
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Row By Row By Row!

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I spent yesterday afternoon and evening assembling the rest of my columns for the back of my Wonky Wishes quilt.

I know that just seaming two large pieces of fabric together would be a lot faster, and a lot easier – but this building a back brings such satisfaction.  And it seems to fit the front of the quilt too. 

Oh the stuff I have cleared out!

Oh the stuff in the pile that has NOT been cleared out – this didn’t use ENOUGH fabric, not by a long shot!

I went through a few of these long bobbins yesterday while building my columns.

I’m sewing on my Singer 27, such a smooth machine!

I took a little video of the bobbin being wound, just so you can see how it works – I’ve probably done it before on a different machine ---but this blue thread is so visible and it really is fun to watch:

I stumbled on my words….I was going to say Twenty Seven then switched to MODEL Twenty Seven….but I DO have a Twin to his machine – it’s just a head without the cabinet that is too good to use for parts, so I swap back and forth between them to keep them lubed and going – I guess you can say I DO have a Twin 27!

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This is where the backing stands now!

I spent time last night trimming all of the columns so they are the same length.  This makes joining them easier, and there is less chance of anything stretching and creating a back that is uneven and guaranteed of quilting mis-haps and pucker problems.

I may need to add one more column to the left side if the backing falls short in measurement after joining all the columns together.

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I love this section!

Lonely orphan blocks that just didn’t reach the size they were supposed to…I trimmed them to an even 9”, thereby guaranteeing that I would definitely chop off points in the joining process, but better in the quilt, than still in a box!  The flying geese were leftovers from my quilt Talkin’ Turkey from String Fling!  Fun to see them being used up in this project.

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Left over border parts from Florabunda as well….

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And even some left over Cheddar Bow-ties are finding a place to land --

It’s nice to have a weekend to be at home with my family.  It’s also nice to have a weekend to be in the basement studio sewing away!

How about we shoot for some Quilt-Cam tomorrow afternoon, Sunday, March 30th at 2pm Eastern?  That should be a time where our quilt friends in Europe can join us live if they want.  If not – it will be archived!

**UPDATE!**  The Hubster wants to run to the cabin, returning tomorrow night --- So an afternoon Quilt-Cam won't work at all!  I leave for Williamsburg, VA on Thursday, Apr 3rd...what if we do Quilt-Cam on Wednesday EVE?

Sorry guys, I'm heading to the mountains! :)

Happy Saturday everyone ---

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Unknown said...

, now that looks really good Bonnie! Need is the mother of invention, right!

Do you happen to know when the machine makers switched from using real spool of thread as bobbins, to wind up from a spool bobbins? My 1856 machine uses a spool of thread.

HUGS and smilies

thequiltersshed said...

Now I might piece that kind of a back!

Donna said...

I make pieced backs all the time but this is one of the most appealing I think I've seen. LOVE this one!

ria vogelzang said...

What a great backing that's going to be! I love it!
And I would really love Quiltcam on your Sunday-afternoon; so it will be on my Synday-evening!!!!
Love-from the Netherlands-, Ria.

Carol Morrissey said...

Such a fun and interesting back! The bright sections really make the whole piece sing.

Unknown said...

The back is so pretty it could be used as the to sometimes. Hadn't thought to use orphans like that.

Sherrill said...

I just LOVE your backing but by the time I get to that point, I am ready to be DONE & get that puppy quilted!!

Tonya Ricucci said...

gorgeous. of course I'd rather see these on the front of a quilt, but no surprise there. yay!

Ness said...

HI BonBon!! I love your backing ...it's really turning out fun!!! I will miss Quilt Cam tomorrow (whaaa! Lucy cry)...have a baby shower I am throwing for my daughter so we will be having fun. We are also under a winter storm watch but it's not supposed to start til Sunday evening! So glad you archive Quilt Cam...I'll catch it later in the eve. It's one of my favorite shows!! right up there with Castle. the Good Wife and NCIS LOL!!! Have a really good day.

Ness said...

Oh I forgot to say the bobbin winding was fun and how fascinating!! I am on a treasure hunt for my Swedish Grandmothers old treadle...a cousin had it...then a cousin of her husbands got his hands on it...so now need to talk to him and see where it went from there...wish me luck!!!

Becky Thomason said...

What a pretty back; think I would call it a reversible quilt. Too pretty to stay hidden.

Unknown said...

If I spent that much time piecing those pieces, that would be a quilt front, not a back.

TcMay said...

And to the Mountains you should go,Don't worry about Sunday we will be looking forward to Wednesday Quilt Cam.Have a great time.
I adore that backing,love that you used all those orphan blocks from some many different quilts.More freedom,gotta' love it. I have a new baby quilt to make in every shade of red,white, black and a few primary brights for one of my young new home buyers,can't wait to get started and I'm going to use some of the orphan brights I've used with your quilts I've made. Have a great time at Quiltvilla.

Jean F said...

Hi Bonnie,
WOW what a back. I'll be interested to see how you quilt it. Won't all the extra seams make it difficult? I guess you could always tie it, since it already has a lot going on.

HelenMarie said...

Your backing looks great!

have fun in the mountains!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful back! Love it! Glad you are going to the mountains to feed your spirit!
Hope to see you
Wed. evening.

Terri in BC said...

You have a great eye for pulling odd pieces together. That back looks wonderful! Have fun at the cabin!

Terri in BC said...

You have a great eye for pulling odd pieces together. That back looks wonderful! Have fun at the cabin!

Kevin the Quilter said...

You are an artist after my own heart! I LOVE your backing just as much as I do the front! Utilizing units that most would discard has created a backing with as much interest as the front! Way to go! Have fun at your mountain home!

Ivani said...

Great use of orphan blocks your pieced backing is great. Enjoy your time up at the cabin. Hugs

Carolyn Edwards said...

I got your new book in the mail today. What a way to make a miserable, rainy day bright!! I love it. I love the glossy pictures and all the quilts. I also like the Leaders and Enders instructions. I hope you are working on your next book, I am already waiting anxiously!! What a beautiful book.

Lu Anne said...

I'm so glad you showed photos of the backing "in progress"! I kind of knew how to make a pieced backing but this was a eureka moment for me.
I love the way it complements the front and how it keeps things from being wasted. Hopefully there are some pieces from quilts you have given away to bring back happy memories.

Hope you have a great time at the cabin!

Anonymous said...

Wish I could get my bobbin winder to work that smooth. I guess I need to take it to a repairman. :( .. then I need to figure out how to get the tension set again too.


Jeannette in Sunny Saint Augustine, FL said...

Oh my goodness! I just brought a 27 yesterday!

Found on Craig's list and paid $100 for her.

Really dirty, but if I take my time, I think I might get her running.

Can you give me some links to sites for parts and hints?



Julie said...

I love the back! What fun!! I was looking forward to Quilt Cam, but heck, who can blame you? Go have fun at the cabin and we will see you at the next one. I will watch an movie while sewing instead. :-)

Anonymous said...

DWhat a blast from the past. I learned to sew on my mom's old White Sewing machine. 1930.s or so. It had what was called a shuttle bobbin like the one your holding. It only stitched in one direction, I had to turn my work to lock the stitches or tie them off.
I just finished a pieced back for my daughter's wedding quilt. She will be able to use either side that way.

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

I love your pieced backing! It makes for such an interesting quilt when the back has a bit of piecing as well. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, I am a "newbie" to your blog. Another quilting friend forwarded your site info to me. I am blessed. Do not know how I ever survived all these many years before. Thanks for the nightly info.
Love your pieced back, it is so cheerful, makes for a reversible quilt, and many pleasant memories.

Unknown said...

Since happening on your blogs I am thinking I need to change my thinking about my fabric selections. I need to loosen up a bit! This backing is a prime example -- so spontaneous and fun in appearance, so full of life and joy!

Judymc said...

What a fun quilt back! Have fun at the cabin!

Dar said...

That is a backing that I would love too. It makes your quilt reversible and I love using pieces of leftover parts of former quilt tops. Have fun at your cabin and we'll catch you Wed. night.

Susie Q said...

How much thread does that shuttle bobbin hold in comparison to the plastic bobbins in the modern machines??

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