
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Because Quilters Work Hard!

It’s hard to get a great photo of Bedford Springs on a hot sunny day in the late afternoon.

Too much light means I’m shooting into the sun and things are washed out, but this place was bought from local Native Americans in 1796, and the first inn was built on the spot in 1806 – it has a LONG history in this area!

It reminds me very much of the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan ---but as far as dates go, this one is much older.


Gatherings on the lawn!

I don’t know if you can see behind the cars, but there was a “DO” happening on the lawn as we were leaving ---they hold many weddings, reunions, and gatherings here on the lawn, and I can see why.  It’s just BEAUTIFUL out here.




Toward the lobby


From front desk looking back at stair case --


Through the library and all the way down the hall ---

As nice as the décor was, we had our own agenda ---we were here for a spa day!  Let’s go!


Hallway in the ladies' locker room – check out the tile!


Long soak in the jacuzzi “Bedford Baths”  Yes, please!


Steam rooms and saunas, anyone?


I know I’ve posted photos of this place before, but I so love it – I can’t stop taking pics!

But the best part of the day – after the massage, we get to enjoy the facilities and just unwind and relax ---I promise, I was NOT doing email during this time – just taking a photo…ahhhhh bliss!


Poor white chigger-bitten legs!

It was the perfect way to spend the day, and we both needed it as Mary’s travel has been internationally-grueling as much as mine has been state-side crazy!

More history on Bedford Springs HERE.

We plan to continue our girl’s day by enjoying dinner made by Mary’s hubby Joe….great food, great friends, great conversation, and tomorrow we begin to set up for tomorrow evening’s lecture.

How was YOUR Thursday??

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Libby in TN said...

Man weddings?

Unknown said...

What a beautiful place to visit! Enjoy it you so deserve it!

PalmerGal said...

Oh gosh, what a gorgous place! You so deserve a spa day - and what could be better than with a girl friend? :)

MaryBeth said...

My parents spent their honeymoon there!

Cherry said...

Your post makes me want to schedule a girls spa day with my friends!

crazy quilter said...

Beautiful! Glad you both got some relaxing down time! Enjoy

Carole said...

I so love reading your blog. I have learned so much history and seen beautiful places because of you. Not to mention all the wonderful quilts. Thank you so much. Enjoy your spa day.

Anonymous said...

Well for sure my day was not as good as yours, glad Mary was looking out for you and got you just what you needed!
Jan in ND

Anonymous said...

Well for sure my day was not as good as yours, glad Mary was looking out for you and got you just what you needed!
Jan in ND

Gimmeclems said...

My Thursday was WONDERFUL! Spent the day as a quilt angel in Shipshewana surrounded by so many beautiful quilts! There are a lot of talented quilters out there, Bonnie, and so friendly too! I had a ball!

AnneO said...

This is a beautiful facility, but I bet they can't match the front veranda of the Grand Hotel :-)

Unknown said...

Looks like a beautiful place to treat yourself to some relaxation!

Unknown said...

AHHHHHHHHHHH.... reminds me of the old Calgon commercial "Take me away" ............. such luxury and peacefulness!

Smiles, JulieinTN

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