different combinations. I follow your blog for inspiration.
ebbtide45 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Time does pass by quickly

Unknown said...

it has been a journey for me, also, Bonnie. Thank you for sharing your journey so that I too have had one. It is wonderful of you for sharing the places that you go that i would have never seen. Sandy from Rowland, N.C.

Alice Cooksey said...

Congratulations, Bonnie. You rock, girl!! I love your designs and your approach to quilting. Just my cup of tea.

Alice Cooksey

Ann said...

Oh, that looks like a good issue. Pick me Pick me!


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary, Bonnie! Love your blog! Would love, love, love to attend a workshop. Are you ever in the Chicago area??? Ready to become really addicted to scraps!
Cindy - cerun0115@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I can't think of anything I don't like about your blog. I guess my favorite thing is that you share your love of quilting with us. Thanks.

Chris at christine_prager@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I just found your blog a few months ago. Congrats on your ten years! I love your appreciation of scraps. You are wonderful.

betz2u said...

Congratulations on 10 years. I am new to quilting and do not have the history these ladies do, but I enjoyed the Grand Illusions mystery quilt. Just have to get it out together, all the parts are completed. I would love to win the case, but I am not lucky, but keep trying. Hope you have 10+ more years before you retire to Buck Mountain to sew forever on the porch in that lovely cabin.


Lori said...

wow congrats. I have really enjoyed the many things you share with everyone. I have loved the inspiration and joy with which you share it. thanks for some great years. I look forward to many more.
quilting dash lady at Comcast dot net

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 years!! I would love to be the winner.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 10th Anniversary. Amazing how quick if flies by. I am sorry I won't get to see you in LV when you're here.



Anonymous said...

My favorite post was when you shared one of MY quilts using YOUR pattern. I emailed it (before Facebook!) to my friends titled "Almost Famous". Of course the non-quilting friends didn't get it. You are given me wings to delve into my scraps with abandon and I thank you. Belinda (barnmace@msn.com)

Anonymous said...

Hello, Bonnie,
Congratulations on 10 years of blogging memories for you but since I am fairly new to quilting, I have only been a blog reader for the last year. I would have to say that my favorite times would be running around to the Lowe's trying to find the paint chips for the last Mystery quilt. It was quite fun seeing and hearing who had gotten them and who needed them and sending our extras to quilting friends who could not find them. That brought the quilting girls (and guys) together as a group and I loved it. Sharing and Caring.

Carlene : canbesweet@aol.com

Ann in PA said...

Congratulations on 10 years! I love "traveling" and quilting with you all over the world through your blog. LOL My favorite blog posts are when you are in Alaska. Thank you for the inspiration and a great giveaway.

Unknown said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! Thank you for posting everyday. I look forward to seeing where you've been and where you are going. I really enjoy seeing all the pictures you post plus the other followers posts

OhioLori said...

Happppppy Blogiversary to You!!! :)

My favorite "Moment"..well...can't think of a single one...they have ALL been grrrrreat Moments..every time I read your Posts! Feels like I just had a visit with a Special Friend! thank you soooo much for all you share & do for all of us!! Here's too many many more years!! Ohio Hugs!!! :)


Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

!0 years is much longer than I've been quilting, but as a 4 year quilter, I have enjoyed your blog and reading about all the classes, trips, etc. Been around the world with Bonnie Hunter, lol. Most memorable was when I wrote you to let you know my Easy Street won 1st place in our Quilt Show, to find out you already knew and had posted about it. The 2nd most memorable was actually getting to meet you in March this year, when my friend, Suzy, and I drove over to Tampa to attend your lecture. We were staying in the same hotel, and got to chat before and after the event, what a weekend to remember, thanks for that and all you do. Mona in Melbourne, FL

MJinMichigan said...

Happy 10th anniversary! My favorite was Grand Illusion because two friends and I got together to swap fabrics and work on it. We had lots of fun following your wonderful directions and two of us have finished and the other has her GI in progress. Thanks for all the fun, tips and free patterns over the years as well as the chance to win this giveaway.

colleen said...

Gosh I just bought the magazine I looked at your page but not the rest of it yet ( so in the unlikely event I am picked please give the magazine prize to another)
The red needle/thread case is so darn cute I'd love to win it
I want to say my favorite part of the blog is quilt cam but I don't think that is quite what you wanted to know.
So it's that I get to read about you as a real woman who makes her living doing what she truly enjoys. It's hearing you say the flight was terrible but the food was great. I am so happy to read you everyday . I miss you when you don't post (rarely) but you are so regular it's not huge I know you will post soon.

Donna said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for everything! Love your quilts and patterns!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the blogs for the past 10 years. I'm always amazed at how often you post. It makes my day every day. My favorite blogs are when you introduce the newest Mystery. Thanks again. nena@bnads.com

Charmingbubble2 said...

Congratulations! I do so love a celebration and receiving gifts... What a wonderful giveaway. I've shared leaders and Enders with my quilt group and we are now making several quilts for our local hospice. Thanks for all your inspiration Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! Keep on quilting!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your sewing & travel adventures with us. I appreciate your 'make do' and 'can do' attitude.
Suzanne skm926@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Awesome info in every blog. Love you, Bonnie. loraclevinger@yahoo.com Lora Clevinger

Cviens said...

Happy Anniversary!
I would love to win this!
As a matter of fact, I am hoping to get your autograph at the Vermont Quilt Festival, where I will be taking one of your classes!!!! I can't wait to meet you!

Wendy said...

Congrats on 10 years!!! That's a milestone to remember. Thanks for making it special for us too.

Eileen said...

Hi Bonnie!

It has been so fun being a part of your life and all of your adventures, moves, and seeing all your endeavors. I am looking forward to the next ten years!

BlessOSU said...

I love your post and my favorite moment is every day when I open a new post! Such great patterns, tips, and ideas. Thanks so much! blessosu@yahoo.com

Lynda D said...

The best moment was the day I found Your site, and realized I didn't have to have 6 yards of one fabric to do a quilt.

Marcia said...

Would love to win the magazine and gift! I found you about a year and a half ago. Still working on split nine patch but loved the GIMQ. It was made into 2 quilts and gifted to Project Linus. Marcia Ash

Anonymous said...

You do a great job keeping your blog interesting, congratulations on 10 years! Cosmso284 at yahoo dot com

Karen said...

Congrats on 10 years! Another blink of an eye in one sense, but lots of good content to fill in the years. (Years of ideas for your readers too)

Unknown said...

Congrats on 10 years. I started following you on your website when you were longarming and studying for your therapy license. My first mystery was Carolina Crossroads. Have checked your blog posts almost daily, always wondering where in the world is Bonnie.
Gail from Verona
Auengail . Designs @ gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years!! I haven't been following you for all 10 years, but I enjoy everything in your blogs. You are such an inspiration. Thanks for all you do!!


Anonymous said...

My favorite moment with you was this March when I took your Talkin Turkey class in Tampa! (and you used my pink Morse to demonstrate a step)

Thanks for all you do and freely give to the quilting community.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary and thanks for the contest. Hope you have many more. Judi judib@gvtc.com

Heather said...

I love reading all of your tips and tricks, but best of all...the mystery quilts and quilt alongsi!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, I love to read your blogs every day. You share your life with us and I marvel at your energy and determination. I can't wait for your Quilt-Cams whenever you have them as well. Getting ready to make a new quilt....what shall I make? Would love to receive a signed copy of Quiltmaker Mag. Thank you.
Ruth Bradford - ninichick44@outlook.com

Mary K said...

Congratulations! 10 years go by fast. I think the best time was when I first found you. It seemed that I was looking at myself. I love scraps and everything you were doing was my favorite. Thanks for all the inspiration.

QuiltGranma said...

I love seeing what you get accomplished, and it inspires me to get off the couch and get sewing. Would love to win this giveaway! Thank you for what you do for the sewing/quilting community!


Unknown said...

I love your videos they make me feel like I am sewing with a bunch of friends. Your blog is also wonderful. Thank you for everything you do. Your amazing.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on 10 wonderful years of teaching, showing and caring for the quilting community. I love looking at your quilt patterns and doing some of them. It is amazing how each of us does one of your patterns and how different they look in the different colors. Keep up the good work and looking forward to doing more BH quilts.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie~
I am loving your blog and columns and everything!! Congratulations on your tenth!!

DebBees said...

10 years Congratulations. I remember when I first found your website I was so exited. Now I tell all my quilting friends.

Quiltinggirl said...

My favorite moment was when I jumped of the cliff, so to speak, and gave up control enough to join you in a mystery quilt. I watched through Carolina Crossroads and then jumped in with Orange Crush. it was a wonderful learning experience and I've been learning with you ever since.

Anonymous said...

ooooh!!!! How delicious!!! The magazine AND the compact full of goodies. congrats on your (our) 10 years!! My best moment of your site was the moment I found your blog!! I sat forever on the computer until I saw and read ALL the back entries that I had missed by not knowing you!!! And here are cheers for many more years to come.
aurora - louaurora@yahoo.com

Kathleen said...

My favorite moment is the day I found your blog and started following you!! Simple as that. Probably back in 2012 when I first became interested in quilting. Thank you for all your sharing.
kakingsbury at verizon dot net

Anonymous said...

I think I have been reading your blog about as long as I have been quilting. It was THE best thing I found on-line when I started quilting. Congratulations, ten years is just so wonderful. It says a lot about you without tooting your own horn. The prize is just lovely, and so are the inside looks at new ways to log cabin, one of my favorites for all its variety. Thanks again Bonnie. Stephani in N. TX (Tomazec@aol.com)

MyQuiltingLady.com said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! What an accomplishment! Thanks for the give-away! Laurie MyQuiltingLady@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 years Bonnie. I am a newbie to your blogs, but addicted really quick. Two of my friends and I are currently working on your last mystery quilt, Grand Illusion. I love reading your blog and seeing all the locations. I don't know how you do so much. My email address is cherylannkern@gmail.com. Thanks Bonnie

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 years of Blogging. I loved your Alaskan Cruise you were on a few years ago. It made me want to go to Alaska. Thanks for the giveaway. Wendy wendy.ferguson@rogers.com

Anonymous said...

I've only known about your blog for about a year but haven't missed readng it every night since. Myrtle Guild. email address: mrguild@msn.com

Unknown said...

Love you blogs and congratulations on 10 years. I appreciate learning from you. Love scraps. kat.fudge@att.net

nankc said...

My favorite time was when I FOUND you and your blog and started using your wonderful scrap savers system!! I have made many more quilts since then. And then getting to have you as a teacher in Little Rock.

DianneB said...

Dear Bonnie,
Thanks for sharing your life, talent and inspiration for 10 years. You've kept me quilting when I may have stopped and a complete scrappy Quilter. Currently working on Bowdacious from your book. Ironing little scraps and cutting up 1.5 inch squares.
Many more years of quilting, health and happiness to you and yours!

Quilter Kathy said...

I have enjoyed following your blog ever since I got a computer in 2006! I have watched every QUiltCam (although not all of them live) and always love reading about what you are up to. My favourite memory was meeting you at a class in Michigan in 2010!

Laura Hood said...

Hi Bonnie, Have been a reader for 9 of these 10 years. You're sooo right in wondering where the time has slipped away to! My 'favorite' memory is when I was able to present my Mom with an autographed copy of your first book. She's the one who finally lured me into quilting, and your book was my way of admitting to her that I was hooked. She passed away in 2013, but your book was one of the things she'd kept close; I now keep it close as well. Laura Hood (rebusrebus@verizon.net)

Fran Tilden said...

Congratulations, Bonnie. I love your generosity not only in sharing your quilt patterns but also in sharing your knowledge and your life with us. Thank you.
Fran franandrick@bigpond.com

Ellee said...

Happy Anniversary! You have shared so much with us. You are both creatively generous and generously creative. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Sheila said...

Congratulations! 10 years! My favorite time with you was when I attended your Pineapple Blossom Block Quilt workshop for the Wilkes Quilters in Wilkes County. Love everything about your blog. Love your free patterns as well as your pattern books. I have three of your books so far. Here's hoping you continue blogging, doing Quilt Cam and writing pattern books for a long time.

Sandy said...

Wow - 10 years! ! Doesn't time fly when you are having fun :)
You always make quilting fun, too much fun just to select one moment.
Love how you share your travels and classes with us. Thank you so very much.
Sandy Askill

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary. Enjoy reading your blog every day and live vicariously through your trips while sewing at home. Hope to one day win one of your give aways.

scrappyquilt @ bellsouth. net

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10 year blog anniversary.Looking forward to many more years.
I love following all the places you go and the quilts! Karen Carpenter fkmsc@comcast.net

chipstir said...

Congratulations on your 10 years! That's a lot of work and a lot of fun for me as a reader. My best moment? I did the Ireland tour with you - what a great combination of meeting new people, seeing a beautiful country and Quilts!

happyjax said...

I would love to win your signature... and the magazine that sports it.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 10 year anniversary!!! How exciting!! I love opening my email and seeing a post from you!!!



bleonard02@tampabay.rr.com said...

I hope I am in time for the giveaway, love your designs, and am happy to congratulate you on your ten years!

Sewing Up A Storm said...

I would love to win! Looks like some awesome goodies. I love your site, so many wonderful things and inspiration.

tudorc said...

Your website and blog taught me that quilting is no big mystery and even I could make a quilt. Your common sense approach to repurposing matches my own and you taught me that it's a valid approach....don't be ashamed that you don't buy every new fabric design to hit the market!
Charlene Tudor

Brandy said...

My favorite moment was just the other day on QuiltCam when you complimented my quilting on a baby blanket I've been working on, it really made my day! Congratulations on 10 years Bonnie, I'm so glad I found you and appreciate all the encouragement and inspiration you give us :)

~Brandy in Walla Walla

brandizzle7133 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. As a new person to quilting I really enjoy your resources.

Cindy said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie! My favorite moment was when Gene Simmons got his picture taken with you and he didn't even realize his brush with fame. Hahaha, too funny. Cindy cmills9199@aol.com

Judy said...

Congratulations! I love scrap too.

Judy said...

Congratulations! I love scrap too.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years. Rally enjoy your blogs and everything you have done for us. Kathy Snyder Kathy.sny.4213@yahoo.com

Jody said...

10 years!! They have flown by. Love your blog and all the wonderful info, tips and patterns. Thanks so much.

TrulyBlessed said...

I agree with all the other lovely Quilters. The best part is that you share your life with us. Even when you or your loved ones are facing challenges you always seem to be the candle in the darkness. You are more than an inspiration, you are truly a Blessing. May you have many, many more years doing the things that make your heart smile.


Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you are asking for a favorite moment on your blog? That is like asking a child to pick only one present under the Christmas tree!! I have not only taken a class with you, but I have traveled the world, met some wonderful quilting ladies and seen their quilting masterpieces!! I think my favorite moments are when we are getting dusty and thirsty in the antique malls looking for the "finds".. Congrats,darling girl, you deserve the best!! Carolyn Barnett csbbobbin@yahoo.com

Brit Schjelderup said...

Happy anniversary!
I would LOVE to win!

Best regards from Norway

mere6sews said...

Thank you for your generous heart...you are an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Love your Log Cabin block. Want to make this quilt for sure. Also, Prescencia thread is my favorite for piecing. I love that it is a 3 ply thread. Here's hoping on the drawing! anita


Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie! How can we actually choose a favorite moment from 10 years! I do remember tho when you mentioned you were considering the name Quiltville, so glad you jumped in and did. You have done more than anyone I know of to promote this wonderful world! Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the 10 years Bonnie!! Would love to win. You inspire me so much with your mystery quilts, quilt cam and all those photos on your trips.

Phyllis paballoon@aol.com

pkquilter said...

I loved sharing fresh picked sweet dark cherries from my cherry orchard in North East, PA. Only I forgot to tell you about the booming gunfire cannon to scare away the birds! You gave me the new name. Cherry Boom! Paulinefisher@verizon.net

mangozz said...

I love your quilt cams, especially! Would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity. chocolatewiskers@aol.com

janequiltsslowly said...

Ooh this would be fun to win!!!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

Congratulations on 10 years! That's awesome. Using your tutorial to make a scrappy trip around the world quilt has been my favorite thing. Thanks for the chance to win! mto2golsen (at) gmail (dot) com

Vintage4me4ever said...

Happy 10th Anniversary and wishes for many more. How can one put into a few words all of the amazing things they love about you Bonnie, there are so many but I will try. I surfed across your bog one night in 2012 and it took me awhile to learn how to find all of the amazing things that you share with your viewers. But here are just a few of my favorites. Quilt Cam, and since I have always loved vintage items I quickly fell in love with the sound that your collection of Vintage Machines made while you sewed. So that set the wheels in motion to my own lovely collection of 16. Free patterns & tips, Mystery time, and all of the wonderful pictures you take and share while traveling, and in class. I love all quilts, but the log cabin is one that is on my bucket list. So I am thankful for the chance to win the book and that lovely thread and case. Thank you for being the kind, generous, special lady that you are. I can hardly wait to see what unfolds in the next ten yrs. markayblueeyes@gmail.com

Denise8 said...

I would love to take one of your classes. I heard a rumor you have a quiltalong every Thanksgiving season, and will look for it this November. I'm a scrappy fan too. denisenash1975@yahoo.com

Maria in Tucson said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!
I have no recall of discovering your blog, but I distinctly remember being glued to the screen for hours, traveling back in time with you to the very first post. I hate missing even one day. Meeting you in person was an incredible treat. I have met so very few people who are such an inspiration while just being who they are. You have changed the way I think about quilting and fabric and I am inspired every day when I "check in"
Thank you so much for all you do, and here's to many more years!!!!
-Maria in Tucson

Anonymous said...

I think I have been following you for almost ten years and have been inspired in all of them --- please don't stop!!

Lynda said...

Thanks for the memories, I started reading your blog somewhere around 2009. Your website and free patterns are how I discovered you on a very bitter cold winter day when I was bored and looking for something "different" to do. 6 BIG quilts and 3 mysteries later I think I'm hooked. My favorite Bonnie memory was this spring when you finally made it to Oklahoma. A big thank you to your family for sharing you with us. Looking forward to the future and observing your travels through the blog in the years to come. rich.lynda@me.com

Spicecat said...

Congratulations on 10 years, that's alot of dedication and hard work, even though you love it :)

Carla said...

Happy 10 years. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing all your travels.
Here's to another 10 years

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