
Friday, June 05, 2015

Happy Ten Year Anniversary!


**NOTE!**  This Giveaway is now CLOSED!  Congrats to our lucky winner!

I can’t believe that I have been blogging here at Quiltville’s Quips & Snips for TEN YEARS!!

Where does the time go?  Isn’t life amazing?

And it’s been really fun to go through the archives and see just where we have come  and what wonderful things have happened over the past decade. 

It’s been a wild journey – and I am eager to see how the next 10 pan out!

To celebrate—I’m having a little giveaway!  Look what just came out:


The July/August 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

Doesn’t the quilt on the cover look Summer-licious??

Inside this issue you will find several variations on log cabin designs –here are a couple of my favorites:


Clam shells!

They  look curved, but different widths of strips will give you this round effect…and you know how I love blue and white!


Check out this lovely!  I love the woven appearance!

My own Addicted to Scraps column also deals with the Log Cabin block this month –I just love log cabins, and they are perfect for scrappy quilting too!


I love the sparkle of the half square triangle in the centers!

I plan on doing these in rainbow colors….such a great scrap buster!

So this is what we are going to do.  Leave me a comment in the comments section below.  Our lucky winner will win not only a signed copy of Quiltmaker Magazine from me..but I am throwing in a special anniversary celebration surprise:


A gift pack from Colonial Needle and Presencia Threads!


Look at all of the yummy goodies in here!

Remember, you MUST leave your email address visible in your comment to be eligible to be drawn.  Especially if you are signed in as anonymous.  Also – if you are a google+ user or if your  profile for blogger is google+.  It won’t show your email address, and I need your email to be able to draw our winner.

If you would, please leave your favorite moment with me over the past 10 years in your comment!  What have you loved about this blog?  Celebrate with me!

I will draw our winner upon my return home from New York and Pennsylvania next Wednesday!

Good luck everyone!  My flight is about to board and it is time to put this lap top away and get ready for some mile high hexie time!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Unknown said...

Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your quilt knowledge & travel photos.

quiltot said...

Bonnie, I only found you about 2 years ago, but haven't missed a day since. Hope to be following you for a least another 20 years! Safe travels today. quiltot51@att.net or Margene

ChezVies said...

Happy Blogerversary Bonnie! I just came across your blog when I asked about the binding in Google+ and I just fell in LOVE. I saw a couple of your quilt cam during breakfast (it's morning in India that time) and hubby said I'm no better then my kids (eating and watching TV) haha. Your blog is full of inspiration. I wish I found your blog earlier when I started learning to quilt. Anyway, looking forward for more quilt cam ..and keep my fingers crossed for the mags and that lovely case. Happy Journey. (my email : chezvies@gmail.com)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Thank you for all the inspiration! I just knew there was a reason I couldn't bring myself to throw away my scraps! 😊

Janet Beyea said...

Happy Anniversary! I first learned about you from friends ar my quilt guild. I have been hooked ever since. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Charlotte Taylor said...

Bonnie- congrats on 10 years of blogging about scrappy quilting. Here's to another 10 years.
You are always eager to share the goodies you receive and we thank you for that.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! It has been fun following your adventures and wondering how you pack so much into every day! Looking forward to staying motivated with you in the years to come!

Carol Hofstetter said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie! I'm a newbie to Bonnie quilts and loving every one! I want to make them all. Can't wait to see what the next 10 bring. Love the beautiful threads!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your diamond anniversary. I've been following you since Scraps and Shirttails. Best to you and your continued successes. Mkopec398@aol.com

Sarah said...

Happy Blogiversary!!! You want us to pick just 1 fav??!! I think that would b the 2nd time I found your blog and Finally saved it to my blogroll (prob 8+ years ago now). Thanks for another wonderful prize to win! Look forward to seeing you Sunday in Jamestown!! I have showntell :)

sherryberrybim said...

Wow! It's hard to narrow it down to my favorite. I have loved watching Quilt Cam, sharing in your finding and buying Quilt Villa, working on your Mystery Qults and have even managed to attend a live workshop with you. That' much too hard to narrow down! Congratulations on 10 years of your great blog!!

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary! Thanks for the chance to win. My favorite moments are mystery time, with the anticipation of the new clues each week. But then I also love just regular old time. If I'm feeling blah, or just need a boost to get my quilting mojo going again, I can always count on you to get me going. Thanks for all you do!

Nan in GA nanpd@juno.com

Unknown said...

Congrats on your 10 years!!!
I am new to the blog!!

barblr said...

Congratulations on TEN years, I love all you do for us, thank you!!

Judyk said...

Your blog has inspired me to tame my scraps and start creating something with them. I love your travel posts and am amazed at your ability to juggle so many things at once. Thanks for all you do. Zollj@bpsnetworks .com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I am new to the quilting world, but enjoy following your blog daily. Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazine and the sewing case & threads. Thank you, Bonnie, for all your beautiful quilt designs.

Unknown said...

Happy anniversary!! You inspire me to create and try new things outside of my comfort zone. I need a kick in the pants to do something different and you have shown me how to do that. Thank you for all you give to us !

Unknown said...

Congatulations.You really do the best blog I read. pannbaas@comcast.net good luckk to me!

Debbie said...

That Clamshell log cabin is cool! I love that you share so many photos of what you're doing and what everyone else is doing. Have a safe trip and a great weekend.

Mary said...

My Favorite Moment, of course, has to be when I met you in Portland in 2013. You made HST's and 4-patches more fun for me. I finally learned to spin the center on the 4-patches. You are a great teacher and I have learned so much from following you on the BLOG and on FB and IG. Thanks for giving so much to all of us Quilters! Happy 10 Year Anniversary!!!

~*~Leanne~*~ said...

Congratulations on 10 years! Thank you for all the inspiration and tips. I am amazed how you make the ugliest fabric turn into the most beautiful quilts. Love those scrappy quilts :-)

Judy Nichols said...

I recently returned to quilting after a 15 year absence ( stopped when my son was born) and I have learned so much from reading your blog and watching quilt cam. Leaders and enders, vintage machines, scrap savers system, webbing a top the list goes on and on.

OzarkCajun said...

Congratulations on 10 years! I enjoy reading your blog each day. Lots of great information...too much to pick a favorite!!

Linda C said...

I think my favorite moment on your blog was finding you...I don't really remember when, but immediately you were bookmarked and now everyday with our fail and sometimes several times a day I am checking in... You have made my "quilting" life bliss. Thank you for all you have done for us. Happy Anniversary!

quilter197 said...

The one thing I have discovered and loved about this blog is all the energy you have, Bonnie! You are so inspiring, and I love how you still have the energy to check in with all of us, keeping us up to date on your travels and quilting. I can't tell you how much of your energy is contagious. Your schedule is mind-boggling,and your give-aways are so generous. Thank you!
Deb Sievert (quilter197@yahoo.com)

Helen said...

Wow 10 years! I recently started reading your blog and have enjoyed it so much. Love to hear about all your travels and hopefully we'll meet up some day. Would love to win!



All good things said...

Ten Years? I've got a lot of catching up to do, as I only discovered you 2 years ago!
Hmmm, wonder if I can find the first post of you blogging empire! Congratulations,much continued success!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marla said...

Congrats on ten years. It looks like a fun prize package.

Bonnie58 said...

Congrats on the ten years, Bonnie. I have all of your books and am so excited and looking forward to seeing you in Vegas in August. Your down to earth goodness and creativity have totally inspired my quilting the past few years. i have learned so much from your blog - from L&E to weaving a top. Love them all. Thanks for all you do and here's hoping for another ten years and more!! bonnie.larson(at)gmail.com

Frieda said...

Congratulations on 10 years! My favorite time was the Christmas Markets in Germany. It was so fun to see the posts after I got back home. Can't wait to be part of this year's mystery quilt.

bluebonnet523 said...

Happy Anniversary! I am fairly new to following your blog, and love your creative ideas for dealing with scraps. I will never throw anything out again!

Unknown said...

congrats on your 10 years of blogging ,Hope for many years more. c.hauser85@yahoo.com

mary said...

How do I pick just one. Thanks for all the mysteries. I have learned so much by doing them mary madambonnet@aol.com

Laurie said...

Congratulations Bonnie! How awesome to create a living out of doing something you love and were obviously born to do! Thanks for all of the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway! I would run right out and get the magazine but I am feeling LUCKY today!!
Love all that you do for us, but especially your sense of humor and down to earth personality. Have a wonderful trip!


Anonymous said...

10 years! What a great accomplishment. I only started reading your blog about 3 years ago, but I never miss a day. Thank you for putting your passion out here for all of us to be inspired.

Smiley Quilter said...

Not sure how long I have been reading your blog but it is probably 7 years at least; since around the time of the double delight mystery. Congratulations on all you have accomplished and are still accomplishing. Always love to receive a new magazine and that thread/needle kit looks like so much fun.
Smiley quilter (arley.haner@gmail.com)

Unknown said...

Congratulations. ..on 10 wonderful years of sharing you quilting wisdom. You saved me with my scrap overload, between organizing scraps and the free patterns... grammy_dwynn@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Happy 10 year anniversary. Wishing you 10 more.

Anonymous said...

A gal from my quilt guild told me about you and I'm so glad she did. I have enjoyed making a couple of your patterns and appreciate your travels and blog posts! Congratulations on 10 years! pegmel@verizon.net

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your wonderful sharing of Quiltville. I have only followed you for a year, and began quilting shortly before that. I have learned so much. Was not ready to do your mystery, but this winter I am ready to do it! Can't wait. Congrats on 10 years! My favorite part is your quilt cam archives while I am at the machine. If I can watch you I feel like something is missing. More, More! LOL
Kathy Freels

QuiltyGal said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie. I've only known about Quiltville for alittle over 2 years now and I am constantly amazed by the lessons in not only quilting but life in general that you offer so freely. Your blog is the start and end of each day and with you, I have found my skill level increase and my love for this art growing more and more each day. You are such an inspiration, thank you!

Margaret said...

seems like just yesterday...Thanks for your blog, love it. I got the magazine in the mail the other day, great quilts in it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations ! Thanks for the chance to win.

Loopylupeta said...

10 years WOW congratulations, I only discovered quiltville a couple of years ago. I love scrappy quilts. I love seeing all the photos of people and their blocks at your retreats. Quilt-cam is fun, my husband doesn't understand it, but hey I don't get the fasination with sports. I only like basketball. Thank you for the mystery quilts. I missed Celtic Soltice but I just purcahsed the pattern, it will by my first quilt for myself.


Meri said...

Happy 10th to you! Congrats on all your success and for all the inspiration. Love the giveaway treats, too!

Anonymous said...

I've only been following you for about 3 years (since I got a computer) and love your blog. Can't wait to get the new Quiltmaker to show my mom the clam shell log cabin - log cabins are her favorites


Anonymous said...

Happy 10th Bonnie,
I love following you in the Quilt Maker magazine. Your patterns are always great!
I would love to win all your goodies. The case looks like something I could really use. lmbenson@sbcglobal.net
Lisa Benson

Sue Monsey said...

Congratulations on 10 years - wish I could say I have been following you that long! I don't think I have seen any quilts in your books, blocks in magazines, or shares .that you have done that I don't say, "I want to make that one!"You should be the one getting the gifts, not one of us.

Sue Monsey

Anonymous said...

Thank you for inspiring and doing what you love. cheryl@mettlen.net

Linda H said...

How can you answer the unanswerable? Everything in your blog is superb from quilting to quiltcam, tales to tours but in between all the fabulous photographs. You're so admired by all your followers for all you do. What lovely gifts to win, so I will keep my fingers crossed that I will be lucky.
Linda (hedworth01@gmail.com)

Unknown said...

Congrats Bonnie! Love all you do. I'm new to quilt cam but am catching up in archives. Can't pick favorite , luv recycled shirts, crumb projects and block settings. Would really like to have the gifts. Diann, spike57c@yahoo.com

Carol Schaefer said...

Congratulations...love all the new ideas! :) SchaeferDakotaS@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! Favorite blog moment..too many to count. Just a bone to pick...with myself...I love your quilts but you keep adding to my UFO's. Before I can finish one of your quilts there's a new one..and I HAVE to start that one...went to count there are 4. See you at VQF, oh dear another quilt...Love it

Cory said...

Favorite moment? It's hard to pick just one because I love all that you share. My favorite moment from your Instagram feed is when you reposted one of my posts, the purple and green Double Delight quilt I recently quilted. Thank you Bonnie for all you do and congrats on 10 years on the blog.☺Here's to 10 more. Take care and God bless, Cory coreensquilting@yahoo.com

Shirley said...

O, I need those needles/thread and the QM magazine....waving from the So.Oregon Coast.
Shirley... shurtzz@aol.com

Chris said...

I think I have been with you since your first post. I "met" you on the stashbusters group and started reading your old website. So, when you transitioned to the blog, I followed along. I am guessing that yours id's the first blog I ever read! I don't have a favorite post because I love them all! Thank you for all your work and everything you share with us.

Chris said...

I think I have been with you since your first post. I "met" you on the stashbusters group and started reading your old website. So, when you transitioned to the blog, I followed along. I am guessing that yours id's the first blog I ever read! I don't have a favorite post because I love them all! Thank you for all your work and everything you share with us.

Dixie said...

I am looking forward to savoring the next 10 years of starting each day by enjoying your blog. Robin W in MS 9lizards at gmail dot com

Christine said...

Congratulations on 10 yrs of blogging! I love everything you do for all us quilters Bonnie you are a true inspiration!!! What a great giveaway .... Thank you again Bonnie looking forward to many more years with you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a great 10 years!!! You're the only blogger I read everyday. Keep up the good work. Thanks for a chance to win!


Maureeneh said...

Congratulations on 10 years! My favourite moment was hearing about your scrap fabric system. It taught me how to organize my fabric and be able to have pre-cut squares and strips available whenever I need them. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love log cabins too, so I'm signing up for the give away. See you in Auburn on June 15th!

Kathy Meek - meekkatatc@yahoo.com

Pamela said...

Congrats on your 10th Anniversary! I've only been in on the fun for the past year and have loved every moment; most fun was seeing you in San Antonio at our quild meeting! Now I travel vicariously via your blog postings with you on your wonderful trips all over the world. i am using leaders and enders every time I sew and can't get over how many four-patches I made just from one baby quilt project! I also have an Wild & Goosey project in the works. Thanks for your wonderful inspiration to so many.


Linda Becker said...

Ten years of terrific ideas! Love using your Addicted to Scraps blocks in community service quilts for my local guild. What a combo, Bonnie Hunter, Quiltmaker, and a special gift! LindaB68@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Happy 10 years Bonnie! I love your blog and read it every day that I have Internet connection. I've been working on a red work project while I'm traveling and love the log cabin block as well. Hope I win!
Thanks for all you do!
Mary Kauffman

Hannah Wellens said...

Congratulations Bonny, thank you for all upbeat inspiration and advice. I'd love to win your giveaway, first time entering.....
Just wanted to let you know you got me going again with the quilting, I had slowed down too much. You show your fans how much dedicated time it takes to get results, and that was exactly what I needed. Good luck for the future! Hannah Wellens

Robin said...

Congratulations on your milestone anniversary! I think my favorite moment was when I discovered your mystery quiltalongs. Such fun we've had! robinwoods281@yahoo.com

AZMaggie said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! And, GOOD for US, too!
My favorite moment was taking a class from you in AZ this January! (Another very good moment was when they called and said someone had to cancel and I was being taken off the waiting list!!!) Sorry for them, happy for me!
Looking forward to seeing where your journey takes us the next 10 years! Hugs!

Debbie said...

Congratulations! Continue to love your work - and am completely enamored with new log cabin quilts.

Anonymous said...

congrats Bonnie. I am one of your biggest fans and keep spreading the word about your great scrap methods. My best moment that I remember with you is everytime I show another quilt top using one of your tutorial and I get rave reviews.

Pati said...

Congratulations on 10 wonderful years!! I can't wait for the next 10!!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! 10 years. My how time flies. Nice to sooth the worries of our day by picking up a needle and thread. Congrats on 10 fabulous years. Dixie @ blessedsister02@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Love your Addicted to Scraps in Quiltmaker!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! AND what neat prizes!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

My favorite moment was when I discovered your blog....followed by hours of salivating over your website and all of the things that I wanted to do. Thanks, Bonnie, for all of your hard work and sharing your talents with all of us.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing your talent!

goatsrme said...

I love how you bring us into your life...how you share moments good, bad and funny.
You make us feel like family.
You share and give generously.
Keep it up..we love you.

Unknown said...

Happy 10th Annivessary, Bonnie! What joy you bring to us all.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing your talent!

Unknown said...

Congrats on 10 years!! That's some kind of staying power! I always look forwRd to you latest, whatever it is!!! Thanks From cldudd@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love to see all your scrappy ideas. Leaders and enders were a highlight for me..............Ev. fehlere@yahoo.ca

Unknown said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! You continue to inspire me! Thank you!
I did my first quilt along the Gran Illusions Mystery and loved the way you put it into steps and looked forward to the next step.
Marion in Mesquite Texas

sewspeciallady said...

Happy 10 years. Love the blog and have learned alot. sewspeciaillady@yahoo.com

Quiltedsister541 said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie! It has been so wonderful to read your adventures and feel like you have taken each of us along each trip with you. Wishing you many many more years of successful blogging, quilting, and positively fabulous moments! The drawing is awesome - I have been wanting to try the threads for some time. Safe journey to NY and back.Quiltedsister541@gmail.com

Kathy said...

Congrats - you are so very talented - I love log cabins - can't wait to see the final pics of yours will all the colors of the rainbow - I know it will be spectacular

Kathi Cappellini said...

My favorite moment was finding you! I had been trying to find a blog that I wanted to follow, but most bloggers were posting so inconsistently that it was too much work. I found you in the fall of 2013, right as you were getting ready to release fabric choices for Celtic Solstice. I binged watch the archived quilt cams and was hooked. Thanks for everything, 10 years is a wonderful feat!
Kathi in Gainesville, Virginia

swooze said...

Happy Anniversary. I think my favorite moments are when you share your life, especially the pets. Here's to 10 more!

Loretta said...

I "met" you through your blog, but I MET you in person at a workshop! You have inspired me to try so many patterns that I wouldn't normally have tried. And you have inspired me to re-use shirts and other items that are still in good shape. I think my favorite blogging memory was when you posted a picture of my selvage-covered chair in your blog when I was at your workshop in WV! :)

Kathleen said...

I'm new to quilting, just started a year ago. I'm trying to work up the courage to try one one of your patterns - I'm in love with Celtic Solstice. I'd love to win!

Julie and Zoeys mom in Georgia said...

WOW "10" years. Think I found you 5 or so years ago, hope I didn't miss too much. Just love your blog where I have learned soooo much. Thank you for all your hard work and wonderful ideas that you pass along.

eliette1964 said...

Congrats on ten years..love your blog, check it out everyday.. eliette1964@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

My favorite moment isn't a moment but you're joie de vivre--the joy and insight you bring to quilting, family, mountains, travel, history, dogs, odd items in antique stores . . .
Pat Scully, Greenbelt, MD

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I love reading your blog and following all your travels. Thank you for doing so much for all of us! I would love to win so thanks for the opportunity! :) Sheila

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years Bonnie. I find all you do inspirational, don't know how you mange it all. grienke@shaw.ca Linda Grienke

Unknown said...

Congrats Bonnie! I love all that you do, including the blog and quilt-cam!


mumbird3 said...

Congratulations!!!! Keep the fantastic ideas coming!!!

Darline from New Brunswick Canada said...

Happy Anniversary - my best quilt day was the day I found you site!! Your the best, Darline from Canada

Kathy said...

Congratulations on 10 years!!! You are always an inspiration! klgls@msn.com

stitchinpenny said...

Wow look at all the comments. I went shopping today so I missed this earlier. I am still trying to win one of your magazines along with the rest of the world apparently, but I will keep trying. pennyguglie@aol.com

Tami said...

When you came to visit our guild in Auburn Alabama

Tami said...

When you came to visit our guild in Auburn Alabama

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! Have you seen the movie 'Open Range'? There's a scene where Boss asks Charlie how long they've been riding together, Charlie responds with "'Nigh on ten years" and Boss says "You know what they call that, a decade. Long time". I know I've enjoyed reading about your travels and the inspiration you've given. Lots of favorites over that span of time, but my most favorite moment was discovering your blog when I started the Christmas Lights mystery in Quiltmaker magazine. Made me a life long lover of scrap quilts. They're the best!

Anonymous said...

Having just retired, my daughter (who had already made a couple of your mystery quilts) talked about the next one about to be started and caught my interest. I have always appreciated the work of quilting, so with her encouragement I jumped in too. In other words, Celtic Solstice was my first quilt! Following the directions and working on it taught me MANY lessons. I greatly appreciate your ability to break down the steps with such clear instructions. Now that I follow your blog, I have learned lots more about your style and lovely spirit. Your scrap system is helping me to keep a handle on my stash as it is growing. The tutorials are wonderful - especially deboning a shirt. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that your blog offers a plethora of valuable instruction as well as fun! Congratulations on 10 years of blogging and may you have many more (from which we all will benefit).

GeeMa said...

Congratulations on 10 wonderful years. I'd like to say my most favorite moment is the annual mystery quilt... but, I also love the stories of the cabin, stories about Sadie and your other critters, stories about your family. You have made us a part of your life and I thank you for the adventures.

martha said...

Hi Bonnie! Congrats!! 10 years?? WOW time flies Can't wait to see you in January again. The whole crew will be there - plus a few newbie's we have converted !! Please take it easy with all the traveling !!

Marti Rajotte

Unknown said...

Thank you for all you do for the quilting world! I love reading your blog. Thank you for the giveaway.

Jaye said...

Congratulations!! Wishing you a wonderful next ten years!


Unknown said...

I'm a new reader, but loving what I'm seeing. Congratulations on 10 years.

Unknown said...

Your blog is one I read almost every day, just to enjoy seeing what you are working on and to take in your travels. I also am always aghast at the amount of work you pack into your days.

Valerie said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! And thanks for including us in the celebration. One moment on your blog I always remember is August 11, 2012 when you were enthralled watching a webcam of a roomful kittens at a rescue center playing and running and climbing, and you wondered, hmmmm....if I had a webcam in my quilting studio, would you watch? Bwahahaha!! The rest is history. Thank you for the chance to win.

empress223 at almostasite com
(I hope that is acceptable. I THINK my e-mail is visible on my google profile, but I am not certain, however, I do not want a spambot to pick up my e-mail address easily.)

conny's quilts en creaties said...

Hi Bonnie
First of all congratulations with your ten years blog anniversery! I came along at your blog many many times and I am impressed with the energy and enthusiasm with wich you LIVE QUILTS....always traveling for teaching classes, always sharing so much warmth and ideas. Thank you so much for that. And now you just do it again, a give away. Another sharing, I love to get a change and please Keep on blogging Bonnie! Groetjes from Nederland, Conny

Jeanne said...

Been with you since the start. Doesn't seem like 10 years because I have enjoyed every minute of it. My favorite times are the mystery quilt and Quiltcam. Thank you for all your inspiration and encouragement along the way. Look forward to many more! Congratulations! Jeanne shookje@yahoo.com

LMJF said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, I read your blog every day and watch quilt cam, but my most favorite time was when I got to meet you in person and take classes from you in San Diego in 2014. Congratulations and keep up the good work. Thank you for all that you do for quilters.
Mary. Borermjb@yahoo.com

JonnieEarle said...

Congratulations! You took the fear of matching seams and using small pieces away when I became involved in making the mystery quilt. After completing it I feel I can make anything. NO more fears. Thanks for all you do..

Jane's Quilting Studio said...

Happy Anniversary, Bonnie!

My favorite moment was when I was taking a workshop with you at Mary's Quilt Shop in Bedford, PA. I had brought my $2000 state of the art sewing machine and I couldn't get a true 1/4 inch seam. You politely explained that's why you like older machines.... You can get a more accurate seam. I struggled all day. The next day, I brought a Singer 301 that I paid $10 for at Goodwill and immediately got an accurate seam. HaHa!
I hope you enjoy the day.


Meagan said...

Best moment was discovering you named a quilt pattern after a place in my hometown of Cordova, AK. The Orca Bay Quilt! Super proud moment.


Melissa said...

I really enjoyed seeing the pictures from England, all the show and share quilts (they are inspirational), and, of course, Sadie. Happy Anniversary! melissadinsga@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

There have been many favorite quilt moments: when I'm quilting with friends, when I finish a quilt I really like, and also when I see a gifted quilt really loved and appreciated. Congratulations on 10 years! Thanks for the many ideas and patterns you've given us. I really like QuiltCam, too. Sharon brewersd@juno.com

Anonymous said...

I have yet to catch you live, but have watched almost all of your Quilt Cams. Watching them makes me want to finish my quilt. Love the case and contents would be just the thing to get me started on the hexies. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary.
Sue Baughman

Robin B said...

Thanks Bonnie for the give away! I just love your blog I have learn so much from you. I was so glad to take a class from you when you were here in Spokane. You are the best! Have a safe trip. Robin. raboggan@gmail.com

Shari Z said...

Congratulations on 10 years...so far! I just found your blog last fall and my favorite thing so far has been the Grand Illusion mystery quilt. I would never have tackled it on my own but with you leading the way week by week I did it. So very glad, too. Thanks also for quilt cam. Feels like I have a friend in my sewing room keeping me company.

Amber said...

Congratulations on 10 years. I have been following you for the past year (maybe year and 1/2). I think my favorite thing about your blog is your travels. I enjoy see your adventures. I will be seeing your presentation in Sacramento. Thanks for all you do. jeannette0322@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Thanks for being there for all of us. Appreciate all your hard work! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration in all that you do and give. I love your haircut and how bright and cheery it makes you look. Keep up with all the fun and thank you.
Linda in AZ

Anonymous said...

I have "known" you since 2010 and can truly say that "knowing" you has changed how I sew, what I sew with (vintage all the way!!), how I combine fabrics, how I store and cut fabrics....the list goes on and on. Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm and knowledge, and also for sharing your life with us. Quilt On!!

Gina in Missouri

farmhousequilter8 said...

My favorite moment with u was when u came to London,Ky in March 2014. Eating out with u and Debbie and u taking beautiful pics of my shop and of course the class and lecture. I love your blog cause I can open it anytime for a current update and new project! Paula in KY.
Farmhousequilter8 @wind stream.net

Loris said...

Happy Blogaversary! Amazing how the time has flown. I think I have been reading your blog from the beginning and have enjoyed it all. I love all the tips and information you give. I find just pure inspiration here and I can't thank you enough. lorismillsatcharterdotnet

PalmerGal said...

Favorite moment - learning about you and your scrappy system when you were in Alaska 2 years ago. I did some binge reading and have read your blog nearly every day since. :)


Debbie W. said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie! Your blog inspires everyone that reads it! Not only are you a creative quilter, but a nature lover. I must read your post everyday to remind me to sew, be thrifty and creative, and to get out into nature and just enjoy life! Thank you!

Deborah said...

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. I haven't been with you that long but have so enjoyed everything I have learned, read, travelled with you. You make this life such an adventure. Thank you. poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com

Gorgeousethan said...

I haven't been quilting for long Bonnie and can only imagine how many ideas, scraps and leader/ender projects that you have worked through in that time. You are a total inspiration. Thank you.

Brit said...

I am so glad to have found your blog last year. You have inspired me to use my scraps and ugly fabrics! Thank you for all you do!

Patty Ashline Paola said...

Happy 10 years! In the internet world this is a big fete!
Inspirational ideas in every story.
Thanks for the giveaway.


Gorgeousethan said...

10 years of inspiration. Thank you Bonnie

Kyndle Boyd said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Happy anniversary!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting about your eyes,it pushed me to make an appointment for Tuesday for my tired over worked eyes,hoping it is just getting older but something has sure changed. Soon as the Dr. gets my eyes tuned up I'll be ready for that Quiltmaker issue.
TcMay in Michigan tcmay2@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 wonderful years! Hard to pick one favorite, but the concept of leaders|enders, and miraculously having parts of ANOTHER quilt pile up as you're working on the first quilt was LIFE CHANGING! 😄 Thanks for the chance to celebrate with you!


Unknown said...

I'm a fairly new joiner to your blog and love it, looking forward to your next 10 years. I love that wherever we are in the world you still share with us


Jen Ivey said...

Congratulations on 10 years! I only recently became a Bonnie follower and did my first Mystery Quilt this winter. What fun! I love the blog and I check in daily to see what's happening. I'm also loving using up my scraps. I've even gotten my mom addicted to it! Looking forward to what the future holds. jbivey83@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! I found your blog four years ago and follow you daily. I love your positive spirit and boundless energy. I love all the new ideas you come up with; scrap quilting does not get old. Thank you. Mary mmresch@yahoo.com

craftygramma said...

Hi Bonnie -
I love everything; your honesty, quiltcams, free patterns, great intsructions, mysteries, and those pics with such a personal touch! Oh, and Sadie Jane and Emmy Lou.
If I must choose, it would be your Scrap Savers System which has helped me keep things orderly AND use leaders and enders so easily!!
One thing: you always say that L & E's go really fast. I am here to Testify - I prepped quite a few ( more than I thought I'd use in one sitting) and sewed in between HST's for a chevron quilt...during quiltcam...and had to cut more!! Wow!

Thanks for all you do for us. There are many reasons your life is so busy and we all thank you. bamadaviscd at gmail dot com.

Judy Dietrich said...

Happy 10th Anniversary!! Leaders & Enders has changed my life. Thanks for all the quilty love

Unknown said...

Hi, Bonnie!

Lovely giveaway! I would like to be entered; my e-mail is hilllynn@earthlink.net. I've been enjoying your blog for only about two years, but I especially enjoy all the posts that mention your pets, and their contributions to your family and quilting life. Love it when they appear in your photos and the stories you share with us!

Ladydukes said...

Happy 10th Anniversary!! I so enjoy reading your blogs every day!!! It was such a pleasure meeting you in person and having dinner with you and a few of the other women from the two workshops in Spokane! I would love to be the winner of the thread and case!

paradisequilter said...

Happy 10 year anniversary. My favorite postings are quilt cam nights. I own a treadle and featherweight because of you and love them both. The grand illusion was my first mystery and I so enjoyed the experience! Than you for sharing your love of sewing! You are inspirational! My dream is to attend one of your classes.


Unknown said...

My favorite moment was when I first found your blog in . . . 2006? I've been reading it ever since and have adopted your Scrap Saver System. I have all your books and am currently working on Tumalo Trail using Dutch repro fabrics and Kaffe Fassett shot cottons. Congratulations on your ten year blogiversary; here's to many more! Diana (dianahhook@gmail.com)

Unknown said...

favorite moment is the first day I found your blog...
signed up and have been hooked ever since!
your energy and quilt designs are never ending and
you keep me inspired to make quilts!
Mish k in NJ

Kathy said...
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miz lizzie said...

Happy Anniversary and what a nice give-away. I've never seen one of these but would love to own it. Thank you and see you in Sacramento, CA in a few weeks

Karen Nicholson said...

Woo Hoo. 10 fabulous years. Thank you for all you do. My most memorable memory was when I first discovered your blog, specifically the scrap user's system. That post encouraged me to get control of my scraps and yardage so that the quilting could continue easily. I'd love to win the case with the beautiful threads for my own busy bag.

Karen in San Diego

Anonymous said...

10 years, wow, can't believe I have been reading your blog that long!

Kathy said...

Happy Anniversary Quiltville! Sew many projects and adventures! Thank you for 10 years of inspiration and tips. Here's to many more years of keeping us in stitches!

Linda said...

How exciting! Happy Anniversary!!! It's really hard to choose one favorite moment. My first Quilt-Cam, my first Mystery Quilt, My first time following your blog posts and photos of your European tour, closely followed by Alaska. I love your exciting life and can hardly wait for the next episode! lindapochodzay @ gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you for taking us on the magic carpet ride that is your life. Highs and lows, successes and (slight) mishaps, and all the warts in between, we love hearing about it. For me, your quilt knowledge and motivation have pushed me to make quilts I never could have imagined. Thank you for always making yourself available to your followers. I would be thrilled to win the signed Quiltmaker mag and the thread 'first-aid' kit containing everything I need in a quilting emergency.
amesalv at yahoo dot com

Irene said...

Congratulations Bonnie. I have been following your blog for about 5 years. It's been wonderful to travel with you to places like Germany, Ireland, and Tuscany; places I might never be able to see in person but have visited and seen through your quilters eye. I have learned so much about quilting- techniques and patterns- but I've learned about people, places and, lest we forget, great recipes
as well! So again, congratulations. I look forward to the NEXT 10 years of Quiltville.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, yours is the first blog I ever read! Congrats on 10 years. Thanks for your generous and kind sharing - looking forward to many more years!

Lalexander733 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary and thank you for sharing all our wisdom and your adventures! I am amazed by your stamina and you inspire me.
Brenda at blpcruzn at comcast dot net

pinkquilter said...

Happy 10th!!! Thank you for being there!!! You brighten my day and sew with my during the night!!! Lol what else could a friend ask for??!!! Love you to pieces!!! Pinkquilter@ymail.com

Renata S said...

I look forward to reading you everyday. A look into your life reminds me of how hard you work. You have up and downs. I love your patterns. On my wish list are Scrappy Bargello, Celtic Solstice, and Easy Street. Looking forward to reading you for another 10 years.

Andee said...

My favorite moment would have to be getting to meet you in person for the first time. I will never forget the feeling that I had when you messaged me to meet you! I really am your number one fan!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years. I have only been watching your blog for 2 years probably, but I think I am more productive in quilting since then. I think seeing what others are doing gets me wanting to do more. I also love seeing the peoples quilts you show and the old ones in the quilt shops. My favorite is probably you teaching your friend Mona how to quilt. You are so enthusiastic about it and encouraging, I am surprised she waited so long to learn. Keep up being awesome. You inspire people every day. Thanks for being you...
Natalie in Maine. rogineering@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Thank you being there for all of us and Happy Anniversary!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! You have a wonderful blog and I look forward to many more:) Diana in NJ dzipfel@live.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! 10 years of inspiration, what a feat. May there be many more! Your ideas never case to amaze me.
Thank you!

Kathy MacKie said...

Big congratulations on your milestone Bonnie. Of course my most memorable moment is meeting you and your family and touring you around our beautiful Victoria, BC in Fancy Nancy!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for ten years years' worth of inspiration and fun. Ten years ago is about when I started to quilt, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have stayed with it without you. Here's to the next ten!

-Melinda E. in Los Angeles
lindy1026 at aol dot com

QuiltingCyclist said...

Bonnie, been following you for a bit over one year. My favorite posts are any time you are home in North Carolina. I lived there for about 7 years in the late 60's, early 70's. It was heavenly. But, Texas is my home. Thank you for all the encouragement and quilting knowledge you provide. Absolutely love and value all you do. My email is monakeegan@gmail.com.

Beverly Collins said...

Well I just found you and your blog, so didn't know about the 10 years, but I congratulate you and now that I have found you, hope you will be around for many more.


JDonhorses said...

Hi Bonnie! I've only been quilting for 3 years, but I've learned most of what I know from you! My favorite thing about your blog is QuiltCam!! And I love being able to follow you on your trips! How fun!! JDonhorses@Live.com

Loretta McGinn said...

I am new to your blog....I only discovered it a year ago. Thank heavens I did! I love all your quilting tips and ideas. I had not idea how to set on the point and sashing. Your instructions were so clear and easy, I had no problems. I also appreciate your tips on figuring yardage for backs and sashing. Heck, I love everything you write! I can't thank you enough.

Congratulations on 10 years and I look forward to many years more.

Loretta McGinn

Mammie said...

What a fun ten years it has been! My favorite moment with you was at your March '15 workshop. She said quilters are like foam insulation, we that up all the space we are given! Love that and remember it frequently when I'm spreading out in my space...

Jean C. said...

I've been reading you for a lot of those years.... so glad I found your blog
it's always fun to see what/where you are up/off too next. You work so hard, and
we all appreciate all you do for us. Thank you for 10 years and here is to 10 or
20 more! LoL.... you are probably hoping to slow down a bit before then... I know
you wear me out just reading all you do! Thanks again.
Jean C.

La Tea Dah said...

Congratulations on 10 years of awesome blogging! I would love to be entered in your drawing. Thank you!

gracioushospitality at gmail dot com

Penny said...

Congratulations on 10 years, Bonnie! I do enjoy all of your posts but when you asked I immediately thought of when you posted that you got your cabin in the great smokey mountains. It was a fav of mine because in reading your comments I think I became just as excited as you! I wish that I had a little vacay cabin so each time you post about your cabin I feel like I'm on vacay in a little cabin! Thanks ~
Penny ~ Quiltingholliday at aol dot com

Barbara Rogers said...

I love reading your blog -- the only blog I read daily. Thank you for the giveaway -- You are an inspiration. bmccoll7@aol.com

Susan Torrens said...

Thanks for sharing your love of quilting, your quilting adventures, and your life with all of us! I've been using your patterns for many years - even before the blog! I found your site from a friend's recommendation, and I have encouraged many others to head your way!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 10 years blogging! My fave was the waiting for your announcement of this year's mystery instructions! I hope to win and enjoy that thread/needle case.
Keep up the great work. Barb H at hppefam@netscape.net

Unknown said...

May you be Blessed with many more years. Thank you. Mary. xcelmom@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

sorry my e-mail was missing the a

Unknown said...

Congrats on 10 years!!! Though I've been following you for many years, my favorite thing was finally meeting you on the Tuscany trip! What a great time!!

Kay said...

I love watching the progress of your Hexie quilts. I would love to make one someday. Congratulations on 10 years of inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary Bonnie. I love your blog. The mysteries are my favorite. Bunny

kacklinghen said...

Happy 10 years.. so enjoyed your workshop in Soldotna Ak. would love to get a jump on new magazine.

kacklinghen said...

Happy 10 years.. so enjoyed your workshop in Soldotna Ak. would love to get a jump on new magazine.
pam bivens


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on ten years! I am so thankful for the knowledge you share with us. Would just love to win the magazine and threads. Joan

Anonymous said...

Wow, congrats on 10 years and looking forward to future!! Beautiful giveaway!! Thanks conniejo1423@msn.com

Unknown said...

Happy 10
I loved doing my first ever mystery quilt. Love seeing all the travels. Love quilt cam!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 10 year Anniversary! Love your sites and all your quilts!
Karen Mitchell

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! So glad I found you through Free Patterns emails.
My daughter is finishing up Celtic Sunrise for her best friend's wedding, if I were tech savvy and could get the picture of the top off my phone, I'd send it! I told her we'd have to send you a finished picture!

Blessings, hope we have many more decades of Bonnie to inspire us!

Sharon in Colorado

B J Chaplin said...

What I like best about your blog is that I know you are there every day. bjchaplin@willcountyhealth.org

SubeeSews said...

Knowing you started blogging just when I started having internet in my home is amazing. I had been using the EQ programs and had to have a computer for my embroidery machine. When I found your site it was an awakening for me. I remember the pile of units that hung behind your sewing machine. That was me!!!

Nik said...

Bonnie, I feel like I must confess. As much as I love all the quilty bits of your blog, I look forward most of all to pictures of Sadie Jane....


Barb said...

My favorite moment is yet to come - I'm going on the cruise in October!! Can't wait.

Unknown said...

I love your blog and keeping up with it helps me get quilts Done!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your blog and the wonderful patterns you've provided. I look forward to reading your posts every morning. Safe travels!

Anonymous said...

I love reading everything in your blog! It inspires me every time!

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