
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Buck Mountain Off Road Adventure!

It was such a pretty day yesterday with temps around 60 degrees!

That’s pretty unheard of in the mountains of western North Carolina in December.

in fact, our son Jason was planning to bring a couple friends up this week to go snow boarding….ummm…hello?  No snow here!

Our friends Mona and Rick also have a two seater ATV and they wanted to show us some trails and places that I’d never been before, so out we went.

Though the hardwood trees are all completely bare, there is still quite a bit of green with the pines on the mountains.

The green of the pines, the shimmering sunshine, mountains all around – this is the stuff my bliss is made of!


Mountain vistas in the distance.


Babbling brooks!

Rhododendrons  are native to this area, and they keep their leaves too…..here are some nearly hiding this pretty babbling stream….


Down stream…the sun lightening my photo.

The ground is carpeted by fallen leaves, dry and brown, giving off a heady earthy smell as we walk along the creek for a bit.


Tumbling over rocks and around a bend.


Sunlight on bare trees.


Our back road took us through an old Christmas Tree farm – look at the Quilt Block sign!


Making our way back to the cabin.


Another pretty brook along the way.

The nature of this place brings peace to my soul like no other place I’ve ever been.  It’s a good thing….

Because in the aftermath of the  book mailing aftermath of the past couple weeks, it seems I have gotten off one mail sticker on my list, and I have heard from one person who got someone else’s order—and yet one more who got hers twice? (Which meant there were two mail labels with her address on it?!  oy!)

Stress??  Yes!  But I’m not going to let it get to me until I get home tonight.

Today is for letting the mountain take charge.  For contemplating, for enjoying, for participating in the wonder of the Christmas season, work will wait until tomorrow.

Tonight when I get home we will be drawing for that one giveaway copy of Cultural Fusion Quilts!  Did you enter to win yet?  Click to leave your comment over on THAT POST

Also tomorrow…our 3rd round of Mystery Monday Link-Up!!  ((Are these weeks going by faster and faster, or is it all in my mind?!))  Get that post ready to link up.  I can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to.

I’m headed out for a long hike with Sadie this morning, and then you will find me in the sewing nook happily piecing away on more little hour glass units in Christmas colors.  Mona will be coming to sew a bit after lunch.

All in all a good and easy Sunday.

Enjoy yours, wherever you are!

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Jackie said...

I love the mountains! Bonus days in December are a blessing! These colors need to inspire another quilt of forest colors :) Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bonnie, I need a bonus buddy project idea. they are piling up. Next book, Bonus Buddy Bonanza:)Karen. rkrunge@gctel.net

Feathers in my Nest said...

Beautiful post...Thank you.
Have a great weekend.

Debra in Ma.

Unknown said...

Beautiful and peaceful are the mountains. I love them. "The mountains are calling and I must go" is the saying on one of my shirts. I so want a cabin in the mountains. Someday maybe. Enjoy your day.

Debbie said...

Your mountain retreat is absolutely gorgeous. And yes the weeks are flying by. I am still pecking away at clue #1. But am going to make a few #2 and #3 today as you suggest.

Unknown said...

Oh, do be sure to go back to that stream this summer when those rodedenrons are in bloom! I am sure there is a wonderful quilt waiting for us in that scenery!

Mary said...

Looks like a Blissful way to spend 12-13-14. Glad you can stich again with Mona. My post is ready to go for the Link-up. It's another No-Sew Sunday, can't let Grandma roll over in her grave...

Ranch Wife said...

I would never ever want to come down from that mountain! Reading this post brought to mind an idea: next year's mystery: Buck Mountain! Bet you've already thought of that though. :)

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Wonderful scenery Bonnie, and such a wonderful place for you to unwind. Love the tree farm sign.

Debra in Ohio said...

Oh, those pictures! I could just hear the wind in the trees and the birds in the air, and I could smell the dry leaves. You really nailed it when you described the scenery. Wish I were there since it seems such a relaxing place. Glad to hear that Mona is still working on her quilt. Don't forget to post her progress. I'm stitching today so that I hope I can post all clues finished tomorrow. Enjoy your retreat to the hills and woods.

Kathy Roe said...

I'd love this.

Loris said...

The mountains are such a beautiful retreat. Hope your walk with Sadie was wonderful.
I'm eager to see how Mona is doing with her sewing :-)

Deb Peterson said...

Are we going to see a "Buck Mountain Majesty" guilt in the future? Really is a beautiful place through all the seasons.

Linda said...

So pleased to hear you are enjoying your well earned R&R. Hope you don't go too crazy with packaging books etc on your return to the house. Glad your friend Mona is still sewing - it sounds as though you have really got her hooked on this quilting obsession! Enjoy your own sewing this evening.

Bonnie R said...

I love, love, love to read about and see the beautiful pictures of the mountains, woods, streams,...that you post so often:) I have ALWAYS wanted to live in a place like that, but due to...I live elsewhere:/ So, I live vicariously through your beautiful pictures and words. You are an inspiration for my quilting, too, of course:) I'm working on the GIMQ--a bit behind though. Christmas presents, parties, traveling and such are keeping me busy. Sooooo enjoy your "newsy notes". Thank you for all you do to keep us inspired. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

45th Parallel Quilter said...

Lovely post ... so glad you are able to get up there often. Hope that Ms. Sadie Jane is feeling better. More pictures of her would be a Christmas present to me since I lost my Sadie Anne in August and miss her terribly! Linda

Anonymous said...

Your post has me wanting to be there in the mountains, too! Jamie Fraser walking out from one of those paths would make your day complete! ;) Julie in ms.

Nell's Quilts said...

This sounds like an introduction for another lovely mystery quilt challenge - colours more subdued but quietly beautiful with surprising pops of colour here and there.

Wendy Polsson said...

Can't wait to see a photo in the spring when all the rhodos are blooming along the stream. It'll be gorgeous.

Patricia said...

Great road trip, thank you for the pictures.

Unknown said...

Warm and foggy here in MN...beautiful mountains. Thanks for posting your adventures... so jealous ♡♡♡ but glad you have such a wonderful retreat!

Eileen said...

We have a vacation home on English Mountain in Sevierville Tennessee. Your picture of the mountains reminds me of our view - gorgeous! We don't get there so much - it's a 10 hour drive for us but I absolutely love the beauty and peace of our home.

Anonymous said...

Living in the NW with the Cascade and Olympic Mts in my eyesight along with Mt Rainier and Mt Baker, I always have to grin when you call your "hills" mountains. But that's OK, I also lived in your mountains so I know where you come from

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