
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Quilts from 100 Blocks–GIVEAWAY!

We’ve just arrived at the cabin – the interior temp is about 50, and the gas fireplace is now lit and running. Brrrrrr!

As the room warms up, I’m writing this post ---because I had returned from the post office with mail just before heading out –and guess what was in it?!?

The latest issue of Quilts from 100 blocks :c)

Not just one copy, but TWO!

Volume 9 of 100 blocks is about to be released, submissions for volume 10 are being sent in by invitation –and things just keep getting better and better.

In between the volumes come these SPECIAL issues to show you what others ((And what YOU)) can do with the blocks!  MAKE QUILTS – don’t just let those issues sit there on your coffee table.

Quiltmaker 002

This is the cover of the latest issue! 
It should be on a news stand near you soon ---

Quiltmaker 003

I quickly thumbed through and found some favorites!

Who loves paper piecing?  I DO!

Quiltmaker 004

Masculine colors…Awesome!

Quiltmaker 005

Scrappy Everything/ I’m all in!

Quiltmaker 006

Gorgeous colors, perfect for that fabric line you’ve been saving.

Quiltmaker 007

This is the Spring ‘14 issue ---and should be available until May!

We are going to have a bit of fun here!  I’m offering TWO copies for Give-Away.  Leave me a comment below, and I’ll be drawing for our winners Monday Evening, revealing them in our Quilt-Cam post!

Remember to leave your name and your email address if it is not visible within your profile.  If I can’t reach you, I’ll have to choose someone else.

If you are trying to comment through Facebook or a blog reader service, it won’t work, especially from a mobile device.  If you still see the blue bar across the top of your screen, you are still IN Facebook, so open us up in a new browser window and try to comment there.

We’ll be using the random number generator, so only entries posted in the comments section on THIS POST will be eligible.  That means no guest book entries, no emails, no Facebook comments – it’s gotta be here ON the blog so we can use the number generator to draw fairly.

For other “unable to comment” problems, click the Blog Helps Tab at the top of the blog for more info.

Quiltmaker 008

Sadie is happy to be at Quilt Villa!

Quiltmaker 009

And how about THIS carpet??

We stopped for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant in Wilkesboro.  WOW…..can anyone say Bargello?!

Have a great night everyone!

Love from Buck Mountain ---

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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El in Oz said...

Would love a chance to win a copy of the mag. The quilts you show in the post look great. I love your work and generosity. Made the oatmeal and chic chip biscuits the other day - delicious.

bhulse said...

BONNIE, I would just love the chance to win one of the magazine's. Just love all the advice you give us, all the patterns.

MoeWest said...

I love these magazines. Thanks for the giveaway.

Pauline Warner said...

Hi Bonnie, great giveaway - would love to win if open to non-US participants :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is already over 400 comments. My chances are slim but I have to try.

Kerstin said...

I would love to win the magazine. No chance here to find them on the newsstand.
Thanks so much for the chance.

Em said...

This looks like an awesome book :)

Deanna said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for the peek inside the magazine! I've never seen one in real life. How exciting. I think it would be fun to make one of each!!
Your site is awesome. I have to visit at least once daily.
Thank you for the chance to win.
teddibear10@rocketmail.com (I do not have a blog).

MOM said...

Bonnie, I love all the scrappy quilts and would love to win the 100 block book. Thanks for all the time you put into helping all of us use our stash.

Unknown said...

Thank you, the giveaway looks fun. Would love to win the 100 blocks.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the magazine at the store, it looks marvelous!


Unknown said...

Um me me me LOL Thanks for the giveaway! Stay warm & healthy :)

Sheila said...

What a nice giveaway. I hope I win :)
Have a nice weekend at Quilt Villa.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodie; another Quiltmaker magazine. Thanks for the chance to win one. Have a good rest at Quiltvilla and enjoy the time with DH.

lfrihart said...

Bonnie, think getting others turned on to you is so much fun. Just convinced my neighbor to check out your method of cataloging your fabric scraps. Hope I get to join in the fun.

Would love to have the new 100 Patterns.

Unknown said...

Hope to win this random act of kindness

lybmail said...

These two magazines look fabulous.
Just love the quilt selections you have teased us with on your blog.
Thanks for offering these magazines to your blog readers.

CA Bobbie said...

Looking forward to seeing it at the LQS but not having to buy this one!
rjc2cam@gmail.com Bobbie

Tami C said...

I would love to win Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Volume 9! Thanks for the chance!

jofridsquilt said...

Cross my fingers and hope to be the lucky one.:-)

Candy said...

Love these "100 Blocks"!! Sure hope to win one!
candybeardsley @ Yahoo.com

Candy said...

Love these "100 Blocks"!! Hope to win one!

Pierce Family Blog said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

Catherine said...

Love the magazine and love your books. Excited about the new leader and ended challenge, as I sent of both of my 9 patch versions just last week!

Email at : catherine@queeniequilts.com

Rike Busch said...

DEar Bonnie,
I'd love to get one of the two magazines. Thanks for sharing!

Lissa Harpster said...

Those are my favorite colors for 40 years in "Geese go Round", I love that quilt! And I would love to get the magazine with that picture! And all the other beautiful pictures and blocks would just be a bonus, haha!! calicolissa@yahoo.com

sue said...

Sja0095@ gmail.com
Would love to win. Hard to find in the UK

Judy H. said...

I love seeing what people do with those blocks. I have a couple of the other 'Quilts from' magazines and love them.

Caroline said...

Oh I love quiltmagazines, there are not so much here in Europe, and sooo expensive.So we always share them. I love your quiltmagazines. And if you don't mail to Europe, please send it to my friend in Seattle. She coming this summe. With kind regards from a rainy Netherlands, Caro

pojo said...

Hi Bonnie
i would love a chance on this magazine.
thank you too

Anonymous said...

I love these magazines, always so inspiring.


MargieK said...

Can't wait to get my hands on one of these! Thank you for the opportunity to win! Glad you have a "car dog" to keep you company. Mine is my copilot. ��

Etoffes Ă©mois said...

Hello Bonnie
Great ideas in this magazine

Farm Quilter said...

That carpet would be a great pattern for a hexi bargello! Something else to do with your hexis!!! Would love to win the magazine - looks fabulous!! Enjoy Quiltvilla :)

Hilacha (loose strand) said...

By this time you're already warm and sleeping. Here; I'm heading for my sewing machine to stitch some scrappy blocks, to become UFOs, later to become quilts...

Sarah said...

I would just love the chance to use this book to try new and exciting ideas. Thanks so much for the chance to win, and for all your great help, ideas and support. Looking forward to the next Quilt cam.

sandrarumsey said...

Just what I need for inspiration. Thanks for the chance Bonnie.

Lesauri said...

Those quilts look lovely and I would love to win a magazine so I can begin to sew one.

Mary said...

I have all the issues that QM has published so far. I'd love to WIN this one before I can find it here on the newstands. Happy that you will reveal the winner on QuiltCAM. that gives more reason to watch, right? Enjoy your time at the Cabin!

Vivian said...

The 100 Block magazines are some of my favorites. What's not to love with the variety of blocks in each one. Thanks for the chance to win this special issue, showing us ideas for all those blocks.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy !!!! Thank you for helping make me a scrappy quilter. I can't wait to see you in 2017 lol in Washington state :) Sonya Wood. Sonyawood@tds.net

Heather said...

Looks like another inspirational issue...thanks for the chance to win! That carpet is really cool and would make a great quilt pattern! Love it!

Debby said...

Great magazine, thanks for the chance!

PalmerGal said...

I'd love to have one!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie
Such a gifted lady. Beautiful quilts. You make quilting so much fun!
Enjoy your time at the cabin,
Ann Cook

Anonymous said...

Aloha Bonnie, I love your blog and enjoy your travel. Would love to win the new Quilt blocks magazine, from you.

Laverne Alves bluemoon@hawaiian.net64

Inge-Lise said...

Hey Bonnie. I would love to have such a number with quilt blocks here in Denmark. Hugs from Inge-Lise

Inge-Lise said...

Sorry - I forgot my email-adress: ilb@saerkjaer.net

Inge-Lise Særkjær, Denmark

Anonymous said...

hola Bonie,yo tambien quiero tener la oportunidad de ganar esta revista , mi direccion de correo electronico es Pilarsalvo@hotmail.com

judi said...

This looks like a fun issue! Thank you for the chance to win a copy!
mystyq at roadrunner dot com
<3 judi

Pauline said...

Love the blocks, having suggestions on how to put them together in a quilt would be great. A great magazine to add to my collection.
Thanks Bonnie

LindaBee said...

I love to sew, but need lots of inspiration . I've never seen these mags and would love to win.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, another wonderful giveaway - thank you!
I love your leader-ender projects :) they are more fun than the main project quilts.
Have a beautiful weekend - spring starts tomorrow.
Inge from Denmark
inge39 at live.dk

Unknown said...

Always love a chance to win and it looks like this magazine is full of great quilts! Thanks for all your hard work and generosity

Unknown said...

I am getting ready for, yet, another winter storm here. It sure would cheer me up if you picked me!

Anonymous said...

Hi thanks for this chance I can't seem to find them here in Australia

Allison Eland

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the give away, Bonnie! Plugging away on my CS..step five!

Joan Doezema. jdoezema@sbcglobal.net

Manon said...

Send one to the Netherlands please, I really love it!

Julie Farnes said...

Pick me!!! Pick me!!!
Quiltmaker and their 100 blocks arw the only magazines I keep forever, so I would love to win.
Enjoy your cabin. We are heading back to Alaska to our cabin for the summer in May. I can hardly wait.

Jitka said...

All these quilt look great and can be scrappy done. Next week holidays!!! I´m off from civilization.

Mary Ann said...

Love the magazine pics so would love a copy! Mary Ann

Linda H said...

What a fun looking issue. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Annica said...

Hi Bonnie,
hope to win a copy. Love your blog and the magazin.

Rebecca and Chris Palmer said...

We would love these . We can't get it here in Ireland . Also I'm just getting into scrappy (Chris ).

Freerose said...

I love to win a magazine from 'overseas'. Thank you for the chance Bonnie.

Freerose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Hi Bonnie Would love the chance to win. That carpet made me dizzy lol.

valerie boudier said...

Some great quilts in that book - would love to win one valerie(dot)boudier(at)ntlworld(dot)com

Cynthia's Creating Ark said...

Just imagine all those interesting block combinations and all the quilts that will be made.

ria vogelzang said...

Have a good time at the cabin, Bonnie! Enjoy your family-time.
Great picture of Sadie. <3
And a lovely magazine to giveaway.
Greetz, Ria.(the Netherlands)

Rebecca and Chris Palmer said...

Yes please . We can't get this magazine here in Ireland . Also I'm just getting into scrappy (Chris).

Cheryl said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Colleen G

Marijke said...

I love to win a magazine ,I can not bye it here sadly
love doing scrapquilts

Unknown said...

I love patterns almost as much as I love fabric...thanks for all you do!

McQuilt said...

Thanks for a chance to win.

Gwen said...

Hi Bonnie! Here's to a great weekend at QUiltville, rest and enjoy!! THANKS for all of the ge erous things thhatyou do for all of us.

bluenines said...

HI Bonnie, have a great weekend at the cabin,and thanks for the chance to win, happy sewing

Marijke said...

Sorry ,i typed the word ;bye ;wrong it is buyweel you will understand anyway.

Mokki said...

I love the masculine coloured coloured quilt. I think the world needs more of them for our poor men who sleep under floral feminine colours. (like my husband he he;) )

maria jose said...

Me gustarĂ­a participar en el sorteo de la revista.Soy fan del Scrappy y de sus quilts.
Besos desde España.Mª José

Barbara D'Angelo said...

Looks like a fun book with lots of info, thanks for offering this!

Barbara on the Eastern Shore said...

Thank you again for thinking of us with your giveaway

Holly NY said...

Have a wonderful weekend at Quiltvilla! Looks like a great magazine, I would love to win it! See you Monday on Quiltcam.

Holly in NY

Anonymous said...

This looks like a lot of quilt fun coming up! Thank you for the chance to win this magazine! It`s so much fun to be part of the drawing!

Susanne from Germany

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win your second copy!

kt said...

Love the 100 blocks magazines! Thanks for the chance to win the quilts issue!

Betsy said...

Bonnie, thanks for the chance to win this awesome magazine

Linda S said...

It would be wonderful to receive a copy. The quilts are beautiful.


Marca said...

Yes! Time to actually make something from the 100 blocks!

tropicslady said...

Have fun at Quilt Villa this weekend and thanks for the great giveaway!

ladara at cfl dot rr dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to win!

Sandy Lewis said...

Just bought issue #8 yesterday. Anxious to see or receive #9. Thanks for the opp.
Sandy Lewis

Sandy Lewis said...

Just bought issue #8 yesterday. Anxious to see or receive #9. Thanks for the opp.
Sandy Lewis

Anonymous said...

Another give away Bonnie your so generous. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win. Just love these magazines.

Sherry in NY

Schuetzela said...

Have fun with your family now that you're home for five minutes! Thanx for the opportunity to be included in the drawing for this magazine!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win one of the magazines. Have a great weekend!Thanks.


Odyssey Quilter said...

The only thing that could make winning this better would be if you came with it!! Thanks for the opportunity.

Pat Cole

susan sendelbach said...

Those quilts look gorgeous- need a project

Beeshebags said...

Wow, I love seeing the patterns to utilise blocks from the magazines. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.


KimB said...

Hi Bonnie, I look forward to getting your email every day and reading about all the amazing things you are doing. Looks like a great issue, thank you for the chance to win and sharing your talwnts with us.

Sue F said...

Haven't won anything for a long time. I make quilts for a local hospice so would love to win some new creative ideas.

mere6sews said...

never get tired of looking at the possibilities of shape and color...

Unknown said...

I would love to win the mag. I only quilt for hospice and need new creative ideas.

DarleneT said...

I'd love to have this magazine! Thanks so much for all the ways you share with!

Anonymous said...

Great fun on the new facebook page. Looking forward to the new Quilt magazine.
Kathy O

dorothy said...

I would never turn down anything giving me more options for quilts! Wish they were sold around here...Have a great time at the cabin and relax.

Wyse Acres said...

Thanks for the opportunity! It would be just fine by me if one ended up in my mailbox! !

Debra in Ohio said...

Oh, my, I would love to win the magazine. If not, I'll just have to purchase it at the newsstand. The Geese Go Round quilt looks like something I could use with my blues and greens I have been collecting over the years. Nice! Thanks for the chance to win the magazine.

Sharon E said...

This magazine would be a great win for me! skeshlaman@comcast.net

cityquilter grace said...

looks like a perfect issue for a scrappy quilter like me! and that sadie, she sure does look content!

Caroline in NH said...

Would love to win one of these! Thank you for offering!

Gill said...

Thanks Bonnie!
Count me in please!

Kerry said...

What a great give away. Would love the chance to win a copy. Thanks so much.

BBQuilts said...

Looks like there are several quilts waiting for my stash...thanks for the chance to win. bagifford@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

You are so generous! I'd love to win my first book of quilt patterns.

Sharon J. Hughson said...

I once one a fierce game or Probe with the work Bargello. They argued with me that was not a word. LOL The next day we were shopping at a local craft store and I pointed to a needlepoint display of BARGELLO items. The word was on the sign above the goods. The friends were soooo upset. LOL Hope I win.

Karen H said...

What a fun magazine. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to have so much packed into one magazine. I'd like to pick some fabrics and make many blocks to become one top. Always look forward to the new issue.
Diann kyquiltymama@hotmail.com

Doreen NH said...

Thanks for being so generous! I have all my Quilt 100 Blocks in a special place!

Kathleen said...

I would love to save some money for more fabric so here I go to enter for the free one love love love ou and how you push us to our next level of quilting
Kathleen. kafy1@aol.com

Lakegaldonna said...

I'd love to win the magazine Bonnie! Thanks

Anonymous said...

I want to try, even if I never win. But it is a game! The important thing is to read you every day in my mail.
Thank you for all

Anonymous said...

I want to try, even if I never win. But it is a game! The important thing is to read you every day in my mail.
Thank you for all

Pauline Gudas said...

This looks like another great magazine. Would love to win one

Carolyn Sullivan said...

I don't have time to make another quilt!!!!! but I really want that 100 blocks it looks more interesting than EVER!

Karla said...

Always ready to try a new and exciting quilt magazine. This one looks like a keeper. Thanks for the opportunity to win one!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win one of the magazines. I love your quilts, they inspire everyone to use your scraps and make beautiful quilts.


Nancy said...

The magazine looks wonderful! Have a great visit to quilt villa!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, you have good taste in quilts and carpets, etc...

Judy S in New Hampshire said...

Hoping I'll be one of the lucky two to get a copy of the magazine!

Aliceart said...

Thank you! I'd love a copy of inspiration.

Sherry said...

It would be fun to say that I have won a giveaway.

Sherry V. Crazyquiltpatcher AT yahoo DOT com

Kim said...

Hi Bonnie,

Time does fly - seems like the last 100 block issue was just released. I would love to win this issue! Thank you for all you do.

tnjmom1 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I feel like I know you, and miss a day without your updates! You inspire me when I feel down. I have not purchased this magazine, yet, and would love to win it! Keep up the good work.

QuiltyGal said...

Ohhh yummies! I would love to have the magazine of course :) Thank you for everything you do to inspire us Bonnie!!

Deanna W said...

Paper piecing..you bet and all that scrappiness...yummm!!! Would love a chance to win, thanks!!


susiefloozie said...

What a great magazine to drool over ... I mean dream on!

Lbasketcase@yahoo.com said...

Thanks for the chance to win the magazine. They are my go to when working on a special project for a special person. I hope the next time you are in Texas you are close enough that I can join in the fun.

Dana Gaffney said...

I love these magazines, thanks for the chance.

Cheryl randleman said...

I think I have everyone of these magazines (except the new one of course) -- there are always at least several quilt ideas out of each one. Thanks for the great blocks and giveaway. cherylrandleman4@gmail.com

Doxiemom said...

This is just in time! I just finished a Midnight Flight top and have been trying to decide what the next BH project will be! Looks inspirational!

Thanks for the opportunity to win!



ledamewood said...

I love that carpet - thanks for sharing. wouldn't that be a great carpet to help hide all the things kids can do? Thanks for the chance to win the magazine.

Pam said...

Love your quilts! Thanks!

mardigrasgirl said...

thanks for the chance to win. have a great time at your cabin.

Janet said...

Thanks for a chance to win this one!

Millie said...

Count me in, I would love to win one of these. Millie Sargent. email millie.sargent@yahoo.com

Gram999 said...

I'd make every one of those quilts shown. I hope I win the magazine. Thanks for the chance.

Julie Kaye from KS said...

That would be a great magazine to win. Thanks for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

I have only been quilting for a little over a year and would love to
win this new 100 block mag.
blt.mercier121@gmail.com(Betty from Vermont

Dinah said...

The new magazine looks great! Thanks for the chance to win! And I can't wait to see your new book!

Anonymous said...

Vera said:

Always enjoy "Quilts from 100 Blocks" Thanks for the chance to win one

Bamasphynx said...

Thanks for the give-a-way! Would love to win one. Love your site. Stay warm!

sklinn62 said...

So many great ideas in that issue! I would love to win.

Pauline said...

Looks like there is something there that I could work with!!Thanks

Shebandowan said...

Boy, would I ever love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance to win.


Unknown said...

What can I say. You've changed my quilting life. I just wrote out in big print and posted in my quilt studio a chart with what sizes to cut for leaders and enders. I could use the chart with this magazine. Sure hope I win. Barby MH, Ark

Ruth said...

232I would love to win one of these books. I have so many projects in progress but would love another. Thanks for all you great posts.


Josie McRazie said...

Beautiful ideas and sew many of them in one place! Thanks for the giveaway!

Steph said...

I love to see how folks work the blocks together. Love the blocks!

Unknown said...

Love what I saw of the magazine. Would love to win it and see the rest!

Diane P

Susan S said...

I would love to have one of these mags! Thanks for the giveaway. Susan sbsamson11{at}cox{dot}net

Connie said...

I love these magazines! I have all of them so far either in paper or digital. Hope I win one.

Katkat said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! Count me in!

Anonymous said...

So happy to have a chance to win Quiltmaker 100 Blocks magazine. They arte a great resource when you are doing block exchanges.

Casey Q said...

Hi Bonnie,
I am lucky number 201. Thanks for the opportunity to win a magazine. I love your quilts featured there. Most of all I like how you inspire me to keep quilting.

claire said...

Oh how I'd love to win this awesome giveaway.
Fingers crossed. Thx

Anonymous said...

Love those patterns! I have plenty of scraps to use. Thanks for all you share!


Susie said...

This one looks great. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I've stopped buying magazines because I keep them forever! I have some 80's ones that don't use rotary cutters, as well as some older that were given to me, sigh! but I wouldn't turn one down (big grin!) and I'm making 3 (maybe 4!) baby quilts before July with wonky stars and Overall Sams....

Sharon in Colorado

Anonymous said...

Pretty please :-) and thank you for the chance to enter.
Evelyn Nelson

Lilac Joan said...

I would love to win this issue and save the 6.99 for fabric!!!
Joan at iamlilac@gmail.com

Paule-Marie said...

love the scrappy modern quilt. thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I loved the 100 blocks blog hop, so seeing some of those quilted up is very exciting....Happy quilting, Denise. di_caughill at hotmail dot com

SherryWhy said...

Love the masculine quilt, I need to make one to be given to a male cancer patient and it would be perfect.

Sherry Yeakel

Unknown said...

Fantastic publication. Thanks for the offer. Crossing my fingers and hoping to win!!!


Tonya Stewart said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Kathy said...

Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine! Love the Scrappy Everything quilt - that picture is just a tease, all folded up, but the whole quilt must be spectacular! I'd give it a try for sure.

Mary Dugan said...

What a great offer! Love Quiltmaker, would love to win a copy. Thanks for all you do, Bonnie.

Marilyn W said...

Bonnie!!! Thanks for all that you do for us! I would LOVE to win one of these. Be assured, it will come to a good home that will love it and take excellent care of it. :)

Marilyn in MS

Unknown said...

I love Quiltmaker magazine, and would love to win the latest copy. Seeing other quilter's ideas is so inspiring.
Thanks for all you do for us quilters.

Chris Jensen

denisew said...

Oh please random number generator pick me!

mb-RI said...

Wow - thanks for the awesome photos of the quilts within the magazine - they are just lovely! I will certainly be looking for this issue at my area stores.

Catherine Etter, The Mindful Spirit said...

Oh yesyesyesyes, pretty please!!!!!!!! Whata' fabulous fun fabric fiberlicious journey we're on!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose in IN said...

This would be so awesome to win, thanks for the opportunity!

Anita Balgenorth said...

Love both those magazines wish I had discovered them sooner. Would love to win them and thanks for the chance. I am presently working on Blue Ridge Beauty half the size you made for a throw. Blocks are made now to put them together!
Anita Balgenorth, 5169 Heathrow Avenue, Kalamazoo MI 49009

ozone3 said...

Looks like another great magazine!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Cece said...

Great inspiration! Thank you for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

Would love to win! Thanks so much! You are so generous.


Sandy said...

Looks like a great magazine! Thanks for the chance to win! Have fun this weekend!

Barbara said...

What awesome quilts in the latest Quilts from 100 blocks magazine!! Can't wait to flip through this issue to see them all. Thank you Bonnie for another fun giveaway. -- Barbara bfiresheets@bellsouth.net

mabear said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Jacqueline said...

Cold here too... come on Spring.

Won't be able to make the Comcast on Monday because we quilters meet every Monday night - weather permitting. But please enter me into your drawing I would enjoy being the winner.


KathyC said...

Stay warm tonight! It'll be a beautiful weekend. :)

Miss Eva said...

So glad you're back. I'm looking forward to QuiltCam on Monday.

Gramma said...

This looks like a great magazine - thanks for the opportunity to win one.

Catherine Etter, The Mindful Spirit said...

Oh yesyesyesyes pretty please! Whata' fabulously fun filled fantastic fabric fiberlicious journey we're on!!!!!!!!!

Kathy MacKie said...

Count me in Bonnie and thanks for the chance to win.

Judy said...

Looks like a Fantastic issue but of course because you are involved it is a must that it is a Fantastic issue so I am hoping you pick me just like all the others.

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