
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Quiltmaker in the Mailbox! GIVEAWAY!

The September/October 2014 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine is IN THE HOUSE!


Holy COW!  No wonder I can’t catch up no matter how I try!

It reminds me of working in the flower shop in Ontario Oregon between 1985-1989.  I learned that we are really ALWAYS behind, because the displays were all about the next holiday down the road.  Still drives me nuts and makes me feel a bit panicky.

I want to enjoy the WHOLE summer, not be focusing on October already, but if you can’t beat them, join them!

You are going to LOVE this issue….see those cute houses on the front?

The full pattern by Lori Holt is included:


Parkview Lane!  CUTE!

And the gals at Quiltmaker issued several of us a challenge…to make our OWN rendition of Lori’s houses….take a sneak peak!


Parade of homes!  Which one is MINE!?


You’ll find me at #4 Parkview Lane! 

Would you have guessed me? By the string pieced roof?

This was a very fun project to do…I can see myself making MORE houses for a future project.  You’ll find the pattern and can make your own variations by picking up this issue of Quiltmaker Magazine.

Also included in the magazine…My Addicted to Scraps column!

((Usually I am getting my issue just as it is going up on the Quiltmaker Website, but I’m early this month so I’m having to take photos from the magazine, no cute graphics to share…))


Addicted to Scraps block..FIRE-WEED!

((Bad glare on the photo!))

The fire-weed flower blooms across the rugged Alaskan landscape, softening the terrain’s hard-cut edges and bringing vibrant color to the countryside.

It’s almost August as I write this..if I remember correctly, that fire-weed should STILL be in bloom right about now.  So pretty!

I used leftover nine patches made as leaders & enders from recycled fabrics.  All of the red and cream triangles and the purple and cream triangles are buns units saved from other projects. 

You’ll find the directions for the fire-weed block in the Addicted to Scraps column of the Sept/Oct issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

So let’s have a Give-Away!


Sweet Deal!

I am giving away a Sept/Oct issue along with a July/August issue showing my Wanderlust quilt on the cover!

Leave a comment in the comments section below, remembering to leave your name AND email address if your profile does not have your email address linked to it.  If I can’t contact you, you can’t win.  Don’t forget!

Also, if you are commenting via iPhone or iPad or other mobile device, and you have clicked to this page via a link in Facebook, you have to open the link in a new browser window to be OUT OF FACEBOOK to be able to enter.  Or just come to a regular computer to do it, it’s easier.

Comments left in email, or in the guestbook will not count as contest entries.  You must leave your comment in the comments section only so I can use the random number generator to draw our winner.

I return home on Sunday ---but late if I remember.  Let’s draw for our winner Monday Evening!

I’m off to Illinois this morning ---going to spend a few days in Champaign with the Illini Quilters!

((Did this past 3 weeks off fly by fast or what?!?))

Next post will be from Illinois, stay tuned!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Anonymous said...

Hooray!! A give away, and I would love to be the winner of these magazines... or some of your gifted scraps or even your gifted phone books. BTW< How old is old enough on phone books?


bloomingiris said...

wouldn't I love to win! Look forward to your nightly emails!

Unknown said...

What cute houses! One of my favorite types of quilt, so I'm sitting here with my fingers crossed!

Lynn Czar said...

I would love to win both issues! I love house blocks, they are one of my all time favorite blocks to make.Photo

Sally said...

Very cute houses (your string pieced roof is perfect Bonnie!!). thanks for chance!

Iris Tyler said...

Love ur blog! Anxiously wait to read it daily! iris.tyler@gmail.com

Sally said...

Very cute houses (your string pieced roof is perfect Bonnie!!). thanks for chance!

Tami C said...

Love the houses! Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!

Unknown said...

Summer always goes way too fast. Love your blog. Clara Diaz

betz2u said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win, which I never do, but keep trying, by the way, how do you bribe the random generator? Have a great week. bettyharden@charter.net

Unknown said...

Summer always goes way too fast. Love your blog. Clara Diaz

Jennifer Dyck said...

Ohhh I love those houses! And your fireweed block! Pick me pick me!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this giveaway. I love house quilts. Thank you so much for what you share with all your fellow quilters.
Kathy H

Maree in NC ☺ said...

Love the houses! Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!

my nana maree @ yahoo . com

Katkat said...

Love the houses!!!!! I hope I win!!!

Terri said...

I love house blocks! Thanks for the chance to win.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I'm always up for a magazine give-away. Thanks so much for the opportunity.


Caryn said...

Love the chance to win! I love your new block and your articles in Quiltmaker. The houses are cute.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the two Quiltmaker magazines!!! Thank you for all you and Quiltmaker do for all of us!!! Hugs Sonya

Anonymous said...

Love using those bonus blocks and the leader-enders too. Thanks so much for everything you do.

DJ said...

I chose your house by the orange door! didn't even notice the string roof until you mentioned it. LOL
I would love the be lucky winner. Love all your designs.
Donna Street
sewlady003 at yahoo.com

Farm Quilter said...

Adorable houses!!! Fireweed is also a beer made by a microbrewery in my little town!! Just about the only beer I like :)

WeedyMama said...

When the fireweed has bloomed to the top, summer is over and winter will arrive shortly.

Judymc said...

Cute string-pieced roof!

Rea said...

Looks like fun! I like doing small projects when I need a break. Fireweeds! Looks like a good stash basher! Thanks for all you do and a chance to win. reaweb@windstream.net

Kathy said...

This is great, our guild is doing a row robin for this years project, and my idea was houses, so these patterns are out in a timely fashion for me. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. Have a good time in Ill.

Anonymous said...

Love a chance to win, and can't wait to retire to enjoy all the BonnieQuilts that I want to make. Enjoy your trip to my home state, from further north but still a great state, humidity will be just a joy LOL not! Thank you for all you give of yourself, mary4gen@cox.net

Anita Gambrell said...


Unknown said...

Bonnie, It looks like a fabulous issue of Quiltmaker. I'd be tickled pink to win. I love your daily posts and inspiration. Thank you and have fun in Illinois! Linda Roetman

Debbie said...

I keep saying no more magazines then I see these and I can't wait to get the.

Leavenworth Robin said...

Would love to win one of your magazines. Can't have enough ideas quiltnrobin@nwi.net

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I would love to win the magazines. Before your patterns , house blocks were and still are favorites of mine.

Unknown said...

I would love to have the Quiltmaker magazines and boy I can't believe it has been 3 weeks, well time flies when you are having fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, Love to win the magazines. Love the house quilt. Follow your blog everyday and am worn out from everything you manage to do all the time and can even do the quilt cam. Amazing!!

skye said...

I love Quiltmaker & especially love that Fireweed block! Yum!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Betty Woodlee said...

Love the houses and thanks for the give away. b.j.day68atgmaildotcom

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, Love to win the magazines. Love your blog and follow it everyday.
Thanks for everything you do for us quilters.



Anonymous said...

Did someone actually make the houses on a road into a quilt!? Had I started quilting a LONG time ago, I can see one of my boys having used that as a car play mat. They loved to lay on the floor and play with their cars and trucks and planes on the floor and create whole towns. How fun to have a quilt play mat like that!!!
Friend Jen. :-) jsodt@triad.rr.com

Laura said...

Both of these magazines look great and I love the Fireweed block! And you are correct that the Fireweed is still in bloom! I have a friend working in Alaska for the summer and they were making fireweed jelly a couple of days ago from the fireweed they had just picked :-).

Vivian said...

I'd love to see the details of those houses up close. Looks like a fun issue, and the cover on the other issue is a definite winner too. Thanks for the giveaway, Bonnie. Safe travels, and enjoy Illinois.

Unknown said...

This is a great give-away. Love your quilt on the cover. It is beautiful. Hope to win. Have a great week in Illinois.
Jean in N.C.

Joyce Carter said...

Thanks for the chance to win these great magazines.

Donna-Maree said...

Hi Bonnie, thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway. Thanks for everything you do for us - your patterns, mysteries and sharing your travels.

kacklinghen said...

Hi Bonner I'm a newbe quilter and have learned so many things from you. I love it.

Barbara G. said...

I would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win the 2 Quiltmaker magazines.

kacklinghen said...

Ho Bonnie .. Love your little houses..will have to make some..

kacklinghen said...

Hi Bonnie love your quilt patterns It's hard deciding which one to start...Can't wait to meet you in Alaska in may 2015.

Terri said...

I'm so behind, too! Thanks for the opportunity. Tdwoverton at gmail.com

kacklinghen said...

Hi Bonnie .. love your patterns.. would love to have the new magazine.. Can't wait to meet you in Alaska 2015

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Bonnie. i am a new quilter and can use all the inspiration i can get!!!

Deanna said...
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Deanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity, I don't think we get that particular magazine here in NZ (or not that I've seen) ... Rose - NZ


OhioLori said...

Have fun & enjoy your trip! :)

Love the Houses too!! Way cute!!

Kathi Cappellini said...

I'm not ready for October!!! But, I'd love the two Quiltmaker issues. I like your string pieced roof, it's great proof that you can add super awesome scrappiness in all sorts of places in piecing. Thank you for always thinking of us and offering fun giveaways.

Janine said...

I really enjoy reading your blog and all your adventures! Thanks for the chance to win the magazines.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog Bonnie, its a must read every day. Thanks for the chance to win.


mgquilts said...

Just finished a house BOM from our local quilt store and loved it. Want to make your little wonky houses and now you have more houses for me to do. How much better can it get!!!
Bonnie, I've been following your blog for months now, saving my scraps and cutting up the years-old stuff. Well, I finally started string piecing blocks to go around a panel to make a bed-sized quilt for a homeless shelter...and I AM LOVING IT! I am definitely hooked.

lorene said...

oh my gosh bonnie, I need this magazine! I have the 9 patches already done. that is an awesome block! thanks for the chance.


Sheri in Iowa said...

Another great giveaway! Hope you are having a great time in IL. Only one state over from me here in IA. Thanks for ALL you do!

Unknown said...

What a great give away. I have always liked houses and have pictures, counted cross stitch hangings etc of different houses so making the quilt featured would be fantastic. I enjoy your blog and all of your photos.
Thank you, Cheryl B

Unknown said...

Have a great time in Illinois!! I have completed your Orange Crush quilt top hoping to make it home to see you there. Thinking it would be perfect since the student section at the Illinois games is called the Orange Crush. I am sorry to say I could not make it :(.
Lisa Bartlett

Terry said...

quiltmaker magazine rocks and they are lucky you are putting articles in it you rock also Bonnie keep=up the grat work can;t wait for the mystery uilt

Unknown said...

Have fun in Champaign-Urbana. Safe travels...sans turtles. Thanks for the giveaway.

Marilyn Robertson said...

I missed Quilt Cam last night but I was able to catch up tonight! :) Thanks for the opportunity to win the Quiltmaker magazines!

Mariel said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the magazines! The blocks are so cute!

Anonymous said...

Just starting "Jamestown Landing". Wish me luck! Thanks for the chance to win!


Lewjacks said...

I would love to win these issues of Quiltmaker. I am in between with my subscription and would miss this issue otherwise. Thank you.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

Thank you for yet another great give away! It seems like summer just began yet, I'm seeing back to school sales and I just want to say WAIT. . . .I'm not ready for that yet!!!!!!!

Lavonna ZWB said...

What a wonderful opportunity. Thanks so much!

Marilyn said...

Great giveaway. those houses are really cute, especially yours. I really like your addicted to scraps blocks. Our little group have used some of them.
mrlyn at shaw dot com.

andifar said...

I love 8:03pm central time every day. I know it is Bonnie time! thanks for adding me to the drawing. Paula in Omaha.

Unknown said...

My den is decorated with houses. I even have one on a lampshade. I would love to win the magazine with the pattern to make a quilt with houses.

Celeste said...

Thank you so much for always sharing your quilting expertise. A chance to win the magazines is a bonus.

sandrarumsey said...

Thanks for the chance for a little inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Mi chiedo come mai provo ancora, tanto non vincerò mai.... Ma mi piacerebbe e queste casette sono deliziose. Ancora grazie per questa opportunità.

Debbie said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Bonnie! Would love to see the Wanderlust pattern and your articles.

elana613 said...

Would love to win! It is hard to get magazines here in Israel...
Working on a scrappy trips baby quilt from your pattern. Thank you for your free patterns page - You are the best!

GranChris said...

I was just thinking about a house quilt the other day. Must be time to make one.

joanne said...

This is my favorite quilting magazine and I enjoy your posts immensely. I live in Alberta, Canada

Unknown said...

Great giveaway Bonnie, still need to get the Wanderlust issue. Thanks and enjoy your trip.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the great giveaways


Unknown said...

Amy Ramsay and the M&Ms are back in the quilt room!! YeS! Were 6 months old on the 3rd and they love the sewing room! After putting them to bed last night ingot to watch Quilt Cam!! IT WAS A NEW MOMMY OF TWINS BREAK-THRU!! Anyway love everything you do its inspiring!! Hugs!

Clare M said...

Love those houses, and your roof looks to cool. Thanks for the chance to win.

odette said...

This is a great giveaway, I love to make houses.
Fantastic blog.

ruthsplace said...

I'd love to win a copy, thanks for the chance!

Your house block is fabulous, I'd never had thought to use strings for the roof, but they work so well!

colleen said...

Bonnie thank you for answering most of my questions on quilt cam...I really enjoy that show .... when you are not on live I watch reruns!!! I bought the issue with your quilt on the cover so if you choose me you could give that magazine to another person. Of course I'd love to be a winner just being chosen if great to be gifted a magazine is like whipped cream on top

mamie poupette56 said...

Merci Bonnie je tente ma chance!!!!
j'aime beaucoup votre blog Merci pour vos modèles.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bonnie for the give away.
Maybe this time I am the winner VBG.
Greetings Dini

QuiltingKate said...

Would love to win the Quiltmaker magazines, if I win I will issue a challenge to my quilt buddies to make some of those darling houses in bright colours to make a charity quilt.

Thank you for an interesting website and blog posts.

QuiltingKate said...

Thank you for the giveaway, if I win I will share with my quilting buddies!

Anonymous said...

I love the houses and can only imagine what they will turn out like when I make one. Love to win these two magazines.
Karen Beck robren5272@sbcglobal.net

Emily C said...

Aww, the houses are very cute. I love them.

Linda H said...

So cute. Yes, with a close photo, I think we would probably have guessed your block! Thanks for the chance to win these magazines. Have a good trip.

Mary K said...

Love your sewing room and another house block quilt is on my list. Thanks for the give away.

Helen in the UK said...

I love your use of the strings on the house roof, adds extra dimension.

Please add me to the draw for the magazines ... keeping everything crossed :)

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, would love to make the cute house blocks.
Thanks for everything you do for the quilting community.

Mary Dugan said...

What a great giveaway! Who doesn't like a new Quiltmaker magazine? Love what you do!

McQuilt said...

Love the fireweed block a lot.

Alleyne Hardaker said...

Alleyne here from Lindsay, Ontario Canada. I sure hope Quiltmaker is here in case I don't win. Can't wait to try the house.

Anonymous said...

Love the houses - especially yours. Would love to win.

scrappy101 said...

Hi Bonnie I would love a chance to win the Quiltmaker magazines. I love your blog!

Unknown said...

Alleyne here from Lindsay, Ontario Canada. I sure hope Quiltmaker is available in case I don't win the contest.

Judy S in New Hampshire said...

I'd love a chance to win the Quiltmaker issues! Very cute houses. I can't start my morning until I've read your blog!

mumbird3 said...

Cool house!

Debby said...

I love the houses. your string roof looks great. Thanks for the giveaway. I would really like to check out these issues.

Stitchin At Home said...

Fantastic giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Would love to have a copy of the wonderlust pattern and never one to do houses but these look like something I might just do.

CindyB said...

I saw Halloween decorations in the store yesterday. What happened to summer? It flew by. I would love to win the magazines. Thank you for the chance and be safe on your travels.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Would love to win both mags with your Addicted to Scraps column in them. Thanks for the chance to win. Over 500 comments already. You are a popular blogger, Bonnie!

quiltgrannie said...

They say time fly's when your having fun and I am defiantly doing that following your blog. Happy Quilting Bonnie!! Karen S.

Buncobuddy said...

This magazine looks amazing! Would love to have it!

Susan said...

Thanks for the opportunity. Those houses are wonderful!

JoAnn said...

Hi Bonnie - you are so generous both with your time,your expertise and your blog -- and no I'm not trying to hedge my chance with the comments lol!
thanks for the chance to win more inspiration for UFO's ;)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win these. I enjoy your blogs so much, Thanks, Holly aka scarlet3894@yahoo.com

Michele said...

Thanks for a chance to win. I knew right away which house was yours!

Anonymous said...

Oh random generator, pick me. I want the magazines.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this great giveaway!! Love to read your blog!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win the magazines - sometimes I feel I know you since starting to read your blog, like TV anchor people - guess you are a star in my quilting world. Thanks, cindy at cwienstroer@amuniversal.com

Lkekko said...

The magazine looks like a winner to me.
Happy quilting

Rachel said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Love the House quilt, so cute!

Odyssey Quilter said...

If I only had 1/100th of your energy, I could get soooo much done. thanks for the chance to win!

Pat Cole trishcole1952@yahoo.com

Lindab quilts said...

Love the houses! Thanks for the giveaway!

Linda B. in Naples

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Always fun to enter your giveaways.

Lorna said...

Would wlove to win the drawing. I knew your house was the yellow one!

Lisa said...

Hi Bonnie,
Glad you made it to IL, my home state, wish I was able to see you on this visit!!! Thanks for all you do for quilters, love quilt cam, big fan of yours!!! Would love to win the give away of the magazines. Have a great time in IL!

martha said...

It took so long for spring to finally arrive - and it still hasn't really gotten the usually HOT here in TX, I am sure that this wacky year will give us an early fall - The quick appearance of the Sept/Oct edition must be an indication. Off to quilt - hope you have safe and pieceful journeys!!

SuBee618 said...

Thank you so very much for this opportunity!! I so want to make the Wanderlust quilt! This would surely get me started! Thank you for loving all of us so much.

Jusmom1 said...

Oooooohhhhh....even more quilts I want to make! I need to live to be 250 in order to get them all done, lol. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

I love Giveaways! This weekend is the Maine State Quilt Show AND my birthday. Two magazines would just wrap up the "Quilter's Weekend" for me! Love your scrapping ideas!
Dianne at diannefinnegan28@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Thanks for the Giveaway! Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

Am addicted to your blog!! Love Quilt Cam. Thanks for the giveaway...

darlene said...

Thanks Bonnie! I enjoy watching all that you do. Your patterns are great.

janethickman98 said...

Awesome giveaway! So many quilts so little time

Janet Hickman

Bonnie said...

Thanks for the chance to win. The houses are so cute. have a friend who is moving into a new house. A small wall hanging with one of the houses just may be a housewarming gift.

Judy said...

Thanks for the chance at another great giveaway. You are so awesome. Why does our vacation time always goes by so fast, this summer has flown by.

Unknown said...

I would love on Thanks for the chance

mclay@charter.net said...

If you ask me, the whole darn summer has been flying by too quickly--not just the last 3 weeks! Love the red string roof!


Unknown said...

I'd love to win! This is my favorite magazine and to have your quilt in it, well it's just icing on the cake!! Alison Nevin, alinevin34@gmail.com

Desi said...

Cute house block, Bonnie. Thanks for a chance.

Anonymous said...

Love your quilts Bonnie. Thanks for the great Giveaway. blessosu@yahoo.com

BlessOSU said...

Beautiful quilts - great magazines. Thanks Bonnie

Anonymous said...

I love all your patterns and that house block is perfect. Hope I can win the pattern.
Tammy Frizzell

Anonymous said...

Well, what can I say, other than 'pick me'!!!! Both mags look great. Love your work!

Anonymous said...

I love all your patterns, I would love to try the house block in the magazine.
Hope to win!!
Tammy Frizzell

Anonymous said...

Wow...thanks for the wake-up call....golly, it IS almost August! (my birth month!) Thanks for the chance to win....oh great random number generator, please pick me!!! --Connie H.

Anonymous said...

Those 3 weeks really did fly by! I hope you have a great time in Illinois!!

CA Bobbie said...

Thanks again for the giveaway- as off you go again! Love your posts but couldn't live your schedule. I don't get things put away fast enough! rjc2cam(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I love that the August cover features "Wanderlust" and the September/October cover is focused on "Homes"! That definitely matches the way our vacation and work calendar works around here!

Anonymous said...

I am hooked on Quiltville Blog! I'd like a try at the houses.

tac73 said...

Love Quiltmaker magazine and your column.

jemfl said...

Great magazine! Thanks for all you share, always learn some-
thing new.


csstexas said...

I am partial to little houses but both cover quilts are wonderful! Thanks.


Unknown said...

How about an article on just how you accomplish all you do? Inquiring minds want to know. lol Would love to win the Quiltmaker. Jackie

Anonymous said...

Your house is really cute!!!! Thank you for sharing all you do!


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for a chance to win! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE scrap quilts and have become a Bonnie Hunterite!! Thanks for all of the inspiration! I have my feelers out for a working treadle. Can't wait to give one a whirl!!
sevquilt at yahoo dot com.

Anonymous said...

Love your house block! my daughter sells real estate and I plan to make her a house quilt one of these days! Thanks for the giveaway! Helen
hrglover at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Ardisyoung@yahoo.com

Patti said...

Cute Houses! I love houses!! One day I'm gonna win one of your drawings.........probably the same time I will a lottery!!!! But it's fun to try.

Annette Gathright said...

Where do you get all the energy to travel, sew, and think of all the quilt designs you have generated? It makes my head spin to think of all that! Would love to have a copy of that issue! ...maybe I can keep up a little with you! Since I don't know what you'll see on my posting, will tell you my name is Annette, and anettka@aol.com is my email!

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

I hear you, summer is going by just too darn fast. Love your house block.

Sherry Yeakel said...

Awesome giveaway, I may never win but it's always fun to try!

Sherry Yeakel

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

You are so right about the summer disappearing too fast! House pattern would be cute for my little 3 yo grandson! I am sure my roofs will be shingled with scraps also!

Judy said...

Love the houses and your patterns are always so fun to do up! Thanks for the giveaway!

PJ said...

Oh! I would really LOVE to win!

Kirsten said...

Great houses! Would love to win.

Jen said...

I love the houses on the quilt. I have always wanted to make a house quilt. Guess I should just do it!!!

MairCee said...

Two beautiful magazines! Thanks for the chance to win them. I love reading about all of your travels.

Sandy Fields said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win these two great magazines! I'd love to try my hand at the little houses. Thanks for being such an inspiration to sew many!

grann616 said...

I have never made any houses and they look great. Would love to have these magazines. Thank you for giveaway. Is the gluten free lifestyle giving you more energy? Sharon K. Lozano slozano5@earthlink.net

CarolB said...

I don't wonder that you feel like you're never caught up, with your schedule -- it would kill most people! I'm so glad you are able to "keep up" with all you do. I would love to win -- but will look for the mags on the news stand. I just love settling back with a cup of tea and a new quilting magazine!

Patti said...

I'm such a fan of houses. Please enter me in the give away & thank you very much.

Dar said...

Love those houses. One of my first quilts was a Marsha McClosky house block. Your little string pieced roof house is YOU for sure. Thanks for the chance to win this mag.

Marilyn.denzine@uahealth.com said...

You are such a busy lady. Thanks for always taking us with you.

Anita said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to win the magazines, thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

The Magazine looks great-- thanks for a chance to win! Linda Hartman lhartman1@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

I love your quilts, it helps me keep my scraps under control. Thanks for a great giveaway.

Connie b

Anonymous said...

I LOVEhouse blocks! Thanks for a chance to win these issues.

Brenda B in VA. Bbbuck@verizon.net

Janet said...

I can't believe August is next week. I need to get movin' or I'll never catch up. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bonnie,
Great give away! I like the house quilt a lot.
Thank you so much!


LizA. said...

I remember the fireweed from Alaska last summer. I have some beautiful pics of it too.

dorothy said...

Thanks for the chance to win, until I get a house and moved, I haven't even looked at the new magazines on the stands.

Dorothy Schreyer

dorothy said...

Thanks for the chance to win, until I get a house and moved, I haven't even looked at the new magazines on the stands.

Dorothy Schreyer

Anonymous said...

I love houses! It would be great to win. Greetings from Germany. Angelika


Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Love your house!! Thanks for the fun!

smilingwoman said...

Would LOVE to have your patterns in Quiltmaker magazine! Thanks for the chance...

Unknown said...

I am ready to start a new project, and this would be a great motivator! Thank you Bonnie for all you do.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win. Really nice looking issue.


Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Thanks for the give away would love the chance to to win. Pauline chocalat@netconnect(dot)com(dot)au

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win those magazines.

Chris of ukcitycrafter@live.co.uk

Terri in BC said...

Love Quiltmaker magazine! I go through them regularly, and eventually tear them apart. I've saved all your Addicted to Scraps columns in a special binder reserved just for your patterns!

Ellen said...

I have always loved houses! How cute these are. I have house blocks but not put into a quilt yet. Key word...yet. Would love to get the chance to win. Thanks

Kathleen said...

I would love to win the magazines, that is if I'm not too late with my post!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for offering these great give aways. You provide such great inspiration.


JulieMB said...

Love your house block! The little black piece to create a shadow or angle illusion onto the path is really cool. Love all that you do!! Julie in Maryland jemb444@gmail.com

Christine Gardner said...

Thanks Bonnie for sharing all your quilty knowledge with us!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance. Looks like a lot of nice projects to dream about.
Hope you have a safe trip home.
Sue.quilts at verizon.net

Carol said...

Those house are just adorable. I can see a large whole quilt with them. Love houses.

Nancy said...

I love the houses idea. If only there were about 6 more hours in a day! Sign me up.

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