
Thursday, June 05, 2014

The Mysterious McCalls Mystery! ((And Give-Away!))

Yesterday I emailed Diane at Quiltmaker Magazine letting them know that I still hadn’t received my copies of the July/Aug 2014 issue ---and my quilt is on the cover!

An email came from June saying:

“there was a mix-up at the printers and they sent McCall's issues to the Quiltmaker contributor list. My understanding is that they are correcting that, so let's wait a bit to see if you get the correct issues from them.”
AHA!  So THAT explains why I got those two random McCall’s Quilting issues that we gave away last week instead of my Quiltmaker issues!

But Never Fear – June said they would mail out TWO issues to two lucky winners if I wanted to go ahead and have a giveaway for them while they are gone on their Quiltmaker Cruise to Alaska!  ((Are you going? Are you excited!??!))


I’m drawing for TWO copies of the July/Aug issue!


You’ll find the pattern for Wanderlust inside!

And along with Wanderlust and the other great patterns, you will find my Addicted to Scraps column!

And I had to go to Quiltmaker.com to find out just WHAT block they are featuring in my column this issue!  

I send in a year’s worth of blocks and they get to decide which one is published when, so often it is a complete surprise to me which one they are featuring.  This month it is Outside In!


Turn little blocks into a table runner!

The Outside In blocks are made from 2.5” squares and finish at just over 4”, and the magazine shows you how easy it is with a cool little trick, so you’ll want to get it.  

Even though the blocks may finish at an odd size, they start with a size of square that we all have readily available on hand so the variety you need is all right there….this makes a GREAT leader & Ender project!

Visit my Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog for more info on this project.

I will be drawing for our Lucky winners from Portland Oregon on the evening of June 11th.

You know the drill, leave your comment in the comments section of the blog only, not in email, not in the guestbook, not on facebook, etc – I need to use the random number generator for drawing, and if your comment doesn’t have a number, you can’t be drawn.

You can’t comment by clicking a link in facebook or some blog reader services – you need top open the link in a new browser or safari window first.  If you still see the blue facebook bar at the top of your mobile device, you are NOT out of facebook and commenting won’t work with your facebook id. 

Better yet, put down the phone and come to a REAL computer to enter, it’s just easier!

If you are commenting as anonymous or if your email address is not visible in your profile, you must leave your name and email address so I can contact you.  If I can’t contact you, I’ll have to draw someone else, so don’t forget!

Good Luck, everyone!

OR_June2014 108

PIECE from Randy and me in Sunriver, Oregon!

And this is how I’ll be spending my day ---sewing up a storm!  BLISS!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Karen said...

Can't wait to get a copy of this issue. Love your new quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I'd love to win a copy. Thanks for your generosity.

Mary said...

Wow! The first to reply! I would love to win a magazine. The surprise McCalls magazines make sense now. Just proves we are all only human and mistakes happen. Love the quilt featured, can't wait for my magazine.

Unknown said...

What an awesome quilt!! And to make the cover! Congrats on the great new design and of course, I'd like to win a copy! Love, love, love Bonnie's designs.

Aileen said...

Hi Bonnie! Would love to win a copy of this great magazine. Wanderlust looks AWESOME!!!
Aileen in Fl

Anonymous said...

Ms. Bonnie, you have really been the moving force in my life as far as quilting goes. I DO need to start finishing them! I have FIVE of your quilts in various stages of completion (two are really at the very beginning) right now!

Have fun in Oregon. Have a margarita!

-Melinda Ebelhar

maureen said...

Love your quilts, and love your blog. Thanks for the inspiration, tutorials, tips, generosity, etc.

Mary H said...

Would love to win a copy, Bonnie!

Barb said...

Thanks for the chance to win Bonnie.....love this table runner!!!



Suellen said...

It sounds like someone at the printer made a costly mistake. Ha! Thanks for the chance.

Stephanie said...

Happy Sewing Bonnie! Thanks as always for being so kind. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Please random generator, pick me! I love Bonnie Hunter designs so much!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I just love this!!! It's so hard to get thing from/about you in the Netherlands.....
so please, pick me out, I promiss I will share it with all my friends

Unknown said...

Would be a great addition to my book stash. Hope you have a safe and wonderful trip. Thanks so much for sharing with us.

Roxann in East Texas said...

Thanks for providing a chance to win the magazine.

Marie said...

What a great quilt! Can't wait to see the magazine! Thanks for keeping all of us inspired.

Lucie Faber said...

oeps, I commented as anonymous.....
from the Netherlands, love!

barblr said...

Would love to be a winner, thank you for all you do for your followers.

Cheryl Ann said...

Congratulations on having your quilt featured on the cover. So exciting! And thank you for giving us the chance to win a copy!

Laura M said...

I would love to win this magazine - love, love, love all your designs! Continue to enjoy your piece-ful time in Oregon - welcome back to the great Northwest.

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love your work, Bonnie! I'd love to win more of it! Judy Troutman

MaryAnn said...

I would love to win a copy of this issue. Thanks.

Lady of the Cloth said...

Congratulations on getting your quilt on the cover! I would love to win an issue. Thanks for opportunity.

MaryAnn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

So very cool to see your quilt on the front! I love your designs, but haven't made any yet. Just a tiny bit (okay, a lot) intimidated! But I will get over it. FYI, I have been recommending your FB group and your "how to cut up your stash/scraps" method on other FB groups. Wish I could have been there for your class in London, KY! That's about 15 miles from where I grew up, but don't live there now.

Paule-Marie said...

Looks like it will be another great project. would love to win an issue.

Emily H said...

Thanks for a chance

Anonymous said...

If I don't win this one,, then I'll go out and buy the magazine... Love you Bonnie...



Deanna W said...

Love Quiltmaker magazine!!! Even better with one of your quilts in it!!

Denise said...

Congratulations on your quilt being on the cover of Quiltmaker Magazine!! I love your scrappy quilts. You deserve to be on the cover every month. You are a great inspiration.

Debbie said...

Always love to see your use of scraps. You are such an inspiration. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Your quilts are so inspiring. I am looking at my scraps with new eyes and have several of your books on my wish list.

Quilting Tangent said...

Nice scrappy quilt, be great to win a quilting magazine.
24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com

Karrie said...

Love your quilt. thanks for the chance to win a copy! ksmith8@emich.edu

cynthia said...

Put my name in the hat, please!

The writings of Marjorie and Kim said...

Great quilt... great cover. Would love to win it!


Ruth D said...

Love your patterns! Would love to win a copy!

Sherry VF said...

Wow! You have such a busy schedule, I don't know how you keep track of everything. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

Jane Levering said...

You keep me inspired. I've always loved scrap quilts ...... my first quilt was a scrap quilt. Thanks for sharing your talents and passion.

Anonymous said...

Love Quiltmaker But my subscription lapsed :(
Thanks for the chance to win.


orchardquilter said...

Thanks for the giveaway. And now back to our regularly scheduled quilting and coffee hour! Janet in WA

Linda said...

Love reading about your travels!

Jo C. said...

Thank you , Bonnie! I need this issue, my scraps are multiplying!
Boppiesgirl at gmail dot com

Kathryn said...

I can see why you made the cover. Exciting as always.

Judith said...

I would also LOVE to have a copy of it...but I live in Europe so I am not sure if I can enter? anyway: love all you do, watch a lot of QC, mostly from archives (over and over LOL) working on my Wonky Wishes and loving every stitch of it :0)

Sarah said...

I would also love to win a copy - your patterns are fabulous!

Unknown said...

Enjoy seeing what all you do.

Anonymous said...

I love your giveaways just wish I would win sometimes but I am happy when someone else wins! I am really getting into leaders and enders ! I have become one of your groupies and I adore your patterns. I am still working on my Celtic Solstice and I am loving it. Thanks for all you do for your followers. Patricia Gibbs pattiag2002@yahoo.com

Man for all seasons said...

Wanderlust is such a great pattern, I'd love to win a copy of this mag!

Mandy L said...

I would love to win this copy. I am always so inspired by your work, Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

The block in this issue looks like fun - and I'm always looking for helpful hints, so add me to the list. Kathy Meek - meekkatatc@yahoo.com

Robyn said...

I'd love to win, thank you.

Eleanor said...

Love Bonnie's patterns did pineapple blossom,my favourite quilt,love to win

Debbie said...

Oh I would love a copy of this magazine.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to win a copy of Quiltmaker. Your cover quilt is amazing!
Linda in TX

Joyce C said...

Jackpot!!! If I'm chosen! LOL


Mary said...

I have started piecing the blicks from the 100 Blocks magazine, so now I need this one to figure out the layout.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this chance to win, living in Australia it can be hard to find some US magazines so would love to win this one.

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

Congrats on making the cover! I'd love to win a copy.


Anonymous said...

would love to win a copy, i have three quilts waiting to be backed and quilted they are on hold at the moment as i broke my wrist, i,m itching to get the cast of but have another 3weeks to go. Love all you do for us quilters.

Unknown said...

I live in PA and my daughter lives in Portland OR. Think it would only be appropriate that I win one of these copies!! Just kidding of course, love your work and your blog. Enjoy Portland, we always do.
Nora NorasArkQuilting@gmail.com\

Gill said...

Can I join in from the UK Bonnie ??

April said...

I wish I could spend some more time sewing... lately I haven't had the time to break into the scraps. That pile on the table looks like fun!

Edna said...

Wanderlust is a beauty and the table runner is so charming. I can see it used in a quilt as well. Think I might give it a try! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

What a fun way to start the summer!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Randon Generator,

Have I told you lately how handsome you are?

Pick Me!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great issue (but then, they're all great!)... maybe I'll win!

Lisa Ruch

Mary Rogers said...

I love Quiltmaker magazine . One of the best publications for user friendly patterns.


WhoMom said...

Congratulations on the cover Bonnie!!! How wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway! Are you loving Sunriver? What's not to love there.

Ellen said...

The quilt/cover is absolutely stunning! I'll look for this issue - please pick me!

Anonymous said...

Love your quilts. Have been to seven stores looking for the new issue and it is nowhere to be found.

Enjoy your sewing time today!!!

KatB said...

Buying a copy today but would love to win one for my friend.

Howardgirl5 said...

I world love the chance of receiving this giveaway.please consider me. I don't contribute much in comments but I do read your postings all the time.

Coloradolady said...

I love that quilt!

Anonymous said...

All your quilts are great bonnie, would love the chance to win this book.


Sarah Martin said...

Oh, that cover quilt is a beauty! Wow!
Thanks for the chance to win a copy😊

Lakegaldonna said...

Love reading your blog Bonnie. Count me in for the giveaway!

Kate said...

I would love a copy! fantastic quilt again...as usual!

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of the magazine! Thank You Bonnie for everything!!


Lilac Joan said...

I would love to have a copy of the Quiltmaker Magazine! So please pick me.

clairepaul55 said...

I love the Wanderlust quilt! It goes on my very long list of quilts I want to make...

Connie said...

Love your Blog, love your patterns, love quilt cam and would love to win a magazine.

Zatara said...

I would love to win! <3

Maree in NC ☺ said...

Thanks a bunch for the chance to win a copy, Bonnie!

my nana maree @ yahoo . com

Unknown said...

Eager to get the magazine when I have a chance to get out......winning would be a great way to get it!! Keep scrapping!

Ellie said...

Your quilt makes a great cover! Adding it to the list of quilts I want to make. Thanks for all you do!

Thetamc said...

Quilting Superstar - top billing on the cover AND the cover quilt = SWOON! Happy Thursday, Bonnie.

Maria in Tucson (not the pretty little blonde one, the taller one)

SCStephquilts said...

You know that I caught scrap fever long time ago. The table runner comes at a perfect time since my current leader & ender project is making pinwheels from half-square triangles generated from one your scrappy patterns.

PalmerGal said...

I would love to have a copy of this magazine.

hummerlou said...

I would love to have a copy of Quiltmaker with your patterns in it!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win!!


Anonymous said...

I would love to win this magazine - Wanderlust looks great!
Gina from Berlin

Unknown said...

I would love to win a print copy .. I have a digital subscription .. Having a copy of both is even better! Cathy

Judi said...

Have just started reading your blog - love Love LOVE it!

Kat said...

Love the quilt and the giveaway! Thanks for the chance. :-)

JaNae said...

Fun, another giveaway! Fingers crossed!

Have a fun filled day!

c said...

would love to win too, adore EVERYTHING you do

aka kingcooper0001@aol.com

Unknown said...

Please spread a little love in my direction!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the give away. I love that quilt!

Bonnie said...

What a cute block and table runner. I would love to win the mag. So glad you are having a few days to relax and just sew.

Lisa C. in GA said...

I need to start something like Wanderlust - something that will keep me busy for a while :)

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time finding Quiltmaker in my area shops, so winning this would save me a trip to big city.

Unknown said...

Looks like a copy I would love to win!

paulette said...

I would LOVE to win a copy...and learn another of your tricks!! Thanks for the chance!

Becky said...

I hope I win, but if I don't I will buy a copy!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful quilt! I can't wait to see the pattern! Thanks for the giveaway!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

thanks for the give away - love that scrappy quilt

Donna B said...

Wonderful Quilt and congratulations on the cover! I'm a regular subscriber, but would love to win a copy for a friend. Thanks for the giveaways!!!

Liz Godts said...

I would love a copy! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I would really enjoy seeing your article in the magazine!

Kay said...

I always buy Quiltmaker, so would be thrilled to win. Your quilt is beautiful & really sparkles.

Joanne said...

I can't wait to read this! Love you Bonnie!

Laura said...

Looks like a great issue!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win again. Love the quilt you did on the cover!


KatieQ said...

The table runner looks like a perfect project for me. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

Peg said...

I would love to win this

Anonymous said...

Love reading your blog!

Ness said...

ME ME!! Pick ME!! LOL!! I love this pattern but if it's a Bonnie Hunter that's a given...LOL! Gorgeous and I love the magazine, such a good read and like being able to pick it up over and over combing through the information. Very inspiring!!
Shout out to Judith!..I'mworking on the Wonky Wishes too!! :)
Thanks for the giveaway Bonnie!! Happy stitching!!!

Marci H said...

Bonnie, Congratulations on making the cover of Quiltmaker! I would love to win a copy... But I'll buy one if I don't! Thanks for your influence on me starting to sew more often and beginning to get organized with my scraps! Hope I get to come to one of your workshops someday!!
Marci H

Unknown said...

I would love to win.

Kelly said...

Congrats to the cover girl! Love this quilt and Sadie deserves and extra ear tickle for her help as well. Would love to win a copy so that I can add this to my bucket list of quilts.

Unknown said...

I would love to win something from you

Unknown said...

So fun! Thanks for the opportunity to win! I can hardly wait for play time in class next week! pbstrand@msn.com

Mary said...

Thanks Bonnie!

Linda said...

It would be very exciting to win the magazine. Thanks for the chance.

Debbie said...

Of course I'd like to have a copy of a magazine with your article and pattern in it! Thanks for counting me in.

Leavenworth Robin said...

Thank you Bonnie for a another opportunity to win a copy. Enjoy the weather in Oregon!
Robin in Leavenworth WA

Unknown said...

Hoping for a copy in you give-away

Anonymous said...

OH pick me, pick me!!!! Then I can get you to autograph it when I see you in PDX class
Donna in Scappoose

Janet said...

Another giveaway. Aren't we lucky. Of course I would love to win a copy of the magazine.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love seeing your quilt on the cover! Thanks for all you do to make scrappy so sought after, Bonnie!
Peggy Lowe

Sharyn Mallow Woerz said...

Looking forward to seeing you in Portland next Wednesday for Love Shack
I've been tuning up my Singer 404 for travelin' day!
Sharyn in Kalama

Irene said...

I just returned to quilting when I retired three years ago. I would love to get a new magazine with new patterns and ideas.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful quilt! I would love to win this magazine. Thank you Bonnie.

Sandi in Vermont

Wench5661 said...

Congratulations !! CoverGirl!!!!

This quilt is on my to do list!!

Meloney said...

I love the look of the table runner. What a fun idea for those tiny blocks.

Anonymous said...

I love your patterns and would love to win the magazine

Anonymous said...

That is too funny, Bonnie! Glad you - and we - benefit with a giveaway. Enjoy Oregon.


Anonymous said...

I love reading about what is going on in Oregon. Some day I would like to visit there. For now I would love to win a copy of Quiltvilles magazine from the McCalls Mystery giveaway. Getting a new magazine to look at is always a big thrill
Thanks, Peg Sullinger hippysue58@yahoo.com

geezbees75 said...

What a nice little bonus.

Geez bees 75 at Gmail dot com

Sewing So Slowly said...

I saw copy of magazine at library this week, Your quilt makes a wonderful cover.

Lindab quilts said...

Thank you for all you do! Would love a copy. From down here in 'Paradise'

Linda B


Angelia B said...

Your patterns are such an inspiration

MyQuiltingLady.com said...

Love your cover quilt! Would love to win this issue of Quiltmaker magazine. Thanks for the chance Bonnie!

Stoney said...

As always, the quilt is awesome. And the table runner could almost tempt me to make it. Almost.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on making the cover!! Would love to win.

Charlene S said...

I will be going to B&N next week so if I don't win. I will get it anyway.

Stoney said...

Sorry, forgot my email.

spirit dot in dot stoney at gmail dot com

Karen said...

I would love to win an issue with you as the covergirl. Add my name to the bucket, please.

RosieGma said...

Hello Bonnie, I wish I could come to one of your classes, but alas Montana is not on list yet...Love your quilting style.....

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy of the magazine. I want to point out that June 11th is my daughter's birthday..so only fitting that I should win haha!!


Jennik71 said...

I would love to win a copy! Love your patterns!

Jennifer Kinney

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds like a fun issue. Thanks for the giveaway, Bonnie, and have fun sewing in Oregon!

Karenl said...

I would love to win this magazine !! I love the quilt-- if I do not win I will be buying it !!!!!
Karen L

Unknown said...

Love your patterns. You are such an inspiration!

Donna Bopp

conny's quilts en creaties said...

Hi Bonnie. I don't know this magazine, (I'm Dutch) so I would love to be involbed in this drawing with a change to win one, especially with your quilt in it! Very kind of you to share this with us, greetings Conny

Anonymous said...

I'm new to this group & astounded by your creativity...maybe this will push me to find that big box of scaps! Please enter me in the give away! Thanks

janequiltsslowly said...

Love the cover quilt! Thanks for the chance to win the issue.

diane said...

How great is this another chance to win.........

grapenutquilter said...

SEW many great ideas...Just need more time in a day! I have a long bucket list.

Susan said...

I would love to be a winner. I love this pattern!

IMAQLTR2 said...

Hi Bonnie! I would love a copy of this issue. So thrilled you are on the cover!!! Fingers crossed!

The Nifty Stitcher said...

I'd LOVE to win a copy of this magazine. Thanks for the chance Bonnie :)

Myrna said...

That's a beautiful quilt! Whether I win it or buy it, I will get this magazine! Piece, baby, piece. :-)

Unknown said...

I would love a copy!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

ME ME Please Pick ME!!!

Donna Dye said...

Would love to win, fabulous quilt!

Jeanne said...

I would love to have a copy of the magazine. You are so good about giving away things. Thanks.

StitchyDragon Creates said...

I would love the chance to win a copy of the mag as here in the north of Scotland it would be my only chance to get my hands on a copy! Wanderlust looks awesome & that little block has lots of possibilities... Have a lovely time with your scraps - piece out! ;-)

crafty said...

Would love to win.

Terri in BC said...

Nice to see you are a Cover Girl! Thanks for the opportunity!

JustPam said...

OMG I love that new quilt. I might just have to break down and get a magazine subscription just for your quilts!

Cindy said...

I enjoy your posts and appreciate that you share all your creativity. Would love to win a copy of the magazine!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Pick me, pick me oh random generator! Bonnie, thanks for the chance to win.

Suzanne said...

Great giveaway, as usual! Would love to have a copy!

Janet said...

I think it would be so fun to make that cover quilt! Thanks for the chance :0)

Linda Bailey said...

Would love to win, love all your patterns. linbails@me.com

Diana said...

Thanks for the great blog, I love watching you traverse the country and all the photos you post. Love your quilts and ideas. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I also like to win a copy of this issue. Thanks for the give away.

Tami C said...

I'd love to win a copy of this issue. Thanks for the giveaway!

Lavonna ZWB said...

I love your use of color, Bonnie. It makes me all giddy inside.

mary said...

Would love to win one of these my subscription lapsed (my fault)and I probably won't get this issue when it starts up again. mary

Unknown said...

Oh, if I win I can share with a friend :-)

Lauren said...

Love scraps, color, quilts and magazines about them!

Mary K said...

Thanks for being so generous. Love whag you do.

Terrie Quilts 2021 said...

I would love a copy of the magazine. I will have to buy it if I don't win. Or, I could buy it and if I win, give a copy to a friend!

Nina said...

I would love to win a copy of the magazine, looks like a fun issue.

Vivian said...

I would love to make a Bonnie Hunter quilt, some day when I have my scrap pile tamed. It's on the way to being tamed but not quite.

Lovay said...

Beautiful cover shot, would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

I love, love, love Quiltville and I would love to win a copy. Thanks for all you do and for sharing with us.

Pat Converse said...

Bonnie, I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance!

pnconverse at hotmail dot com

Helen in the UK said...

I'd love to be with a chance of winning :)

Ellen said...

Love your blog and your information on how you organize your stash. Your quilts are amazing.

Edie Edie said...

I love the block in Quiltmaker Magazine this month. I would love to win a free copy of the magazine. Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Another Give-Away! How wonderful!! Thank you Bonnie.

Lisa (nrthwds2scrap@yahoo.com)

Barb D said...

I'd love to win a copy of this magazine! Thanks for the chance...Wanderlust is beautiful!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance, would love to win and thanks for a great website.

Edna Kidd said...

Love your new quilt ! Win love to win a copy..Thank you for the opportunity..

Ocouss said...

Happy Quilting, Bonnie!

Sherry Scholten said...

Lovely quilt & blocks - would like a copy of July/Aug issue of Quiltmaker, maybe it would put a jolt in me to subscribe!

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