Lisa came over to play this morning!
She had to be in Boone anyway, and we are right off the highway and up the mountain so it took no arm twisting at all to get her to make a stop and spend some time.
This is the photo she posted to Facebook…not too flattering, but here is Tonya and I hard at work on our STUFF.
Not only did she bring a gorgeous quilt to bind, but she brought a HUGE bag of fabric scraps for us to paw through! I don’t think there has EVER been as much fabric at the cabin as there is this week!
MOUNTAINS of fabric pieces and parts and hunks and chunks and strips and strings and fat quarters and even yardage!
I feel like a kid after trick-or-treating is done on Halloween night. Remember that feeling of dumping out your bounty and seeing just what treasures awaited? FUN!
Lisa deep into binding bliss mode!
We even had Rick and Mona drop by with BEANIE!
Sadie was so happy to see Beanie…they had Zoomies Time out in the front yard, chasing and playing and having a grand time. Sadie is 9, but when she plays with Beanie I would swear she is only 2. It’s a good doggie thing!
Scrap Cutting Central!
If you wonder what my cutting table looks like currently, here is one section.
I was a dinglehead and forgot to pack my 2” neutral strips, so I can’t continue on the Carolina Chain blocks….so I’m switching gears to the next Addicted to Scraps column block in my line up. BOX KITE!
((You can find info on these blocks under the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog!))
Box Kite…with Krispy Kremes!
The Krispy Kreme fabric came from a pair of recycled pajama pants. Great fun! And don’t they look good enough to eat??
Here’s my layout so far:
Lots more blocks to go!
I have to say something really funny here…..I can’t believe that I am getting emails with “Don’t do this, don’t use that, move that one over…..”
I know you guys are watching, and your discerning eye may THINK that fabrics I am using don’t belong, don’t go, or there are two green blocks placed too close together in my layout.
My quilt. My fabrics. My choices.
And this is just a LAYOUT….just like my Carolina Chain blocks were JUST LAID OUT FOR ESTIMATING QUILT SIZE…there are more blocks to be made, and they were not laid out in their final arrangement.
You don’t need to send me emails to tell me that the placement of this block or that block bothers you, seriously.
It will be okay. Just walk away from the computer, you don’t have to send that email or leave that comment, okay? LOL! This is in no way the final layout, and even if it was….it’s not up for discussion how I choose to place my blocks or what fabrics I deem to place together.
You sew yours, I sew mine, and we stay best of friends.
And with that, I’m headed back to the cutting table to cut more combos that will drive the OCDers out there nuts…and go sew some more!
Love and laughter from Quilt Villa --
I can't believe people would try and tell you how to layout your blocks, boy some people. Love the scrappyness. Just what I needed another idea for a quilt..
I have a dear friend who recently did just as you describe... tell me, not suggest, but tell me how I should quilt my baby quilt! Not once, but twice she told me that I did NOT want to do big stitch quilting. I should just machine quilt and get it over with. :-) Here's the funny part... we had just been discussing, a few hours earlier, your comments last month about people telling you how to do YOUR quilt. :-)
Drives me a little crazy, too, when someone does that to me. Doesn't happen very often----thankfully. They probably wouldn't do that in person, Bonnie---They could see your reaction before they even got the first few words out of their mouth. LOL!
Bonnie and Tonya, I am enjoying a virtual retreat with you! In between housekeeping and feeding my sweet hubby and big kiddos, I am spending time in my sewing studio sorting and cutting as well. Thank you for the inspiration!
You rock! I love when you share your super reaction to Negative Nellies! Keep driving them crazy! Thanks.
LOL You crack me up , I LOVE that krispy kreme :) Happy sewing and happy block placement ;)
Really???? Too funny. They should just go work on their own quilts and there would not be enough time to critique another's choices. Off to set my blocks, my way. Thanks for the giggle.
I love the way you get your point across, have fun making your quilt!! lol
I was just thinking, I wish my scrappy quilt layouts looked as nice as yours!. Somehow my scraps all look so "flat" compared to yours.
I've said more than once that for a group (quilters, in general) who always chant "there are no quilt police", there sure seems to be a lot of them!! LOL Your designs wouldn't be Bonnie Hunter designs if you listened to what others told you to do with placements, colors, arrangements, etc. Thank you for NOT listening to them. We love you just the way you are!!
I can't believe the nerve of some people! What makes them mistresses of color? You go Bonnie, your colors , your quilt period. By the way, there is NOTHING you have made that I would change! I am in awe of your perception of color and placement.
Every time you work on a quilt and post a picture,I want to make that quilt. Please stop! Just kidding. I love the inspiration, but I will never live long enough to make all the quilts that I want to make. Just want to say that I don't think I can stand to wait until the end of November for the mystery to begin. I so much enjoyed my first one, celtic solstice. Thanks for all the inspiration and keep up the good work!
Krispy Kreme fabric?? where can i get some!!!
I believe that if you want input, you'll ask for it! I LOVE your free and oh-so-generous spirit of quilting! You inspire me so and I don't feel nearly as guilty about my stash when I see yours!! Keep on inspiring us and thank you very much.
Those extremists are CDO-ers. It's OCD but with the letters in alphabetical order, as they should be! Keep doing YOUR thing!
Bonnie, you make awesome quilts with your scraps, I love them anyway they are. Just keep inspiring us all. Looking forward to participating in my first ever mystery quilt with you.
lol!! People always at the ready with an opinion. Oh well. That's kind of life isn't it? Keep doing your thing. Love the creative mess you've got going. Got one coming up for myself in 2 days. Can't wait. Girlfriends unite! And quilt!
Quote of the Day - You sew yours, I sew mine, and we stay best of friends.
I love it. I enjoy seeing your progress. Thanks so much for sharing what you're working on. It's fun to see everything you have going on.
I find it unbelievable that anyone would critique BONNIE HUNTER'S quilts! Thank you for handling it with grace and humor!
I'm looking at all the scraps thinking "are you breaking any fire codes? and I would love to be a partner in crime. Have fun.
Those people have no respect!
Maybe they don't know that you are a TEACHER, AUTHOR, & AWARD WINNING QUILTER. No one gets there without developing their own style. I love your blogs but have a different style. No problem! Plus, if you looked at my quilts I sincerely doubt you would offer advice unless it was Requested. As someone said to me decades ago, "Some people need to be told."--Laurie
Hey Bonnie! I am sorry some people just feel the need to be a critic, sorry you have to read those. I say keep on keeping on! Have fun wish I was sewing instead of working! Oh well more money for fabric!!!!
I had to laugh a little to myself when you said people email & comment to tell you how to lay out your blocks. Talk about have people looking over your shoulder! Glad you girls are having retreat fun.
THANK YOU!!! The quilt nazi's just need to SHUSH!!!! That is seriously why I don't belong to quilt club around here...so glad you are out there keeping me company :)!
All my fabrics play well...I love them all scrappy happy! Keep On Keepin' On Bonnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would love to see Lisa's quilt all laid out. Looks awesome.
The 'advice' you are getting about arrangement your quilt blocks reminds me of a something mother always said when we kids were not minding our own business. She would say, "Just tend to your own knitting". In this case I think that "Tend to your own block orientation" would suffice. What do you think, Bonnie? haha Or maybe "Tend to your own quilting". lol
"You go girlfriend!!!" Perfect response to the nay sayers,
I don't have to tell you how to lay out your blocks...what you come up with is far better than anything I could advise you to do! Enjoy what you do and pretend the people who find it necessary to correct you don't exist!
I adore the Christmas tree fabric on Lisa's quilt. Do you know the name of it and who makes it?
Thanks, Pamela
Bonnie, Every time I get people offering me unwanted quilting advice I remember what my husband always whispered to me..."These people have way to much time on their hands..." The implication meaning what you want. For me it is simply,they should buckle down and sew and sew and sew and then they won't have time to make unwanted comments! Carolyn Barnett csbbobbin@yahoo.com
tryng to recall the saying think it goes you can`t teach your grandmother to suck eggs feel this is appropiate as you are such an advance quilter. I ask for advice sometimes as I am a newbie and find that very helpful getting advice when asking for it is so different from what some so called quilters are doing to you
I agree with the commenters here! Don't let the opinionators get you down. I am always inspired by what you show here. Keep on keepin' on. I have so enjoyed watching you and your friends play together.
Your posts are just inspiring! Love to share what you do. Most make me smile and wish I could be there too! xx
As Taylor Swift says: Shake it, Shake it, Shake it off!
Glad you are taking such comments with grains of salt and shaking it off. 8>)
Scrap quilts are the best..from far they are light and darks but up close they are memories of years gone by!! Way to keep the past and those memories alive!
At least you are having fun with friends.... Sadie too!
You go girl! Your quilts...your way and PFFFFTT! to the quilt police. I'm enjoying seeing you and your friends having sew much fun.
I hope I don't do that! I will have to remember not to! Happy sewing!
I love the crazy fun fabrics!!! And yay for doggy fun time! Its amazing how that happens! We have a 12 year old snow dog who is a RUG in the summer...that first snow flies and you would think she was 2 again!!! Love my HUGE Mitsubishi Moo (even off my vacuum doesn't! True story!)
I bow at your feet in respect for your tact. Where most of us would respond with, "Who do you think you are?" you can respond with, "Let's be friends."
Go, Bonnie, you're the bomb!
Wow, can't believe the audacity of some people! I agree with another comment about those people who make negative comments having too much time on their hands! Get a life people!
Ditto the other comments! Keep on doing your thing... loving that you share with us!
That is so funny that people are telling you how to set your blocks! I'm always amused at quilt retreats when people are making scrap quilts and spend hours deciding where to put each block, consulting their friends to make sure that no two of the same color are too close together or whatever. I want to scream "It's a scrap quilt! Just let it flow and don't stress over it!" When I put my blocks up, I just step back and squint. If one area of the layout draws my attention in a bad way, I move things around. Like you, my quilts only need to make me happy. And I'll know when they're right for me.
Mountains, dogs, LOTS of scraps, good friends - what a great time! Life is good! :-)
That's funny! A woman in our church quilting group does that. She's a former elementary school teacher and I think she thinks that anyone younger than she is must be labeled 'student'... lol!
I guess you didn't like my comment about appreciating "fresh eyes."
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