
Sunday, March 30, 2014

And She Treadled All Day ---

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It is so cold and so gusty windy you would think my rocking chairs would rock right off the porch ---

It looks like a family of ghosts has taken over on the front porch.

The wind chimes have chimed in all afternoon as well --- isn’t March supposed to come IN like a Lion and go out like a Lamb?

This one is going out like the Big Bad Wolf who is huffing and puffing and blowing my mountain cabin right down!

And here I sat, treadling the columns of the scrappy orphan block backing I’ve been working on in the evenings this week together ---

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The view outside through the screen where I sit ---

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Sadie under the folding table next to me ---

I brought in the folding table from the van just to give myself a bit of space to support the weight of the quilt backing as I stitched away –this girl never left my side.

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It was a cozy little productive corner with the gas fireplace keeping me warm and toasty!

More Doc Martin on the laptop also keeping me company ---gosh I love that show!  I think I must be partly related to Dr Martin Ellingham ---I so love how no-nonsense and direct he is, no time for shenanigans!

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Row by row does the backing grow!

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All of the rows together!

When we get home I need to measure…there may need to be one more row to the far left ---seams kind of shrink things up and this was just a guestimate ---but we are MOSTLY there I think!

We've enjoyed our lazy day up here ---even though I’ve been treadling upstairs and doing my own thing, and The Hubster has been down in the basement watching basketball and tennis. 

Potatoes are baking in the oven.  Chops will be going on the grill soon, salads have yet to be made – and after dinner we will clean up, pack up, and head back on down the mountain toward home.

Yes, finding this wonderful cabin just a 90 minute drive from home was the BEST THING we have ever done.  Ready to run to at a moment’s notice, and we can use it often ----

OH, and a heads up!  I’ve got something special planned for APRIL FOOLS DAY – so be sure to stick that on your calendar and come back and see me on April 1st.  You won’t want to miss it!

Love from Buck Mountain ---

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HelenMarie said...

Looks like a wonderfully relaxing productive day!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys have a cabin to get away to. That's how I feel about my little sewing house a few blocks from home. I even spend the night there once in a while.

It is very windy here in Kansas today. I wanted to work in the yard but spent the afternoon sewing instead.

Love from Kansas!

Judymc said...

I like the way the quilt backing is coming together--looks good!

Valerie said...

It's so wonderful you are able to enjoy that mountain cabin so often--definitely makes the investment and extra responsibility worthwhile. And it was lovely to see the view after the fog burned off.

SharonM said...

I'd never want to go home! It's always more fun and inspiring to have a view. The quilt backing looks great!

Unknown said...

Cozy warm and treadling all at the same time...with Sadie near by. What can be a better way to spend a chilly day!

Smiles, JulieinTN

Ptquilter said...

Is that the same table you used as your demo table in class in Pigeon Forge? If so, where did you get it, if you don't mind my asking? Love the backing. It will be perfect for your Wonky quilt top.

kdduncan said...

Quilting AND Doc Martin. What a lovely day!

regan said...

I'm loving that pieced backing! Those flying geese rows are awesome! :o)

Peggy Downes said...

Bonnie -
I have my grandmother's treadle Singer, which I learned to sew on at an early age. It has been sitting in my house for years. Where do you buy belts, bobbins and needles for yours? I would love to get it going again.

patriciasews101 said...

It is so funny you mentioned Doc Martin . I have been watching it too. I love the humor on that show. I am getting ready to treadle for about an hour on string blocks and then it will be off to bed. I am patiently waiting for my books to arrive :).

TcMay said...

Peggy Downes...check the Headers at the top of Bonnie s Blog she has a whole Tab up there on Vintage Machines you will find what yyou need. I have worked on Celtic Solstice borders all day watching Michigan lose,March Madness!!!!

Anonymous said...

The only thing better than a cabin is to live here year round. We love the mountains! I am also a die-hard Doc Martin fan!!

Eppie Doodle said...

Judy Stokes, I bought my table which is just like Bonnie's at Sam's. Bonnie, I love your quilt. I am finishing the top of my first quilt very soon. I will be doing my back with left over blocks like you have.

Take care.

Carole said...

When I was a child my family had a lake house that was a 45 minute drive away. Being able to get away and relax was the best! Enjoy your cabin time.

Always In Stitches said...

Evertime you go to the cabin I think, how fun. Just to get away from things must be relaxing. Even though you do the same thing there that you would do at home, it still allows a change of scenery. Hmmm something to think about.

Kathleen said...

I really like the way this quilt back is coming out. I'd be hard pressed to decide which I like better, the top or the back!

Deb said...

Too funny, I feel the same way about Doc Martin and myself!
Windy here also in MN and the dogs(disclaimer, mine are only 16 lbs. each and are Cairn Terriers, like Toto) are staying near me and no interest in going out in it even though it is in the 60's. Maybe they have a "thing" about big winds. lol
Glad you enjoyed your day.

Liese E. said...

I wanted to draw your attention to another great British series that I just finished. It is called "Call the Midwife". It is set in East side of London in the 1950s. A really great series...by the way, have begun Doc Martin and I am loving it. Thanks for sharing and all the impression you share...it helps us all!

Rita said...

Bonnie, I just LOVE how the back is coming together. Pieced backing as so much fun - like having a whole other quilt. I did this with my Celtic Solstice quilt and really love it too. How great to have a bolt-hole so close to home where you can get away from it all.

Marly said...

You got a lot of sewing done, in spite of the ghosts on the porch. Not like me yesterday evening, watching "The Others" starring Nicole Kidman, which is one "wow, clever" film. But it is so hair-raising, literally, that I wasn't able to set a single stitch!

I love the idea of using orphan blocks in the backing, but doesn't that make the quilt bulky in places and difficult to quilt?

Mary said...

Hi Bonnie,
What are the jars hanging from your eaves of your house? Is that to help with carpenter bees?
We have had a lot of carpenter bees at our house.
Just wondering.

Christine Gardner said...

I don't think I could ever leave that cabin! It looks so cozy! Love your pieced back but I think I love the view from the window more!

Material Girl said...

That is an incredible view you have, glad you were able to get away for the day,I would love to have a place like that, with all the comforts of home, but not too far away.
I was wondering what you have your quilts hanging on by the fireplace, I need to find something to find a way to hang my quilt so they are on display instead of folded up out of site, you can only have so many quilts on your bed... lol
Have a great day and I look forward to April 1st, going to go to my LQS for a sale and so I hope I don't miss your surprise.

Ann B said...

Looks very cozy with the fireplace going. Love Doc Martin...it's a crack up he can't stand the sight of blood. And the characters are priceless!

Still working on my Celtic Solstice, but seeing the end in sight, putting the rows together now.

Thanks for your funny posts and web cams!

Lucy said...

*bliss* everything looks prefect to me....

Anonymous said...

There os no greater gift than experiencing peace and stillness within!

Peggy D said...

Thanks TcMay

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