
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Quiltmaker in the Mailbox! GIVEAWAY!

The September/October 2014 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine is IN THE HOUSE!


Holy COW!  No wonder I can’t catch up no matter how I try!

It reminds me of working in the flower shop in Ontario Oregon between 1985-1989.  I learned that we are really ALWAYS behind, because the displays were all about the next holiday down the road.  Still drives me nuts and makes me feel a bit panicky.

I want to enjoy the WHOLE summer, not be focusing on October already, but if you can’t beat them, join them!

You are going to LOVE this issue….see those cute houses on the front?

The full pattern by Lori Holt is included:


Parkview Lane!  CUTE!

And the gals at Quiltmaker issued several of us a challenge…to make our OWN rendition of Lori’s houses….take a sneak peak!


Parade of homes!  Which one is MINE!?


You’ll find me at #4 Parkview Lane! 

Would you have guessed me? By the string pieced roof?

This was a very fun project to do…I can see myself making MORE houses for a future project.  You’ll find the pattern and can make your own variations by picking up this issue of Quiltmaker Magazine.

Also included in the magazine…My Addicted to Scraps column!

((Usually I am getting my issue just as it is going up on the Quiltmaker Website, but I’m early this month so I’m having to take photos from the magazine, no cute graphics to share…))


Addicted to Scraps block..FIRE-WEED!

((Bad glare on the photo!))

The fire-weed flower blooms across the rugged Alaskan landscape, softening the terrain’s hard-cut edges and bringing vibrant color to the countryside.

It’s almost August as I write this..if I remember correctly, that fire-weed should STILL be in bloom right about now.  So pretty!

I used leftover nine patches made as leaders & enders from recycled fabrics.  All of the red and cream triangles and the purple and cream triangles are buns units saved from other projects. 

You’ll find the directions for the fire-weed block in the Addicted to Scraps column of the Sept/Oct issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

So let’s have a Give-Away!


Sweet Deal!

I am giving away a Sept/Oct issue along with a July/August issue showing my Wanderlust quilt on the cover!

Leave a comment in the comments section below, remembering to leave your name AND email address if your profile does not have your email address linked to it.  If I can’t contact you, you can’t win.  Don’t forget!

Also, if you are commenting via iPhone or iPad or other mobile device, and you have clicked to this page via a link in Facebook, you have to open the link in a new browser window to be OUT OF FACEBOOK to be able to enter.  Or just come to a regular computer to do it, it’s easier.

Comments left in email, or in the guestbook will not count as contest entries.  You must leave your comment in the comments section only so I can use the random number generator to draw our winner.

I return home on Sunday ---but late if I remember.  Let’s draw for our winner Monday Evening!

I’m off to Illinois this morning ---going to spend a few days in Champaign with the Illini Quilters!

((Did this past 3 weeks off fly by fast or what?!?))

Next post will be from Illinois, stay tuned!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Nancy said...

I love the houses idea. If only there were about 6 more hours in a day! Sign me up.

Unknown said...

My quilting buddy, Bonnie, got started on your site and is addicted, and now I am too! Just tore up a bunch of shirts (ha, not my husbands, at least not yet), for a new baby boy quilt! Thanks, love the idea of recycling!


Terri McCauley

Anonymous said...

Pick me, pick me! If wishing would make it so......

Anonymous said...

Grateful for a chance to participate. Mary Seaman

Linda Kay said...

Hey Bonnie-
I would love to win these magazines. Thanks for giving me a chance.
Linda Kay

Lynne said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Love the houses.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Just recently started to follow your blog. Definitely like when you are on quilt cam.Trying to post today toparticipae i ths give away. Thanto you I got all scraps in one full tub anf started to do a sting quilt. Never tought had so much. Contne the good work and to share your passion for quilting with the est of rest.

Suzanne Perreault
from Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Canada

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Like this giveaway. Like to follow you and visit your website and thanks to your ideas , have started to organize my scraps and sewing blocks to make nice quilts.
Continue the good work.
Suzanne from Northern Ontario, Canada

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, Thanks for sharing your quilting life with us. I love reading your blog and thanks for a chance to win not one but two Quiltmaker magazines.

Unknown said...

Very cute houses. Love the roof.

Unknown said...

Hello Bonnie I would love a chance to win the Quiltmaker magazines.

debbiet said...

Whoop whoop, I would
Really like to win!


Cindy Gardner said...

Love your blog! Would love to win a magazine. Rsgardner@frontiernet.net

Deanna W said...

Loving all you do. Trying to keep up with you...I would be putting in way more that 10,000 steps!! Love Quiltmaker magazine too!!

VA said...

I really love your designs!

Anonymous said...

The houses are adorable. Hope I win.

Susan L.


Vanya said...

Thanks for all you do! Never miss a day reading your blog! Vanya in Texas

Anonymous said...

Love Quiltmaker Magazine...thanks for the chance to win this issue!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, so glad to hear that there will be a quiltcam on Wednesday night. I will be there to end my birthday with you.
Thanks for this chance to win the Quiltmaker magazine. Sandy at

Allie said...

Would love to win!! Thanks for the chance!! Allie - alliz903@yahoo.com

jam said...

HI Bonnie, thanks for the oppr to win the magazines. I love your house. Sorry I missed you in Illinois. Have a great trip.

mary e said...

feeling lucky. fireweed, i like the name and the block. have a great day off!!

Anonymous said...

The weather is 'unsettled here in England right now, warm some days, rainy and cool others. You might want to bring a sweater as the evenings can be quite cool- 50's and 60's.

Even though I won't be able to see you while you are here, it'll be nice to think of you having a grand time in England! :-)

Safe travels,

Sewing Up A Storm said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I am working on the second of your quilts, the Mountian Majesties in blue and orange. I recently did a Scrappy Trip Around the World. I love your great instructions and your inspirations!!!

Elizabeth said...

I'm looking forward the next QuiltCam and fun sewing time. Thanks for all the inspiration!

Unknown said...

I am currently working on a project and added leaders and enders to help save thread and while making your little spool quilt blocks with the L and E. Thanks for the great idea.


Anonymous said...

I'm excited to have the opportunity to win the magazines. I really enjoy following your blog, etc.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for another fun giveaway.
Broke a bone in my gas pedal foot 3 weeks ago while doing some extreme gardening (fell out of a tree I was pruning)!!!! This has put a serious dent in my treadle time!!! But I must be a good girl to help the body do its healing work. Would love to read the magazines in my down time. Thanks again for all that you share. anneofchelsea@hotmail.com

Aileen said...

Would love to win. Wanderlust is so beautiful. I also collect house patterns! Love your quilts Bonnie!
Aileen in Florida

Leavenworth Robin said...

633 wow love to be chosen

Unknown said...

Wish I was going with you on your trip! You will have a great time and touch so many lives with your talents and inspiration. Would feel lucky to win! Thanks for all you do!!



sandyandcosmo said...

What cute little houses! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Would love the chance to win the Quiltmaker Magazines. Shaparrish@yahoo.com

ashley said...

Hi I love the houses, all the quilts are amazing!!!

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