
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Quilts from 100 Blocks–GIVEAWAY!

We’ve just arrived at the cabin – the interior temp is about 50, and the gas fireplace is now lit and running. Brrrrrr!

As the room warms up, I’m writing this post ---because I had returned from the post office with mail just before heading out –and guess what was in it?!?

The latest issue of Quilts from 100 blocks :c)

Not just one copy, but TWO!

Volume 9 of 100 blocks is about to be released, submissions for volume 10 are being sent in by invitation –and things just keep getting better and better.

In between the volumes come these SPECIAL issues to show you what others ((And what YOU)) can do with the blocks!  MAKE QUILTS – don’t just let those issues sit there on your coffee table.

Quiltmaker 002

This is the cover of the latest issue! 
It should be on a news stand near you soon ---

Quiltmaker 003

I quickly thumbed through and found some favorites!

Who loves paper piecing?  I DO!

Quiltmaker 004

Masculine colors…Awesome!

Quiltmaker 005

Scrappy Everything/ I’m all in!

Quiltmaker 006

Gorgeous colors, perfect for that fabric line you’ve been saving.

Quiltmaker 007

This is the Spring ‘14 issue ---and should be available until May!

We are going to have a bit of fun here!  I’m offering TWO copies for Give-Away.  Leave me a comment below, and I’ll be drawing for our winners Monday Evening, revealing them in our Quilt-Cam post!

Remember to leave your name and your email address if it is not visible within your profile.  If I can’t reach you, I’ll have to choose someone else.

If you are trying to comment through Facebook or a blog reader service, it won’t work, especially from a mobile device.  If you still see the blue bar across the top of your screen, you are still IN Facebook, so open us up in a new browser window and try to comment there.

We’ll be using the random number generator, so only entries posted in the comments section on THIS POST will be eligible.  That means no guest book entries, no emails, no Facebook comments – it’s gotta be here ON the blog so we can use the number generator to draw fairly.

For other “unable to comment” problems, click the Blog Helps Tab at the top of the blog for more info.

Quiltmaker 008

Sadie is happy to be at Quilt Villa!

Quiltmaker 009

And how about THIS carpet??

We stopped for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant in Wilkesboro.  WOW…..can anyone say Bargello?!

Have a great night everyone!

Love from Buck Mountain ---

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Jennie said...

Awesome magazine Bonnie...thanks for the chance to win one!

Jennie said...

Awesome magazine Bonnie...thanks for the chance to win one!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, have fun and send me a magazine if you like! LOL

MaureenE said...

Love the patterns you showed, would love the chance to win, will catch you on Monday's quiltcam. Love everything scrappy. Thank you for everything you do. Maureen maureenelsey@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Looks like a great magazine. Thanks.

Kristy said...

What a fun issue! I am especially intrigued by the Straight from the Heart pattern. I need something for my S-I-L's upcoming wedding and that just might do the trick!


Carol said...

those magazines have great ideas!

Michele T said...

This magazine would be awesome to have... I don't have any resource like it yet! Thanks for the chance!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I would love to be included! I have not had one of these yearly issues for a very long time - don't know why but I always miss it.

Anonymous said...

I'd LOVE to win that GREAT magazine to make something new and fun!


Anonymous said...

Would love to win! Thanks. Rosalie

Jo C. said...

What fun! Great quilts! Stay warm up there. This is one year when i won't mind seeing those yellow clouds of pollen...it will finally be warm!

Debby said...

Oh, that looks like a terrific issue! Thanks for the chance to win a copy and...

Have fun at Quiltvilla!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and would love the magazines!
Kana Davis

Roxann in East Texas said...

Playing footsies under the table. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Id love to have a copy of the magazine. I have all the previous issues. Linda @ keklau@pcii.net

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping I can be one of the lucky ones!


Linda H said...

Oooh, another awesome 100 Blocks magazine. Thanks for the chance to win a copy Bonnie. You are THE BEST!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh, I would love one of these so I can make everyone of those quilts!

Anonymous said...

So glad I started following you. So inspiring.

Momkat said...

Would love to win this. So inspiring !

Marcia said...

The photos you shared are great inspiration. Would love to have a copy of the magazine to study for more ideas.

Colleen said...

Great looking quilts. Thanks for the chance to win.

Marj said...

I would love to be picked to get a free copy. Thank you for the chance. Hope you have a very warm relaxing stay at your cabin.

Kristy said...

Those are some beautiful quilts! Glad you are having some time away with your sweetie. Enjoy your beautiful surroundings. Have a wonderful weekend. K-

MJinMichigan said...

I'd love to have a copy of that magazine. I really like seeing quilts made from the blocks. Thanks for the chance to win it.

cbooth said...

Amazing! Thanks for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Magazine looks great! Thanks for chance to win.


Booklogged said...

Can't pass up the opportunity to win a quilt magazine. Just from the pictures you showed I have two I'd like to make. Thanks for the chance.

Animated_Librarian said...

This looks like a great magazine, I've read other bloggers mentioning it and I'd love to get my hands on a copy. Thanks for the chance :-)

Anonymous said...

I sure would like to win this magazine. The quilts look awesome.
Thanks for the chance.

suzanne, dutchess county NY said...

What a great issue! Miss Sadie looks all content on her quilt sporting a colorful collar.

Unknown said...

Looks like some great quilts in that Mag, thanks for the chance to win. Have fun at Quiltvilla this weekend.

Barbara said...

Love the what-to-do-with-the-blocks magazines. Hope to win.

Barbara in MD

Anonymous said...

Random number generator: Pick me! Bcatalog@cox.net

Mary said...

Looks like a great magazine for inspiration and ideas. Thanks for a chance to win! Have fun relaxing at the cabin.

jean said...

Oh, please!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see it! Looks like too many projects to add to the list, but I'll add them anyways!!!

Linda (Petey) said...

Quiltmaker and you designers have done it again! Every issue is better than the one before. Enjoy your 'down time' at Quilt Villa!

Anonymous said...

Relax and enjoy Quilt Villa. Would love to win a copy of the magazine.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful magazine. It wasn't on my newsstand yet so I'd love to be a winner.

Susan Lyle

Cherry said...

Oh, look at those pretty quilts on the cover - thanks for a great giveaway! Enjoy your time at Quilt Villa.

Fan4may said...

I would love to win this magazine. Thanks for the giveaway. Fan4may at aol dot com

Ellie said...

Thanks for the chance to win one of these great issues! The quilts are wonderful and we can never have too many quilt patterns!

Unknown said...

I would so LOVE to win one of these volumes.
Ones you showed look enticing!

Unknown said...

Wishing we were in the mountains instead of overheated flatlands :) Would love to win a copy.

Unknown said...

I love the block magazines that Quiltmaker put out! They get me so excited to start a new project. Enjoy Quiltvilla, and come up with another mystery quilt for us soon please!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great magazine! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

kdduncan said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I'd look to win a copy!

Cathy Melancon said...

You had me at the cover!!! I'm a paper peicing beginner and a scrap quilting lover!! Can't wait to browse thru that magazine!!!

jane nj/wi said...

My newspaper stand is contrary. They carry things one time and then skip the next issue. I would love go win a copy. They are always keepers and have great projects I like to make.

Jane Modjeski

Unknown said...

This is a fabulous opportunity. I love quilt cam and would love to win this magazine.

FancyNancyQuilts said...

looks great! I woul dlove to win a copy.

Beth said...

HI Bonnie - I hope you enjoy your time at Quiltvilla :) Thank you for this great chance to win!!

hummerlou said...

What an awesome magazine, I would love a chance to win one! Thanks Bonnie!

Susie Q said...

Count me in, I love these mags....

hummerlou said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

Thank you for the chance to win a copy of the magazine, you are amazing, love quiltville. Looking forward to quilt cam Mon. Have a great relaxing long weekend, you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Wow lots of your quilts...would love to win.
aka Holly :)

Donna said...

Oh my this looks like a wonderful issue! (Of course aren't they all? lol) Would love to win.

Anonymous said...

Great magazine - love Straight from the Heart - thanks for the chance to win


Unknown said...

Looks wonderful! I have lots of fabric to use up! -Pat

tncottagequilter said...

I would so love to win this issue. The quilts look fabulous.. and after all.. with the new Facebook group we are all going to need lots and lots to share. Thanks Bonnie, for this and everything else you do.

simplestitchesbysp said...

What a great issue of a great magazine! Thanks for the opportunity to win it! Paper piecing AND scraps?????What's not to LOVE!!

Caryn S said...

I love to collect the Blocks and the Quilts from the Blocks issues. Sounds fun!

judys said...

Thank you for the chance to win; lovely books and magazines!!

Patty H. said...

This is great! thanks for the chance to win this. Love that rug!! hallpatty24@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Love those magazines! Lots of great ideas.

Theresa H said...

Hi Bonnie, would love for you to mail me a copy! have a wonderful weekend.

Theresa Hayes

Claudiaquilts said...

Here a scrap, there a scrap is calling my name! Quilt3boys@aol.com. Claudia Ingram

SubeeSews said...

My goodness...all these quilt books from Quiltmaker are to die for. I do not have enough years in this life to ever make all of the quilts I want to. But I sure am going to give it a try. Waving my cold hands here in BRRRR Indiana.

Betty said...

Looks like a great collection of quilts, as usual!
I think Sadie is just happy to be anywhere you are right now!

Donna Keating said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine.

Lin's Quilts said...

Thank you for the chance to win! I sure would like to see what people have done with those blocks.
lin3841 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, so far I have all the 100 blocks issues. rhis one would be a welcome addituon to my collection.
Sara Stockton

horsegal88 said...

I would love to win this magazine! Thank you for the give a way!!

Deborah said...

There are some beautiful quilts in that magazine. I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance. poladydwd at yahoo dot com

hummerlou said...

What an awesome magazine, I would love to win! Thanks Bonnie!!


Dorothy Matheson said...

I like the magazine and would love to win one. Hope your cottage warms up fast.

Anonymous said...

The magazine looks awesome. Would love to win one.
Kathy Scott

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sneak peek. I'd love to see the entire magazine!



Linda said...

Thanks,Bonnie, for a chance to win one of these magazines. I am not very creative myself, so I depend on others for my inspiration. I love seeing how others have used these blocks to make beautiful quilts.

KWILEY said...

Thanks for your blog and patterns to the quilting community! thanks for this giveaway today to help us use our scraps!!!

cindyann said...

I've never read one of those magazines, but I'd like to. Sure hope I win.

Lisa England said...

Wow, this looks like another great magazine! That scrappy quilt in the bright colors really grabbed my attention. Thanks for the chance to win.

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

This issue looks like it has some fantastic quilts. I would love to win a copy. sue@asdfwordpro.com

Anonymous said...

Love these issues. Pick me please!!

vandy linhart said...

would love to win the book, always love to play with new blocks

Anonymous said...

I won 10 blocks from vol 8 of the 100 blocks! I'm so excited as I returned home today and they were here. Maybe they are being used in the issue you're giving away. I enjoy your Blog and your patterns. Thanks for all you do.

Kathy said...

Kathy Scott

Mary Jane said...

Hope to win, but will wait patiently...

krazyquilt said...

Hi Bonnie, thank you for sharing your adventures, I would love to win a copy of this new magazine , with so many of your great patterns, thank you for the chance, I LOVE the new site you opened up for quilters. Margene Parker msparker66@msn.com

Unknown said...

Welcome home Bonnie! It is great to live vicariously through you as you visit warm sunny places while we are home in the cold midwest. The Quiltmaker magazine looks beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win!

Lynn Long said...

I love the Geese Go Round that was shown in the magazine. I would love to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

quilt blocks are great!
Rita in Norfolk, MA

Sandy O said...

Wow so many wonderful quilts to make, love all the photos you have shared with us. Would love to have this issue. Thanks for doing this and have a fun weekend on the mountain

Laurie T said...

Enjoy your getaway and thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great magazine. Would love to win one.

vandy said...

would love to win the book, always love to play with new blocks
vlinhart88@gmail.com (forget my email)

Tinliz said...

Quiltmaker is my all time favorite quilt mag. Have most of the 100 block issues. Thanks for the chance to win the special issue. Always fun to see what folks have done with the blocks.

Shirley said...

Have a great weekend at Quiltvilla!!
Looks like another great magazine.

Irene said...

How exciting! I hope I win one but if not I'll be picking up a copy at my local quilt store!

krazyquilt said...

I would love to win a copy. I am really enjoying your new page for quilters, thank you, and thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Great looking quilts in the magazine again. Thanks for the chance to win.
Carol at grahncar@msn.com

Brenda said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

nankc said...

I'd love to have a copy, Bonnie! Wonderful quilts for scraps!
nankc at comcast dot net

by Laura McFall said...

You are amazing! Enjoy your cabin this weekend. Last weekend we were camping at a state park and the lady next to us had her quilt and sewing machine spread out on the picnic table. I wish I'd have been brave and snapped a photo! Thanks for the contest, it would be fun to win!

Denise said...

I'm sorry to say that I've never seen this before. I will have to see if I can find your magazine, it looks like something I would like. vallejo.denise@yahoo.com

DebrafromMD said...

I can always use more quilt inspiration. Fingers crossed!

bertiequilts said...

I also would love to win a copy. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I love quilting magazines. Always good articles and patterns! royandi60@gmail.com

Quilt Bug said...

Dear Bonnie - thanks for the opportunity to win one if these issues! Love your quilts! Sandy dot Call at usa dot net.

teachpany said...

Okay, I'll have to look for this magazine. I loved one of the ones you shared. Sadie is so cute!

Cheryl said...

Oh my, more quilts on the To-Do List...
Enjoy your weekend at the cabin !!

Unknown said...

Thank You For Keeping All Of Us Inspired.

Unknown said...

Great looking quilts in the magazine! It'd be hard to decide which one to do first.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy
carolyn kerr

Marlene said...

Looks like another great magazine. I would love the chance to win. Have a great weekend.

Becky Thomason said...

Love looking through all the blocks and especially putting them into quilts.

OrrtannaKat said...

Oh, that would be super to have! And I love your mountain's name. Buck is my son's nickname. Thanks for the chance to win! Kathi

Debbie Lou said...

This issue looks extra yummy! I would love to win a copy. Thanks so much! Enjoy your weekend! Sounds like an extra special place to relax!

Kathleen said...

An awesome giveaway, Bonnie! I just know I have the lucky number... I do, I do... thanks so much...

geezbees75 said...

I am in a major funk andmy birthday is tomorrow. I could use a win!

Lynn Long said...

Love the magazine who love to win it.

Lynn Long

Wendy said...

Bonnie those quilts look awesome. I don't know which one I would choose to do first. Hope you have a relaxing weekend. Thanks for everything to do .

Wendy Ontario, Canada.

RosieGma said...

Thank you Bonnie, the books look great! I like the , scrap one, love the look of the book.

Hope@Acworthga said...

Would love to have a copy of this book. Checked out books at Joann's today, not on their shelf.
Thanks for the wonderful Quiltville FB page.

NanaKathy said...

I'd love to win these magazines! I love reading about your cabin on Purlear Mountain!

Kathy Stinehelfer

Sherie said...

Nice! Just what I need more ideas to add to the already long list of ideas!

Sherie said...

Nice! Just what I need more ideas to add to the already long list of ideas!

Maureen said...

I would love to have a copy of this magazine, thanks for the opportunity to win one.

Sally Langston Warren said...

Ohhh, that looks like a great issue! I would love to win a copy...and what a sweet picture of Sadie! Thanks for all you do. jspwarren(at)aol(dot)com.


I love Quiltmakers and I love your blog. You make it all so much fun.


Anonymous said...

I love these magazines. I have all them up till now. Would love to win one of them. Thanks

Kelly said...

Between the magazine teasers and the new FB group my head is going to explode with ideas. Would love to win it anyway just so I can keep it for when the time is right for a new project. Thanks Bonnie.

Mary Ellen said...

I would be very happy to win a copy of this magazine. Just about any quilt in it would be great to make!

Patty said...

Love all the "100 Blocks" family of magazines! Thanks for the chance to win

Cindy said...

Would ove to win this. Look forward to them when they hit the stands. Best contact for me is quiltedangelhideaway@yahoo.com

Terri said...

What a fun issue! I'm excited for the chance to win and for QuiltCam on Monday! I have Monday and Tuesday off so I can spend the whole night with you all, plus it will be the first QuiltCam on my new computer! Color me a happy girl!!!

virgdale said...

Love the dog and his blankie!!

Mia's Cottage said...

Awesome giveaway!

pharmgirl75 said...

I am excited for quilt Cam! it has been too long.

Ness said...

Yay!! thanks for the chance to win...I love love love new quilt magazines!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Cabin fever I think I have found the cure in the magazine thanks for posting

Ann Flower said...

I have some of these books and love them. This would make a fine addition to my library!

Unknown said...

Awesome magazine and I would love to have a copy. So nice of you to share.


Marla said...

Fun fun fun! Still plugging away on Celtic solstice but never to busy fo more great quilts ideas! Thanks!

Gwen said...

Great magazine-would love to win a copy

GeeMa said...

Love the carpet. Beautiful quilts in the 100 quilts issue. Thanks for the chance to enter the drawing.

Suzanne said...

Ooooh, pick me! pick me! I really need the ideas. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Joronda said...

Would love to win this magazine-a Texan who owns land in Ashe County NC and wishes she was there now. Winning magazine might help my lonelyness for NC.

Ptquilter said...

I would love to win one of these magazines. Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Cabin fever cure found in Magazine

Nona said...

Love your blog. Great give away too.

Ann Flower said...

Love these magazines.

Celeste said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Would love a copy of this great magazine. Cindy Ego quiltergal55@gmail.com

Always In Stitches said...

Love this magazine. I actually entered a block that I made a couple years ago fro one of the magazines and I won cool cup. Thanks for the opportunity to possibly win.

Sewing So Slowly said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine but if I don't will have to tr to pick one up.

Tina said...

These quilts Look like they would be Fun ! The scrappier the better.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the magazine. Thanks for the opportunity!! Enjoy your weekend.

Susan C said...

I love Quiltmaker and their special magazines. They are such wonderful resources. Thanks for the chance to win this latest edition!

Celeste said...

Love the 100 block publication. Thanks for the chances to win.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

The quilts you're showing from this issue look great, and Sadie just looks happy to be with her family. ;)

SherryR said...

100 Blocks quilts are so much fun.

tudorc said...

Please put me in the raffle! This magazine looks great!
Charlene Tudor

Joronda said...

Would love to win the give away. Joronda75@embarqmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the opportunity!


Anonymous said...

I would love a copy, thank you for the opportunity!

Lois M. said...

I think you deserve this extra night at the Villa. I would love to be a winner of one of these magazines since I love them. They are always so full of good blocks.

martha said...

Bonnie: I would just love more ideas - Blocks are new for me. . . I picked them up from you and love love love scrappy
hope you enjoy the unwind weekend

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I would love to have another quilting idea book. Just received "String Fling" yesterday!
Johanne Hagar, 2hagars@gmail.com

I put the 12th charity quilt in my travel tub today (all since the first of December!

The Millboro Quilter - Brenda said...

I from Winner SD so I hope I am also a winner of the magazine, Bren

Kate Mooers said...

Love Spring Loaded!

Unknown said...

I have always seen these magazine s. Have not been able to find them. Have always wanted one, amazing block designs. Would love to have one

Kathryn said...

Hope you warm up quickly. thanks for the givwaway

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a chance to win anything related to 100 quilt blocks. Love your blog. lfclifton@aol.com

Becca said...

I have so many ideas and projects. I'm not afraid to throw another one on the pile. Thank you for all you do.

Elaine said...

Thanks for the chance to win this awesome magazine. Love to look at all the patterns. Also, thanks for your new site where we can look at all the beautiful quilts being made. Elaine Sams

Susan Coan said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win. They look great.
Susan Coan

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win. Count me in. Dee at ractis1@comcast.net

MICHELLE said...

The sneak peak at the quilts look wonderful. I would love to win a copy and start making some more wonderful quilts. Enjoy your weekend at the cabin.


carla said...

Hi!!!! Looks like a fun issue!!!! Thanks for the chance to win it!!!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie I am truly enjoying reading your sight and enjoying seeing everything you post. I can't wait until someday I can sit down and learn to do everything you do. What a special touch you have with fabric.

R/Karen Cawthon

Anonymous said...

Love the Lozenges and the new magazine issue. Can't wait for the new book, either!

Anonymous said...

Love AM and want to do a quilt from the last one. I would love to win the new one.
Karen Beck-IL

swakins said...

Oh please don't make me wait until May! Pick me! I already see some fun ideas I want to try.

Jackie said...

Wow! This would sure give anyone winning a good bit of eye candy! Let it be me. ; )

Jaynie said...

Thanks for doing a great 'giveaway' Bonnie. Great blocks from you as always!

sandy from BC said...

Enjoy your time at the cabin. I love those books, thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

sandy from BC said...

Enjoy your time at the cabin. I love those books, thanks for the opportunity to win a copy.

Cindy Nielsen said...

I love making your quilts. I have never gotten one if the 100 Blocks. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Jill the Quilter said...

Love the magazine, love Sadie!

Sheri in Iowa said...

Just what I need more idea, patterns!!! Ha! Ha! Looks like a great issue!

Gloria said...

I hope it warmed up quickly! Thanks for the chance on the mags. They will be wonderful I am sure.

Unknown said...

Hey, I would love to win!! Thanks for the chance, Bonnie

Carol said...

This looks like my kind of magazine. I'm all in! Carol k in pa1a

Jeanne said...

Great magazine to win. Thanks for the chance.

Wench5661 said...

Bonnie I love the magazines your involved with!! I just recently subscribed to Quiltmaker and I have all but 3 of the 100 block books. I have never seen one of the quilts from 100. Would love to win one but If I don't I will be looking for it at the stores! Have a great weekend!

J. Layman said...

I saw at least three pix that were something I'd like to try...hope I get one!

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