
Friday, September 12, 2014

Galaxy-Gram My Blue Heaven in Ketchikan!

Sunshine, blue skies and warm temperatures!  
What a perfect day in Ketchikan mid-September!

We've got a great group of gals sewing away in an empty store front in the local shopping mall. Great space, great lighting, and great visibility to passers-by who are interested in what we are up to.

Doesn't it look like we are having a great time? :-)

Love from Ketchikan!


Unknown said...

What fun. Loved Alaska and going to cruise again. Thanks for sharing your adventures.

Unknown said...

Officially jealous! Hey ladies, have an awesome time with Bonnie!

leu2500 said...

Oh, my. I'm really liking those blocks with the pale background and the hot pink kaffe fassett stars.

crazy quilter said...

Oh I agree the hot pink/red Kaffeeklatsch stars are fab! This one is going on my ever growing bucket list... Have a great time ladies! Sew on

ria vogelzang said...

Love all those gorgeous stars!!! Enjoy everyone!

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