
Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Where has today gone?

Where has today gone?

It’s gone to the Post Office – TWICE!

It’s gone to the bank, to lunch, to Office Depot in search of a digital luggage scale ((Hand held, because the one I got in Ireland last year gave up the ghost – and it’s innards!))

It’s gone to repacking the trunk show and trying to get everything I need to go with me on this extremely long trip to TWO PLACES into one small carryon bag, because the trunk show gets to be checked luggage.

It’s gone to getting tickets purchased for teaching in Texas at Stitchin’ Heaven in Mineola and to a Caribbean cruise out of Galveston afterward purchased. This is for Late October/Early November.

It’s gone to getting tickets for my Dad to come visit for Thanksgiving since I was on the computer buying airfare anyway ----

It’s gone, just gone!  And I realized I didn’t have much quilty to post about today ---

On Tuesdays on Instagram and Facebook I have started sharing what I call "#nopatterntuesday” As in, NO! There is NOT a pattern available for this quilt, and I will not be drafting up a tutorial for it.  There are a lot of my older quilts from before  publication became my life, and I’d like to get those out and share them one at a time.

This is one that fell on my head today while searching for something else, so here it is!

Random sampler, hand quilted while on the road, made of left over blocks of various projects you probably recognize!  I love this one.  Sometimes I think I need to do projects JUST BECAUSE –just because I want to make something, without the chore of turning it into a pattern for a book, or a pattern for the website, so I hope you will indulge me – just on random Tuesdays!

I did get some great mail today!


Thank you, Auntie Em!

Emily M, aka Auntie Em, sent me a “Keep Calm” tote bag, and a snappy bag to match, and a business card holder!  Boy, can I ever use these.  THANK YOU!

((Auntie Em, I tried to email you but it bounced back undeliverable, have you changed your email address??!))



This one came from Stacey here in NC ---THANK YOU SO MUCH!  There was no email address for either of these lady’s gifts so I am posting them here in hopes that they will see that yes, I did get them and yes, I LOVE THEM!!

The pin cushion is extra funny today as I got a new debit card, and spent forever on the phone with pin numbers and all else!  What a headache those 800 calls and their automatic operators can be!

I’ve still got to pack my suitcase.  How I’m going to fit it all remains to be seen ---but we will do it!

Have a great evening everyone, I’m Ketchikan bound in the morning!

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Stacey said...

Hi Bonnie, I never thought to give you my email address in my little package to you. But here I am in the first comment position. Enjoy your new pincushion. I have been spending time with my embroidery machine and making two Bricks and Stepping Stones quilts at the same time.

Have safe travels and as always THANK YOU so much for all you do for us.

Stacey in NC

Jo said...

I love that pin cushion. I wonder if it was a pre printed fabric or Stacey embroidered the numbers herself. It such a great idea. Safe travels

Unknown said...

Mercy Bonnie - I am plum wore out reading about your busy day!? You have to eaten some wild energy foods :)

Like the sampler quilt - it has piazz! Interesting way for us to use up those extra blocks....!

BE safe, stay sound and yet have fun!
Smiles, JulieinTN

Irene Onderweegs said...

Thank you for sharing the oddities and ends =^} Boy, are we happy that you didn't execute your beliefs on the quilt from yesterday: when it's ugly, size it down LOL!
Hoping to get time today to start a kitchen sink quilt from my mothers'stash, so many blocks orphaned and hidden beneath the cut-up pieces of her HUGE fabrics pile... another 40 odd boxes in the attic to be sorted and 10 in the living(!?) room filled to the brim. Well, I could think of a clearly-insane-quilt 8^)
Love from Witmarsum,

LindaBee said...

I remember you putting your orphan blocks quilt together. Maybe it was a quilt cam? I'm so glad that you will be sharing other quilts sans the burden of having to provide a pattern. You do enough.

Janice said...

You pack so much into your day! You can't say your life is boring. Not that anyone should get to say their life is boring, since boredom is a sign of not enough sewing...
I enjoy your quilts with or without patterns. I have been known to cruise the left side of your web site looking at old posts and seeing quilts you never shared patterns with. You have always amazed me with how much you accomplish, and I'm no slouch, either. No matter how hard I tried, I could never out work my mother. She worked circles around 6 people. I don't feel guilty for what I could not accomplish, but I learned how to multi-task from her. Thanks for all you do, you are amazing.

Unknown said...

كتير حلو

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

It is a beautiful No Pattern quilt!

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