
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Quiltmaker in the Mailbox! GIVEAWAY!

The September/October 2014 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine is IN THE HOUSE!


Holy COW!  No wonder I can’t catch up no matter how I try!

It reminds me of working in the flower shop in Ontario Oregon between 1985-1989.  I learned that we are really ALWAYS behind, because the displays were all about the next holiday down the road.  Still drives me nuts and makes me feel a bit panicky.

I want to enjoy the WHOLE summer, not be focusing on October already, but if you can’t beat them, join them!

You are going to LOVE this issue….see those cute houses on the front?

The full pattern by Lori Holt is included:


Parkview Lane!  CUTE!

And the gals at Quiltmaker issued several of us a challenge…to make our OWN rendition of Lori’s houses….take a sneak peak!


Parade of homes!  Which one is MINE!?


You’ll find me at #4 Parkview Lane! 

Would you have guessed me? By the string pieced roof?

This was a very fun project to do…I can see myself making MORE houses for a future project.  You’ll find the pattern and can make your own variations by picking up this issue of Quiltmaker Magazine.

Also included in the magazine…My Addicted to Scraps column!

((Usually I am getting my issue just as it is going up on the Quiltmaker Website, but I’m early this month so I’m having to take photos from the magazine, no cute graphics to share…))


Addicted to Scraps block..FIRE-WEED!

((Bad glare on the photo!))

The fire-weed flower blooms across the rugged Alaskan landscape, softening the terrain’s hard-cut edges and bringing vibrant color to the countryside.

It’s almost August as I write this..if I remember correctly, that fire-weed should STILL be in bloom right about now.  So pretty!

I used leftover nine patches made as leaders & enders from recycled fabrics.  All of the red and cream triangles and the purple and cream triangles are buns units saved from other projects. 

You’ll find the directions for the fire-weed block in the Addicted to Scraps column of the Sept/Oct issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

So let’s have a Give-Away!


Sweet Deal!

I am giving away a Sept/Oct issue along with a July/August issue showing my Wanderlust quilt on the cover!

Leave a comment in the comments section below, remembering to leave your name AND email address if your profile does not have your email address linked to it.  If I can’t contact you, you can’t win.  Don’t forget!

Also, if you are commenting via iPhone or iPad or other mobile device, and you have clicked to this page via a link in Facebook, you have to open the link in a new browser window to be OUT OF FACEBOOK to be able to enter.  Or just come to a regular computer to do it, it’s easier.

Comments left in email, or in the guestbook will not count as contest entries.  You must leave your comment in the comments section only so I can use the random number generator to draw our winner.

I return home on Sunday ---but late if I remember.  Let’s draw for our winner Monday Evening!

I’m off to Illinois this morning ---going to spend a few days in Champaign with the Illini Quilters!

((Did this past 3 weeks off fly by fast or what?!?))

Next post will be from Illinois, stay tuned!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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dianak said...

How fun! I am envisioning trying to replicate (the colors at least) of the homes in which I have lived. Gotta win cuz no one around my remote neck of the woods carry this mag. I am just going to break down and subscribe.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I'd love a chance for the magazines. My son now lives in Alaska, so, those fireweed blocks would be great. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I love following you and getting inspired by all you do. You make me feel like a slacker! ;o)) thanks

caltexgal@aol.com in the sierra foothills of cali

Anonymous said...

Another wonderful giveaway! Thank you Bonnie for all your inspiration!

Louise Young

Ellen in Arkansas said...


thanks for the giveaway, quilt cam last night the other million things you do. This is the second time I have done this. I didn't see my post so I'm pretty sure the first one didn't work. This is my first time to do this so im still learning.

Ellen Terry

Unknown said...

I love the houses! Thanks for the opportunity to win both magazines! ld(dot)glasser at gmail(dot)com

Sally Langston Warren said...

I would love a chance to win one of the magazines....love your patterns in them...and who knows what else in the issue will provide just the inspiration I need?! Enjoy the rest of the summer! There is still a month left! jspwarren at aol dot com..

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, thank you so much for yet another chance to win! I LOVED seeing your Wanderlust quilt last night during quilt-cam. I often wonder how you get as much sewing done as you do...you are totally amazing! Have fun on your upcoming adventures.

Lisa (nrthwds2scrap@yahoo.com)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance to win these wonderful books. I would love them.

Denise J said...

I don't know how to applique but I would love to try this!

Shout4Joy said...

September is WAY too close! I'm going back to college starting the end of August and would like a few extra weeks in there to quilt ;)

I'd also love to peruse these magazines - winning them would be great!

Frog Quilter said...

Would love to receive a copy of Quiltmaker, lots of inspiration.


bunbear said...

Would really like to have this! :)

tamkrumwiede at hotmail dot com

Ellen said...

The fireweed in my front yard is mid-bloom - a brilliant hot pink! Come back to Alaska, Bonnie!

Lynda said...

I am with you, summer just got here and we are flooded with Christmas in July, Fall coming soon, school about to start...what happened to summer?

Darlene Fel....... said...

I would love to win the magazines. Making a house (& a barn) has been on my bucket list for a while. Maybe this would finally be the ticket to get them done! Thanks for the chance:-) and for the fun quilt cam last night!

Heartsdesire said...

This is a great magazine, and your house is perfect. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. The fire-weed block would certainly reduce my scraps substantially.

Rilene said...

I love the little houses! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and would love to win the magazines. Thanks, Leslie Miller

Kathy MacKie said...

Sure would like to come home to those houses and no house cleaning involved.

LauraJ said...

Want fun blocks! I've always loved house blocks - they're on my list :)

Unknown said...

I love your blog and I'd love a free mag :)

Kim said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
Look at all those great projects :0)
Oh what fun to be a quilter!!

Happy Sewing and safe travels.

Patty said...

Great magazine!!!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed quilt cam last night and would love to win the magazines. Thank you for all you do.

Linda said...

I'd love to have the magazines. I may have to buy them if I don't win them.

Susie Jensen said...

I'm so wanting to win this magazine. Have a great time in Illinois, you are going to be about 35 miles from my hometown.

lindaroo said...

Someday I'll make a houses quilt, I always love them! I think that once I get started, I'll want to keep making more and more houses!
Love your fireweed block. I can imagine how cheery they'll look made into a quilt.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see those houses up close. Thanks for sharing and have fun!
Mary Kauffman

Unknown said...

I love Fireweed. It is using up squares and triangles. Will have to try that one.....too. Thanks. Hope to win!

Mac said...

Thanks for the chance at winning the magazines.

krazyquilt said...

I agree time is flying but thanks to you I can keep busy and use ing my mountain of scraps, I would love to win the magazine thanks for all you do, Margene

G-Rock said...

Whee! Another giveaway already! You are very generous indeed. Please enter me in the drawing. And just in case my email isn't linked to my name, I'm Roxy at roxmom86@gmail.com.

G-Rock said...

Whee! Another giveaway already! You are very generous indeed. Please enter me in the drawing. And just in case my email isn't linked to my name, I'm Roxy at roxmom86@gmail.com.

Anonymous said...

Love your house block! Discovered you a few months ago when I participated in a swap using your house block in your free block pattern section. Linda email: linquilt74@yahoo.com

Pat V. said...

I love quilts with house blocks and these are so cute! Thanks for the chance.

Kay said...

Quiltmaker is one of my favorites & it would be so fun to win. Love your house block. It does look like you.

Betty P said...

From bettyprice10@hotmail.com
I love your Fireweed block. I just subscribed to Quiltmaker magazine but don't know when first issue will arrive. Would love to win!

Maureen in Portland said...

For me, this is barely mid-summer ... definitely not into fall stuff yet. But that magazine -- wonderful! Would love to have that village map for my own! Thank you for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win these to share with my quilting friends.

Anonymous said...

Have always wanted to do a house quilt. Hope this is my chance!! Such a cute design on the house quilt, just love it! Enjoy your trip!!


Jen Barnard said...

Your house looks great with its string pieced roof.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

Unknown said...

Awesome houses. We might have to do that as a friendship project. Thanks for the giveaway.


Dorothy Matheson said...

Hi, Lovely to read your blog posts every day. Have a safe fun trip. I do so like house blocks and have plans to make one. But first three baby quilts for three new great grand babies.

Joann said...

Loved Quilt Cam last night, I got a lot done on UFOs. Would love to win the Quiltmaker magazines since I have more room on my spreadsheet now :0)

Unknown said...

I love your house with the string pieced roof! I really want to win both of these since July/August was sold out when I got to the store. Thank you for having this giveaway.

Heather said...

Great giveaway! I just recently allowed my QM subscription lapse (earlier this spring), I've just been too busy too renew. Thanks for the reminder!

Dora, the Quilter said...

Do have fun in Champaign! I did much of my undergraduate work there (or in Urbana, as they kept reminding us!).
Thanks for the chance to win!

Janet said...

I always love your scrappy style! That Fireweed block looks like it has lots of possibilities. Thanks for the chance!

quiltot said...

Love your patterns and the magazine. Would love to win. quiltot51@att.net

Patsy said...

Hi Bonnie, Just love, love , love QuiltCam. I try and catch you live. I've missed 2 live shows in year I have found you searching on toutube. I watch you video playlist on youtube if Im unable to sleep sometimes. I went to store looking for that July magazine but was unable to find any of them on the shelves. I hope to win them. Love all you do in sharing you time with us. Thanks Bonnie My Patsy p-kia@hotmail.com

kynomi said...

Great as always. I would love to win. Thanks

Tammy Jones said...

YAY! I love Quiltmaker!!

Thanks, Bonnie!


Karb328 said...

Would really like to win these!

Karb328 said...

Hope I win!

Leslie said...

Anything with quilty houses gets my attention.

PalmerGal said...

I have lived in Alaska for over 40 years, and I still love fireweed! We track summer by the fireweed blossoms. They are nearly half-way up the stalk now - summer is going too fast! Would love to have the magazine. Thank you for all your inspiration.

Anna brown said...

anna brown happyness04431@yahoo.com love the houses they look real and well done ty for giveaway.....

Unknown said...

I love Quiltmaker Magazines! I get them all the time at the store! I would love to get some for free! Awesome give away Bonnie! Thanks for all you do! Julie from Iowa!

Anonymous said...

LOVE house blocks! I have your wonky houses on my to do list :-)

and yes, magazines with far future dates contributes to the deja vu all over again dysphoria! not to mention the catalogs and emails with Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas ads!

Sharon in Colorado sschipper@usbr.gov

Anonymous said...

Thank you again for your generosity! I would be so happy to win these issues!
S. Sharp

Pati said...

I've never done a house quilt! And I love the fireweed block. Have a great time traveling in Illinois!!

leftie said...

Thanks for the giveaway, and safe travels to you. You inspire me and I always learn something new from you.



Sewbig said...

Love the houses! Thanks for the chance to win.

Mary said...

Love your House. I'm so glad I got to meet Lori last month. I'm a subscriber but would LOve to have this issue before it arrives in my mailbox. Thanks for the giveaway!

Penny from S.C. said...

I see there are already lot of comments. Oh well, might as well try. Love all your scrappiness. Thanks

jeri said...

Oh my goodness I just love all you do!, enjoyed quilt cam last night, I am quilting a friends scrappy trips today. Keep on sister!
jeri in Oregon

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, thank's again for a chance to win the Quiltmaker magazine. Have fun in Illinois, I think that is where you are....can't keep up with you. What a wonderful life. sandsanders9@gmail.com

Mary Bolton said...

Another great giveaway! Thanks for all you do for us Bonnie!

B J Chaplin said...

House quilt patterns are my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

July went so fast--but August in TX is too hot, so thinking of fall might be a nice idea. I have lots of gifts to finish that require cooler weather Angie andrayco@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Appreciate the giveaway - really nice patterns.
Harlan KY

Anonymous said...

I work at a school and have the summer off so I really don't like back to school signs. Thanks for the chance to win. Maureen

Loris said...

Love, love, love that roof!
thank you for the giveaway!

Valerie S said...

Have never read this publication, but would love to meander though them if I win. Love your blog and can't wait to take your classes in Sept.

Em said...

Those are *pretty*. I think I need more hours in a day!

Unknown said...

Would love to make wanderlust. TIA...Nnacy

MyQuiltingLady.com said...

Hi Bonnie - Thanks for the chance to win the magazines! Have a great time in Illinois! Laurie

WandaH said...



Dody said...

I won, I won! Ok I'm just being optimistic here. Thank you Bonnie Hunter for the giveaway.

Jeanie said...

Thanks for all your giveaways! Would love to have Quiltmaker magazines. Linda Sumner lindajhsumner@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie
I don't see my house lol it's a bungalow lol guess will have to win and make it myself.

Suellen said...

I knew which house was yours right away. :)

Lauren said...

Love love love your scrappy quilts! I'm a novice, but I've already used one of your blocks in a lap quilt and I'm saving scraps from Goodwill, thrift shops, and friends to make one of your quilts. The really hard part is choosing one, they're all so gorgeous!

pharmgirl75 said...

Love the red roof on your house!

Diana said...

Love the houses! Thanks for all of your inspiration that is so catchy!

msmargie2 said...

Love theses little houses
Margie Young

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thank you for giving me a chance to win the magazine. I love the Houses, they are so cute, that would be awesome for the grandchildren, they are always wanting to play house. I also find the Fire Weed Block, very interesting. You sure do keep us challenged.
Thank you again,
Linda King

Karen Nicholson said...

I'm like you, not ready for the "back to school" push. I'm still trying to enjoy the summer. The patterns look great, particularly the houses. Thanks for the chance to win. Enjoy your time in IL.


Rita Mitchell said...

Another great giveaway! Please include me in your drawing. I'd love to have a copy of your Wanderlust pattern. Thanks!

Dee Regier said...

I know I don't have a chance to win but I love your quilts and books and energy. I will go buy the book if i don't win.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie...thanks for the giveaway! Yay! Another way to utilize my growing stash of scraps! Thank you for your never-ending ideas!! Carla

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all you do for the quilting community///and for me!

Monkeylady said...

Love your blog. Have been watching for quite a long time and enjoy it very much. Good ideas! Would like to be a winner!

D. Bolton at monkeylady@att.net

Anonymous said...

What a great little house, I love the quilt. Have fun in Illinois!!
Thanks for all you do for us,
Sue in Illinois

QuilteHilde said...

Yes_ I would love to win an issue.

Avon said...

I love your wanderlust quilt. I am finding I have to many I want to make and not enough time. I guess I need to reevaluate where all the time is going.

Ms. C said...

Hi Bonnie,
Saw you on Quilt Cam last night! Hope to win these magazines as I'm always stash busting...

Shirl said...

Dear Bonnie, I will forgive your sharing the October yikes!! The fireweed block is great and the house blocks are cute too! I would gladly stich my way to the REAL fall weather working on these :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,

Thanks for the chance to win. Would love to make some houses.


spacer said...

I am really looking forward to the Sept/Oct issue as I have a real deal for making buildings.


Gill said...

Count me in please Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

True story...I was at Hobby Lobby waiting for my daughter to text me when she finished her Nursing Board Exam, so I could pick her up. While there I found the Quiltmaker magazine with your quilt on the front cover...Wanderlust. Just as I picked it up my phone rang (no text), yep a call from the nursing student...to please hurry and pick her up NOW. Long story short...long lines meant no time to wait to buy magazine. So, as I am writing this note I am still waiting to hear if she passed the Board AND hoping I will still be able to find that issue later this week. Patience is a virtue. Lol

Anonymous said...

Love the little houses - a house quilt is on my bucket list.

nankc said...

I want these! I have a son who had that wanderlust AND he liked being homeless in Alaska for a time--fits both of these quilts!

Quilting Gail said...

Oh Bonnie, the houses are so cute!!! And the fireweed blocks … hmmm - they would use up a few scraps!

email: leave out the spaces

gail sheppard 5 @ gmail . com

nankc said...

Above comment--- nankc at comcast dot net

Rosie Westerhold said...

Oh, Bonnie, those houses are just SO cute! Should have known you would have string-pieced roofs:) Would love to win the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Hi just give me a chance to win please!


Donna T said...

I would have picked the pieced roof as yours. I love the houses. I will someday get to make a house quilt. They have been on my bucket list. First comes Easy Street and Spiderweb.

Cindi said...

Wonder if I could make a Wonky Happy Scrappy Two Story Houses quilt? Would love to win the magazines. Thanks for all you do. ccasey1343 at aol.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! Love your blog and all of your patterns and books.


qltmom9 said...

Ooo...would love to win.

dufen dachs (at) juno (dot) com

Unknown said...

I love little houses! I've done several different house blocks, and I really like the ones shown here! Carole (caroledoyle@windstream.net)

Unknown said...

I love your string pieced roof on your house block! Thank you so much for your blog and the giveaway!

PeggyinNO said...

Holy moly--- 317 quilters really want this magazine ! Make that 318 which will include me!!! Thanks for a chance to win.
I will be stitching with you tonight on Quiltcam. Can't wait!

JANET said...

Time seems to be racing by! September will be here before you know it, and then Christmas!!!?? Don't blink!

JANET said...

Time seems to be racing by! September will be here before you know it, and then Christmas!!!?? Don't blink!

QuiltyKS said...

Add me to the list of contestants :-) pls
Thanks! Shannon

Jennifer said...

Those houses are soon cute! I can see a few of those in my future. Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Fingers crossed that I win!!

Kim said...

Awesome quilts. Thank you for the give away!


GoGo said...

I would love to have these magazines Bonnie - thanks so much for your continuing generosity.

Unknown said...

Love the house block and thanks for the giveaway!! You are sooo giving :)

Barbara O. said...

What a treat, I'd love to be the lucky one. Thanks for offering!

Pamela Neal said...

What a great giveaway for a newbie!

Lisa said...

I picked out your house! I must be getting to know you through your blog! I'm looking forward to meeting you in person in Sept. when you return to Alaska! Thanks for the giveaway and all you do for the quilting community!

sandrarobben said...

Thank you for this give away. It is my birthday in September, that feels really soon already...

MaryKup said...

Love, love, love the houses. They are so cute!

Gloria said...

I'm ready to construct some houses!! I hope I win this giveaway...yay!

Anonymous said...

Yikes! A twofer! Thanks for the free giveaway. You are always so generous. Happy trails!

barbara woods said...

would love to win, thanks Barbara

Chris said...

OH! Sign me up for a chance to win. I have a pile of leftover 9 patches that I think would make great Fireweed blocks. Thanks!!!

Linda V said...

Love your giveaways, especially this one! Thanks for all you do for us!

Unknown said...

Just heard a radio ad yesterday referring to Christmas! Ugh! Would love to win these magazines! Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie - where do you get your energy???? Can you give some of that away? I would really like to win the Quiltmaker magazines and make the house quilt especially. I love everything you do and look forward to reading the mags.

perry94022 at hotmail dot com

rosejefferson69@yahoo.com said...

I love this quilt. I would love some input about how to lay out the color scheme for a camouflage quilt using the Flyfoot pattern. Any other patterns will be considered if some quilters out there can help me. This quilt is for my oldest son. Thanks in advance:Rose

Deb A said...

Would love a chance to win! Love the block this month. Great use of a nine patch.

Jinger said...

I wish I had your energy Bonnie! Thanks for the giveaway

Carin@Ullhärvan said...

I would love to win those magazines! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Mary said...

How FUN !! Cute houses!! Love that scrappy roof!! (Why won't my builder do that??) Thanks Bonnie for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Love the fireweed block- I have lots of reds! Thanks for the give away- you are always so generous. Safe travels to Illini country- my dad & grandpa helped build the "flying saucer" on UI campus in Champaign. I remember running up to the rim and going all the way around and a dump truck was still in the building.
Juls in FL, mathrun1 at yahoo dot com

Di S said...

Thanks for the chance to win Bonnie.

quilteranonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to have a copy. Thank you for your generosity.

Dona said...

I can't believe your block called Fireweed. I just got back this morning from a quilting cruise to Alaska. You saw fireweed everywhere. I also bought fireweed fabric and 2 fireweed cross stitch patterns.

butrfly2200 said...

Great giveaway. would love to win. Watched you quilt-cam last night and finished today. It was great. I made the spiderweb block but do not use paper. I start with the centre web and add strips. I cut the triangle from plastic/template and cut to size a few times as I am making them. I cut and pin all my strips to the triangle and then use them as the leaders and enders with all my sewing.
:) Carol

Deb said...

I would love to win. Thanks for the chance. All of your quilts are soooo wonderful.

Barbara said...

I love the houses and yes I did guess your one from the roof. Thanks for a great giveaway. I would enjoy the magazines I know.

Anonymous said...

I would love to get this magazine. I love the houses.


Penny said...

Love your string roof, an excellent touch to a sweet house pattern. Don't know how you keep going with your busy schedule, you must be so fit with your 10,000 a day steps. Thank you for a chance as this magazine is not available here.

janequiltsslowly said...

I've been wanting to make a house quilt, maybe if I win I can use this pattern! Fireweed looks very interesting, too.Thanks for the try!

Ness said...

I love the magazines!...especially the wanderlust! Fun! Can't wait to see who wins...got my fingers and toes crossed! Thanks for the fun and always being so generous Bonnie....we all love you :)!

Unknown said...

I enjoy reading some of the comments. I was able to attend one of Bonnie's classes. It was both fun and informative. The book looks like a fun pattern. Hope I win.

Unknown said...

Wow! It would be great to win two magazines.


Unknown said...

Wow! It would be great to win two magazines.


JanetD said...

Oh, my favorite blocks are houses. All Lori Holt's patterns are very clear and easy to do so this would be a must buy issue - if I don't win it that is!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie love your blog, love your website, love you inspiration, love the scrap addiction, love quilting, thank you for all you do and teach. The world is a better place because you are here teaching and sharing your life with all of us. Beth in Fort Wayne, IN bethgillies@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

What neeat houses. I Would love a chance to win Quiltmaker magazine. Thanks for the give away. Laura lbquilts@newwavecomm.net

Donna in NW FL said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Love the houses and have been wanting to make a house quilt!
kd maine 77 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

oh yeah, love the houses!Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great giveaway as I enjoy Quiltmaker magazine. Thanks for all you do for us quilters.

crazy quilter said...

I am commenting since I would love to win, one of these days the ramdom number generator will pick me I am sure of it! Thanks to you and Quiltmaker for the chance.

carol bryan said...

Bonnie I would love to win Quiltmaker magazines I would give them to my guild me have brown bag drawing each month also a Birthday drawing. I love Quiltmaker and I have all your books. Thanks for all you do for us in the quilting world.
carol Bryan

Sandra said...

I would love to win the two magazines! Thanks for all you do!

Anonymous said...

The magazines look great! Would love to win them.


The Speckled Hen said...

I didn't see a cheddar house so the yellow one had to be yours. I was right!!

Can wait to win! :o)


Deb M said...

I, like everyone else, would love to win a copy of the magazine, those houses are very cute & perfect for scrap projects. Love your blog & tune in most days to follow your journeys, your lovely photos allow me to travel with you. I made a lap size version of celtic solstice for my dads 83rd birthday using your colours, it turned out quite well & he loves the brightness, Thank you for your generosity Deb M from Oz. petedebmajor@gmail.com

Amy said...

Wow, 2 magazines for the price of one (free!!). Would sure love to win both, as I somehow didn't manage to get the last Quiltmaker. Love, love, LOVE your blocks, Bonnie! And yes, the string roof on your house is ALL BONNIE!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie

I'd love to be a winner! Love all of your quilts. Thanks for sharing your work and life.

Love you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie I would love to receive a copy. Thank you for the opportunity
Donna DeRuyter

Karen said...

I love the fireweed block. It will make a great quilt. I would love to win the pattern.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bonnie, you are so good to us. I love your Fireweed block. I just love to see them in burnout areas. Thanks for the chance to win. Will have fun making the house blocks as well.

Anita said...

Both magazines look terrific!
Thanks for the giveaway.

mcmelly said...

Hi Bonnie, I love the houses, too cute. I'm so proud when I see your patterns in Quiltmaker even though I had nothing to do with it!!! I would love to win the magazines, thanks for the giveaway. Melody

Bonnie58 said...

Great giveaway. Thanks so much for sharing. Love your quilts

Anonymous said...

Florence Daly grandmafdaly@yahoo.com

I would really like to win these magazines. I just go over and over a magazine dreaming.

Rita Haverman said...

Adorable house quilt. I can't wait to either win or own this magazine. Thank you for this giveaway. Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Again, thanks for the opportunity to win a magazine. I so enjoy your posts each day. I have to have my "Bonnie Time" every night before going to bed.

happyjax said...

How exciting!! Bonnie, you are the bomb!!

Anonymous said...

Again, thanks for the opportunity to win a magazine. I so enjoy your posts each day. I have to have my "Bonnie Time" every night before going to bed.

Robin B said...

How fun to make a house quilt! Thanks for quilt cam last night. Would love to win!

Valerie Zagami said...

I saw Halloween stuff in a store already so I guess magazines are right on time. These look great. Thanks for the chance to win.

Chris Ok said...

My 2" sq are being made into a 9-patch leaders & enders quilt from your first "adventures" book. It's a queen-sized quilt, nearly half done, only sewn as leaders & enders. Despite using hundreds of sqs, there will be lots left -- maybe a fireweed project is in my future -- love it! Thanks for all you do.

Connie said...

Hello from Michigan Bonnie, thanks for the opportunity to win, you are a wonderful inspiration to all us scrappers!
Thanks for all you do,


Wren said...

I have had to give up several subscriptions over the last few years because of unemployment, so getting a couple like this would be great?

Wren said...


Anonymous said...

Bonnie. i love your house!!! just darling!! Need a copy of the magazine to make, can you help??? Carolyn Barnett csbbobbin@yahoo.com

Kathy in Guanajuato City, Mexico said...

Hi Bonnie,
I would love to win! Thanks for all you do.

Judi M said...

Another giveaway - what fun! Thanks for all you do for the quilting community.

FancyNancyQuilts said...

Happy trails to you for ice cream!

hummerlou said...

Bonnie, I would so love a Quiltmaker magazine. Thank you for all you do and for all of your wonderful patterns.



Unknown said...

roses are red, violets are blue...Bonnie loves scraps and I DO TOO!



Karen said...

Thanks for the sneak peek at the upcoming issue. I love the houses, and they definitely look great for scraps~!

Karen said...

I would love to win a giveaway.
Thanks for offering a fun magazine.

Fran T said...

I would love to win these magazines. Thanks for being so generous, Bonnie.


Anonymous said...

would love to win the giveaway. Love reading your blogs.

Anonymous said...

I love the houses. I would so love to win the magazines. Thanks for the chance.

Janet said...

Fun houses! Thanks for a chance to win the magazines.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing so much fun with us -- your boundless energy, your quilting knowledge, your travel to so many interesting places! I have learned so much from you and I look forward to your posts each day. Would love to win the magazines.

Janet in Oklahoma

Donna said...

Thanks for this opportunity!

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