
Friday, June 05, 2015

Happy Ten Year Anniversary!


**NOTE!**  This Giveaway is now CLOSED!  Congrats to our lucky winner!

I can’t believe that I have been blogging here at Quiltville’s Quips & Snips for TEN YEARS!!

Where does the time go?  Isn’t life amazing?

And it’s been really fun to go through the archives and see just where we have come  and what wonderful things have happened over the past decade. 

It’s been a wild journey – and I am eager to see how the next 10 pan out!

To celebrate—I’m having a little giveaway!  Look what just came out:


The July/August 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

Doesn’t the quilt on the cover look Summer-licious??

Inside this issue you will find several variations on log cabin designs –here are a couple of my favorites:


Clam shells!

They  look curved, but different widths of strips will give you this round effect…and you know how I love blue and white!


Check out this lovely!  I love the woven appearance!

My own Addicted to Scraps column also deals with the Log Cabin block this month –I just love log cabins, and they are perfect for scrappy quilting too!


I love the sparkle of the half square triangle in the centers!

I plan on doing these in rainbow colors….such a great scrap buster!

So this is what we are going to do.  Leave me a comment in the comments section below.  Our lucky winner will win not only a signed copy of Quiltmaker Magazine from me..but I am throwing in a special anniversary celebration surprise:


A gift pack from Colonial Needle and Presencia Threads!


Look at all of the yummy goodies in here!

Remember, you MUST leave your email address visible in your comment to be eligible to be drawn.  Especially if you are signed in as anonymous.  Also – if you are a google+ user or if your  profile for blogger is google+.  It won’t show your email address, and I need your email to be able to draw our winner.

If you would, please leave your favorite moment with me over the past 10 years in your comment!  What have you loved about this blog?  Celebrate with me!

I will draw our winner upon my return home from New York and Pennsylvania next Wednesday!

Good luck everyone!  My flight is about to board and it is time to put this lap top away and get ready for some mile high hexie time!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Unknown said...

Congratulations, 10 Years is so wonderful. I found you blog about 2 years ago and I really like the mysteries.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary....you are amazing quilter...love to read everyday...

barbara woods said...

congrats Bonnie bewtjwatoutlookdotcom

barbara woods said...

congrats Bonnie bewtjwatoutlookdotcom

Anonymous said...

Cngrats on Blogging for 10 years! I've only been following for a about 3 or 4 years and have enjoyed your mystery quilts and all the tips you share with us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Terri in BC said...

My favourite moment was when I discovered quilting blogs, and yours was the first one I fell in love with (about 5 years ago). I spent 3 days reading all your posts from the beginning, and read you daily now. Love your mysteries and have done 4 of them now. Keep up the fantastic work and don't burn out, okay?

terri-fisher (at) shaw (dot) ca

Anonymous said...

.Congrats on the 10 years! I love log cabin quilts and hope I win so I don't have to buy the book.
I enjoy reading about all your travels.

Judy Walleser said...

Love your work

JanetD said...

Hurrah for 10 great years. I've loved every minute and appreciate your enthusiasm and the "can do" attitude you bring to every project.

Lisa said...

I've enjoyed following you for the past 10 years! Happy anniversary! What I like best about your blog is when I need a break at work or quilting inspiration you are always there for me! Thanks for the free patterns with photos of your beautiful quilts that I can (and do) drool over. I Iove reading about your life and travels. golddust@kpunet.net

Lisa said...

I've enjoyed following you for the past 10 years! Happy anniversary! What I like best about your blog is when I need a break at work or quilting inspiration you are always there for me! Thanks for the free patterns with photos of your beautiful quilts that I can (and do) drool over. I Iove reading about your life and travels. golddust@kpunet.net

Linda said...

I love that you post every day. I also love that you give paint chips for color guidelines for the mystery quilts. I am finally able to do scrappy from my stash and love it! lindawest49@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Your annual mystery quilts are an amazing quilting gift to all.
Thanks for your inspiration+ a neat giveaway.

Unknown said...

Thank you for 10 years of inspiration. There is way to many inspiring moments to name just one. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us quilters.


Anonymous said...

I first saw your website(s) when it was two sites. Tobacco Road was pretty new. I *think* the secondary site had a lot of recipes from a local guild. I'd love to have the magazine and the thread kit.

Mary // bytes1234@hotmail.com

Linda Sprouse said...

Congratulation on a great 10 years. Your blogs are inspiring to all of us to know that we can create some beautiful quilts as well.

Unknown said...

montepep17@gmail.com . Just started watching you about a month ago. I am addicted! I have gotten the quilting bug again because of you! I was in such a slump. Gonna reorganize my stash and start to finish the UFO's!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have loved following you! Since a quilting friend told me about your "Scrap User's System" my leftovers are now more organized and USED. Thank you for helping me to find some order for both my stash and my scraps! Congratulations on 10 years of blogging!

Unknown said...

montepep17@gmail.com . Just started watching you about a month ago. I am addicted! I have gotten the quilting bug again because of you! I was in such a slump. Gonna reorganize my stash and start to finish the UFO's!!!!

The Quilted Dragon said...

Congratulations on your 10 successful years of blogging. My favorite time over the last 10 years.... I would have to say was Tuscany but I love Orca Bay MQ. Ssqcorner@gmail.com

sewingnancy said...

Congratulations on your 10 years!

Bonnie said...

I love your blog, and the Addicted to Scrap column! Thank you for sharing your passion with us all and congratulations on 10 years!!

Unknown said...

Just love learning from you & seeing all the beautiful quilts - except that recent lozenges brown back - I am just not a fan of brown - hahaha

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for about 5 years now and my favorites concern the purchase and moving into your cabin. I love what you sew up there and admire your workspace, even outside. susanlee@ameritech.net

Diane Mehring said...

Congratulations Bonnie. I am a fairly new follower of quiltville. I love your quiltcam. I feel like you are talking to me. I'm sure all the other quilters out there feel the same way.
Diane M. dmehring33@yahoo.com

Kathi Kraftyzales said...

Congrats on 10, and many more to come...

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! Thanks for everything. You have helped with all you have shared, from the tips to the trips, I have learned much. debascarbrough@gmail.com

Lynda Fournier said...

Wow ten years! I think I have been here for most of them. I love to hand sew and I would really love to win the Colonial thread kit! Happy next 10 years!
email: tlfouhar@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Many congrats on your 1st decade! You have brought such joy to so many people! There have been too many special moments to pick just one, so let me just say thank you for all of them! You brighten my day everyday! 1paquilter@gmail.com. Debbie

Kate said...

Yea! congrats on all your success and heres to at least 10 more!! Kate kkingsleytaylor@comcast.net

Material Girl said...

Congratulations!wow, that's a lot of posts ! Love log cabins but never made one yet. Hmmm mm, maybe my next project.

Gari in AL said...

Oh, I know my favorite moment with you, it was one of your classes, in Auburn, AL. I was unprepared for your energy and enthusiasm but certainly did enjoy the class even though I didn't know anyone there. Thank you for a great memory. gariquilts@aol.com

Jennifer Kinney said...

Happy Tenth Anniversary! Sorry to say I haven't followed you for all those years but It's probably been about half that time. There really is no way to pick one favorite thing but I can list some: your Quilt Cam, your mystery quilt follow alongs, patterns, tips, and just how you have brought so many quilters together. I live vicariously through you when you take your trips, too! Love seeing all the pictures and gearing the stories. Thank you for all you do and I hope for another amazing ten years plus!

Rochelle said...

Rochelle Hunt-Roy
I have followed Quiltville on FB for about 3 yrs. Then October 2014 I saw the post on Quiltville about your mystery quilt, Grand Illusion. I followed for months there, and saw your blogs and read them. I have seen how hard you work, and how much you give of yourself and your talent. I think you are very creative, and imaginative, I think you are very much a giver, not a taker. Thank you so much. BUT... Please make sure you take time for yourself. I have read about your vision issue, and how much strain the sewing puts on your eyes. If you do not take time for yourself, you may wish you had.
Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Bonnie, for your 10 years of hard work and generosity. When I first found your site I was amazed at all the free patterns you made available. The best moment I had was when I received the confirmation that you'd be coming to teach in Missoula, MT in 2018! I can hardly wait to meet you. Debbie dgross@co.missoula.mt.us

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 years! I think it was your Ireland trip and all the pictures! It looked like so much fun was had all around and such beautiful countryside! I love most of your patterns because I'm a scrappy quilter myself. becky_joe@earthlink.net

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on sticking with us for 10 years! Look forward to your posts and ideas.
Dian in Twin Oaks, CA

cajane41 said...

I'm so sad I didn't know about you ten years ago. So happy to follow now. Loving the gooseyz...and , and , !!! Thanks for all you do.

cajane41 said...

I'm so sad I didn't know about you ten years ago. So happy to follow now. Loving the gooseyz...and , and , !!! Thanks for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on sticking with us for 10 years! Look forward to your posts and ideas.
Dian Schwanz in Twin Oaks, CA

Anonymous said...

Happy 10th Anniversary!! Thank you for all the great giveaways. Would love to win this one. Enjoy your trip to NY, my home state!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 10years. I love your work, you have inspired me to become a scrappy person. The thread case is wonderful, that is a "must have" for all hand piecers. I know you will be coming to St Louis in Sept and am looking forward to meeting you.
Connie B

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for the 10 years. Love to read your blog and I am amazed about all the things you do. Keep on going.
Dini from the Netherlands

Dody said...

Thank you, Bonnie ! I would love to win this. You are my hero,I wish I had your time and energy to quilt everyday. Between watching my grandchildren and a chronic illness, I don't get to sew as often as I would like. I have recently been bitten by the hexie bug so I can do that about anytime or anywhere. It helps a lot when I'm to tired to do anything else. Hexies calm the soul. They give me something else to think about at Doctors appointments. I'm loving your recent hexie quilt. I read your blog everyday. After I started reading it 5 years ago, I went back and read all the prior posts. So I feel you are an old friend to me. At our house your known as the quilt lady, because when quilt cam is on the kids says, don't bother mom she's watching the quilt lady. Lol!
Congradulations on your 10th anniversary ! And I am looking forward to the twentieth.
Dody aka Doris McCarty

Susan said...

I have only been watching you for a couple months but you have been to our guild. Lake Gaston Piecemakers and we did the pineapple blossom. I was very ill for a year and recuperated for a year and haven't quilted it yet but when I do I will send picture. I totally enjoy following you and seeing your videos, you are a hoot.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. I began reading your blog when you posted the Grand Illusion mystery quilt which I finished in January. By that time, I was hooked your on blog and now I read every blog you post. Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazine and the sewing case.

Kathy Medlin

Material Girl said...

Happy 10th Anniversary Bonnie, congratulations and thank-you so much for doing what you do and teaching all of us quilt lovers along the way. Love all the information you so willingly share with us and all the inspiration, I never liked scrap quilts till I started following you, and know I've made 2 and working on 2 more using your Leaders Enders technique.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Happy 10th Blogging Anniversary!! Just think of all the words you've typed in that time and all the wonderful quilts you've shared. I don't know how you accomplish all you do, but thank you for sharing it with all of us who love reading your blog.


Donna-Maree said...

Goodness Bonnie, how can I pick one moment out of ten years. It is all of it, the sewing and scrap busting tips, being included in your trips through your posts and photos, the quiltcams where we get to sew with you and see a glimpse into your space, your scrap storing tips, your highs and your lows, your continual perpetual motion forward, seeing Mona go from just a neighbour to a fellow quilter. Take your pick Bonnie, there are very special moments in all of it. Thank you so much for sharing with us and including us in all in your journey.
Cheers Bonnie and thanks again for giving us the opportunity to highlight the things that you do for all of us.

cjmont said...

my favorite moment was reading a post about leaders and enders and then ordering your book and starting my own leaders and enders basket. cjmont2002@yahoo.com

Cecilia said...

Happy Anniversary! I enjoy your blog and Facebook page, especially when you share your patterns with us.

ceciliayoung at gmx.com

Raine said...

Just love reading about your quilting adventures. Thanks for all of the free patterns and inspiration! lleblanc_nd@yahoo.com

Donna T said...

Congratulations on 10 years of travel and fun. You have covered many miles in 10 years. I am so glad I got to meet up with you at Hershey Quilt Oydessey a few years ago. I would love to win a special gift....
Donna T

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing to celebrate... an anniversary! May it herald another 10 years of fun for you. s.a.theriault@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,

Congatulations with your 10th anniversary. I love to read your blog, especially when you are travelling. Two years ago I went to Ireland for the quiltfestival in Galway, my husband and I had a short holiday there. You were there too and I really loved reading your adventures there, visiting the same places as we did.
I hope you will be blogging for many more years, inspiring all of us.
Kind regards,

Quiltgal said...

I too have loved every moment of your blog and read it often. My favorite times have been when you share one of your wonderful patterns with us and Quiltcam. debgraham99@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations Bonnie on your first Decade of blogging, snipping, and quipping. I must say that you do it very well. I never tire of reading your posts and seeing all the beautiful quilts that you make. You are such an inspiration, so full of energy, and so organised - you always know exactly what you are going to do next. I have great admiration for you and your work. Thanks for your generous giveaway - the thread case looks terrific and I hope I win it! Fingers crossed. ((hugs)) to you - looking forward to the next ten!
perry94022 at hotmail dot com

Baukje said...

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging Bonnie, My favourite is logging in every morning to read your latest post.
Baukje x

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie and thank you for all you do. Am just about to start my first 'shirt' quilt - have all of my dad's shirts and will start taking them apart and cutting into strips ready for a 'sew in' with my non-quilting sisters this summer - just have to pick the right one from Scraps and Shirt Tails.....

Gill said...

Congratulations - I've loved reading about your adventures!

Sonia F said...

My favorite moment was when I contacted you about coming to Maggie valley and doing a presentation and workshop. I was thrilled that you stayed at my home. My next was when you took the time to send the corrected pineapple paper foundation. The case and book would be a fabulous gift.

Sharmond said...

I have learned so much from your blog. I enjoy the mysteries! Please keep up all the quilting inspiration!

teachpany said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! You are a wonderful inspiration, and I love your designs. Thanks so much for all you do, and here's to the next 10, 20 and 30 years, I hope! teachmca at aol

Debra Godwin said...

You do wonderful work. Not sure when I started reading your blog. I am delighted you intend to keep charming us with your designs and friendship. Your mystery quilts have gotten me through several hard times with medical problems keeping my spirit up and giving me something to do and look forward to during holidays when undergoing treatments & recovery. May you and your family be blessed for all that you give to our world. Thank you so much. Hope I can win one of your lovely prizes. Debra dgodwin273@yahoo.com

Judy C. said...

Congratulations on your ten year blog anniversary! Your work always inspires me to go to my quilting room. I'm looking forward to your lecture in Jamestown tonight and can't wait for the workshop tomorrow. j_conklin@yahoo.com

Johanna said...

Happy 10 years. I want to go back and see some of your first posts to see what I missed.
I enjoy following all that you do.

Nancy SM said...

Hi Bonnie, congrats on ten years. I love to read your blog and feel as though I can travel to all the places you go. Can't wait to see you in Jamestown, NY tonight. Nancy_steelemerritt@urmc.rochester.edu

Lori L said...

I cannot pick just one memory, I have been following you for a number of years and have learned so much from you. Thank you so much and congrats on 10 years.

Sheppard said...

Happy anniversary t you! You have done SO much. You are very important in my quilting life and thank you.This giveaway is fabulous. May luck be with me!

Anonymous said...

Gratulerer / congratulations. One of the best things was when you introduced the 24h kitty cam (ustream.tv/ffrc). It is still one of my favourite non-quilting sites. Thank you for all you share. Angela Messmer (a.messmer@hamburg.de)

Unknown said...

Whew,don't you ever get worn out? You are always on the go. I love reading about your travels and so happy to know there are so many fellow quilters out there.I love what you do and follow you daily. Happy anniversary,

Ann Marie McD said...

10 years! What a great accomplishment!I am new to your blog and really enjoy hearing about your travels and love seeing your inspirational quilts. I have even started organizing my scraps! Looking forward to seeing you in Jamestown! Ann Marie ammacmcd@yahoo.com

Debbie said...

Congrat's on 10 years. I love traveling with you and sharing sewing time with quilt cam. Your enthusiasm for scraps is so contagious.


phyllis said...

Congrats on 10 great years. I can't pick a favorite moment, but your mystery quilts are my favorite activity. They are the only quilts I can't give away.

acoelke said...

Wow, 10 years----and how many quilts?? You are a special part of my day.

valerie boudier said...

No particular happy moment - I just enjoy reading your blog valerie.boudier@ntlworld.com

deanna turner said...

Time flies when you are doing what you live! Love the blog, and quiltcam and all the great books and free patterns! Pray your eye problem gets better. Love you! Deanna turnerrea@icloud.com

Unknown said...

Thank you for 10 years... forward to the next decade and all the wonderful projects to come.

Unknown said...

Happy 10th! Hope next 10 are just as fun. I would love to win the book and lovely case.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! I wish you many more happy and creative years of quilting and blogging. I have only been following you for about two years, but you have taught me so much. I jumped into the MQ on faith and managed to create something I never would have tackled without your help. Thanks for all you do.

Sarah in Pennsylvania - but not close enough to be with you in Erie. :(

Rita Mitchell said...

Congratulations on 10 wonderful years of blogging and keeping us all informed of what's going on in your life and the quilting world. My favorite things/moments when reading your blog are the photos of Sadie Jane's expressions when you arrive back home from your trips. That little girl loves you so much! Best wishes for many more years of doing what you love. rmm11507@gmail.com

maureen said...

Happy anniversary! You've inspired me to use up my scraps and to travel more. Thanks to you for making me a more productive and interesting person!!

Karen said...

Congratulations! I found your blog when looking for a quilt pattern to make a baby quilt for my 2nd grandchild (who turns 7 on the 15th). I used your trip around the world pattern, & made it smaller. Your pictures and directions were easy to follow & I ended up with a cute quilt that he still uses! kalore56@hotmail.com

Carmen N said...

I haven't been around the quilting scene long so I don't have a favorite moment - but congratulations! (asimplehomestead at gmail.com)

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie. I have been watching you for a few years and have emailed several times. I can't believe that I can follow your blog and that you actually have the time to reply - technology eh! Love, love, love quilt cam - it's awesome to sew a long with you .

Take care

Mandy Adams UK


Becca said...

I found you relatively recently. Grand Illusion was the first mystery quilt I did with you and while challenging it was a very rewarding experience. Thank you for all the great tutorials you share with everyone. I will never be able to keep up with you but I always have new things to try. staconnie (at) gmail (dot) com

Jackie said...

So glad you've been blogging for 10 years! Congratulations! I've been here for most of them and enjoyed every minute. I can't think of one favorite moment but I am just awed by the graciousness with which you share your quilts, patterns, tips and life in general with us. Thank you for all that you do! jackie.r.house@gmail.com

Vicki H said...

Congrats on 10 years of blogging. I have enjoyed reading your blog.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Happy Blog-a-versary!! I'd LOVE to be chosen to win your giveaway. Here's to another 10 years of blogging FUN!!

sue said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! Ten years is a milestone!
Wishing you many more successful blogging years!

Deb M said...

what a fabulous giveaway, you are a very generous person, congratulations to 10 years,
petedebmajor@gmail.com (if I'm fortunate enough to win)

Deb M said...

what a fabulous giveaway, you are a very generous person, congratulations to 10 years,
petedebmajor@gmail.com (if I'm fortunate enough to win)

Deb M said...

what a fabulous giveaway, you are a very generous person, congratulations to 10 years,
petedebmajor@gmail.com (if I'm fortunate enough to win)

stitchernow said...

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. Boy, doesn't time fly!! I have learned so much from you - way beyond quilting (crockpot, driving, travel,...). You taught me that scraps are good and having/keeping lots of them does not make me a bad person. I have made 5 of your quilts. My favorite blog moment was your shirt deconstruction as performance art. I hope I win the giveaway (stitchernow@gmail.com)

Ameswf said...

Dear Bonnie, 10 years and you have given the quilting community so much. I've followed you for 8 and have fully implemented your scrap users system, and have studied your free patterns. Going on the 8/13 Alaska cruise with you was a highlight of my quilting journey to date. I recently sent you a pic of my Alaska crystals top. Have not seen any in the Gallery.

So, thank you for your generosity, inspiration and encouragement. Awlong@msn.com

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! You have made me a lover of scrappy quilts!

Kathryn said...

I love your mystery quilts and your shopping trips to antique stores. You find the best things.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Enjoyed taking class from you and doing mystery quilt. Thanks for your inspiration.nancyaaho@yahoo.com

denisew said...

I only discovered your blog about 3 years ago which is when I started my quilting journey. I look at your site everyday and really like QuiltCam. Have a safe trip. Thanks for the give away!!

Dragonslairquilting said...

Congratulations BONNIE!!!! I just started quilting in November of 2014 nearly everything I have learned has come from your blog and watching all the archives of quilt cam. I admit that I have gone back to the very beginning and read nearly all of your blog posts! Thank You so much for being the wonderful teacher that you are. I hope someday to be able to attend a class in person!!


Sewgirl said...

Congrats for 10 years of blogging. I think it was very eye-opening to me when I remember getting directed to your blog in the first place ( must have been 5-6 years ago) when I found your "scrap savers system". I thought "wow, this woman really is organized in a big way!". Love all that your share, and love quilt cam to keep me company when I get a moment to sew.

hspirit_99 said...

So happy for you. You do so much for so many. Thank you
AKA beverly

Unknown said...

Happy 10th anniversary! I love your blog and visit every day, most days multiple times a day. You are so inspiring!


Lane Hill House said...

I have your String Fling and all of Judy Martin's quilting books ~ so enjoy scrappy ***s! I have not been with you ten years ~ we retired six years ago and my husband and I moved 10-1/2 hours away to be in the middle of our children in a long day's drive to three directions. Quilting and writing book reviews have been new adventures for me I have enjoyed the past four years. Thank you for all of your shared ideas! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net

Allison in Plano said...

Thank you for all these wonderful years. Hard to believe it has been ten years. Fun to celebrate with you.
Nice giveaway, hope I win! Hugs, Allison allon0711@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you, Bonnie!
I would love to win,


Hi Bonnie, I only just discovered you about four years ago when I made a "crumb quilt". My little 2 yr old grandson scooped it up and claimed it as his own -- just KNOWING that I made it for him!!!! He tells everyone who comes over to his house that this is his quilt!!!! So cute. I love your designs and am currently working on Jamestown Landing -- I LOVE blue and white!!! My email is susanwhpp@gmail.com.
Congrats on 10 years!!!

TADVR said...

Congrats! Here's to the next decade!
Thanks for the inspiration and bringing us all together, from around the world in so many formats.
Hugs, Tracy
tracyquilts at outlook dot com

AmyDe said...

Congratulations!!! Thank you for the opportunity and for all you do in the quilting community!

Debra Pugh said...

10 years? Where has the time gone? I have been a huge fan for most of that time. Congrats and here is to at least that many more to come.

Paradise Threads said...

Love Quilt Cam and all your oversees visits. Thanks for all the great pictures, I feel like I am there without spending any money.


Sharon Decker said...

So sorry it took me so long to find this blog. I look forward to reading it everyday. It is a great way to start out my day. Congratulations to 10 years of bringing a little sunshine into our lives.

Anna brown said...

wow 10 years.............well done ty for your ideas............happyness04431@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your travel pictures on your blog. So many of the places you go , I've been and the others, I want to go see
because of you!


darmkrystal@gmail.com said...

That's way cool.....10 years is a long time....keep it up......love the clamshells log cabin.....would be fun to make.....

Lidwina Flavelle said...

Congratulations on your 10 years. I have only known about you for two of them. My favorite tip from you is about cutting ugly fabric smaller - you are right it works !

wheelinsticks said...

Congrats Bonnie!

TDunc said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! Truly enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for being such a wonderful inspiration and for all you do. (Tracy in Texas. Email: duncanfamthree@gmail.com)

Bec said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing all your tips and free patterns!!! My friends & I have used many of them to make quilts to donate through our guild.

Anonymous said...

I have been following you for about 2 hers now, its one of my favorite sites. my email is: catcatt@digitalpath.net. Have fun celebrating!

Anonymous said...

menyeart3@verizon.net Bonnie, thanks for all the free patterns. One of my favorite things about you.... you are a sign reader. All those historical buildings you visited...you always read the signs. I love to do that too, but my family is very impatient with me. Keep on truckin. Cheryl

Ann Parks said...

Happy 10th Anniversary of Blogging, Bonnie! I think my favorite Bonnie blog moments are quilting along with your during quilt cam and learning about leaders and enders. Thank you for all you do for the quilting community! annparks at yahoo dot com

Karen said...

I would love to winner this issue of the magazine, and the thread case, LOVE IT. Thanks for offering this giveaway. Congratulations on ten years.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10 years!!!! I enjoy all the things you do. I wish there were more hours in the day to do them all. Keep up the good work!!!

Diane Koch said...

I've only been with you since last September, believe it or not! Am a long time sewer, but relatively new quilt maker. I love your blog and website. Thank you so much. dk.koch2.75@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love reading your blog each day, but your energy makes me tired! I love the patterns, and I am Scrap Queen too, so I fit right in.

Nancy D said...

My most favorite memory are the mystery quilts. It is great to see the progress, even if I am not making that quilt. Congrats on 10 years. Please keep it going. You are so loved and enjoyed !! ndfromsdatgmaildotcom

Tami C said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Ten years is really a long time! I've been following you ever since I started quilting. I also went back and read every one of your previous post! My favorite part of your blog was the Easy Street Mystery. It was my very first mystery, was loads of fun and I learned many new things!

TamiChaulk (at) Gmail (dot) com

Judy D in Upstate NY said...

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. I have been reading it faithfully for about 6 years and feel like you are a friend. There are many favorite blogs but I think my most favorite are from April 2013 when you visited my guild, Wings Falls Quilters Guild in Glens Falls, NY and you wrote about our adventures with you. Thank you for all you do for quilters everywhere!

Diana said...

Congratulations on your well deserved anniversary! My favorite moment is when I SAW YOU IN PERSON, what a great lecture you gave. You are so inspiring. Thanks

Sharon h said...

My favorite moment is yet to come. I'm so excited, I get to take 3 classes from you in sept. I saw you at a trunk show probably 10 years ago and really didn't know much about you then but I was so impressed by you that I have followed you ever since.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog almost from the beginning and have loved every minute. I would love to put in to win the beautiful thread case!!! Enjoy the trip.
Janine bakerjn@hotmail.com

Joan and Kevin said...


Anonymous said...

What a lovely issue of Quiltmaker! Thank you for a chance to win.
Praying for a good outcome with your eye problem.
Have a good trip!
Best wishes,
Brenda in VA

Jane said...

Congratulations on 10 years. I only discovered you about 3 years ago after I retired. But I have loved getting to know you through your blog.I have always liked scrappy quilts. Your idea of "if it is ugly it is not cut small enough" and "make quilts to be used" really got me thinking that it's OK to just do my best and get them made. There are many more Bonnie quilts in my future. Thanks for all you do!!

Susie Jensen said...

Congratulations on 10 wonderful years. When I first found your blog, I stayed up for 36 hours reading every post from the start. I read you everyday as you have become a member of my extended family. Would love to win.

Lynn said...

It's hard to believe it's been that long. I made my first quilt from your free patterns 8 years ago. Congratulations!
Looking forward to when you come back to Thumb Butte Quilters in AZ.

Nancy said...

My favorite moments are "following" you around on your travels around the country and around the world. I've just recently found Precencia threads and I love them. Thanks for the chance to be a winner!

Margaret Gross said...

I discovered your blog about a year ago. So far, my favorite posts have been the clues for GI mystery. I'm excited to see the half square center in your log cabin blocks. What a great idea! Congrats and best wishes for several more decades of piecefullness. Margaret in Orlando. Meggross@att.net

sarah said...

Actually my favorite post was when you recently went to Walmart's for glasses and found the travel bag and immediately realized how you would use it that had nothing to do with what it was adv for. lol

Unknown said...

Bonnie, congratulations on 10 years. I am still fairly new to quilting & love to watch your videos. You have given me such great ideas & courage to tackle things.
Keep up the great work & always have safe travels. The thread give away would be a great addition to my sewing room.
Sandra Easley cseasleycrafts@yahoo.com

Kris said...

Happy Anniversary! Such inspiration I don't know how you do it all!
Best wishes ~
Kris ~ friederic3@jcwifi.com

Unknown said...

Congrats Bonnie! I have many favorite moments, but my favorite has to be Quilt Cam. It is inspiring, fun and I love it. I've learned so much from you over the years. Thank you for sharing yourself and your talent with us.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! Happy 10 Year Blog Anniversary! I look forward to reading your posts daily. I especially love to spend time with you via Quiltcam and share your love for collecting vintage machines. All the best! Teresa. teresakehoe@hotmail.com

Joanne W. said...

Bonnie, wow ten years so much has gone on in ten years. You make us all feel like family you share your life, your knowledge your passion with people all over the globe and that's not an exaggeration. You have single handedly joined people from all over with a Common Thread, Quilting. You make us laugh, think and learn. You have taken us along on your journey's. We think of Sadie and her new friend Beanie. You probably only imagine our Ah ha moment's but think of the quilter Mona has become and multiply that by all your fans and that should give you a great feeling of pride and keep you doing what you do another 10 years easy. Thank you Bonnie Hunter. Joanne W. jwoodnc1@gmail.com

Kathy AmRhein said...

I have only followed you for 3 years Bonnie, but your blog is the bomb! LOL Congrats on 10 years and many more to come!

Cindy Nielsen said...

I discovered your website and then your blog around 2007 and I absolutely love your quilts. I have made almost all of your free patterns, about half of your mystery quilts and I tell everyone about Bonnie Hunters quilts. I am such a fan of scrap quilts. You are awesome!
Cindy Nielsen

Paige said...

Wow, 10 years! That's fantastic! Well, I remember when you gave massages way back when. You gave me a massage at the Quilters of SC Fall retreat. Here's to the next 10 years. Congratulations Bonnie!

Sherry Yeakel said...

Thanks for all the inspiration and all you do for us quilters!

Sherry Yeakel

Anonymous said...

The beginning of quiltcam! My favorite part of the blog!
Thank you for sharing your quilting life with us. :)

Cat Herder said...

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! It's been so much fun following you, and you've been such an inspiration to so many. My favorite times are when you share your travels with us. I feel like I'm right there with you! Thanks so much for sharing your life and your quilt knowledge with us!

Vickie in Cleveland

Lisa in Port Hope said...

I love your vintage machines and I've done 2 mysteries with you, here's to the next 10!
Ljridge4511 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Bonnie. Love Quilt-Cam and your knowledge of vintage machines. Still working on Celtic Solstice. Sew until later, Rita. subrtr@aol.com

jennieb said...

Your love for what you do really shines through.

thatchristine.blogspot.com said...

Oh Bonnie, it's like trying to name a favorite child...can't do it. Just want you to keep doing what you do so well. Inspire us. Christine

QuiltyKS said...

Happy 10th Anniversary :) My favorite moment was when I came across your blog for the first time and was addicted from then on! I don't remember exactly when but it was towards the end of the Celtic Solstice mystery and I was awestruck with how beautiful a scrappy quilt could be. Thank you Bonnie!

Shannon in KS

Karen said...

Thank you for ten years of giving to quilters. You have changed my way of sewing thanks to leader & ender projects.

Karen said...

Thank you for ten years of giving to quilters. You have changed my way of sewing thanks to leader & ender projects.

Ellie said...

Congratulations on your anniversary ! Wow ! ten years! I haven't been following you that long but even in the three or four years I have been following you I can't pick a single moment. I admire your positive attitude and enthusiasm in all you do. You inspire me. Your generous spirit and zest for life make my day.! Thank you!

Leeanne said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I would say your mysteries, always amazing and you are so generous.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 10 year blogging anniversary.! Thank you for generously sharing all your knowledge, experience and travels with us. Most memorable is all the pictures,history and information you share about the areas you visit here in the United States and all around the world. I especially remember your time in Bali where you woke up early every morning to enjoy the sunrise. I enjoyed seeing how batik fabric is made and I remember all the monkeys. Blogging takes a lot of time. Thank you for taking the time out of your life to blog for us! Please don't stop!

Anonymous said...

How marvelous your readers get a present for your anniversary. Congratulations on 10 years and I hope you have more the 10 ahead of you.

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. Wow how time flies while we are having fun. I like that your share your passion and love for all things quilting. chocalat@netconnect(dot)com(dot)au

Anonymous said...

Congratulation for 10 years. My faverite part is all the little tidbits of information you pass on to help us sew better and make a project easier. The little things like what part to sew first or skip the pressing until you join the rows. Thanks again for all you do especially quilt cam.

Karen said...

Congratulations, Bonnie on your 10 wonderful years of blogging. You are so amazing! I use your scrap saver system. You are such an inspiration to me. 3 years ago this month, I had been severely injured in an auto accident. I was not able to do any sewing or quilting during my hospitalization and stay in rehab but I was able to follow your blog. You helped me get through my my ordeal. I don't know what I would have done without you. Thank you so very much!
Karen in New York State.

Karen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed following alone with your scrap quilts.
paweis at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Wow--10 years! I've been following you for about three of those years...my happiest times with you are when you do your mysteries!! So great!! Thanks for ALL your work!

Connie Hendryx
chendryx (at) nctv (dot) com

Gloria said...

I have been following your blog for all 10 years. Before that i found your website and all the great advice. You are the biggest influence on me as quilter and i have learned so much from you.My favorite moment was when you posted a mystry that used my 4 patch leader and ender blocks and i was so thrilled to have so many units already made. If i wasn't a beleiver before then, that convinced me that your ideas worked. thanks. so much for all you share. Congratulations on 10 years Gloria Bruce, bgbruce@triad.rr.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations on a wonderful anniversary. Keep on goin'.

Patti said...

Wishing you many more years of blogging! Thx for all that you do. :)

Gweneth said...

Happy 10 years, I just celebrated my 10th wedding anniversary -what a great gift to win.

Janet said...

Thank you, Bonnie, for these ten years. I used to be drawn to perfectly pieced patterns with pre-planned fabrics. Now all I want to do is make scrappy modern quilts because of your influence. You are a fabulous inspiration and I enjoy sewing with you on quilt cam. My favorite moment reading your blog was when I discovered Leaders and Enders; a huge light bulb started blinking! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! That case looks great (the threads are pretty wonderful, too)! kstryker at gci dot net

Ginadecker said...

Your blog is so fun to read. I look forward to it every day. Thanks for all you do for the quilting world!

Anonymous said...

Happy 10th Anniversary. I have enjoyed your tips, your free patterns, the ability to watch the quilt cams when I can't see them live, but most of all your attitude and sharing of yourself.

senstrings (@) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for such a great blog - I have learned so much

Regina Decker said...

Your blog is so fun to read. I look forward to it every day. Thanks for all you do tot the quilting world! ginadecker@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I wish for you many more years inspiring so many. June 5 has been a lucky date for me as I am celebrating my 59th wedding anniversary today as well. I pass this on to patsyruth33@comcast.net

Unknown said...

I have had a great time in your class in San Antonio and have done a lot of your suggestions on scraps. Love the blogs. Hope to have another 10 yrs


Anonymous said...

I only wish I had found you 10 years ago. I found you after a fellow classmate showed her Orca Bay quilt. I fell in love with it on then spot! I have learned so much from you. Thank you for your generosity and love of whatever it is you are doing. I hope I win!

P2pinkpig @ yahoo.com

Judy kay said...

Congratulations to my favorite blogger. I love the cover quilt,it is done in my favorite colors, I am currently hand quilting a blue and yellow gfg.

Judy. Judyquiltz@comcast.net

scottylover said...

I love the mystery quilts! Even though I have yet to do one, I love seeing all the "parts" come together over the weeks. I think the last one was my favorite...or will be until the next one is released!

Sandy A
scotty4me39 at yahoo.com

Unknown said...

My favourite moment was one evening on QuiltCam when you were sewing away and whistling! I thought I was the only one who whistled when I sewed. Love the look of the new magazine.... anxious to try the log cabin patterns.
Thanks, Bonnie, for all you do.
Carolyn Kerr,

grammajudyb said...

I love the tip and techniques part of your blog....oh and the free patterns...and Quilt Cam..........you're just the best!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your mystery segments. But your trips are special, make a person feel like you are along on the trip.

Ann D said...

Congrats on 10 years. That's longer than some marriages. I always look forward to your blogs every day and wonder how you have the stamina to keep up with it. Here's to the next 10 years.


Charlotte said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. Your blog is awesome! The log cabin block is one of my favorite blocks. I would love to be a winner in your giveaway.

BonnieE said...

Congrats and happy 10th anniversary, Bonnie. Love your blog-- love your work! sewbizgirl@juno.com

Farm Quilter said...

Ten years that has flown by in a flurry of creativity and travel!!! Thank you for all you do for us!! Looking forward to another 30 years :) Susan wild_blue_farm at yahoo dot com

QuilterLaura said...

Thanks for a great 10 years...let's go for more!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. Time flies when you are having fun and I sure have been having fun since I discovered you about 5 years ago. I look forward to all you have done and appreciate all of your activities and fun things I have participated in since following your blog. Thank you so much for everything. The goody you are giving away would sure be lovely to have.

Rosalie Nieznalski said...

I've been a fan of yours since you taught two days of workshops for our Smoky Mountain Quilters Guild of Franklin, North Carolina. I enjoy reading your emails every day, and marvel at your energy! The cabin in the woods is the answer to your self-revival each time you go there! I look forward to seeing you at our Guild in 2016, I think. "Quiltmaker" is one magazine I recommend to beginner quilters, and I look forward to reading your articles, patterns, etc. I have a notebook housing your latest Mystery Quilt. My daughter also bought the fabrics for her quilt because we enjoyed the colors and picking from paint chips. Rosalie Nieznalski, .

Terry said...

Congratulations on ten years, that is a remarkable accomplishment!

Jacqueline said...

Happy anniversary and best wishes for many more. I look forward to your blog posting and the quilt cam interaction. I love your patterns and am truly a scrappy quilter.

Vivian Zug said...

Bonnie, congratulations on your 10th anniversary. I read your blog every night before going to bed. You are such an inspiration and have been so generous in sharing your enthusiasm and great quilt knowledge all these years. Thank you. You are the busiest and going-est lady I know!
Bless you.
Vivian in TX

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years. I've been quilting for about 5 or 6 years and love every minute of it. Love scrappy quilts. Would, also, love to win this drawing.

Angelia said...

Congratulations on ten years. I loved seeing the serpentine spiderweb as you were making it--I've got one of my own ready to quilt right now.

c said...

I adore you cam when I can get online, I loved your quilt talk in Austin at the quilt show, and I admire you and your leadership.

c said...

I adore you cam when I can get online, I loved your quilt talk in Austin at the quilt show, and I admire you and your leadership.

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