
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Quilts from 100 Blocks–GIVEAWAY!

We’ve just arrived at the cabin – the interior temp is about 50, and the gas fireplace is now lit and running. Brrrrrr!

As the room warms up, I’m writing this post ---because I had returned from the post office with mail just before heading out –and guess what was in it?!?

The latest issue of Quilts from 100 blocks :c)

Not just one copy, but TWO!

Volume 9 of 100 blocks is about to be released, submissions for volume 10 are being sent in by invitation –and things just keep getting better and better.

In between the volumes come these SPECIAL issues to show you what others ((And what YOU)) can do with the blocks!  MAKE QUILTS – don’t just let those issues sit there on your coffee table.

Quiltmaker 002

This is the cover of the latest issue! 
It should be on a news stand near you soon ---

Quiltmaker 003

I quickly thumbed through and found some favorites!

Who loves paper piecing?  I DO!

Quiltmaker 004

Masculine colors…Awesome!

Quiltmaker 005

Scrappy Everything/ I’m all in!

Quiltmaker 006

Gorgeous colors, perfect for that fabric line you’ve been saving.

Quiltmaker 007

This is the Spring ‘14 issue ---and should be available until May!

We are going to have a bit of fun here!  I’m offering TWO copies for Give-Away.  Leave me a comment below, and I’ll be drawing for our winners Monday Evening, revealing them in our Quilt-Cam post!

Remember to leave your name and your email address if it is not visible within your profile.  If I can’t reach you, I’ll have to choose someone else.

If you are trying to comment through Facebook or a blog reader service, it won’t work, especially from a mobile device.  If you still see the blue bar across the top of your screen, you are still IN Facebook, so open us up in a new browser window and try to comment there.

We’ll be using the random number generator, so only entries posted in the comments section on THIS POST will be eligible.  That means no guest book entries, no emails, no Facebook comments – it’s gotta be here ON the blog so we can use the number generator to draw fairly.

For other “unable to comment” problems, click the Blog Helps Tab at the top of the blog for more info.

Quiltmaker 008

Sadie is happy to be at Quilt Villa!

Quiltmaker 009

And how about THIS carpet??

We stopped for dinner at a local Mexican restaurant in Wilkesboro.  WOW…..can anyone say Bargello?!

Have a great night everyone!

Love from Buck Mountain ---

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!


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Unknown said...

Wow the way I have been making quilts for my family I would love all this.... It would be great to have this great book

Myrna said...

I'd love a copy of that magazine. Thanks for an opportunity to enter. Have fun at Quiltvilla.

Myrna in KY.

Lauren said...

Me, me, me!

Sewbizgirl said...

Looks like a great magazine with wonderful quilts in it! Oh, the scrappy possibilities... Thanks for the drawing. Two people are going to be very happy!

Bonnie Evans

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I would love to win that magazine. It would be fun to look through it and see quilts made from the different blocks from 100 blocks. I'm Rita A. quilting.grandma@live.com

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bonnie with another chance to win a copy of the latest 100 Block magazine. Looks like there are some fantastic block patterns in it. Looking forward to the next cam night.
Have fun up at Buck's Mountain.


QuiddityRox said...

Love your giveaway.

Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful quilt patterns you displayed. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of "Quilts from 100 Blocks".

CarolB said...

I really LOVE magazines! Really, even if I never make one of the quilts featured, there's always something to learn or be inspired by -- perhaps a color combo, a portion of a design, even an ad! I save -- and savor -- my magazines and love pulling one out at random when I am heading to the doctor's office or have a few minutes to curl up with the cat.

QuiddityRox said...

Love your giveaway. Thanks

Sharon said...

I would love the 100 Blocks. Thanks for the chance to win.

Auntie Clark said...

Thanks for all you do for quilting!!!

HelenMarie said...

Thanks for the sneak peak!... looks like some great patterns!
thanks for a chance to win!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I just found your Blog through a friend. NEAT and I have never had a Designer/Teacher admit that when drawing the line on a square that it is NOT the sew line. I figured that out a long time ago, but it appeared to be a big secret LOL. I would like to receive the magazine, but will look for it on the newstand if I do not.

Teresa in Music City said...

Oh boy!! Count me in for the giveaway - would love to have a copy!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend:-))

Ghislaine said...

That magazine looks awesome! Thanks for the chance to win.

Unknown said...

thanks for the chance Bonnie! Have a great time at the cottage - enjoy the peace and quiet.

Maree in NC ☺ said...

Thank you for the chance to win!

my nana maree @ yahoo . com

charityquilter said...

Looks like a great magazine. Love what you do Bonnie - keep it up.

Your "look-alike" in Minnesota

Unknown said...

I would love to win this. Looks awesome....

Nicky Amidon said...

I love you website and both of your Facebook sites! Just joined your open quilt group site :) I have the first vol and vol 8 of 100 blocks....I would like to get my hands on a copy of each one. thanks for all that you post! Nicky Amidon - snickers33@stny.rr.com

Unknown said...

I do not have any of these magazines, but would love to have more ideas to add to all of the quilt patterns I have from your books, mysteries and free patterns. Thanks for having giveaways so often. Cathy

Dorothy Hall said...

How wonderful! I know they had to include one of your blocks, but I would love to win either way. Looks scrumptious!

Janny Wanny said...

I have tons of fabric that need a "block" to complete its life.;)

BarbEllen said...

What a beautiful magazine. Love to browse the 100 Blocks - Hope I can soon browse the quilts from, too.
Barb S

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog, Bonnie! You are very dedicated to post so often. I joined the Facebook page today. I would love to win this issue of Quilts from the Hundred Blocks.

Brenda B. In Virginia

Terry said...

so many quilts so little time this magazine looks awesome send me a copy so I can add to my to do list. Thanks Bonnie

Terry twrow@wispernet.ca

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I'd love my own personal copy!! Can you sign it too?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win one! Deone Williams Deone.williams@starsalliance.com

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the magazine!

Gweneth said...

Pick me, I want to be a winner of this filled with creative quilts from scraps magazine.

sue bennett said...

Amazing quilts. Thanks for the chance to win one of the books.


qltmom9 said...

Thank you for the chance to win. Glad you are home.

Lucy D.

pkquilter said...

Enjoy the weekend! Thanks for the giveaway. I'd love to be a winner.

Tonya Stewart said...

Love the chance to win!!!

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Would love to win a copy of this awesome magazine--thanks for the chance!

Lorene Holbrook said...

oh boy!!! Love the quilts you showed. fun, fun, fun! thanks for the chance....

qlt7scrap at gmail dot com

Kathy Speevack said...

Would love to have a copy of 100 Blocks! It would be my first. What I've seen so far is beautiful.
Kathy Speevack

Robin said...

I really need a new project to work on . I see three I can start on. Love this book but it is so hard to get in my city. No one carrys it have the time. Would love to get my hands on this magazine.

Joyful Quilter said...

Lots of wonderful quilt ideas, thanks for the giveaway.

Tonya Stewart said...

Love te chance to win!

debi said...

Bonnie, I would love to win this magazine as I can't get it in Australia - have great time at the Cabin.

Anita said...

Wow! Lots of great patterns! Thanks for sharing :)

Bloomer's Buzzings said...

I really want to do "Here a Scrap, There a Scrap" but the others are great, too. Thank you for this opportunity to win. I am still working on my first patchwork~your CS!

Edie said...

I would love to win the new magazine. The projects look amazing. Thanks for the chance to win.

debbie said...

I would love to win a copy of 100 blocks. thank you for the chance. Hope you are enjoying your weekend at Quiltvilla.

Becky said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!

Corina said...

Love your blog and I look forward to reading it every nite! Would love a chance to win the 100 Blocks magazine.


Sharon said...

Looks like an awesome collection of scrappy patterns. Would love to have a copy to grace my sewing room.

Unknown said...

Would love to get one. farsaceb@aol.com

Unknown said...

2014 theme is finish. I just can not deprive myself of new eye candy and inspiration. I would love to win the 100 blocks quilts.
Thank for all you do.
nrkozak@ Comcast.net

Lynne said...

Thanks Bonnie for another exciting chance for a giveaway. LUV your designs!

Marly said...

I would love a copy. Thanks for the chance to win one.

Anonymous said...

The Quiltmaker magazines are always great. Thanks for offering a copy to your readers. Love your blog. Stephani in N. TX (Tomazec@aol.com)

sewnsew said...

Bonnie, have a great time at the cabin on Buck Mountain.
I would love to win this magazine, it looks really neat.
Busy working on Celtic Solstice, only on step 4 but having a good time doing it. Ramona from Maine

Chris Giannascoli said...

Bonnie - Thank you for the opportunity to win a great magazine!

Unknown said...

2014 is the year to "Finish". I can not deprive myself of the new eye candy and inspiration. I would love to win a copy of the 100 block quilts.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooaaaaaaa what beautiful quilts thank you for the chance to win. Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

I'm in! Lets try something new from this mag!

Anonymous said...

Would like to make some of the patterns you pictured. This mag is not available locally and would like to check it out. Love your patterns and plan to do more of them real soon.

Granny Kay said...

I would love to win a magazine. I have scraps ready to use up!

Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said...

Love the pictures you showed and would love to have this magazine.

scottylover said...

Have a great weekend!

I love these magazines and get so much inspiration from them! Thanks for the chance to win!

Sandy A
scotty4me39 (at) yahoo. com

Anonymous said...

Ooooooaaaaaaa what beautiful quilts. Thank you for the chance to win. Have a wonderful weekend.

barbara Donaldson said...

I have yet to see the other magazines for the 100 blocks. Would like to win one. Barbara Donaldson Quilts10@tampabay.rr.com I am the one who asked you if scraps are sold anywhere I have since acquired lots of scraps for several quilts I love the 1930's fabric Thanks.

Unknown said...

I love the opportunity you so often give I would love a chance to win this awesome magazine. Hope you have a great weekend and I hope to catch you Monday Evening. I have 60 more step 5 Celtic Soltrice blocks before I can layout quilt to assemble. Yea can't wait as this is the 1st mystery I've done. Enjoyed the experience. Thanks for all you do and share. duwaklj@cloudburst9.net

Tammy Hutchinson said...

I know that carpet and that restaurant! And I would love to win a copy of the block magazine-looks inspiring.

Sherill said...

I love this magazine! It shows so many possibilities! Thank you for the chance to win one!

Elaine M said...

Thank you for the chance to win. The quilts all look like great projects.

GoGo said...

See my hand waving in the air? Pick me, pick me! I would love to make use of one of these mags. Thanks Bonnie for everything you share with us.

Anonymous said...

What a great magazine. I would love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance!

barbara Donaldson said...

I am sure I would enjoy a copy of the magazine. I love your scrap quilts and I am looking for your next sew along Thanks for a chance to win. Barbara

Marich52 said...

Awesome magazine...right up a scrappers alley!

Flo said...

I really like the rainbow colored one "here a scrap, there a scrap" kids would really love it.
Hope you draw my number. Thanks Bonnie.

Florence Daly

Jackie said...

Looks like a very special issue - lots of scrappy appeal. Thanks for sharing your copies.

Ellen said...

I would love to win a copy of the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Would love to win a copy of the magazine. I have attended your last two New Years mysteries and really appreciate you sharing your love and passion of scrappy quilting. Thank you.
Paula - ploveofc@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this one, Bonnie. Love the carpet too.

Marie Atkinson said...

How exciting to see the new magazine! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Judy said...

I always love those magazines! Thanks for the chance to win.

Amanda W said...

Winning would be so awesome! Thanks for the chance. agwade64@hotmail.com

orchardquilter said...

Thx for the great giveaway! Janet in WA

Evelyn said...

Looking forward to finding that mag...the haphazard availability of good quilt mags here in Little Rock make it a bit of a treasure hunt. Here's hoping I can find it!!!!

Gale said...

Oh Bonnie I do love these magazines. They are so hard to find here in Podunk and I rarely do. Please choose me and send me a copy. You are the greatest!

Cathy said...

A girl can't have too many quilt magazines! Would love to win one! Thanks for the giveaway!

Renea said...

Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this great magazine.

Dwynette said...

I would absolutely love to win!- dwynette@appleberryquilts.com

Ray said...

Such a wonderful giveaway - thanks, Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I would love to win!!
Kathy in SC

Julie in GA said...

There are some great looking designs in that magazine. I would love to win a copy--thanks!

Vranish Marla said...

Hope the odds are in my favor! Love your givingcspirit, Bonnie!

Lewjacks said...

I would love to have a copy of the new collection! Leslie Williams, lewjacks@suddenlink.net

happyjax said...

I NEED this magazine because it just so happens that I am exactly 100 blocks short!!! Seriously, thanks for offering up a copy to us fans!!!

Redlizard70 said...

Where does all your energy come from? Can't tell you how much I enjoy your blog.


Anonymous said...

Waiting for your 50 degree cabin to warm up reminds me of our house in the mountains of Colorado, and why I now live in Tucson. Loved your lecture here a few weeks ago! I'd love to win! napdep@comcast.net


Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

Nancy in IN said...

Love these magazines. Thanks for a chance to win one.

Unknown said...

Would love a copy. So excited to see every post you have wondering what new fun thing I'll get to see.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! Love the magazine giveaway!
Lorelei Hauptmann

Unknown said...

I love this magazine. I hope I win as I would like to make some of these quilts

SharonD said...

Blocks and quilts and magazines, oh my!

Diane Lovejoy said...

Diane Lovejoy

A hundred blocks, that should keep me busy for awhile.
thanks for making someone a winner.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie--those magazines look like so much fun. I have been collecting the "100 blocks" magazines and these would be perfect to help me use those. Thanks for offering a free copy.
Verna Thomas

Helen T. said...

Would love a copy!!

Neil and Lorelei said...

Hi Bonnie! Love the magazine giveaway!
Lorelei Hauptmann

Unknown said...

Thank you for a chance to win! You are awesome!

Ann B said...

Thanks for the opportunity to be a winner. Love The Quiltmaker.

sherryberrybim said...

Would love to win this magazine.

Cousin Jill said...

You are awesome!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!! Good luck everyone!!!!

Karen said...

Bonnie, I so enjoy reading your blog and FB groups. You are so inspiring. I will admit that at times I find it overwhelming as I want to make ALL of your quilts. Looking forward to your next book.

Unknown said...

Thanks for all your sharing and an opportunity to win

Judy said...

Thanks for the giveaway.

lleblanc_nd said...

Hi Bonnie! Love the Quiltmaker 100 blocks magazines. I think I have all but the first two. Have a great rest at Quiltvilla!


Rose of Sharon quilter said...

Love manly quilt & scrappy quilt pics - a nice prize if I'm lucky!

Lori Huffman said...

Lots and lots of wonderful quilts to choose from in this issue, which one first??? Lucky_Lady_13@yahoo.com

bethieport@gmail.com said...

I want to try the paper pieced block!!!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win one, Bonnie. Love to read your nightly news.
Carolyn Kramer

Marilyn Robertson said...

Thanks for the great give away Bonnie! Your blocks are always among the best! Thanks for entering me into your drawing.

Paul said...

Sounds like a great give away.

preludetoaseam said...

I love those magazines! So many creative ideas. Would love to be a winner! (I'd probably faint!)


Gretchen quilts said...

Ohhhh....I would love to have this issue!

Kathy Kavanaugh said...

Gotta love the carpet but I was thinking more dizzy than Bargello .....Onegrtemt@cox.net

Connie D. said...

Thanks Bonnie for the chance to win one of your magazines! Connie conniemaried52@gmail.com

Christine Gardner said...

Would love to have this! Thank you Bonnie for the chance!

Claudette Adams said...

Pick me! Pick me!

Margaret said...

I would love to have one of these magazine. Thanks for the chance.

DebraKay Neiman said...

Bonnie, the pages you shared are enticing...I would love a copy. Give Sadie a hug. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

Cecilia said...

This is a great magazine! Thanks for the chance to win a copy. Enjoy your weekend.

AnnieBikes said...

I love seeing the quilts that can be made with the 100 blocks issue. That is fantastical!!! Is that a WORD?? I would love to win the magazine. Thanks, Bonnie.

Diane larson said...

Would love to win a copy of the magazine and am anxiously awaiting your version of that carpet made into a quilt!

Cheri the Quilting Nanny said...

Boy howdy, those books are right down my alley! I don't like following directions of a quilt pattern as they tend to get confusing so I find a block or two (or 3 or more!) that I like and design my quilt from blocks! These would be a god-send! Thanks for the chance!

Janet R said...

Looks like a lot of fun quilts in the issue.

Sharon said...

Thank you for all the inspiration you give so many of us.

Anonymous said...

What a great magazine. I would love to win it. thank you
Cynthia Schoenfeld

Sandra said...

Thank you for the chance to win. These magazines are great.


Louise Young said...

Looks like a "must have" issue! Love all of the sample quilts you showed!!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie - Love the magazine - These have some really good patterns, i would love to try.. Carol Spencer spncr4@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

looks great, hope I win!

Anita said...

I would love to win a copy!

Tanya said...

So generous always, would love to win this copy of 100 block quilts

Betty Price said...

Love the ones you shared with us.....hope I win! bettyprice10@hotmail.com

Maureeneh said...

I would love to win 1 of these magazines- thanks for the chance.

joyce said...

2 copies...one for my dearest friend Debi and one for me..Life is great!! LOL

Unknown said...

Yay Giveaways! Thanks Bonnie :)
Nadia in San Diego

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win

MyQuiltingLady.com said...

Looks like a great magazine! I would love to win a copy! Thanks Bonnie! Laurie

DJ said...

Love quilt pics that you shared and would absolutely love to be one of the winners. thanks for all you do and I'm looking forward to QuiltCam. It's so nice having that extra time to work on my projects.
sewlady 003 at YaHoo dOT cOm

crazy quilter said...

Ok these look right up my alley! Please pick me random number generator!

SewCalGal said...

How exciting to have #9 published and know they are already working on #10. Of course, I'd love to win a copy but I'll definitely be searching for it in my local quilt shops if I don't. Very exciting in deed.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to have a copy of this issue! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!

Brenda Evans

Anonymous said...

Oh! Oh! I would love to have one!

Shirley in Canada said...

what a wonder array of quilts!! Would love to win one of these magazines to get started on another quilt!!

Chris C said...

Pretty please with sugar on top, randomly let me be lucky!!

Sherrill said...

Ooo, I want one please!! HA Thank you!! Will include my email since some have been having issues even though I've done EVERYTHING I know to do!!
itsknotsew at gmail dot com
Thanks Bonnie!!

Karen Hoffman said...

hi Bonnie, recently started following you and I hvave to admit I'm addicted to quilt cam and your blog. You have so much enthusiasm and passion for quilts it contagious. I discovered my grandmothers singer 201-2 and fell in love ! I shall call her Elvie. Thanks for all the inspiration and shaing with us. Karen.

Unknown said...

Awesome quilting inspiration!

Sherry VF said...

I have the 100 Blocks, Vol. 8 and would love to see quilts made from the blocks. Thanks for the giveaway. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

Sue said...

I love these issues! So many great ideas. ALL Quiltmaker issues are the best!

Linda said...

Would love t have a copy of this magazine!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Bonnie for all the wonderful patterns that inspire me to use up my scraps. Would love to see 100 more patterns.

Mary Ann

Karen Hoffman said...

I would love to win your magazine . I recently started following your blog and quilt cam. You are inspiration!!!

Unknown said...

Count me in on this one! Scrap quilts are my first and real love in quilting.
Thanks, JulieinTN

Unknown said...

I think you should show favoritism and pick somebody from North Carolina!! Somebody like me!! :)
Anne Guffey

Unknown said...

Count me in on this one! Scrap quilts are my first and real love in quilting.
Thanks, JulieinTN

Unknown said...

Count me in on this one! Scrap quilts are my first and real love in quilting.
Thanks, JulieinTN

Linda said...

I would love to win the magazine. Thank you for all that you do for quilters!

Unknown said...

I have a getaway Cabin also and it's so peaceful and quiet to quilt while away.

Fran T said...

Thanks, Bonnie, for the chance to win this fabulous looking magazine. Fran, franandrick@bigpond.com

Anonymous said...

If I don't get a copy from you, will be looking for it in magazine rack. Sharon straug@twc.com

Donna in NW FL said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Love the quilts I saw!!

Shirley cowan said...

Thanks Bonnie for the chance to win. I'm hoping to finish my Celtic Soltice this weekend at quilt camp Shirley cowan at scowan50@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bonnie for the chance to win. I'm hoping to finish my Celtic Soltice this weekend at quilt camp Shirley cowan at scowan50@hotmail.com

Pat D said...

Always a great place for good ideas! Thanks Bonnie!

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

What fun projects for that special fabric just waiting for the right pattern…thanks for the chance to win :)

Karen said...

What great quilts in this issue!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win Quilts from 100 blocks as I have all the magazines so far. It would feel right at home Phyllis

Unknown said...

I just love your blog, it is so fun!
Love the magazine also, hope to win.

Anonymous said...

Oh, goodie! Another mag by Quiltmaker. Thanks for the chance to win one. Enjoy your time with DH and RELAX!!!

Stannert said...

Have several of 100 block mags and love them. Look forward to your posts and am usin a lot of your tips.
Sherry.tannert@gmail.com. if it isnt showing

Elizabeth said...

I'd love to win one of these magazines - I've been buying old issues and love your patterns. Elizabeth

Joanie s said...

I like the cover.its a very nice giveaway. Thanks Bonnie your just to kind. Have a great time at the cabin. Rest up.

Laurielyn said...

Love what I saw in your photos. Will definitely have to get the magazine, unless I win. �� ilv2kwilt@gmail.com

GranChris said...

I can't wait to see the magazine. I'm sure there will be some good "stuff" in there.

Lavonna ZWB said...

Looks like some fun projects are ahead!

OhioLori said...

Awesome quilts in those pages!!!! Would love to have this magazine!!

Have a fun weekend! Love your pictures....

S said...

Can I have Sadie instead? (Just kiddin'). Thanks for chance to win magazine.

Unknown said...

I want one!! Please???

Alanna Ilaender Morneau said...

It looks like you are hiding my next quit project in that magazine.

Anonymous said...

This will be a wonderful quilting inspiration. Looking forward to reading the volume. schroepppelr at yahoo dot com

Alanna Ilaender Morneau said...

I would love to win a copy of that great quilt magazine.

Janice V said...

LOVE contests...love winning even more! Thanks for the opportunity.

Quilt lover bag lady said...

Great magazine. Thanks for the chance to win.

Agneta quilts said...

This is one of the magazines you are not able to get abroad. We are lucky to be able to subscribe to most american quilting magazines, but these issues are unavailable to us here in sweden, unless we get a friend to buy it and bring it on a flight or sending it as a gift. Therefore I am soo wanting to get my hands on a copy of this magazine, that seems so filled with inspiration, both for scrap users and quilters in general!

Agneta in SWEDEN

Barbara said...

Wow what a wonderful magazine. I loved all the quilts you highlighted. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy. Barbara. bleyland@xtra.co.nz

janequiltsslowly said...

Thanks for the chance to win 100 Blocks! That'll last me awhile if I am the lucky winner.

Are you guys playing footsie under the table in that photo? So cute. :D

Pat O said...

Yay! A giveaway of a GREAT magazine. I hope to some day have the whole set! Thanks, Bonnie. Glad to see you're home ... now take it easy this weekend! You deserve it!

cpup40 said...

Fantastic magazine, I have not been able to find in my little town. Thank you for all of your inspiration. Thank you for the chance to win.

cpup40 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OMG! How cool! I would LOVE to win this, and , am more than happy to (hopefully) find it at a quilt shop close to home. So many opportunities for great quilts! Thanks, Bonnie! Barbara Green bigrin@cox.net

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