
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Quilts from 100 Blocks–GIVEAWAY!

We’ve just arrived at the cabin – the interior temp is about 50, and the gas fireplace is now lit and running. Brrrrrr!

As the room warms up, I’m writing this post ---because I had returned from the post office with mail just before heading out –and guess what was in it?!?

The latest issue of Quilts from 100 blocks :c)

Not just one copy, but TWO!

Volume 9 of 100 blocks is about to be released, submissions for volume 10 are being sent in by invitation –and things just keep getting better and better.

In between the volumes come these SPECIAL issues to show you what others ((And what YOU)) can do with the blocks!  MAKE QUILTS – don’t just let those issues sit there on your coffee table.

Quiltmaker 002

This is the cover of the latest issue! 
It should be on a news stand near you soon ---

Quiltmaker 003

I quickly thumbed through and found some favorites!

Who loves paper piecing?  I DO!

Quiltmaker 004

Masculine colors…Awesome!

Quiltmaker 005

Scrappy Everything/ I’m all in!

Quiltmaker 006

Gorgeous colors, perfect for that fabric line you’ve been saving.

Quiltmaker 007

This is the Spring ‘14 issue ---and should be available until May!

We are going to have a bit of fun here!  I’m offering TWO copies for Give-Away.  Leave me a comment below, and I’ll be drawing for our winners Monday Evening, revealing them in our Quilt-Cam post!

Remember to leave your name and your email address if it is not visible within your profile.  If I can’t reach you, I’ll have to choose someone else.

If you are trying to comment through Facebook or a blog reader service, it won’t work, especially from a mobile device.  If you still see the blue bar across the top of your screen, you are still IN Facebook, so open us up in a new browser window and try to comment there.

We’ll be using the random number generator, so only entries posted in the comments section on THIS POST will be eligible.  That means no guest book entries, no emails, no Facebook comments – it’s gotta be here ON the blog so we can use the number generator to draw fairly.

For other “unable to comment” problems, click the Blog Helps Tab at the top of the blog for more info.

Quiltmaker 008

Sadie is happy to be at Quilt Villa!

Quiltmaker 009

And how about THIS carpet??

We stopped for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant in Wilkesboro.  WOW…..can anyone say Bargello?!

Have a great night everyone!

Love from Buck Mountain ---

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

Love Quiltmaker and glad for the giveaway. Bonnie you rock, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Aren't we all ready for new SPRING Quilts and colors?!! I'm pretending that I haven't heard the forcast for PA for the weekend! Maybe I'll get some projects finished. These look great...thanks! Linda Hartman lhartman1@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of good and fun blocks in this latest issue. Hope I win.

Cheryl - cf02026@yahoo.com said...

I would love to win a magazine. Please?

ljeanne said...

I would love to win a copy. Think of the quilts I could make!

AnneO said...

Sadie, please ask your momma to draw my name for one of these "100 Blocks"

SueR said...

Woohoo, more scrappy fun! Thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

Love the 100 blocks series. Thanks for the opportunity to win the next in theseries. Love you!

Terry and Linda Lee said...

This magazine looks amazing. I'd love to have a copy. Thank you for the opportunity to win one.
Linda Lee,

Dena said...

Woohoo!! More fun blocks for fun quilts livingwaterquilter@yahoo.com

noriem said...

I would be thrilled to win this magazine. Thanks for the chance.

Annie Smith said...

Wow, 813 entries already! Guess my chances aren't very good but here's hoping :) Love those magazines!
Annie sThe

Suzanne C said...

I love the T quilt. My maiden name started with T, and I actually made my Father a tessellated T quilt in red and white. I love this T pattern...hmmm being looking for a quilt idea for big brother. ;)
Thanks for you do, Bonnie!!

Linda W said...

Bonnie-I love your quilts and am working on the CS right now. It would be fantastic to win the magazine. I am in awe at all you accomplish! Do you ever sleep??


sophie said...

It looks like another great issue.

Rilene said...

What a great magazine! I'd love to win a copy!

Debbie said...

Cool carpet, Bonnie! Thanks for counting me in.

Liz L said...

I hope I have the lucky number for one of these magazines.

CWBarnes said...

Exciting!! I just know my number will pop up ... Just like winning the lottery. Lol

Anonymous said...

Always enjoy reading your blog and hope to get organized one of these days.....would love a copy of the magazine too!
Candy M.

Debbie said...

Love the.chance to win. You are a winner

Maggie May said...

Very cool! Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Nice magazine, and so much fun following your adventures! Sherry


TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

This is such a cool magazine. . .I'd love a copy!

Rhonda D. said...

What a great magazine! Thanks for the chance to win!


TLC said...

WOW! 827 comments and counting. I need some motivation and am looking forward to quiltcam tonight. I'm attending college full-time this semester and have not done any stitching since sandwiching my half-pint Celtic Solstice during winter break. Now we're on spring break this week, but it looks like winter! ;-D I bought some thread Saturday to quilt Celtic Solstice (only purchase so far this year)!! Looking forward to stitching with you tonight!!!!!!! http://tlcquiltsandwalks.blogspot.com/2014/02/dreaming.html

Desi said...

Love all the eye candy pics from the magazine. Thanks for a chance to see them up close.

Jana said...

I don't get any magazine subscriptions any more and I would love to have this one!

Mary Rogers said...

This looks like another fabulous issue. I would love to be the owner of this magazine. Thanks for sharing and sponsoring this raffle.

Nrhaller said...

I'm just beginning my obsession of quilting. Would love to win this magazine. I've come to love your blogs, Quilt Cam, your stories, travels, and especially Quilt Villa. Thanks so much for all you do.
Rae (nrhaller@aol.com)

peggy said...

Thanks for the chance to own these two baby's!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win. Thanks for all the inspiration, I love scrappy quilts.
Connie M

Sue OC said...

I would love to win one of the magazines. In the past, they've been great!

Unknown said...

It would be nice to see how the blocks make into quilts.

krazyquilt said...

I so enjoy your site here, and thank you for open studio it is great. I would love to win a copy of 100 blocks. and thank you for the chance.

Carol Sc said...

Well, I'm in big trouble --- I want to make every one of the quilts pictured in your blog --- can't imagine about the rest of them in the magazine. Of course, I would love to win --- but I will buy it, if I don't. Thanks.

Bonnie said...

I would love to win one of the magazines. Love your blog and all the help you give all of us. Enjoy your time at the cabin.

Karen said...

Hi Bonnie!
Please put my name in the hat. I can always use more inspiration.

dorothy said...

I would love to win one of the magazines! Always need 'more' inspiration!

dorothy said...

I would love to win one of the magazines! Always need 'more' inspiration!

Anonymous said...

I love your column in Quiltmaker. Thank you.

Leiann said...

Wonderful magazines! Thank you for the chance to win!!

Kathleen said...

I love these magazines! I love samplers and someday I'll just work my way through one of them.....

Roxann in East Texas said...

Thank you for keeping us inspired.

Joyce C said...

TY Bonnie for all you do!! I need a kick start ... These would be inspirational :)
joycec.cook84@ yahoo.com

Joyce C said...

TY for all you do !!!

Joyce C said...


Anonymous said...

joycec.cook 84@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Awesome magazine Bonnie, would love a chance to win! D. Kelly cottonboll8503@att.net

MMorton said...

Love the 100 Blocks magazines-have all but #2. With inspiration from the Quilts from... magazine, maybe I could actually focus and make a quilt myself :).

Jackie said...

I just submitted 2 blocks I made from Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 5 for a block lotto in our local sewing group. I would love to win this Quiltmaker magazine!

Jody postalwait said...

Hi Bonnie, it would be wonderful to win a magazine. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks at Mountain Quiltfest in Pigeon Forge.

NancyinSTL said...

I see several interesting quilt blocks in the photos you chose to share. It would be great to see the rest of this magazine.

eliette1964 said...

Love following your blogs...stumbled on quilt cam one day on utube and am hooked....have you last mystery quilt done and loving it.looking forward to making another of your quilts.Eliette1964@yahoo.com ...I use this e-mail more than google.

Andee said...

Thanks for the chance!!!

crafty said...

Would love to win.

Anonymous said...

100 Blocks! Just what I need...more inspiration!

Unknown said...

I so enjoy your posts and all the fun & quilts others share! as always...fingers crossed :)

Unknown said...

I so enjoy your posts and all the fun & quilts others share! as always...fingers crossed :)

Kay said...

Can't wait to get my own copy of this great magazine as I have really enjoyed all of the others.

calicoquilter said...

I shouldn't be doing this. I have enough projects to last me two lifetimes! It's just that I love your patterns and they are so easy to follow that I can't resist.

Melissa said...

Pick me. Looks like lots of fun quilts in the magazine. Wow, lots of people want it too.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Unknown said...

I love these magazines full of inspiration. Enjoy your time at home.

Jody said...

Would love to win this one! I have a few of your patters in various stages of non-completion and still tons of scraps---oh well!!

Unknown said...

I would love to win that book. Today I am cutting for the new leaders Enders lozenge quilt. Thanks for all you do. Gladys glader@frontier.com

Pat in Texas said...

Would love to win the magazine.

Donna1111 said...

I thought I replied but I must have closed instead. I would love to win this!

Anonymous said...

Love to quilt and especially love all your quilt tips, Bonnie. You're sooo comfortable in your own skin and that's such a gift. Thanks for all your sharing.
Denise G.

sandra said...

I'd love to win a copy of the book. Quilts look awesome!!

Anonymous said...

my day is not complete without checking for your latest posts. Jenn Jenngabai@yahoo.com

Jittina said...

Off course Sadie is happy to be in Quilt Villa. I would be happy too if I was there!

Greetings from Sweden, Jittina

Sue Ann Manlief said...

Bonnie - thank you for all you do! Love your site! Would love to receive the magazine.

Sue Ann Manlief

The Quilting Divas said...

It looks like another great issue. Thanks for the give away.

Janet Mikes

Material Girl said...

The magazine looks like a good one, would love to win this one. I am looking forward to Quilt Cam tonight I missed the last one due to illness, and I could really use a break from bookwork, so I will be watching for sure. Thanks again for all you do.

Ellen said...

Would love to win and also join you on quilt cam. But I can not sew today. Had a colonoscopy and not allowed to operate any machinery. They said no oven or stove even. So decided no sewing machine either. But am tempted. My husband is watching though, doesn't want me to catch my finger in my machine.

SuBee618 said...

Thank You so very much Bonnie for the opportunity!! See you tonight at Quilt Cam!!


Linda Enneking said...

I always enjoy looking through these issues to see how the different blocks might look in a quilt. I'm doing more scrappy projects since I've been following your blog and your articles in Quiltmaker magazine.

Charlotte Taylor said...

I would like to win a copy of the magazine. Thanks for sharing with us.

Charlotte Taylor said...

Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.


Anonymous said...

I love the 100 block magazines and it would be so great if I won one. Thanks for the give away chance. betcrawford@verizon.net

Michele said...

looks like a beautiful magazine. Thanks for the chance to win.

Linda V said...

Thanks for the giveaway, Bonnie!

Dody said...

I love paper piecing. I've been working on a quilt for my daughter that is paper pieced. I am using scraps from clothes that I've made her. I need to post a pic of it on Facebook. Thanks Bonnie. I so enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

wonderful scrappy quilt ideas. Can't wait to get it either by winning or buying it. Sew many ideas too little time to sew.



Unknown said...

Beautiful quilts. I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance.

morgaine said...

WoW! Still 888 comments!
No chance to win! But if......

Sharon h said...

Would love the magazine ! Thanks for the opportunity !
Sharon h. Ks

utahoosier said...

Congratulations on making it into the publication. Thank you for the giveaway!

Carol said...

This is an awesome book from the looks of it. Thank you so much. ckemp49@gmail.com

nellie1951 said...

I can,t wait to get my hands on these magazines ,And see all the quilt patterns, starting to look like a great summer,thanks Bonnie

AnnieMouse said...

Hello Bonnie,

Thank you for being so generous. It's wonderful to see you on quiltcam and spend time listening and watching. It's a visit with a wonderful, positive person.

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