
Friday, June 05, 2015

Happy Ten Year Anniversary!


**NOTE!**  This Giveaway is now CLOSED!  Congrats to our lucky winner!

I can’t believe that I have been blogging here at Quiltville’s Quips & Snips for TEN YEARS!!

Where does the time go?  Isn’t life amazing?

And it’s been really fun to go through the archives and see just where we have come  and what wonderful things have happened over the past decade. 

It’s been a wild journey – and I am eager to see how the next 10 pan out!

To celebrate—I’m having a little giveaway!  Look what just came out:


The July/August 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

Doesn’t the quilt on the cover look Summer-licious??

Inside this issue you will find several variations on log cabin designs –here are a couple of my favorites:


Clam shells!

They  look curved, but different widths of strips will give you this round effect…and you know how I love blue and white!


Check out this lovely!  I love the woven appearance!

My own Addicted to Scraps column also deals with the Log Cabin block this month –I just love log cabins, and they are perfect for scrappy quilting too!


I love the sparkle of the half square triangle in the centers!

I plan on doing these in rainbow colors….such a great scrap buster!

So this is what we are going to do.  Leave me a comment in the comments section below.  Our lucky winner will win not only a signed copy of Quiltmaker Magazine from me..but I am throwing in a special anniversary celebration surprise:


A gift pack from Colonial Needle and Presencia Threads!


Look at all of the yummy goodies in here!

Remember, you MUST leave your email address visible in your comment to be eligible to be drawn.  Especially if you are signed in as anonymous.  Also – if you are a google+ user or if your  profile for blogger is google+.  It won’t show your email address, and I need your email to be able to draw our winner.

If you would, please leave your favorite moment with me over the past 10 years in your comment!  What have you loved about this blog?  Celebrate with me!

I will draw our winner upon my return home from New York and Pennsylvania next Wednesday!

Good luck everyone!  My flight is about to board and it is time to put this lap top away and get ready for some mile high hexie time!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Anonymous said...

I love Quiltmaker!!!!Happy 10th Anniversary!!!
Pam B.

Sherrill said...

My very first ever blog post was 8/22/08 so I have a few years before I hit 10 but it's still hard to believe it's been nearly 7!! It's a good way to keep a 'diary' of sorts and be able to go back and see where you've been and what you've done. You've been to and done a LOT of different things and have way more to do. I've loved hearing you at guild, taking classes with you, using your fabulous free patterns and everything else Bonnie! Thanks for all you do!

Kathy in WI said...

The best part about your past 10 years are all the wonderful patterns you've shared with us. I also appreciate quilt cam. It's like sewing with a BFF. Happy Anniversary Bonnie. May you have many, many more.

Karen said...

I started on a log cabin project (my first) just this week. :-) It is really hard to pick one favorite thing from your blog, but I do love learning more about vintage machines. Happy Anniversary! krseitz at earthlink dot net

Cheri Dawn said...

Would love to be a winner! I'm enjoying archived Quiltcams as I stitch away on a string spiderweb. So thanks for all the tips and for keeping me company!

framat said...

My favourite moment was when I found your blog. I am now addicted to scrappy quilts and leaders and enders.

sewmuchfun said...

Love your blog. Would love to win!

susanethomp@hotmail.com said...

I love that you are encouraging people to quilt, offering great products, and wonderful hints!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What fun it would be to win a prize and help you celebrate.


barbara faye said...

Congratulations on 10 wonderful years. I have been a faithful reader of your blog for many years. Thank you.
Faye Barnes

Pine Point Cathy said...

With many congratulations - thanks for the inspiration!

Kathy said...

Bonnie, most of my friends are not scrappy people and your blog/work/books/quilts give me that little extra validation I have enjoyed to pursue my scrappy quilts with abandon! Kathy @ katfey@att.net!

Anonymous said...

Has it been 10 years already ??????????????????? Oh My! How time flies when we are having so much fun!
My favorite ANYTHING here -- can't do it .. each time I come to your blog I feel like it is Christmas. You always have so much to share with us and all of it is grand. I think though, that I especially love your pictures of antique utility quilts you find in the thrift shops -- they just seem to speak to me plus your own "take" on each one. And of course, ALL your wonderful scrappy patterns and mysteries ...


Anonymous said...

Time sure fly's bye when your having fun.......I just was going thru my patterns; the other day and came across one that I down loaded from your site; it was a free pattern; I think the date was Aug 2005; and today I received my book & rulers'; that I had ordered from your store; that sure was fast delivery; and I'm in the process of recycling shirts and jeans, for a quilt; would love to receive the magazine; as that is one of the items I've left go when the economy went south; it seems as thou mag subscriptions were a luxury; and the thread assortment would be wonderful to receive....I love to view your quilt gallery and see what others have done;. Thanks for all the information that you share; and I hope your eye site improves; as I struggled with cataracts; (it was amazing on what I could see after three surgery's) esp, the colors; Thanks Jen in northern Wis JenLeeFarm@centurytel.net

Helen said...

I haven't followed you for more than three years, but it has all been fun, Helen

Vivian Zug said...

Bonnie, congratulations on 10 extraordinary years. Your blog is the last thing I read before going to bed every night. Thank you for all the the inspiration and your generosity your busy and exciting life as well as your fabulous quilt knowledge with all of us. You have made me a very happy scrappy quilter.
God bless you.
Vivian in TX

Leavenworth Robin said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie.
I wish you the best and love everything that you do for us ALL!
Robin in Leavenworth WA

crazy*quilter said...

What a great ride you've taken us along on. Personally, I've enjoyed the past four years. Thanks for all you do. I'd love to win the case and threads. Barbara in Washington


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. I love hearing about your vintage sewing machines. I recently acquired a 1948/49 Featherweight and am looking forward to using it.


doxiemom said...

Happy anniversary...you are the best! Thank you for another great opportunity.

Sue in Tennessee at mssharp1@yahoo.com

Pat Hanna said...

Since joining this group and reading your postings, my favorite thing is when you share your time at the cabin in the mountains--but needless to say, your quilt ideas are so much fun to read about and putting them on my "to do" list. Thanks for all of that. Please keep us in stitches !! Pat

Unknown said...

10 years!!OMG It goes by so quickly. You have inspired me so much and I am looking forward to the next 10 years!

Ann Holland said...

Congratulations on this milestone!

Jen said...

Congratulations! Thank you for your generosity of knowledge and experience. You have pieced together a wonderful group of individuals who share and encourage from every corner of the world. I hope the next 10 years are just as good as the first 10! farroutlinks@gmail.com

lfrihart said...

I love you Bonnie and it isn't just one moment, it is constantly. You are always sharing and your sharing includes all the ingredients for creating a quilt. You would never consider not including all the ingredients necessary to be successful in creating a quilt. Thank you.

Linda Frihart

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Hope you continue quilting for many years to come. Great giveaway! Hope I win.

Anonymous said...

Wow 10 years. I can not wait to read your blog everyday to find out what the next exciting thing you have been up to.
Thank you , Cynthia

Kathy in Guanajuato City, Mexico said...

Happy 10th!!!! I would love to win all of the goodies. Log cabin is one of my favorite quilt styles and I have made many and want to make more. Thanks for all you do for us.
Kathy Timmons kathtim2@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I found your website several years ago and have been following you ever since. It was a thrill to see you in person at Rose Hill, Ks. I just found out you would be there a few days before and couldn't find anyone who was free to go. Decided to go by myself and at the last minute, DL said he would go along. He said that was the most quiet he has ever seen a whole room full of hens in his entire life. LOL!!! He sometimes has to work out of town and always asks if you are keeping me company when he's gone as I have moved my computer to the sewing room so I can sew and watch quilt cam and Netflix. He skyped me a few nights ago and I was sewing while we talked and he commented that I am turning into a little version of Bonnie Hunter! I thoroughly enjoy all that you do for the quilting community. Thanks for 10 very entertaining years. Have a safe trip and I'll be looking forward to the next quilt cam Cindy K

Unknown said...

I have been a fan of your's since I found you! I have more scraps than anyone else I know, I NEED you and your great ideas. Congratulations for your 10th year!! I have been sharing your blog with a friend who is going to Italy this summer. She isn't a quilter and loves to look at your quilts.

Dell Martinez

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I haven't been with you for all of the 10 years, but the past five or so have been wonderful, educational, inspirational. Can't thank you enough for all you give to the quilting world. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My favorite moment was when you ironed my patches when I was unable to do so at the San Antonio class. My red, white, and blue Texas Tumbleweed quilt is coming along nicely. Thank you for ten informative and enjoyable years and a toast to many more! Hugs from June at momabeel@sbcglobal.net

Nora said...

Happy Anniversary! I love your adventures at the Cabin and the other trips.
Nora in Ohio

Avon said...

Time just seems to fly by. There are mant things that surprise me when I realize how fast time has flown. I think my favorite are the quilt cams. Love your sharing with those of us who don't get to attend a workshop or class by you.��. Avonbi@gmail.com

swakins said...

Bonnie, thanks so much for sharing with us for 10 years. I have loved watching you grow, and for helping all of us grow, too.

swakins said...

Bonnie, thanks so much for sharing with us for 10 years. I have loved watching you grow, and for helping all of us grow, too.

swakins said...

Bonnie, thanks so much for sharing with us for 10 years. I have loved watching you grow, and for helping all of us grow, too.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching such a great milestone - 10 years!
To pick a favorite moment or item on your blog is really difficult, but thanks (???) to you, I have now started collecting VSM's. I've gone from none to 8 in a relatively short time. I. Must. Stop. Looking! LOL

CityFarmin said...

Congrats on 10 years!!! Favorite moments......has to be quilt cam!!! I watch them every time I sew. Even if I have watched them 100 times it still motivates me to do more! Thanks for everything.
Sara in Montpelier, ID

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie,

10 years of wonderful quilts and generous help is something to be celebrated. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! The best part of your blog is the tips and techniques that you share. I have learned so much. Thank you!! Cindy

Brenda Wilkinson, WL, BC said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! I have been a follower for only 10 months but have found many interesting patterns, advice, challenges, lessons, history, travel tips, show and share, etc., etc., etc. I think my current favorite thing is watching Mona blossom into a wonderful quilter. It gives us all inspiration to improve our skills at whatever level we are. I also love quilt-cam, progress at the cabin, Sadie..........

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie - Congratulations on 10 years!! I am fairly new to your site and am looking forward to participating in your next mystery quilt.
Thank you for all you do for the quilting world!


Unknown said...

10 Years!! What an accomplishment! I am fairly new to the quilting world (a couple of years) and you have been such an inspiration. I love the scrappy quilts and the stash tips and info you always have. Here's to another 10 years! :)

Unknown said...

10 Years!! What an accomplishment! I am fairly new to the quilting world (a couple of years) and you have been such an inspiration. I love the scrappy quilts and the stash tips and info you always have. Here's to another 10 years! :)

sawsan said...

Congrats Bonnie on your 10th they are full of perfect things for every reader and students of your blog and classes

For me I would find it very difficult to point from endless benefit I learn from you as great teacher or from your blog

I love when you sharing your small details which make big diffidence in our lives and open eyes to hidden corners of our lives like 5 min power purge
I love your work in general, patterns addiction of scraps, (it meets my taste because i love all colors in one place), and using all the pits by leader and renders instead of get rid of pieces you can use for a new project

Now i wish I win with you


Unknown said...

Oh Bonnie, how can I choose just one moment in the last 10 yrs?? Your broken glasses story was hilarious only because it happened to you - not me. I would have cried me a river or two here in CA to help with our drought! I love how you taught Mona how to sew and what a success her 1st quilt was. Sadie is a sweetheart and always ready for the next new adventure. I travel vicariously through you and get very jealous but maybe 1 day I'll get to all those places too. And meeting you in person about 5-6 years ago was my best highlight of the last 10 yrs and getting to see you again in Feb 2016 will be even better.

nancykwiltz said...

Happy anniversary, Bonnie! I'm a fairly new "groupie" and I love the casual, chatty tone of your blog and all that you share. Thanks for all you do and for letting us live vicariously through you.


karenh said...

Happy 10th. Looking forward to the next 10.

karenh said...

Love to win this. khradec@msn.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, Happy 10th Anniversary. Thanks for all the good you do for us quilters. I love all the patterns, mysteries and news of your travels. Like many others, I am looking forward to many more years with you. You are so appreciated.
Email to lee36chv@aol.com (that is if I win! Hope so!)
Lee O'Brian

Lulu said...

Congrats on 10 years! You took me on my first mystery quilt journey. Thank you!

Lulu said...

Congrats on 10 years! You took me on my first mystery quilt journey. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10 years anniversary and thanks for all you have shared. You give some much of yourself
Diana Martinez @swbell.net

spacer said...

I loved the reveal of Celtic Solstice.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10 years anniversary and thanks for all you have shared. You give some much of yourself
Diana Martinez

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog this winter and love it! My favorite so far has been the Grand Illusion. I grew up in Michigan and had not been back to Mackinac Island in about 35 years until last summer. So when I finish the quilt it will be a great reminder! Jeanine

Unknown said...

I love it when you share your trips with us. I live through you, vicariously

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 yrs. I really like your tips and techniques and appreciate all the time you spend sharing patterns. May you have many more blessed years.

Cindy said...

As they say' time flies when having Tim's and boy does it! I am grateful the day I found you and have been following you every day since. Have had the pleasure of five mystery quilts and love every one of them. Because of you I jumped in with both feet to making scrap quilts. Prior to participating in the mystery quilt, I was a matchy, matchy gal. Everything in a very controlled color/ fabric pallet. Nit any longer. Thanks Bonnie for all your long, hard hours of work just so you can share with us a myriad of creations. Can't wait to see your next book and mystery quilt. If I win you can reach me at quiltedangelhideaway@yahoo.com

Lizzle said...

Wow 10 years, I only found you 6 months ago.
I love (jealous really) how you seem to get so much done. I am always stopping to stroke fabric and getting side tracked.
That thread case is lovely and the colours are gorgeous. That I would love to win.

Dom said...

Bonjour Bonnie,

10 ans, le temps passe. Je vous lis tous les jours et même si je suis loin, j'apprécie vos voyages et les promenades à la montagne.

QuiltinginLakeOswego! said...

Wonderful inspiration. Thank you! dawnsharafi@hotmail.com

Debi said...

Congrats on 10years....And here is a big ya hoo for the next ten!!

Karen in Kentucky said...

What a great prize! Thanks!!!

Karen Pollard

Linda said...

10 years of blogging! Wow, that's quite an achievement! I love the fact that you blog EVERY day, I love checking in each day to see what you have been doing. Think your Quilt Cams are a great idea, I really enjoy watching them on catch up as I live in the UK and timing is not possible for seeing you live. Enjoy your free patterns, have been making wonky star blocks and always have Crumb blocks on the go as a Leader and Ender project. I have made several quilts using those blocks. Love the photos of your trips and workshops. Thanks for the chance in your Anniversary Giveaway.

Unknown said...

Well, Bonnie, I have only followed your blog for the past few years, but I have been reading your daily posts religiously since I first found your blog. I enjoy all of your posts. But when I tried to think of the one post that stands out in my mind, it would have to be the reveal of my first ever mystery quilt. It was the reveal of the layout of Celtic Solstice on New Years Eve of 2013. So exciting to see it all come together. Congratulations on your ten year anniversary of blogging. Peggie (peggiehayes@gmail.com)

Aunt TC said...

You are amazing! Thank you for all your posts and ideas. I've only been following for two years but have enjoyed each post. What I like most is your loving, giving spirit - I hope it comes back to you a million times over. I have learned so much from your posts. Thank you! How about another decade of posts?

Nanette said...

Hi Bonnie....look forward to your blog every day...I did know about it 10 years ago, but I've been following for a couple of years now. Congrats on your anniversary!!


Anonymous said...

Bea Souter stardust4ever@hotmail.com

Wow 10 years how exciting you are wonderful and a wonder to all. I have learnt so much from your blogs and your website I feel very blessed by your knowlege you have passed on to all. Your free patterns have been an inspiration to me. I have created a memory quilt from your crayon quilt design .Your page has given me such inspiration for scrap quilts I have five quilts I am sewing at the moment when completed I will upload photos. I love your page and emails. Thank you so much for sharing . May many blessing pass your way :)
Thank you Bea

Anonymous said...

10 YEARRS!!! How fortunate for us that you take the time to share and more importantly have shown us how quilting can be FUN and AFFORDABLE! Thank you Bonnie!

Vanessa in Oklahoma

Limbania said...

Happy 10th Ms Bonnie! May we help you celebrate many more. Thanks for so selflessly giving you talent to the quilting community. You're an ispiration. Love it all since I found your blog about 6 years ago but, definitely my favorite is having been able to attend two of your awesome workshops in Tucson, AZ. Hugs and blessings, sweet lady.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Wow...l0 Years...what a ride! Reading your blog is always a bright spot in my day. I love following along with your exploits, travels, and of course the incredible quilting. Wishing you many more blog years! Katie@katiedo.com

Anonymous said...

It's hard to pick a favorite moment.....I do enjoy your video quilt-alongs, your cabin home improvements, your photos of Sadie and your hikes in the Blue Ridge Mountains, as well as the photos of your travels and vintage sewing machines. I think my favorite is a category: seeing photos of places and things I will probably never see in person. Keep on blogging!!

Berit Dalby said...

happy annive rsary, Bonnie! I have been following you all ten years!

Unknown said...

Hi. 10 years of blogging. A great achievement. You have become my favourite blog, I read everyday. I have learned so much and I think I too am now addicted to scraps. Can't choose a favourite bit but thank you for your encouragement and generosity.
margaret.hawkes4@ btinternet.com

Unknown said...

I have been following your travels and inspiration for three years. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. I will have to check out your older post.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10 year success and wishing you many, many more. I love to read your blog daily and would Be thrilled to receive your latest giveaway, your scrappy log cabin blocks looks like a 'must do' for me. Thank you. My email is ritalambe@icloud.com

Anonymous said...

Wow, 10 years! Congratulations and well done!
Adele Sullivan

Gladys said...

Congratulation! HAPPY 10 YEARS!

Wishing you another great 10 years!

Pam said...

Congratulations! Thank you for 10 happy scrappy 10 years!
Pam. Pcreason1@gmail.com

mgquilts said...

Bonnie, you have given me the information and tools, and courage to use them, to tackle my monumental stash of fabrics from the past forty years of crafts and sewing.

JoEllen said...

Yes, that really is a yummy package! Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary....to many more!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
When I found scrap savor system a few years ago it glued me to your blog and scrap quilts. I thank you so much for who you are and what you do for me and all of those who follow you around the world and into your home. You've been such an inspiration for me in so many ways. Thank you doesn't seem enough! To win would be fun.

Denise Amey said...

Well done Bonnie. You rock!! I envy all your talent and expertise.It gives me hope that I might get there one day! I do not envy your busy lifestyle!! Best wishes for the next ten years. (Hope I get to meet you when you come to Australia. You look like you enjoy a fun time).

Craft Mad said...

Hi Bonnie. My husband enjoys seeing all your OS photos and I enjoy your blog and photos. I have recently started a scrap box, which I have so far resisted. You have shown me how good a scrap quilt can be. I have been patch working for about 7 years. Happy Anniversary.
Meran : merantaylor@yahoo.com.au

Craft Mad said...

Hi Bonnie. My husband enjoys seeing all your OS photos and I enjoy your blog and photos. I have recently started a scrap box, which I have so far resisted. You have shown me how good a scrap quilt can be. I have been patch working for about 7 years. Happy Anniversary.
Meran : merantaylor@yahoo.com.au

Shelly said...

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. I enjoy so many things about your blog and have followed your blog for years. I have especially enjoyed your progress on your cabin in the mountains and hearing about your getting snowed in this past winter. We had quite the ice storm in Metro Atlanta too. I also have a cabin get away in NCthat I go to once a month for a long weekend and sew on my mother's Kenmore 60's sewing machine. At home I have my mother-in-law's 60's Kenmore and her mother's 221 Singer Featherweight. I purchased a 201-2 Singer that I "long arm" quilt with on a domestic frame.

I love Quilt-Cam with you as well. I enjoy hearing about your finds at antique markets as you travel and learning from you about the vintage machines. You have been to my guild twice to speak and I visited another guild when you were there as well. Your inspiration never grows old. Thank you for the gift of your time and encouragement.

(f10wer dot skunk at hotmail dot com)

msyoubee said...

Congratulations on 10 years. My day is never complete until I've read your blog. I've only met you once (in Glens Falls, NY) but feel as if we've been friends for years! Hope to get a seat at your evening talk at the Vermont Quilt Festival later this month. msyoubee@roadrunner.com

Mokki said...

Happy anniversary from uk! what you do with scraps and colour is really inspiring. My email is attached to my profile, I keep getting spam so don't want to write it here.

Mary Ann said...

Your blog has encouraged me to work onward and sometimes do things that are out of my comfort zone. There are so many moments I have especially enjoyed, traveling to marvelous places through your eyes, the excitement you had when you purchased your home in the mountains, quilt cam, your devotion not only to the craft but also to your followers. It is always a journey to read your blog, to see what you have designed for us to see and use, and the list goes on.
Congratulations on 10 years and always best wishes for the next 10. Quilter_mar@email.msn.com

Anonymous said...

Happy 10th anniversary!! My best Quiltville moment about the last ten years was seeing you in person in New Hampshire. The church was packed! You really rock quilting.
Linda S

Deb Boucher said...

Love all that you share with us. Tearosequilting@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a prize!

ma stockwell @ yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary
My favorite moment is finding you a couple weeks ago. I have not seen in 30 years and just rediscovered the joy
Thank you

McQuilt said...

Thanks for all the great quilt ideas,instructions and fun!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Congrats on the milestone! I've followed along for several years. Enjoy your expertise in so many areas.Thanks you and here's to at least 10 more.

lgjarn said...

Hello Bonnie....I start each morning off with your blog and a cup of coffee. My favorite memory is the day that I 1st read your blog over a year ago. Here's to another 10 wonderful fun filled "scrappin" ideas!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Just sorry that I didn't start following you until about 2yrs. ago. kamoore43@msn.com

Unknown said...


I have been getting your blog for about a year now, and have enjoyed every trip you have taken, and all that you produce on those trips! Thanks for taking us along on those journeys with all your wonderful pictures! I can hear the excitement in your voice as I read your blogs - congratulations on a well-written, well-produced body of work! Happy 10th Anniversary! Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I read and enjoy every word you write. Would love to win the magazine and especially the needle kit. Great Prize. Please pick Canada.
Jean Bray

susan said...

It's pretty difficult to pick a single moment in 10 years! I think I'd say my daughter's graduation from college is tops on the list.

Anonymous said...

I love the log cabin block and would love to win.

Jane said...

I had so much fun stopping in Peoria, IL on the way to a quilt show in Des Moines so that I could hear you speak. It was great to meet you and have you sign a book for me!
You also inspired my decision to make a Scrappy Trips quilt in neutrals for my daughter and SIL as their wedding quilt! They love it!
Here's to another 10!

Edie said...

Although I've been to your site through the suggestion of my sister in law, I've just recently been getting your messages. I dowloaded your mystery quilt in the fall and even bought some fabric for it but haven't started it. My goal at this time is to organize my scraps according to your method. Yoohoo. Please continue to inspire us all for another 10 years. Edie Romano ejr1403@gmail.com

Adalemc said...

So many moments! Congratulations! My favorite moment was when I discovered that if I followed your instructions exactly, I could make a quilt top that had all the points left on pointy pieces, all the corners matched, and I looked like a professional quilt maker. That was such a great moment for me because I had never had that happen before. No wonder I love your patterns and that is why almost every quilt I mae now is some variation of a Bonnie Hunter quilt. admcmasters@gmail.com

Michele said...

Congratulations on your 10 year blogging anniversary. Looking forward to seeing you in Kirksville, MO this September!

Nancy Gail said...

I do nothing but scrappy quilts so all of your designs will fit my style thanks for letting me view your blog

Anita said...

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. Here's to many more!

Marcia B said...

My favorite moments with you are when I open up the Quiltmaker magazine and spot your ADDICTED TO SCRAPS block!!! I love these block patterns!! Scrappy quilts are a wonderful way for me to use up my smaller sized pieces in my stash! Thank you for this opportunity to win a beautiful prize!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you are a generous person to spend so much of your time blogging and sharing quilting techniques and your designs. Your scrap user's system has been valuable to me. Congrats on 10 years and I hope it has been as rewarding for you as it has been for me and the rest of your followers. Thanks, Cheryl. Clvelker@aol.com

Cecille said...

Thanks for letting us share the ride and opending my eyes to the wonderful world of scraps. I start every morning with coffee and Bonnie's blog.


Unknown said...

Happy Ten Year Anniversary. Love the idea of the half square in the center block. Amazing how a little twist gives a new look. Hope this is in the kucky number spot lololol

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie!
Congratulations! I can't believe it's been 10 years! You are such an amazing person, talented and so much energy. Hope to see you in July! I love reading your blogs and seeing all your great travels and the work you do.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats. Love reading about your travels - so interesting. Please pick Canada for your prize.
Jean Bray

Patricia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patricia said...

Congratulations! So glad I found your blog!

apple blossom said...


Unknown said...

tinkerb said....You always have such wonderful ideas and I am looking forward to 10 years more of great ideas. Keep up the good work. tinkerb9@att.net

Madame Purl said...

I found your blog while you were doing the mystery quilt last year and now I'm addicted and have even collected all your books. Congrats on the last 10 years and looking forward to 10 more. ~ Rose madamepurl(at)gmail(dot)com

Donna Sofokles said...

Let's do the math: 10 years x 365 days + leap years + multiple posts on most days = TOTAL FUN! Pick my number!
Donna S.

Anonymous said...

Congrats and thanks for 10 great years of wonderful creative inspiration! Just love your "spin" on the scrappy log cabin block! Can't wait to give it a try!

Louise Young

Gretchen McClain said...

Happy Anniversary on ten years of good times! Thanks for another great giveaway and all the inspiration! Gretchen in PA gretbob@verizon.net

Lynn said...

Congrats on the ten years. I have only been following you for a few years but have not had the courage to attempt any of your quilts. Thanks for all your tips and techniques. Hoping that in the next ten years I will attempt one of your quilts.

Lynn Long - boxersorbust@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

My favorite moment with your blog was when I discovered Quilt Cam! It is wonderful to feel part of a sewing group - and to be able to enjoy each part multiple times :) But I love everything about your blog, filled with positive inspiration as it is!
Inge C, Denmark
inge39 (at) live.dk

Vickie said...

Congrats on 10years! And here's to many more!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10 years of sharing your love of quilting! I remember hearing your name for the first time in connection with a mystery quilt and jumped on the band wagon ......and I haven't fallen off.
Your journeys in photos ,over the years , have been enjoyed. Thanks for the memories!

Alvera Dothage said...

I have enjoyed every minute with you. You are such an open and giving person. I really enjoy when you are at your beloved mountains.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 10 years of blogging! Besides your daily posts and many quilty things you share, I so enjoyed your lecture and trunk show in Somers, NY, a few years ago. Looking forward to seeing you again at VQF!


Patty said...

Congrats on 10 years. Always enjoy your blog!

Susan Stessin Cohn said...

You are just amazing, Bonnie - thanks for inspiring us!

Joni said...

Wow! You are such an inspiration to me! My favorite look back is when you taught
me about leaders and enders...It changed my life! Thank you, Bonnie, for being the
bright, energetic, happy person that you are. barefootqltr1968(at) g m a i l (dot) com

Anonymous said...

My absolute favorite moment was in a blog post when you explained why you post the mystery quilts when you do. This was in response to complaints that it was too busy of a time to get the sewing done each week. I was so touched that you would think of so many of your readers who are alone at the holidays with voids of time. It is obvious you have a soft spot the size of Texas in your heart for quilters! You give us so much of yourself through your time and talents. Thank you, Miss Bonnie! You are love in action :).
Juls in FL mathrun1 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Great 10 yrs. here's to many more!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years. I discovered you at the last mystery quilt and you have been an inspiration since. I was thinking about doing a log cabin how timely.
Thank you

Cindy, The Purple Quilter said...

Congratulations! I have been with you since 2009! Discovering Quiltville and your blog improved everything about my quilting style and method!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!

Charlene S said...

Wow! How time flies when you are enjoying yourself.

Karen said...

Has it been 10 years? WOW! Time flies when we're quilting!
My favorite times, I have several:
When you sewed on Marilyn, I fell in love with her!
When you got your new Do, you were so cute!
When you kissed the Blarney Stone! GREAT!
Tons of others.
You have inspired me in so many ways.
I now own and use several vintage machines. I LOVE THEM.
My quilting and piecing have come along way.
Also, you have saved me a ton of money in using every scrap of fabric.
cashrimp@gmail.com Karen Stephens

paulette said...

Congratulations on your TEN years of FUN! I love hearing about your time at the Cabin! I can tell how much you love your 'down time' there! I also love seeing pics of your hunt for heirloom/antique/vintage quilts and machines! Keep 'em coming! Here's to the next TEN years!

paulette said...

Congratulations on your TEN years of FUN! I love hearing about your time at the Cabin! I can tell how much you love your 'down time' there! I also love seeing pics of your hunt for heirloom/antique/vintage quilts and machines! Keep 'em coming! Here's to the next TEN years!

Bonny from Cat Den Mountain said...

I have only been quilting for 3 years so it is very impressive that you have been blogging about quilting for 10! Congratulations - I hope you continue for many more because you are informative and entertaining - the best kind of educator.

Brenda E. said...

I haven't been following your blog very long but it has been the most enjoyable time for me! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie.
I looks forward to your blog every day.
There is always something new to learn.
I'd love to win the magazine
Rosemary in Pa

Chris said...

A friend told me about your blog and website and I have learned so much over the years. Thanks for all the free wonderful patterns. My favorite moments are the blogs that have me laughing out loud. I have to read you 1st thing every morning to start the day in a good mood. CG sewincat2000@yahoo.com

Chris said...

A friend told me about your blog and website and I have learned so much over the years. Thanks for all the free wonderful patterns. My favorite moments are the blogs that have me laughing out loud. I have to read you 1st thing every morning to start the day in a good mood. CG sewincat2000@yahoo.com

MomDea said...

Congratulations on 10 years..... love all you do.... I first found you in Arizona when I wanted to learn about crumbing..... Best wishes for another 10....20....30....Sally Dea

Becky said...

Bonnie, you've done so much for us in just the years I've been following! My own personal private favorite is when I was watching Quilt Cam while travelling on business. One night I wrote in about my bead embroidery ornaments for a quilted wall hanging and you gave me a shout out - that was fun. But truly, I've learned so much from your mystery quilts, books, articles, and the group that follows you. Becky Hall (beckyh@rchconsulting.com)

Eileen said...

Bonnie, I am the "fly on the wall" whenever and wherever you travel. I love that you share your trips! Thank you for sharing your life with us. The giveaway is just too cool! Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary! I know I'll be among the throngs who will be along when the next 10th arrives!

Anonymous said...

Here's to 10 more wonderful years!!!
My favorite moment was last year's mystery quilt. My first. Thank so much for all you do.
Joni Cartwright

Sherida said...

My favorite all - time comment anywhere from you is "No Whining!". Congrats on your 10 years and have a great ride during the next 10! Itchn2bstchn@gmail.com

Tammie said...

Happy Anniversary! Yes, time does fly. I love reading your blog posts!
Tammie in Nashville

OrrtannaKat said...

Wow! Happy 10 year Anniversary! And here's to many more!
Kathi D

Anonymous said...

Love the daily posts and especially quilt cam. Congrats on ten years. joanwroblewski7@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

You may be addicted to scraps, but I am addicted to Bonnie! (That is, your creative ideas...)
Victoria biddybump@netscape.net

Deb Peterson said...

Happy Ten Year Anniversery Bonnie, thank you for sharing your time and talents with us!

Debbie Peterson

Anonymous said...

I so look forward to reading your post every day! Congratulations on 10 years. Here's to 10 more! I love all your creative ideas. Sue jvondo@comcast.net

JuliAnn Craver said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! My favorite moment is finding your blog. You are so great to share your world with us and you inspire us all the time. juliannsblueyes@gmail.com

Quilted bear lady said...

It has been such a great time watching Quilt Cam and seeing along with you! Hope it continues for a long time!

Quilted bear lady said...

Have loved spending time watching you on Quilt Cam and hop you will be able to continue for a long while.
Diane Heller

Jennifer said...

My favorite is the stars quiltlet I made from the Star Struck workshop I took from you in Austin, TX several years ago. It is hanging on my wall in my office and it makes me smile every time I see it. Congratulations on TEN wonderful years and I, too, am looking forward to your next 10! (retiring in just six short months!) Thank you for sharing your generous spirit and all your great patterns with us, too.

JF said...

The log cabin ideas look great and I love the brand of thread. happy quilting. Janith Farnham, janith.farnham@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Way to go! I love you adventures! Keep on trucking!
Barb Morgan

Anonymous said...

It's so difficult to choose one thing that I like because I like everything. I love quiltcam and so enjoy reading about your travels. Your photographs are an insight into places I know I will never get the chance to go. Thanks and happy anniversary. Thanks also for the chance to win the goodies.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said
Congratulations Bonnie. How time flies when you're having fun.

Kathy O in GA/AZ said...

Ten years flies by when you are having so much fun Bonnie! Congrats! My favorite Bonnie moment would have to be the 3 days of classes I had with you in Williamsburg, but met you before then at a class in Hall County, GA...it would be wonderful to win, I don't even want to think of the odds of that, lol. Congrats again, Kathy O in GA
Ksoppelt at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

It's so difficult to choose one thing that I like because I like everything. I love quiltcam and so enjoy reading about your travels. Your photographs are an insight into places I know I will never get the chance to go. Thanks and happy anniversary. Thanks also for the chance to win the goodies. Julie. julesshodges@hotmail.com

PS. Forgot to put my details on my comment earlier!!

Always In Stitches said...

Eeek. 10 years. Congrats. Thank you for The giveaway. Fingers crossed.anninstitches@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Wishing you the best for the next 10 years. Would love to sew with you someday!


katybell said...

I would love to win your anniversary package!! You are so generous!! My favorite moment was when I discovered your blog & specifically when I discovered leaders & enders!!! Such a simple concept but no one ever thought about it before!! Just think how many quilts we might have completed if we had been doing this since the very beginning!! Lol kay.duvallnm@gmail.com

Joanna said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! Your work inspires me, especially since I love traditional quilt designs and it seems to me that scrappy quilts have quite a bit of tradition behind them. I love the pictures of your cabin site and your puppy, too. Also have to mention your column and books, both of which I read and use. Hope you continue to enjoy all of it.


CA Bobbie said...

Hard to say my favorite moment,need to add an "s"to it. I'll have to go with the first time I read your blog-3.5 years ago or so,(I'm so hooked). It was just before the color post of that year's mystery. I had SO MUCH FUN with you! Thanks for all you do for the quilting world. rjc2cam(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary and I hope you continue to inspire quilters for many more years.


CheriC said...

Happy 10th. You are such an inspiration to me to create. Wish I had your energy.
Your techniques and tips have been a big help too. My quilting has improved thanks to you. Cheri in New York. sshel7784@aol.com

Terrie Quilts 2021 said...

Congratulations on 10 years! What a wonderful accomplishment! Thank you for all you do for the quilting world. My favorite moment was finding your website and blog. I have used several of your free patterns. They are so easy to follow and they are wonderful patterns. I have also done a couple of your Mystery Quilts. I just finished piecing Celtic Solstice. Using up scraps has changed my way of quilting. I will shop my stash before buying fabric now...but, I still buy fabric!
Thank you again for all that you do for us. We appreciate it so much.
Terrie in Missouri

Tspoon said...

The first time I found you. itzsewme@gmail.com

Sandy said...

I have learned so much from reading your posts and especially enjoy following you during your travels. I get so inspired with all that you do. Looking forward to your next 10 years!! Sandy lazy2mm@msn.com

Cherib104 said...

Love your reveals of new patterns you've come up with. I really enjoy what you can do with scraps.

Anonymous said...

10 years, way too cool. I first started following you when you were doing longarm quilting for others. We didn't have a computer at our house for years, so didn't follow your blog regularly in the beginning. However, now is a daily mainstay!! Thanks for everything you do for the quilting community. odiane 79 @ yahoo.com Diane O

Created by Kathi said...

I also very much enjoy your quilt cams.. that is how I first "met" you and love your teaching style... Thanks for all you blog about though.. I love trying to keep up with where you are ;) Kathi

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I am new to your blog and I cannot tell you how excited I am. You have inspired me to make one scrappy 9 patch quilt already. I look forward to the next 10 years of wonderful designs. Linda at craftylady65@hotmail.com

Joann Rosenfeld said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! That's quite an accomplishment. I'm looking forward to many more years of reading your blogs and making your patterns. And all the give aways you have a great, too! joannrosenfeld17@gmail.com
Joann in Minnesota

RoseofSharonStudio said...

Happy 10 Year Anniversary!!! Thank you for sharing your art and talent
with us. It has been an amazing ride! Thank you for the give~aways too!

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

My greatest moment was doing Orca Bay, that is about the time I found your blog and have been following and enjoy each and every post. Love your sense of humor, and you are so giving of your talents.

Maureen said...

I would love to win that little case full of goodies. I am about to start my first hexie. You were a big influence on me starting one! Congratulations on ten years!


pjstitches! said...

Oh, My Goodness! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! I found you only a year ago and have been thrilled by all that you do and share. You are one gifted lady! How do you keep up with yourself?

What beautiful treasures! I hope that I am your winner!

Best wishes and Be Safe! pjstitches2002@yahoo.com
Paulette J (aka pj stitches!)

sewok said...

10 Years! Congratulations!!! I've only been following for about a year but it's been a great year. The Log Cabin was the very first quilt I ever made, king sized and a gift for a friend. That was about 20 years ago. Some day I plan on making one for me and it will be blue. Anyway... Congrats on a great anniversary and looking forward to lots more years with you. Phyllis in Oklahoma ptl1957@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary. You are amazing. Good luck to the next 10 years.

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary. You are amazing. Good luck to the next 10 years.

Alice said...

Favorite? Getting to spend two days with you in Tucson. You helped me get comfortable with my bright pink featherweight. It was a great experience and you were so kind. Both projects are finished and I love them both! How truly delightful and wonderful you are! Aborge2000@gmail.com

traditional_quilter said...

Happy 10 year Anniversary Bonnie! Great give away. I LOVE your blog. My favorite part of your blog is your mystery quilts, they are amazing and so much fun. Have a great day!

Peggy said...

Bonnie, I would have to say my favorite memory is when you taught at our guild in Illinois. I had been a fan long before long before your first book came out and I would like to thank you for sharing your talent with so many scrap lovers. We all love you and wish you continued success.

Peggy dandpsimpson@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

favorite moment was discovering a quilter called Bonnie K Hunter when I took a quilt workshop from a local quilt store. The instructor introduced me to a scrappy way of life, quiltville.com, leaders and Enders, and of course, if the fabric is still ugly you haven't cut it small enough!
This day changed my life...I finally decided I needed to take time for myself and participate in scrap therapy.

Love you Bonnie♡

Anonymous said...

Ten years! wow what a milestone. I only discovered your blog at the end of last year and now I'm addicted to Quiltville's Quips and Snips. I need to read it everyday. So much inspiration from you, your classes and your many projects.

Anonymous said...

Working on my cruise quilt. Yes, I would love to win.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your ten years of your blogging. My favorite moment (moments) is everything you do. Thanks!! mahoney_56@hotmail .com

Mego said...

ONLY 10 years??? I must have started reading you from the first. One of my first 'Bonnie' quilts was Brick and SteppingStones! CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve every good thing that has come your way. On to the NEXT 10!

Marti Morgan said...

Bonnie - 10 years and I missed a few of them - didn't find you or know of you until I really got involved in quilting, and it hasn't been 10 years for me. I never thought I cared for "scrappy" until someone posted a picture of a quilt that you designed on a site that I frequent. It was gorgeous, and I was interest. So here I am following you and learning so much. Thank you! Marti Morgan lnmm@outlook.com

Anonymous said...

Fay from mid-west said...Love your Blog's! Happy anniversary on your 10th year. Hope this is just the start of many,many more years! Really enjoy all that you share with us. Fay from Missouri.

Michele T said...

If I read that right... I am the 1000th commenter!!! You are one popular blogger!!! Congrats on your ten year blogiversary- that is wonderful and I'll be here for the next ten!! Micheletimms@gmail.com

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