
Thursday, September 04, 2014

Focus on the Lozenge Project!

I have sewn myself out of all available 2” black squares that are the corners for half of my Leader & Ender Lozenge challenge units.

Remember last week how Tonya was helping to sort fabric?

I set a stack of blacks aside, just thinking they’d be great for this…but I kind of needed to know how many I needed to cut ---so  Monday night I did some math on what units were done, what units were left that needed black corners ---

I was short nearly 300 squares!

DANG!  I thought I was closer to being done than that! HA!

((Don’t even let me start thinking of the light corners, I need 800 some of those.))


Cross Cutting on the Accuquilt Studio!

You can see the parallel lines I’ve drawn on the die with a silver sharpie.  This helps me lay things completely straight –I don’t want parallelograms, I want SQUARES!


It didn’t take long to have 300+ black 2” squares at the ready.

Lozenge units are mounting quickly as I use them as Leaders & enders while sewing together my current Box Kite block project.  I love having two projects going at once!

After these were cut, I started wondering if I should cut neutral 2” squares for the other Lozenges while I was on a roll? 

But instead I decided to tackle two beasts at once.


SORT the 2” square drawer!!

I confess, all of my 2” scrap squares were just shoved into a 2” mixed drawer in a 3 drawer rolling cart.  And I had to dig for neutrals, or dig for darks…so what better time to sorth them into two containers instead of one?  Oh the pieces I uncovered!


Colors on the left, neutrals on the right!

I don’t know if there are the 800 I need in the right hand bin…but it’s a good start.  And I’ll clear out OLD stuff allowing me to play with new stuff when this variety goes down.

I am now the proud owner of TWO 2” scrap square drawers…and since I do a lot Light/Dark it just makes more sense.  And it’s not such a cram packed disaster any more either!


Squares in their 3 drawer cart!

The top drawer holds 1.5” squares – also unsorted, but I don’t feel the need to sort those yet.  But these?  Oh yeah – I’m happy!

And let it be said -- if I were just starting to collect crumbs -- I'd sort THOSE color/neutral too!  Just for ease of use!  ((Someday, maybe, someday!))

And I’m off to Illinois!

Lecture tonight, then two days of classes – I’ll catch you from there!

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Anonymous said...

Safe travels!

Donna Fisher said...

I started lozenge work yesterday, too, so figured out how everything goes together. There is a definite way they seam allowances have to be pressed for it to work, otherwise, its a bulky mess. I did the first few wrong. And, I discovered that the leftover triangle points from the corners are the perfect size the the small triangles for wild and goosey! Well, I couldn't just throw the, away, could I? I didn't get as much done yesterday as I'd hoped, but got the process down so I can leader and ender comfortably. Really like the accuracy of drawing diagonal lines. And the silver and gold pens make wonderful marks! Will continue progress around more working today. Sewing is more fun.

New Quilter in Texas said...

The next time you have company with kids say over five years old, let them "help" by separating your lights from your darks. If they're all mixed up anyway, what have you got to lose, and it gives the kids something to do, and they get a kick out of helping. Heaven forbid something pull them away from the electronic devices!

Unknown said...

Mercy! The size of your Accu Studio is HUGE...that thing has to weight a ton and 1/2 !!!! I am so happy with my Go Baby ... just that size is perfect for me. What a great invention akin to the rotary cutter and mat to quilters.

I have another pattern to use the lozenges blocks in. Had put it up on Quilt Studio.

Thanks, one again, for all you do for us and keep us on the straight and narrow to GETTING quilt done! Perfect is good, done is better :)

Smiles, JulieinTN

mascanlon said...

Just starting out on a better scrap system. Thanks so much for all the help and ideas.

Pam H said...

Gotta love those Accuquilt cutters! I had, in my head, for over 20 years, an Ocean Waves quilt. My cutting was never accurate enough. I would just get lazy or sore or something so, it just stayed in my head. After I got the GO! I was able to cut all the HST in about 2.5 hours and finally have a beautiful batik Ocean Waves quilt. Glad you had that option to cut more of those corners! Who knows, I might even get to quilt it some day, once customer quilts stop coming in! I remember when you used to quilt for others Bonnie! Back before blogs were even a thing :)

Unknown said...

I just bought an Accuquilt and love it. After seeing how quickly you cut your 2" squares, I am saving for the strip cutter die. Thanks for the tip on marking straight lines. You are the best.

Evelyn said...

I'm not that organized yet, but thanks to you, I am cutting a handful of scraps everyday. I was hopping the basket would get emptier everyday, but they grow!

Mary said...

Good idea to sort them in to the color and Neutral. Gotta get my totes in order so I'm ready for the Mystery. I have a pile or two to cut up into strips and squares. I bought the 2-1/2" strip cutter for my Go Baby and haven't used it. I have collected some neutral Fat quarters. I really need to add some after making the last Mystery with you. Stocking up!

Old quilter said...

Evelyn, your scrap bucket is like mine - friend tells me I have a "defective bucket"

karen said...

Color me green with envy. At some point, it looks like the strips dies have been redesigned. I've had my Studio for a long time now, and I think my 2" die cuts 3 strips per layer. Yours does 6! You lose so much less due to folds! Lucky woman!

Julierose said...

While waiting for my AQ die for rectangle, I have begun marking my 2"-ies..mostly blacks and tea-dyed beiges. Good for tv watching evenings. I am so excited about this one--really loving it...hugs, Julierose

colleen said...

Bonnie as of today I am not a fan of 3M Sotch Brite
They have a pop up ad no "x" in the corner and it covers your whole blog text and moves to stay covering when I scroll
ER ER ER er er
So I can't read your blog I use an iPhone I had to open your blog in a new page and well er er er
I'll do what I have to to read your blog but 3M as much I do like and have bought their products just might become the # 1 on my do not buy list soon

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