
Friday, June 05, 2015

Happy Ten Year Anniversary!


**NOTE!**  This Giveaway is now CLOSED!  Congrats to our lucky winner!

I can’t believe that I have been blogging here at Quiltville’s Quips & Snips for TEN YEARS!!

Where does the time go?  Isn’t life amazing?

And it’s been really fun to go through the archives and see just where we have come  and what wonderful things have happened over the past decade. 

It’s been a wild journey – and I am eager to see how the next 10 pan out!

To celebrate—I’m having a little giveaway!  Look what just came out:


The July/August 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

Doesn’t the quilt on the cover look Summer-licious??

Inside this issue you will find several variations on log cabin designs –here are a couple of my favorites:


Clam shells!

They  look curved, but different widths of strips will give you this round effect…and you know how I love blue and white!


Check out this lovely!  I love the woven appearance!

My own Addicted to Scraps column also deals with the Log Cabin block this month –I just love log cabins, and they are perfect for scrappy quilting too!


I love the sparkle of the half square triangle in the centers!

I plan on doing these in rainbow colors….such a great scrap buster!

So this is what we are going to do.  Leave me a comment in the comments section below.  Our lucky winner will win not only a signed copy of Quiltmaker Magazine from me..but I am throwing in a special anniversary celebration surprise:


A gift pack from Colonial Needle and Presencia Threads!


Look at all of the yummy goodies in here!

Remember, you MUST leave your email address visible in your comment to be eligible to be drawn.  Especially if you are signed in as anonymous.  Also – if you are a google+ user or if your  profile for blogger is google+.  It won’t show your email address, and I need your email to be able to draw our winner.

If you would, please leave your favorite moment with me over the past 10 years in your comment!  What have you loved about this blog?  Celebrate with me!

I will draw our winner upon my return home from New York and Pennsylvania next Wednesday!

Good luck everyone!  My flight is about to board and it is time to put this lap top away and get ready for some mile high hexie time!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! I look at your blog everyday!!! It's the piece of "positive" for my day. Thank you!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for 10 years. I only found you a few years ago, but love all your patterns. I don't do scrappy very well, but I keep trying.

Lindab quilts said...

Hi Bonnie! Happpy Anniversary your blog. Although I've only been following you for the last 4, I've been faithful every week. You are such an inspiration and keep me motivated even when I have no time. Just cut a stack (about 200) of half square triangles to sew up as leaders and enders last night using the easy angle ruler. Love the multi-tasking ideas.

Add me to your drawing, Linda in Naples FL

Edwina Annette Parsons said...

congrats on your 10 years, love all you do for quilters.

Annette Parsons

labellady said...

Congratulations Bonnie! You are an amazing quilter. Love your patterns, ideas and your books. Best wishes for the coming years. gbahlf@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Really like your books and techniques. I have sevreal Bonnie boxes that seem to grow without my help. Lol ��

CountryGal said...

Happy 10th Anniversary and here's to many, many more!! Your blog posts bring me all sorts of entertainment and I thank you for that!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

congratulations and would love to be included in your give away.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 10 years! Love your patterns, and thanks for the chance to win the giveaway! Judy Bowring John.bowring@sympatico.ca

grandmatomato said...

Happy 10th Anniversary! Lets see another 10 years,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years. I was lucky enough to find you & your page when I first started to learn to quilt. I'm making my way through your quilts & have just finished your last mystery quilt, I have to go back to Celtic Soltice now I have a bit more courage. I hope I win I cant find this magazine over here & would love a copy. Thanks for all you do for us. Allison

Andresa said...

Congratulations and happy anniversary, Bonnie. I can't remember how I discovered you, but I definitely remember that I was looking at the photo album in the post and commented on one of the pictures where I fell in love with the quilt. You responded! telling me it was the Strip Twist pattern found in the Free Patterns tab. Here it is three or four years later and I'm FINALLY making the Strip Twist pattern so I'll have a Christmas-themed snuggly throw for the sofa.

thanks for all you do for us, Bonnie!

Andresa (AndiRaeS in MN)

Susan Samson sbsamson11@cox.net said...

Happy Anniversary and congratulations on your new store! I discovered your blog a couple of years ago, and I can't tell tell how much inspiration you have been to me. Thank you so much for being so generous with your time and your talent. sbsamson11@cox.net

Ingrid said...

Congratulations Bonnie!! I think I've been following you almost from the beginning. I love reading you posts and following your adventures and wish you many more years of happy sewing!

stitchinbarb said...

I couldn't pick just one thing! The Mysteries, the free patterns, the tips and shortcuts, and the leader-ender system are at the top! Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

You have inspired me to try and use my scraps in so many different ways! Always have leaders and enders handy! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! I've only been reading your blogs for about the last four years but have thoroughly enjoyed learning from you - and not just about quilting, either. I wish you many more years of adventure that, luckily, we get to be a part of! ~Patty

theresa said...

congratulations Bonnie! I have just found you recently and love everything you do! I don't miss a day of seeing what you are up to and where you are going next and I love Quilt cam! I am also spreading the word to my friends who would love your patterns and just following you like I do! salkire@bresnan.net

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY! I enjoy your blog for...inspiration and what can be done with all of our fabric scraps! When you travel and blog about your experiences, they become my experiences all from afar! Here's to another 10 years of blogging. scubavicki@yahoo.com

Cathi in Texas said...

I've been reading your blog for a long time..

Would love the magazine & needlecase. What a nifty little case.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 years Bonnie! May you continue to enter our homes with your wonderful tips, patterns and sunny disposition for the next 10 years. Can't wait to meet you in Melbourne Australia in 2016.

QuiltnJana said...

Hi Bonnie! I remember coming to your house in Waxahachie to discuss a Texas quilt you were going to quilt for me! That quilt still hangs on my wall so I have Bonnie memories all the time! I think that was longer than 10 years ago though!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Bonnie! I cannot pick a favorite! I love how you share so much great information withthe quilting world, how you tirelessly travel, teach, and promote quilting, how you share with your readers tidbits, no, huge segments of your life story, and how you are so liberal in your sharing with others. - Dwynette@AppleberryQuilts.com

Diana Breed said...

Happy anniversary Bonnie! I follow your blog, and your Pinterest boards, too! I would love to win the prize! diana.breed54@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary of blogging! I have only been following for 2 -3 years. A friend got me started with your scrap system and your idea for leaders and enders and my brain has not stopped since. My favorite moment of you was the Celtic Solstice reveal! I had followed the clues from day one and when you revealed the finished quilt, I knew it was going to be the quilt that was going on my bed in my newly remolded bedroom. I showed it to my hubby and it got his full approval. I have never done a log cabin quilt but with your help I know I can do it. I hope I win. Patricia Gibbs pattiag2002@yahoo.com

crafty said...

What a lovely giveaway. I have only been following you for a couple of years now. But I just love quiltcam and seeing your beautiful antique machines. You have started me collecting them too.

Margo said...

congratulations on ten years! I have been following you for about 8 of those years and have you bookmarked on home, laptop, work and KOBO! You are there at the touch of a button! haha! Thank you for inspiring all of us! Your talents and enthusiasm for quilting is contagious! So many of us live by you vicariously and eagerly watch your blog for the photo's and your words on what is going on! Although we haven't meet, you are a friend, a mentor and a quilter worth the highest honor! Congrats again! {how you keep up with facebook, the blog, etc. AND teach and travel! YIKES! Must have some good coffee!} onlydiamonds at hotmail dot com.

Anonymous said...

I have loved every post you have posted Bonnie and what you have contributed to the quilting world is priceless. Thank you for everything you have done.
Sue Smit - naaldwerk@aol.com

Unknown said...

oh! I THINK I HAVE BEEN WITH YOU MOST OF THE TIME. I have done all of the mysteries but one and had two seasons with you here in Maryland. You are just a great teacher with soo much energy. Just hope you can find help for that eye condition. Mine is different through with Macular Degeneration. At lest it is still dry but sight getting worst and am piecing away. Safe travels.

Rhonda Casey said...

Congratulations Bonnie! Love your patterns and I hope to attend one of your classes in the future. caseyrhonda83@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations Ms Bonnie and thanks for sharing your life, travels and inspiration with us through blogging. I had the pleasure of meeting you two years ago through the Ritzy Quilt Guild when you were in Oliver Springs, Tennessee.
Robin Wood teflonrw@aol.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations Ms Bonnie and thanks for sharing your life, travels and inspiration with us through blogging. I had the pleasure of meeting you two years ago through the Ritzy Quilt Guild when you were in Oliver Springs, Tennessee.
Robin Wood teflonrw@aol.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years. Just been watching and reading about 1 but you inspired me to get back to quilting and to get my tops out and quilt them. Favorite: Grand Illusion, first ever mystery quilt. Will not be my last (I hope)
Patsey Porter: pkportermath@yahoo.com

Laura said...

Congratulations my friend! You are an inspiration to quilters everywhere! May you have many, many more years of blogging and quilting!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and read it every day. Because of you and all your wonderful patterns and ideas, scrap quilts are my favorite quilts to make. Thank you!

Florence in Arizona

Anonymous said...

Terry....10 years is amazing. I felt brave and confident enough to try and succeed in making the Grand Illusion Quilt. I love it. Thank you for all you do to promote quilting and highlight the positive in the world. Favorite moment was a recent one when you wrote about getting a new publisher and being able to continue to do what you love. Thank you.


Donna O said...

Happy anniversary. I love your blog and your rree patterns. I have used several of your patterns over the years and have learned so much from you. Thanks for taking the time to share so much with us.

Sheri in Iowa said...

I love your blog....traveling to places I probably will never see. But my fav and what made me seek you out was your system of saving scraps. I was doing it already on my own, but was saving many other sizes too. But I wasn't using many of them....now I am! YEA!

Sheri in Iowa

Jitka said...

I´m a happy scrappy quilter just because of you.

Maria said...

Felicidades on your tenth anniversary! I read your blog everyday and you inspire me so much. I love your quilt cams. They are my pick for best of the blog!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Love everything you do, you are an inspiration to me every day! Thanks for all the giveaways, you're the best. Looking forward to 10 more years🎉🎈🌞. Gizmonian@q.com Thanks Bonnie!,

Anonymous said...

Holy moly..that means we've known each other 10+ years..I was just a beginner quilter when I sat next to you at PHQG bee and you shared all your wonderful scrappy advice with me..I've grown so much as a quilter, and history buff, since then, thanks in part to all your wonderful blogs..happy trails for another 10 years! Chris Gray Augusta GA chrissybluebird@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

My favorite moment with you is every single Quiltcam! I absolutely loved being involved in my first mystery quilt which was Celtic Solstice 2 yrs ago and I participated in Grand Illusion this year.

Happy 10th Anniversary Bonnie. You have earned and deserve all of your successes.

Tonya Hartnell in Wisconsin.


The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Happy Anniversary sweet girl! Here's to another 10x10!

Rose Fioretti said...

Congratulations on 10 years! Thank you for sharing so much with us. I've learned a lot! Hugs from Brazil! We are your fans!

Peg said...

Happy Anniversary. Thanks for all you do for us quilters and for sharing & caring so much!!!

Mary Bolton said...

Oh no, that means I missed a few years! LOL Celebrate Bonnie! As did I when two of your books arrived in my mail box.

Florence said...

best moment with you, was the day i found you,,,,,,,,,thank you bonnie for everything you do for the quilters of the world,,,,,

giant hug,

Anonymous said...

I have loved Quiltmaker magazine for a long time! I so enjoy your blogs they are so interesting and informative! Quilting and sewing is my passion! email~ smarket42@gmail.com

kizzie said...

Congrats on 10 years!! I absolutely love the clamshell quilt. Thanks for the chance.


kizzie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Happy happy 10 years. I have come to love scraps and what you can do with them!
Here is to the next 10!🎉🎈🎊

Laura said...

I love doing your mystery quilts! They help me keep my stash moving. Every year in Nov., I stop what I'm working on to make hundreds of HSTs, string blocks, or four patches for one of you mystery quilts. I have bought all of your books as a thank you for the free patterns you offer.

Anonymous said...

Wish I had found you 10 years ago but I have enjoyed the two years I have been following you and loving all your scrappiness. Would love to win this give a way. Bea from Maine bkiesow@roadrunner.com

Anonymous said...

Happy 10 years!! May the next ten just as great & with even more fun adventures & patterns! Your an inspiration! Love the give away prizes! All the best to you Bonnie!
Sandi in Kansas... sellis@ucom.net

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10 years and I have only been watching you for 3.. Where did the other 7 go?? I can't pick a fav moment.. They are all so GREAT. Please.. just Cary on.. Love your work, your attitude, and your being.

Pat Hume


Anonymous said...

Best moment was when I stumbled on your blog. You validated my mother's method of using up what you have. She was a child of the depression. Love your free pattern site. We have used some if them in our bi weekly quilt for fun group to use up odds and ends we have accumulated. Finished quilts are auctioned to provide food for the hungry in our communityi'. Log cabin is a favorite of mine. Would love to win. Edivelbiss@embarqmail.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years, Bonnie! Time really does fly and it goes faster the further down the road we go!

My favorite blog moment was when you showed a pic I had sent you of the Scrappy Bargello quilt that I was making. Next favorite is Quilt Cam episodes because it makes me feel like we're sewing together in real life.
Donna D. in Hemet, CA
donnadumouchel at aol dot com

Kelly said...

Congrats on 1o years!! I was trying to think of just one favorite moment, but I couldn't come up with just one. However, I think that the day I found your website after looking for a quilt pattern and it was "Diamond Strings" which I ended up making for my second quilt ever. Thanks for all you do. Kelly tosakafamily@gmail.com

kks bows said...

What a great way to show off those great 10 years. So many years, yet so little time it seems to have taken to pass. Congrats. Thanks for the give a way.

Sheila said...

Looking forward to another 10. Really enjoy your blog and all the great info that you share with us

Anita said...

Happy Anniversary!
I love your mysteries, I have made two of them. Your free patterns are also a good source of inspiration. Keep on inspiring us!

kks bows said...

forgot to leave email address

krisgray said...

Wow! Congratulations! I love the mystery quilts, all the fun class photos and show n tells, and especially Quilt Cam. It's so gun to have someone to sew with from time to time.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your ten years. My most favorite time was when I got to meet you in Sault Ste. Marie, but with that being said I read your blog every day since I discovered it. You have totally changed my quilting style and I will never go back to just 3 or 4 fabrics in a quilt! Thank you Bonnie I no longer have to worry if I have enough fabric to finish the quilt just use a different scrap!

Debra in Ohio said...

Congratulations on ten scrappy years! My favorite times with you have to be when I watch quilt cam. However, I do remember when you were making Grand Illusion so that you would have it complete before you gave out any directions. You told us that you had been working on the mystery quilt and I commented on the colors according to the color of the lint on your sewing machine. What a hoot that was, especially with all of the comments later. You are so much fun. We love you and thank you for ten wonderful years! crumbakerdebra@gmail.com

Jennifer said...

Congrats on 10 years Bonnie! I gotta say if it wasn't for you and beautiful quilts and you enthusiasm for all things quilting I probably wouldn't be the quilter I am today! My favorite part was getting to take 3 classes with you this past March in Tampa! Your blog is always so much fun, so fun and positive!

Jenny in Florida. Jennyb211@gmail.com

Rosieq said...

Happy Anniversary....I've not been a member if your blog....FB gave you to me today! But, I certainly like what I see....enjoy another 10 years of blogging.

suzie said...

10 years of blog-wish I would have found you a few years ago-I have a lot to read and learn from! thanks for your wonderful ideas and tips, and here's to decades more of sewing and quilting together!
and thanks for a chance to win the lovely gifts!
suzie s

Connie M said...

Congratulations, Bonnie! I love reading your blog daily and watching Quilt-Cam. My favorite time has to be when you visited Piecemakers Quilt Guild in Saginaw, MI and I was able to meet you and take classes. Looking forward to the next 10 years!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving us so much of your time and talent.
your Kansas fan,

Anonymous said...

Love your energy. Best time? When you bought your cabin. I share your love with my cabin....Congratulations bkelly2424@att.net

frstborn said...

Congrats! Great Giveaway (which I hope I win :) - email: irene-grimes@hotmail.com

TNSUE said...

Bonnie, 10 wonderful productive years. WOW I have been a follower for almost that long. You have helped me to find my quilting style -- scraps!! I would love to have the magazine with your signature and the little give away. Please pick me.

Sue McKelvy

Mama Joan said...

You started blogging just a couple years before we met. Good times. Have enjoyed following your blog and you! I'd love to win the thread pack and magazine.

Rosieq said...

Sorry...forgot my addy. lynnlind81@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Love your energy. Best time? When you bought your cabin. I share your love with my cabin....Congratulations bkelly2424@att.net

Pauline said...

My favourite moment-meeting you for our trip to Bali:)

Mary said...

What a wonderful anniversary! I am fairly new following and I wish you another 10 successful years- for both of us. I love your log cabin variation. Got to try that!

DBrez said...

This is my favorite giveaway ever! Thank you! My favorite Bonnie moment so far was the morning of the reveal of the final clue of Celtic Solstice. I was newish to your blog and had made my first of your mystery quilts. I had no idea how the pieces would go together and was like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for that post.
Congratulations on 10 years of true service to the quilting community. I've learned so much from you!
Donna in Harwich, MA

Laura said...

Congratulations - looking forward to the next ten years! My favorite moment with you was at Stitchin Heaven in Mineola, at your Roll Roll Cotton Boll class. Loved meeting you, love the quilt!

Rita Haverman said...

Congratulation! I never miss reading your blog...never. My favorite blogs were the GIMQ last year which was my first quilt ever with you. I love how it turned out. Enjoy another healthy and safe 10+ years of blogging, traveling and teaching. Thanks for all you do.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your posts about your family; your mom and her beautiful home; your dad and your wonderful visits with him; and of course, your sons and husband and your time in the mtns with them. Love all the great tips that you give for quilting and your never ending energy. In all the things that you do. Thanks for ten years of great times and for many more years of the same. Would love to win the book and the case.
Mary Burn

Anonymous said...

Sandy mtbabe@centurytel.net Have been with you for the last year and enjoy your openness and keep learning little tips that have helped with quilting. Thanks Bonnie and many more.

Tanya Quilts in CO said...

Congratulations on your 10 year blogging anniversary! I enjoy your work because it is so scrappy. mcsdces19(at)gmail(dot)com

Peggy Lowe said...

Congratulations, Bonnie, on this milestone of ten years of great service to the quilters around the world! You have become a BFF that I haven't even met! That will change next month when you come to Iowa! I can't wait to meet you, and for you to meet many people here who have been changed and challenged by what you've taught. Safe travels to you always, and prayers for solving your eye problems. I can't pick just one favorite memory, but I want you to know your scrap quilting ideas have CHANGED MY LIFE! Thank you especially for QuiltCam. You have brought such LIFE to my sewing room with QuiltCam!

Peggy Lowe

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on ten years!! I like your idea of leaders and lenders and I'm going to give it a try! :-)

Anonymous said...

I've only been a reader of your blog for about 2 years. I started reading when I scheduled you to come to our guild....and then I got to meet you in February! I love seeing all the ways that people make your patterns....people from all over the world! Thanks for all you do Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your ten year blog anniversary. As a new quilter, I have only recently found your blog and I love it!


Anonymous said...

I have always enjoyed your visits to the local antique places and all the quilts and odd things that you find. Thank you so much for sharing your travels. sinkows4@aol.com

Jennifer Dyck said...

Would love to win! My favorite was just yesterday when you said you were packing up to come to Jamestown, NY. My favorite because I will be in your workshops on Saturday and Sunday and have been looking forward to this for a very long time!! Can't wait to see your trunk show tonight!

Anonymous said...

I have been lucky enough to take 2 classes with you this year. Do to your blog I feel as though I know you and we have been friends forever. Thank you for your generosity and friendly spirit. Janie Steele. rodnjane@aol.com

Anonymous said...

thank you so very much for all you do for us...from "boning a shirt" to the lovely patterns to the roast root veggie recipe for my vegan husband


Dixie said...

Your artistic vision is amazing! Working on my scrap pile using your guidance, it is getting there. Thank you Bonnie. dilts_4@telus.net

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you keep coming up with new block variations! Your are a genius! Thank you for sharing with us.
Mandy Laseter

Anonymous said...

thanks for 10 years of good info and fun ideas! I'm all about scraps myself. thanks for a chance to win! Belinda Wright. wright_bels@yahoo.com

kmcallister said...

Happy 10th anniversary. I have only been following you for about 3 years but I often click on the old stuff and read it. Would love to win the magazine. kaymcallister21@yahoo.com

Marla said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! You have changed my life forever as a quilter. My favorite moment with you has to be when I met you at a workshop in Peoria, IL. I have to admit to being a little starstruck that day! I also met a lady there that day that ended up becoming one of my best friends!

Marj said...

Time flies when you are having fun! Congratulations on your 10th anniversary.

Kerry said...

I've loved following along on your blog for nearly the whole 10 years- how fast time flies! Although I've loved each post of yours, I really get excited each year around Mystery time. I've made each one, and have just finished last year's - ready for this years now. :)

ckwood50 said...

Happy 10th anniversary to Quiltville Blog! I only wish I had found you sooner! I follow you on all your journeys and enjoy seeing all the photos from workshops. You have added so much to the quilting community.

Unknown said...

Wow I would love to win that... soooo cute....

Thanks Bonnie

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! You AMAZE ME! Your energy is unbelieveable! I read your blog daily and sometimes I just can't believe you do it all yourself. You have amazing talent, vision, organizational skills and such an obvious love of what you are doing. Truly thankful for all the instruction received at your hand. Annual mystery quilts are my fave....the anticipation is great. Now, on to the next 10 yeat anniversary....hold on, everybody!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 years! Thank you for sharing the pictures of your travels and workshops with guilds around the country. I especially like how you encourage using up the scraps - even the ugly fabric. I enjoy your blog. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 years! Thank you for sharing the pictures of your travels and workshops with guilds around the country. I especially like how you encourage using up the scraps - even the ugly fabric. I enjoy your blog. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 years! Thank you for sharing the pictures of your travels and workshops with guilds around the country. I especially like how you encourage using up the scraps - even the ugly fabric. I enjoy your blog. Thank you.

Lisa said...

Congratulations on 10 years! And thank you for 10 years of inspiration and motivation!


mcmelly said...

Congratulations on 10 years! My favorite moments besides meeting you are Quilt Cam. Thanks for sharing YOUR sewing time. See you soon in Jamestown and Erie. Cousin Jilly and I are so excited we can't sleep!!!!! Melody mcmelly89@hotmail.com

Cheryl in Friendsville said...

Happy 10th Year Bonnie! You've been an inspiration to so many quilters! I would love to win your give away - Thanks.
Cheryl in Friendsville

Ann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aliceart said...

Wowser! What a wonderful giveaway! I definitely need to pick up that magazine if I'm not a winner, and what a fun kit. Here's hoping!

Colleen Lunt said...

Happy Anniversary. Your have inspired me many times over. luntville@aznex.net

Kelly Cline Quilting said...

Love quilt cam!

JoJo said...

Happy anniversary Bonnie. Wow...time does seem to fly by when there are quilts to be made. My favorite moment was being able to attend your class in Oregon and walking around the block with you before class started. Here's looking forward to another ten years!

Anonymous said...

hey there - so happy to have found you - and congratulations- I am a big groupie !!!


Anonymous said...

Happy 10 year anniversary to you! Wishing you many many more. I love the way you encourage us to play and enjoy the quilting experience - Quilt police be damned!

Ann said...

Thank you for being such a generous quilter. Enjoy your accomplishment. ilv2qlt@mac.com

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!! I eagerly look for your posts everyday! What a wonderful group of quilters!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 10 years of your blog! Thank you for sharing your love of quilting and vintage machines with us.. It's such a joy to read about your travels and see what you can do with a pile of scraps. Here's to many more years. You are appreciated for so many things, least of all the quilting inspiration that you provide to many of us.


Hedy said...

Happy Birthday to you ! Ten years is a long time to continually blog but you have done a wonderful job and all of us who read your comments about life and quilting are the ones who are so lucky. Happy Birthday to you ! hedy.hahn@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 great years Bonnie! I'm so glad I discovered your blog and have had the opportunity to take workshops and travel with you. May you have many more years of creativity and success.

Anonymous said...

I've been following you for a couple of years. Your hexie quilt inspired me. So many of your quilts make me smile.
Heather Kallies

Linda said...

That's a lot of blogging! What I love about you is you set a goal and you go after it with gusto. You are a great role model. Thanks for ten years.

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing you on a Yahoo group, Stashbusters. From there I joined your Yahoo group and the rest is history! I don't know how long ago that was, but I did go to our Pine Mountain Quilt Retreat in KY and tell everyone about you. I believe my favorite memory is doing Carolina Crossroads, (your first mystery quilt?), all by myself, still feeling like a quilting novice, but realizing I could do almost anything after completing that quilt. You broke it down into small steps that I did one at a time, not getting overwhelmed, and ended up with a beautiful quilt! Thank you, Bonnie! And today is my 39th wedding anniversary!
Kay in TN

Sharon said...

My personal have is every time I discover that there is a Quilt Cam and I get to watch LIVE!
Love your blog…patterns….books! Thanks for everything you do!
Sharon G

Joy D. said...

The ten year mark makes you a true Blogging Pioneer. It wasn't as easy or accessible in those days, yet you managed to do it. I've only been with you for the last year, and it was seeing Celtic Solstice on so many other pages that made me want to see the blog of the author. But it is your funny, witty humor that brings me back day after day. Whether it is quilty bits of info or life stories, I enjoy sharing a little bit of my day with you. Thank you for sharing a little if your life with all of us. My favorite moments are the times you get a new machine. You know you don't need anymore, but the poor thing needs a loving home where she will be cherished and used. Here's to the next 10 (Coffe Cup clink)!
Jdraughon4 at comcast dot net

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 10 years of blogging and I hope you have many more years of blogging to go!! I absolutely love travelling with you through your blogging!! Please take care of your peepers and hope they are healing!!

Ann said...

Thank you, Bonnie and congratulations. ilv2qlt@mac.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Happy 10th Anniversary !
I joined your blog this year, love webcam, thankyou for sharing your time and Ideas with your followers, you are truly an inspiration to all.

Airdrie, Alberta


MRZ said...

Happy Anniversary! I love the hexies. dwrmar@gmail.com

Netti said...

Congratulations, Bonnie, I remember you further back than 10 years. You professionally quilted a quilt for me about 15 years ago! I also remember going to the Pacific International Quilt Show where I saw an incredible quilt in the winner's circle that was a map of the world - quilted by Bonnie Hunter! I discovered your blog a year ago after I retired and have been in full force quilting mode ever since. Your fabulous Smith Mountain Morning quilt is on my to-do list. I'm amazed at what a prolific quilter you are. You don't waste a minute of your day!!! Please enter me in the 10-year give away. Lynnette Pham: Lynnettepham@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary to you, Happy Anniversary to you - thank you for starting this great program for quilters everywhere. Would love to win - wait - we win with every idea you come out with. Thanks again Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

Many years ago, when I discovered quiltville, you blogged about de-boning shirts! The light bulb went off! I thought there was something wrong with me, even called myself being in a "color coma" because my 5 fabric choices for a quilt just didn't pop. Scrap quilts have always been my favorite and you and quiltville have allowed me to fully embrace what I love the most about spending time in my sewing room. shanequiltz@bellsouth.net

Donna (Brentwood CA) said...

I love all of your posts about vintage machines. Thanks to you, I have recently expanded my collection to include a "birthday" featherweight.

Quiltcam allows me to join a quilt retreat whenever I want. Love you!


Prisca2010 said...

Congrats and THANK YOU for a great blog! YOU ROCK BONNIE!!! 👍✌️👍✌️👍✌️

Anonymous said...

I am a new follower since November. My favorite moment was when I realized I could access all your archived quilt cams. I have learned so much about leaders, enders, webbing EVEN shopping for real estate (cabin!). Happy Anniversary

Anonymous said...

Many years ago, when I discovered quiltville, you blogged about de-boning shirts! The light bulb went off! I thought there was something wrong with me, even called myself being in a "color coma" because my 5 fabric choices for a quilt just didn't pop. Scrap quilts have always been my favorite and you and quiltville have allowed me to fully embrace what I love the most about spending time in my sewing room. shanequiltz@bellsouth.net

Anonymous said...

Happy Celebration!

Charald said...

Happy Anniversary! I love what you do.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on this milestone. I have to say as a newer quilter I enoy all the tips and information you freely give. I love the pictures of your trips and hope to be able to take a class with you if I am ever in a area that's close enough. You are a great inspiration. Thank you for this opportunity.

MamaDoc said...

Kburris AT emc DOT org
Anyhoo... I've only been following your blog for a year so my favorite part is seeing the random links to past posts at the bottom. Sometimes I'll follow them for quite some time. I like the sew and tell posts bests because it's fun to see the variations people have made. I came to your site looking for the scrap management and now I'm a loyal daily blog reader! Plus I implemented your scrap users system and am working on my 5th quilt from my scrap bins. It's very addictive! Have you thought about posting a cross-X block in your free patterns? It works great with 3 1/2 in squares and 2 in strips.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog everyday and all the information you share. Happy 10th anniversary! mjwerren@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I've only been quilting a few years, but your blog convinced me to save my tiny scraps, that even I can make a wonderful scrappy quilt, and I'm now making a modified version of the 'strong - x' quilt from your free patterns! You're an inspiration! Dchanson@indiana.edu

lindaroo said...

I've been a follower for 5 years, and I've learned so many techniques and understanding about how and why things work, and I've loved making your mystery quilts! Thanks for being so generous with your time and knowledge. kucerahomeATcomcastDOTnet.

Brigitte said...

happy anniversary Bonnie, and a BIG THANK YOU for all the time, creativity and fun you fill in daily. Traveling around the world with you and discovering the world of scraps is a gift to quilters all over the world. Best for me have been the workshops I took in Blackforrest/Germany and Brea/CA with the Caravanquilters
all the BEST to you
Brigitte Baierl
brigitte at baierl-home.de

Anonymous said...

Chris here...

Congratulations!!! What a wonderful career of creativity and generosity... Thank You!!!


Barb H said...

Ten years is wonderful! I follow your blog because I love your absolutely genuine and positive attitude! Even when you have to speak to some irritation, you do it with grace and charm. And I love following you on all your worldwide adventures! This is an awesome giveaway--I'd love to have either the mag or the threads! Thank you for all you do for the quilting world.

Shifra G. said...

Congratulations on 10 yrs. I started quilting about 5 yrs. ago and follow you every day. I love how you use the colors and ideas from the places you have traveled to create the mystery quilts. mandmgold@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 10 years!!!!!!! Love your suggestions for using up my scraps. Some I use to throw away I now keep - thanks to you.

Pat D

Anonymous said...

Can't pick a favorite, Bonnie. Checking your blog is a must for me every day! Thanks for sharing so much with us and for the constant inspiration and encouragement.
Linda J

Anonymous said...

As I have been reading all the comments placed here I am just thinking of the great impact you have had on quilters all over the world! You are truly an inspiration to everyone that has found your blog. Congratulations on 10 years!
Carol W

ana s. said...

I have had you as an instructor and will see you again in july. Love your blog.
sweetana3 at yahoo dot com.

Sandhya Karandikar said...

Heartiest congratulations on 10th anniversary. I felt extremely lucky when I stumbled upon your website on the internet. I love using scraps and had a whole lot of them stashed away. Some of your patterns are so easy to do but look so complicated.
A big thank you for keeping so many of your patterns free and letting us use them without any restrictions.
A lovely give away.
God bless.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!! I found you while searching for a way to organize my stash. My favorite moment was hearing that some stitching could be good enough. Very freeing to a semi perfectionist, because my quilting is not show quality. But my children and grands think they are wonderful and love the labels on their quilts. Annpriest12@gmail.com

Shirley said...

You rock! I'm so looking forward to seeing you in Marshall Mo in September. Shirley

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!! I found you while searching for a way to organize my stash. My favorite moment was hearing that some stitching could be good enough. Very freeing to a semi perfectionist, because my quilting is not show quality. But my children and grands think they are wonderful and love the labels on their quilts. Annpriest12@gmail.com

Debbie said...

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! I have loved the blog since I discovered it and do wish you many more years of writing and teaching. Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 10 years Bonnie !!!! I LOVE a number of things especially when you share yor travels with us. In many ways through your pictures it's like we were also along on thr trip. Also Quilt Czm ! Getting to see Quiltville and watching you in action! I look forward to the next 10 years ! Julie K. ( tornado_alley@hotmail.com)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bonnie. Can't pick out a favorite moment. I always love to see the results of your workshop projects where people hold up their blocks. I had planned to attend one of your classes at Vermont Quilt Festival but I think they sold out within 5 minutes of being opened for registration. Sure hope you have a fantastic next 10 years as well.
Bev in NS -beverlydotwoodatme.com

Carole said...

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary. I have so enjoyed following your blog, and learned so much. Thank you. And yes, I would love to win.

javajean said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie! I have been following you for about 5 years. I found you because of one of those sidebar ads on FaceBook. I think it was during the Orca Bay mystery, although it may have been roll roll cotton bowl. I was thrilled to meet you at a class in Portland OR about a year ago. Your techniques, designs and tips have influenced every aspect of my quilting. I think my favorite or most transformative lesson has been the beauty of neutrals. My scraps are in "the system" I use leaders & Enders. I hand quilt baptist fans and I do hexies when I travel....I am a Quiltvillian. Thank-you!

Anonymous said...

Nice gift.

Unknown said...

Congrats Bonnie.. 10 yrs... WOW....


delch81@gmail.com said...

WOW! Ten years. I've only been a fan for a about one and a half years and loving every minute.
Still working on my first mystery quilt "Grand Illusion". So many UFO's, OH my. How do you get so much done? You must have minions. I love all the moments. dlchauvin81@bellsouth.net

mascanlon said...

10 yrs! Congratulations! I have inky been along for about half if that but my favorite moment is all the pre mystery excitement as you get closer and closer to the first clue. And it' was fun hearing all about finding the cabin, now we all wait til the next weekend in the mountains. Thanks as always Bonnie for all you do fr us.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I love following you when you go to antique malls and tell us about the quilts you find. Am trying a mystery quilt for the first time also. Love your energy.

Pauline said...

Congratulations! I found your blog soon after I started quilting. You've inspired and helped me all the way. Thanks for being so generous. So happy to see how successful you are in both your business and especially in your family life.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Finding your Dancing 9-Patch pattern led me to find you & your blog. Have been following you every since. You are the inspiration I needed to start my scrap quilt adventure. Have just finished 2! Thank you, Rose drclearwaters@rcetronics.com

Unknown said...

sure hope you draw my number iam new to your blog,but i sure like it. please pick me thank you very much.... nana112847@gmail.com I live in Oregon City,Oregon.

Ellie said...

Congratulations on the 10 years Bonnie! It's always such a treat to read your blog and see what you are working on and the places you visit. ellielikesquilts @ gmail.com

cbooth said...

Congratulations on 10 years! My greatest memory is when I stumbled on your blog in time for the Celtic Solstice mystery. I loved the colors and inspiration, I've been hooked ever since. Here's to another 10 years! Thanks for all you do. Carrie cbooth236 at gmail.com

Unknown said...

Congrats to reaching a milestone in your quilting career. My favorite moment is when I discovered your blog. It's the only one I read and I read it faithfully. I even go back and read some of the past ones. I love that you share the good, the bad, and the ugly with us. Thanks for finding your niche in this big ol world and including us on your journey. embee2746@sbcglobal.net

Quiltlady said...

Thank you so much for all you give. I look forward to reading your blog, at work at lunch first thing I do is get out my phone to look for your post. I love following your travel adventures and had the pressure of meeting you in Jansa this year. My daughter posted on her blog about me containing my excitement when I got to meet you. Thanks again. Les4260@gmail.com

Nana said...

Dear Bonnie,
I have only known you/about you for about 1 year, but in that time, I feel like we could be fast friends if only you lived closer. I envy Mona and what inspiration you have given her. Keep up your steam, and stay with us at least another 10 years.
Dianne Gillin

quilt^nurse said...

Congratulations Bonnie. I have been following you since just after your Easy Street mystery was pulled off web site. I love all your quilt designs and your travels. Best wishes to continuing your obvious passion of quilting.

farmerswife said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! Here's to another 10 years!! I would think you would run out of scraps by then. I have made 3 of your quilts and I haven't run out of them! KRIS

VA said...

I've learned so much since I found your blog! One night on QuiltCam you read my email, and you were so warm and welcoming even though you had no idea who I was. I was getting burnt out on my Sister's Choice quilt, but you were so encouraging that I kept going and finally finished it (and I love it!). I am a convert to the scrap user's system and just started with leaders and enders. Congrats on 10 wonderful years and here's hoping for many, many more!

Verna in MN

quiltingloon10 at gmail dot com

T Holzer said...

Happy 10th! My favorite thing from your blog so far is your posts on your trip to Bali. Simply amazing. I also love seeing any versions of your Smith Mountain quilt. So gorgeous!

Kathy L said...

Read your blog every day. Congrats on 10 years. Great giveaway. Enjoy all your travels.

Peg said...


I really enjoy your blog and your facebook posts.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS,!!! I am a long time follower,and sister quilter. I so look forward to your mystery quilt each year and your almost constant inspiration. At first when you began your losenge quilt, i was not too interested, but now that you have it finished, I think it will be my next scrappy project. Thank you so much for all you do!
lterry13@carolina.rr.com Linda from Charlotte NC.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 10 years! Here's to many more. Just started following you this year, but feel like I know you. Love all your stories and travels, photos and tips!

Jackye said...

Just recently got into quilting & learning as I go. Thanks for the inspiration.Congratulations on 10 years.

Chris Simon said...

Wow, ten years! You are amazing. I love scrappy quilts, and your site is the absolute best place on the internet for inspiration and patterns for them. My favorite thing is that you inspire me to use every last scrap of my fabric to make beautiful things. Thanks for the chance to win! chrissimon at verizon dot net

Jeanne in Ohio said...

I don't know how I found your blog, but I'm so glad I did. I love your patterns and I also enjoy following along on your adventures. Thanks for your wonderful blog, your patterns and your outstanding books. The only thing I don't like about your books is waiting for the next one! My favorite moment with you was taking a class in Columbus, Ohio, at Quilt Beginnings. I love my Smith Mountain Morning in red, white and blue and the memory of the day. I learned so much!

Cherry said...

Congrats on the first 10 years - looking forward to the next 10 years!! My favorite moment/post was July 3, 2013: the day you closed on QuiltVilla. It was so exciting to see your dream of a mountain cabin retreat come true - a just reward for all the hard work you do with such a generous giving heart!! May your family enjoy it for many, many, many years to come.
All the best! Anita

Wanda said...

Happy Anniversary Bonnie. Wow ten years already. Time does fly when you're having fun. Right? And you always seem to be having fun. The first time I met you was when you came to Shallotte, NC to teach a class at BQ. I loved it and since then I have been a faithful follower. You even named a quilt in one of your books after Shallotte and gave me a small piece of cow fabric to add to my collection. I have started all of your mystery quilts and one day I will get them all finished. :) And I have adopted your scrap system. I love your web cam sew alongs too. I am amazed at all the things you get done especially since you travel so much. You surely must have found a way to get more than 24 hours in a day. What's your secret? Thank you for sharing your talents with us. You are so generous and helpful. God bless you.

Kathy Marlow said...

Congratulations on 10 years. I see your picture and name everywhere. You have really made an impact on quilting. I would love to win your contest. kfmarlow@hotmail.com or BigMamaNebraska.....Here is hoping for continued success. Kathy from Nebraska

Stephanie Garza said...

Congrats!! Here's to many more years!! Those threads are gorgeous!!


Charlotte said...

My favorite moment? How can I narrow it down to one?! Love Quilt Cam! Love learning the Scrap User system and getting my own set up and going. Love that two of my Quilty Friends and I have done one block exchange using your Wonky Wishes blocks and are working on blocks for our second exchange - Charlotte's Baskets. And so many more specials since I started following you several years ago! As Bob Hope would sing, "Thanks for the memories".
Charlotte Massey

Karen's Creations said...

Congratulations Bonnie! I love your quilts and blog! Coms5132@gmail.com

phillip's nanny said...

my very first time on any blog, very new to this hope I am doing it right. I saw quilt cam by accident on you tube, Monday night, old ones of course. I haven't thrown away a scrap since I was 13 and made my first quilt. It's nice to see I am not as demented as I thought, that I am not alone in that aspect when my mother told me I was crazy to keep all what she called jibble rags. I don't tell my age but I have 8 grandchildren so that's a little telling wouldn't you say? Also glad to see that I am not alone in that I feel like a girl can never have too many sewing machines, although I had to give up my treadles when my husband and I moved in with my daughter to help raise our grandkids. I run 3 sewing machines and two sergers. I am looking forward to watching my 1st quilt cam live. Gotta go I hear my machines calling "we are lonely without you come and play." bye

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all you do for the quilting community.....your inspiration and patterns and instruction.....Thanks also for the give away. Congrats on your 10 year anniversary.


Mountain Home Quilts said...

A wonderful 10 years its been! Congratulations! :)

Lady of the Cloth said...

Wow, ten years! I think I have been here all ten of them too. I love living through your travels and I think the trip where you watched the batik fabric being made was one of my favorites. Keep up the great work. Love spending time with you each morning.

Diana Rosenthal said...

Happy 10th Anniversary. You have brought so much happiness and quilting knowledge across the spectrum. Your imprint will remain a constant for all the years. Thank you for the joy you have given me and to better my ability using scraps,Outstanding,take a bow !!
Let's givem 10 more.....Diana dianarosenthal@comcast.net

Kathy Crofoot said...

Bonnie it's hard to believe you've been blogging for 10 years! Your posts are so fresh and real. My favorite moment from the blog is the day you posted the Garlic Knots picture and I realized I could do that! I ran right down to my studio and made blocks in different sizes because I had all the parts I needed already - thanks to your scrap user system!

I am grateful for the way you so generously share your time and talents, encouraging me to become a better quilter. I love seeing pictures of your different trips, the way you share your classes and reading about the progress of your super-secret projects. Because of you I got hooked on Hexies...

Even though I haven't been reading your blog for 10 years, I've read most of the older posts, looking for inspiration and just soaking up the knowledge and the the excitement.

Kathy Crofoot
kathycrofoot @ gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Congratulations & happy anniversary! I have so enjoyed your blog and great ideas.
Jenny in CA

Debra G said...

Happy anniversary, Bonnie! I can't say I have a specific favorite blog. I love all your free patterns, and especially your tips and techniques and videos. I took a class from you at Celebration at Smith Mountain Lake last year, and I'll see you at Mary's in PA in August. I've learned a lot from you about machine piecing, and look forward to continuing to learn, grow and experiment with new things. Thanks for all you do! PS your giveaway goodies look fantastic!!!

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