
Thursday, March 06, 2014

More Stitchin in the Studio!!

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The sashing parade marches on!

I need 71 sashings that measure 3-1/2” X 12-1/2” and it takes quite a bit of fabric to string things which is perfectly fine with me.

It’s making me very excited about how this quilt is going to come together.  Whoohwhooo!

And the fabrics have been so fun to mix up --- novelties ((Yes, even zombies ala Tonya!)) and batiks and old calicoes and civil war shirtings mixed with white on white and cream on cream, and even the back sides of many of the fabrics that were too dark to be LIGHT.

When it seemed I had a good stack, and was tired of treadling, I’d take a break and go trim --- the chatter around here has NOT stopped!  That makes it easier to stay on task, when we can focus on the animated conversation, and not focus on how ugly these fabrics are.

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I’m getting there!  53 out of 71 done!  One more day of stringing and I should have what I need.

I answered some questions earlier today about WHY I use phone book pages as my foundations, and it prompted me to look up an earlier post I had written about it a couple years ago.  I think it's a valuable post with lots of good info.  Wanna check it out? Click HERE.

As for Miss Tonya??

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I told her this should be her new profile photo!  Stringy fun!

She has raided my stash – pillaged my string bins, claimed several for her own purposes, to which I told her she was perfectly welcome!  These things breed when we are not looking ---

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Greens Galore!

Greens of different varieties are something she said she was low on….I told her to have at it – anything in this bin is free gain!

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Dig, Tonya, Dig!

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Greens added to the scrappy mix by her machine!

We really have had a great couple of days.  It’s amazing how much you can get done with dedicated sewing time with a friend.

I also got some really REALLY good news this afternoon!  My episode of The Quilt Show will air on May 12th!  My show will be #1410 and I will be  notified closer to that date to let me know how my friends/family/fans can see my episode for free on The Quilt Show website.  SO stay TUNED!  You’ll get to watch me free!  How awesome is that?

I’ve also talked to them about a giveaway I’d like to do – if they would offer up a ONE YEAR membership, we’ll do a drawing for that.  Cool beans?  I think so – very excited here!

Garlic chicken is in the crock pot.  Sweet potatoes are going in the oven soon, salad will be tossed and dinner will be consumed and we’ll be back to sewing the evening away.

Happy Quilting, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


sewengel said...

Love the blog as usual. Hey would you give the garlic chicken in the crockpot recipe. Thanks

Helene said...

Oh miss Bonnie, i love your posts so much. Can't begin to thank you for all you're sharing and the joy you bring me. I hope your brother is doing well? Big hug!

Melinda said...

You need a microwave bag for cooking potatoes (& sweet potatoes) I can cook 2 in about 5 mins & the sweet ones are particularly delicious! If you want one, just let me know & I will make you one as thank you for all you do for us.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, how do you decide whether you are going to use phone book paper or paper like 8 1/2 x 11 to do your string piecing?
Linda in Alberta, Canada


Judymc said...

Dinner sounds delicious! I'm glad TQS is giving a membership to your blog followers. I won't try to win it since I'm already a member. Can't wait to see the show!

Ness said...

yay!!! I was bummed I wasn't going to get to watch the show!! So happy I will get to now!
You girls are getting some serious sewing done. I was downstairs cutting away most of the evening. Helping my Mom today but am home now and ready to attack the scrap pile again tonight!
Thanks for the supper suggestion! Was trying the think of something to make...haha!
Have fun tonight! was fun seeing your progress.

Nonnie said...

It sounds like you gals are having so much fun! Can't wait till I retire in June so I can have days and days of sewing fun!

Carol Grant

Jacqueline said...

What a great week you have had and thanks for sharing. I will definitely watch your episode on the quilt show.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, an older friend told me, when she 'patches' older quilts, the backsides of fabrics work best. An older quilt is usually faded so this works very well. I have done this myself to help out a non-quilting buddy who asked if I could mend a 1940's quilt.

Can't wait to see this quilt you have been making sashing for, should be great!

Smiles, JulieinTN

Anonymous said...

Interesting I just noticed your Lozenge pattern for sale on Temecula Quilt Company as "Church Windows".

Lewjacks said...

When do you pull out the paper? Before you iron them or after?

Karen said...

It looks like you have had a wonderful few days sewing with your friends, and it was fun to go back and look at the pictures and read about it to catch up. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time together.

khowardquilts said...

It would be great to see the show. I hope lots of your followers can see it.

Anonymous said...

I get such a kick out of your blog posts sometimes.You make me lol.
All I can say is you are a RollingStone.
MARY ANN in Oregon.

Anonymous said...

I have just bought a subscription to The Quilt Show so that I could watch Bonnie's episode, and now it's going to be available for free??
Fortunately The Quilt Show site is so awesome, I must admit I am enjoying it.
I even watched Tonya's episode, terrific. I bought the Word Play book a while back, now I want to have a go.
Danish Quilter

Quilting Corner said...

Sorry, but I must have missed when you said what these neutral strips will be for. What quilt are you making?

Mary said...

There's nothing like stitching with a friend. My Quilting Buddy has been out of commission way too long. I miss going out and playing with her. She is having a Heart Procedure next Tuesday, I'll be praying for her complete recovery!

Linda H said...

Oh boy, I would love to have joined you these last few days. I would have had so much fun. Your neutrals are coming on a treat. Can smell the chicken cooking!

Freerose said...

Your strings are beautiful. And what a great time you have with your friend(s).
I would be exiting to see you on the quiltshow.

lefuntz said...

I look forward to seeing your episode. I recently took a trip to Boulder just to watch a taping of The Quilt Show. Sew fun! That will be a great giveaway especially since they have changed the way membership works.

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