
Thursday, June 05, 2014

The Mysterious McCalls Mystery! ((And Give-Away!))

Yesterday I emailed Diane at Quiltmaker Magazine letting them know that I still hadn’t received my copies of the July/Aug 2014 issue ---and my quilt is on the cover!

An email came from June saying:

“there was a mix-up at the printers and they sent McCall's issues to the Quiltmaker contributor list. My understanding is that they are correcting that, so let's wait a bit to see if you get the correct issues from them.”
AHA!  So THAT explains why I got those two random McCall’s Quilting issues that we gave away last week instead of my Quiltmaker issues!

But Never Fear – June said they would mail out TWO issues to two lucky winners if I wanted to go ahead and have a giveaway for them while they are gone on their Quiltmaker Cruise to Alaska!  ((Are you going? Are you excited!??!))


I’m drawing for TWO copies of the July/Aug issue!


You’ll find the pattern for Wanderlust inside!

And along with Wanderlust and the other great patterns, you will find my Addicted to Scraps column!

And I had to go to Quiltmaker.com to find out just WHAT block they are featuring in my column this issue!  

I send in a year’s worth of blocks and they get to decide which one is published when, so often it is a complete surprise to me which one they are featuring.  This month it is Outside In!


Turn little blocks into a table runner!

The Outside In blocks are made from 2.5” squares and finish at just over 4”, and the magazine shows you how easy it is with a cool little trick, so you’ll want to get it.  

Even though the blocks may finish at an odd size, they start with a size of square that we all have readily available on hand so the variety you need is all right there….this makes a GREAT leader & Ender project!

Visit my Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog for more info on this project.

I will be drawing for our Lucky winners from Portland Oregon on the evening of June 11th.

You know the drill, leave your comment in the comments section of the blog only, not in email, not in the guestbook, not on facebook, etc – I need to use the random number generator for drawing, and if your comment doesn’t have a number, you can’t be drawn.

You can’t comment by clicking a link in facebook or some blog reader services – you need top open the link in a new browser or safari window first.  If you still see the blue facebook bar at the top of your mobile device, you are NOT out of facebook and commenting won’t work with your facebook id. 

Better yet, put down the phone and come to a REAL computer to enter, it’s just easier!

If you are commenting as anonymous or if your email address is not visible in your profile, you must leave your name and email address so I can contact you.  If I can’t contact you, I’ll have to draw someone else, so don’t forget!

Good Luck, everyone!

OR_June2014 108

PIECE from Randy and me in Sunriver, Oregon!

And this is how I’ll be spending my day ---sewing up a storm!  BLISS!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Susan said...

You have turned me into a scrapaholic! I am loving all little pieces!

Susan Knaack

Sandy said...

What a beautiful quilt. I love you designs!


scrapinlinda said...

Thanks for the chance to win!! Love your blog!!

Elaine said...

Would love to win for a friend as I get the magazine. Thank you for your generosity as always! elblunt65@maine.rr.com

Susan said...

Love working with all those tiny pieces!



Michele T said...

Woah! Your new quilt is a beauty!!

Holly NY said...

Love this and would love to win a copy of this magazine!

Thanks for all you do for us.


Anonymous said...

Love the quilt. Would love a copy of this magazine.
Peggy Record

Debbie said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Love your attitude.

One of these days I am bound to win something'

Debbie drhodes9@cox.net

Anonymous said...

The small picture on the cover doesn't do justice to the beautiful quilt picture you posted. Congratulations.
paweis at yahoo dot com

debbees1999 said...

It always looks like you are having a wonderful time,but I can tell you get so much done. love to win one of the magazines. Thank you Bonnie

Marcie's Quilting Therapy said...

I'd LOVE to win a copy. I simply love the new quilt and have to make it!! Thanks for the chance.

Claudia said...

Would love to win this issue. Havn't been able to find it in the stores. Also, love the new redo of the "free quilts".
Thanks for all you do for us quilters.


Anonymous said...

Hope this goes through. Tried before but nothing posted. Would love to win. Congratulations on the quilt that is featured.

OrrtannaKat said...

Would love to win a copy because your ideas & colors & patterns are so bright & cheerful. Thanks for the chance. Wish I was going to Alaska with you. One place I've always wanted to see. Kathi D kdesko@gmail.com

ShariSews said...

A second chance to win - how fun! I'm having a great time hearing about your recent trips to Mackinac Island and now Sunriver, OR, both wonderful vacation spots I'd like to revisit. I love your quilt on the cover of Quiltmaker, so please try and pick my number! Thank you so much for all your quilting enthusiasm, it's contagious!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the cover Superstar Bonnie. Great quilt. I'd love to win a copy of the magazine.


Juni said...

Now there's another Bonnie quilt I'd like to make! I've done your last 3 mysteries which I never thought I could do - your teaching is fantastic!

Robin Lehr said...

Love your quilt on the cover! Can't wait to meet you in Nov. Soooo excited!

Freda said...

Love your quilt. Would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker.

jshipp said...

Ah, another giveaway! You must be the queen of giveaways, Bonnie!

Unknown said...

I would love a copy of this magazine
You have taught me alot in the lst year Bonnie.

Calicat54 said...

Would love a copy of this magazine! Enjoy your time quilting in Oregon!!!
Cindy in MN

Sewing Sue said...

Wonderful patterns, thanks for the giveaways.

Angeliasue said...

Love the quilt! Congrats on being a covergirl :) Angelia in Georgia

sewspeciallady said...

Wonder also why I got a McCalls Mag. Hope they send me the right one or maybe win the copy from you. Thank you

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the chance.

jquilter said...

Thanks for another chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Would love this to add to my "Bonnie Hunter library"
Tonya in Wisconsin

94Quilter said...

Random number generator.... pick me, pick me!! I love Quiltville!!

Sally said...

Love the quilt. congrats on making the cover!! Thanks for chance at a copy of the mag. Have a wonderful time!!

Unknown said...

Love your quilt. thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win as I am addicted to your blocks.
Karen Beck

Anonymous said...

Would love to win as I am addicted to your blocks.
Karen Beck

Anonymous said...

Crossing my fingers - thanks for the chance to win.

mgquilts said...

Would love to win that issue you're giving away.

Cotton Pickin Scraps said...

I'm addicted to your quilt patterns.Would love a chance to win this magazine. Brenda ackerman4455@yahoo.com

Michelle Lynch said...

I would love o win a copy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, we have so much in comman. I am a quilter, scrapaholic and worked as a massage therapist also. Love your designs and idealogy about quilting.

Janet said...

Wanderlust is very bright and happy!!

Janet said...

Wanderlust is very bright and happy!!

Shirl said...

This would be so fun!

Karen said...

Thoroughly enjoy your blog and all your quilts. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Love Love Love your quilts! Can't wait to go out and get this after our quilt show this weekend! Barbara

Trudi said...

Great block, Bonnie! Another one to add to my ever expanding 'to do' list.

Quilt lover bag lady said...

Love the new quilt and the table runner. Our guild is making table runners for a raffle At Quilting Around Chautauqua.

Kathi Cappellini said...

Thanks again, I'd love to win a copy of Quiltmaker! I am happy for you to have such a beautiful quilt on the cover.

willowbay said...

I love your scrap blocks and quilts. I would like to win.

willowbay said...

Love your blocks and quilts.

willowbay said...

Would love to win.

Audrey said...

from Audrey
You sure give me color confidence when I see your beautiful quilts!

colleen said...

Hi me me pick me!

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo another giveaway thanks buddy for the chance and all you do great ideas quilt102459@yahoo.com. Diane

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo another giveaway thanks Bonnie quilt102459@yahoo.com

Lyn Shipman said...

Love the Wanderlust quilt. A friend and I are sorting through bags of scraps that were given to me and catagorizing them. I'm getting ready for ALL your new patterns and mysteries, especially the red/white one.

Keep smiling,
Lyn Shipman

Marie said...

Congrats to the cover girl!
Thanks for the chance to win

Farm Quilter said...

Have a blast in Oregon!!! Sew up a storm (and send the rain up here to eastern Washington!).

heath said...

You amaze me… you really seem to like quilting. Bwaa ha. Would love to get a magazine in the mail!

GerryART said...

OMG, Bonnie, you are so creative !!!!!

You tablerunner idea is the tops

Enjoy Quilt-Cam so much


Linda H said...

Oops, mistakes do happen from time to time, can't be helped. Would love the chance to win a copy of this fabulous magazine. Thanks.

Linda said...

Love your updates on Facebook even more since I took your class. Keep those quilts a comin'

Linda said...

Love your updates on Facebook even more since I took your class. Keep those quilts a comin'

Linda said...

Love your updates on Facebook even more since I took your class. Keep those quilts a comin'

Linda said...

Love your updates on Facebook even more since I took your class. Keep those quilts a comin'

Linda said...

Love your updates on Facebook even more since I took your class. Keep those quilts a comin'

Rose of Sharon quilter said...

Still deconstructing the men's shirts - love to win a copy of whatever you're offering.

Rose of Sharon quilter said...

Enjoy Portland - looks like you're having a wonderful sew-in with your friend. Pick me, pick me!

Nancy said...

Love your travel posts! Thanks for the chance to win.

Heather said...

Bonnie the Cover Girl...how exciting! Can't wait to see it!

Michele in Selah, WA said...

I would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker! Your patterns are wonderful, Bonnie!


Aunt TC said...

I'd love to win a copy. If you could enclose some of your energy, I'll put it to good use in making a quilt. Thanks.


paradisequilter said...

Would love to win ! Thank you for the opportunity.

Sandy Fields said...

Love the blog! Hope I win a magazine.

pat said...

patquilt@live.com This is my lottery ticket to win a magazine.

Karen said...


Anonymous said...

I'M SELFISH, SELFISH, SELFISH…!! I want to win another magazine.
Jackie in SoCal


Anonymous said...

I love this quilt, Bonnie!

Unknown said...

sooner or later I will win one of these giveaways thanks for the chance. You are just to cool

Unknown said...

not sure if I gave you email contact

Anonymous said...

I would love to wina copy of this issue as I am between subscriptions :)
Your work is inspiring and exciting and cheerful in its scrappiness.
Thank you for all you do!
Inge C, Denmark

Nancy said...

That is one beautiful quilt! Thank you for the opportunity, and thank you for all you do for the quilting community.

Cat said...

I'd love to add this to my collection of Bonnie patterns. Thanks for the opportunity. Love the new quilt and the new block.

Cat said...

I'd love to add this to my collection of Bonnie patterns. Thanks for the opportunity. Love the new quilt and the new block.

Liz V said...

This is almost like "twofer" Thursday! Thanks Bonnie.

Emily C said...

What a lucky accident for you. Very pretty pattern. I love all the HST's.

McQuilt said...

I'd like to the winner.

Pat P said...

Bonnie you keep us all busy looking for new quilting opportunities. I will see you in Manassas when we will all be Virgina Bound. I would love the McCall magazine. Pat thymewpvp@verizon.net

Anonymous said...

I love the new quilt Bonnie and would love to win this magazine. Thanks you for the chance to win.

Pat B

Rommy van Houten said...

It should be nice to win a copy. Thanks for your generosity.

Unknown said...

Love the colours and brightness. can't find this mag here in Hamilton, ON
would love to have a copy

DarleneT said...

Thanks Cover Girl! I'd love to receive a copy with your quilt on the cover.

Anonymous said...

I love these golden opportunities! Hope I win! Thanks Bonnie!

Nancy Tanner said...

Love your new quilt, thanks for the giveaway

Stitchin At Home said...

I would love to win. What a fab quilt! enjoy and look forward to reading your blog. Thanks for a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

What a great quilt. Pick my number please.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win. Gave you the wrong email address in last post. Trying again.
Love your quilts.

Anonymous said...

Your such an inspiration Bonnie, I would love to win this magazine, especially because you are the cover girl showing your awesome quilt!!
Linda King

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this magazine.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Wish I could whistle on a post. LOL Wolf whistle for the cover girl slot in the mag. Thanks for the chance to win. Love that quilt. I'm a subscriber and will pass the issue on if I do win.

cpup40 said...

I love your new quilt pattern. I hope I can win a copy of the magazine so that I can get started on making that quilt. Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

Lori said...

Bonnie your quilts are always beautiful. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

The Quiltwhinny said...

So wonderful to be featured on the cover! CAN!T Think of anyone who deserves it more.

Lorna said...


Unknown said...

sure would love to win something...I keep trying. Love your work and inspiration! Thank you!

SusieQuilter said...

Love your blog and all of the helpful hints you give. Your quilts are beautiful and I enjoyed meeting you in person at Pigeon Forge this year!!

Unknown said...

I'm enjoying your blog and seeing the beautiful quilts!
Marcia Jensen

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great magazine with a great quilt. Wanderlust is a good name for a trailer quilt so may have to make one. thanks, Cindy at cwienstroer@amuniversal.com

Anonymous said...

Love your quilts!! Thanks for the opportunity to win this magazine!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes please, I would love this!
Not sure if anything is visible so
thanks very much

Candra said...

Oh, how I need to use up my scraps! Keep on publishing those awesome patterns!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on getting your quilt on the cover! I would love to win an issue. Thanks for opportunity.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on getting your quilt on the cover! I would love to win an issue. Thanks for opportunity and for all your wonderful designs!

Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah! Would love one of the GiveAWays. so so enjoy this mag and the group

Mary Finch finfam2@yahoo.com said...

I love you blog! You inspire me to use my scraps!

u keep sewing said...

Love that table runner. Trying my luck at gambling again.
Would be exciting to win. Do I see a banana by your scrap pile? :-)
Have a great day.

Jennifer Dyck said...

Would love to win a copy! Thanks for the opportunity.

nankc said...

Would love to win this! Love your quilts and your blog!
nankc at comcast dot net

Maxine said...

Love the magazine.. and I really think your quilts are beautiful

Laura said...

I love your blocks. Thank you for your wonderful blogs. I love seeing what you are up to.

LC said...

I'd love a copy

Ellee said...

Great Wanderlust quilt with all its beautiful colors! -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Ellee said...

Great Wanderlust quilt with all its beautiful colors! -- soparkaveataoldotcom

biloxibird said...

Great cover quilt!

Christie said...

What a beautiful quilt! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kathy ~~~ said...

I'd love to win a copy! Love your designs! Pick me;-)

traditional_quilter said...

I love your quilt in the magazine! I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Happy stitchin.

Desi said...

Love the cover quilt, Bonnie! Thanks again for a chance.

Karen said...

I'd love to win a copy of this issue. Thanks so much for all you do Bonnie.

Pat V. said...

Oh, Bonnie, that is a fabulous quilt! So now I have yet another
"must make."

Pam McDonald said...

Yay! Awesome giveaway, thanks Bonnie!

Colleen M said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Enjoy Oregon and your "piecing".

GayleM said...

Just returned from the store and they still don't have the McCalls issue on the stand!! Grrrr. Hope you pick my name and thanks for the chance to win!

jude said...

This is a great publication-- i'd love to win a copy!! Thanks, Bonnie!!

Marilyn said...

I would love to win a copy. I really like your scrappy patterns.

Marilyn said...

I would love to win a copy. I really like your scrappy patterns.

Anonymous said...

Thanks you much for the chance to win!

QueenB said...

Would love a copy, Wonderlust looks awesome. Thanks

stitchernow said...

Love Wanderlust quilt and really like the new look of your blog with the beautiful quilt at the top.
I would love to win a copy of the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Love your quilts, and thanks for the chance to win.

Sherie said...

Love this quilt, I will be looking for the magazine this weekend and if for some odd reason the # generator actually likes me, I will give the
magazine to my mom. Love all your ideas!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to you blogs everyday. I love traveling with you.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and traveling all over with you. Your quilts and ideas are amazing. Thank you.

jane nj/wi said...

Funny funny funny you "solved" mystery of McCalls magazines coming in mail to you.

I am on mail forward so everyday is a mystery to see if my mail is really coming through....I would as 500+ others seem to also like, a chance to win one of the Quiltmaker copies.....

Jane Modjeski

Granny Lyn said...

Oh my goodness!!! Could I possibly stand another magazine full of Bonnie inspiration??? You betcha!! Tee hee. Thanks for another beautiful pattern!

Lyn (bobahbooe@aol.com)

Anonymous said...

I would love to get a copy of this issue. Simply BEAUTIFUL!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Love all your patterns, you're the best! Sally Richter, richter@wcta.net

Debby said...

Thanks for a chance to win. Wonderful quilt!

Unknown said...

Wanderlust is so beautiful, I really want that pattern

Unknown said...

I love your quilts!!!

teresa said...

I'd love to win a copy :) I'd love to make Wanderlust :)

mumbird3 said...

Wow great quilt

Cece said...

How exciting! Thanks for the chance to win!

Pat Wade said...

Thank you for your give away. I love your work.
patwade@cox.net. Pat Wade

Anita Gambrell said...

I love reading your blog! and the giveaways are so fun and special Congrats ! have a great day!

Anonymous said...

How fun it would be to win a copy - thanks for the chance!!

Enjoy Oregon - my home state!!

Darlene Fel....... said...

Winning a copy would be another reason to make another of your great quilts!! Thanks for sharing and I always want to say THANK YOU for doing quilt cam. I always feel like I'm at a retreat during that time and it just refreshes my spirit.

sue@yakimaturning.com said...

What a wonderful life you have. Thank you for all the help you give us quilters.

yakima sue

Patti said...

Sew many scraps....sew little time! You are such an inspiration Bonnie. Thanks!!

Kristy said...

I absolutely love the quilt!

CarolB said...

I love scraps, and I love your scrap patterns. I am always excited to see what you will come up with next! I'd love to win the mag!

Pat D said...

All of your scrappy quilts are just great! Thanks for the giveaway!

Pat (baglady2b@aol.com)

grannysews said...

Thanks for a chance of the give-away! Love, love your quilts, so far I can't find one that I do not want to try!! Where will a 70+ find the time to do what is on my Bucket List!! Must retire, to have more time. Thank you for all that you give to us.

Unknown said...

What a treat it would be to get the issue where your quilt is on the cover! Fingies crossed ...and keep up the excellent work, Bonnie! Where do you get all that energy?? ha Gail

Barb said...

Thanks for the chance to win the issue with your beautiful quilt in it. Barb at betcrawford at Verizon dot net

Anonymous said...

Love to win this mag....love your designs! Thanks!

sue.hall@msn.com said...

Became a scrappy quilter because of you! :)

CA Bobbie said...

Love to win a copy. Thanks for the giveaway. rjc2cam(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Well, it would be wonderful to get a copy of the magazine with something created by you! Good luck everyone!

Jonnie said...

What a fun magazine to win! Love your stuff Bonnie!
dbrit89828 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Bonnie. Would love to win.
Sheryl (sherwhitjones@aol.com)

Anonymous said...

What an exciting quilt. Pick me please.



Susan said...

It would make sense for somebody from Oregon (me) to win, since you're drawing the ticket when you're in Portland!

Flamingogirl said...

If I don't win, I will get to my nearest store and buy one!!!

Judy S in New Hampshire said...

Can't wait to see this issue. Pick me....I'd love to win!

Andresa said...

Great looking quilt. And cute little Addicted to Scraps block.

Brit Schjelderup said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brit Schjelderup said...

I love your quilts and I would love a copy of the magazine!

WandaH said...

Pick me, pick me! Love seeing your blog posts show up on my email! Almost as good as getting a quilting mag in the mail!

Allie said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win the magazine with your block featured! I just love your designs! Allie - alliz903@yahoo.com

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