
Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Quiltmaker March/April 2014 GIVEAWAY!

**NOTE**  This Drawing Ended Saturday. Feb 8, 2014!!

 Circles Circles and MORE Circles!

The March/April 2014 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine is hitting newsstands and mail boxes near you!

There is a ton of good stuff in here, as always ---Quiltmaker Magazine is one of the best deals out there as far as pattern value goes – and these are GREAT patterns!

I’m always tickled to see which of the blocks I have sent in for my Addicted to Scraps column makes which issue….I send them all in in August, and then the design team decides which one fits which issue best….and when these packages show up in my mail box, it’s a quick grab of a cuppa tea, feet up in a comfy chair and a good browse, cover to cover!

This month’s Addicted to Scraps column block is a traditional one – but if you are looking for a new leader & ender project, this might just suit it!

It also might work perfectly for any red & white quilt you are dreaming of!



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This simple little 9-Patch and Snowball combo has been known by many names, and was called Flagstones by the Ladies Art Circle back in the day.  It has also been called Aunt Patsy’s Pet ((Doesn’t that make you wonder about who Aunt Patsy was?!)) Dutch Mill, Federal Chain, Pullman Puzzle and Snowball.

The design team at Quiltmaker has come up with this fun layout for a multicolored scrap quilt:



Click HERE For more info on what you need to make this quilt.

And to get you started, Let’s have a Giveaway!

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I have an extra issue to send to one lucky reader!

Leave me a comment on THIS POST to enter to win.

I head for Phoenix on Saturday Morning ---I will draw the winner on Friday night and set the winning post to go live on Saturday morning while I am flying across the country.

And did you know --- you can view all the other blocks I've had featured in my Addicted to Scraps column by clicking on the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog?  Clicking any of the links in that tab will take you to the corresponding info page on Quiltmaker.com.

**UPDATE!** How about we sweeten the pot a bit? Quiltmaker is adding to this give away!  Click to their blog HERE to learn more!

Please be sure when commenting that you leave your name and an email address if your profile is NOT inked to your email address.  If we can't contact you, you can't win --we'll have to draw someone else!

And remember: You have to click OUT of facebook if you are viewing this page on a mobile device by clicking a link in facebook. If you see the blue facebook bar at the top of your screen you are still IN FACEBOOK.  Better yet, get to a real computer :)

Click the Blog helps tab at the top of the blog for help with other "unable to comment" issues.

And how about we do Quilt-Cam on THURSDAY Night?  This next trip is over 2 weeks long so it’s our last chance to sew together for a while.  Bring a project, come sew along! I’ll keep you updated with reminders on that ---

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


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Anonymous said...

Please Bonnie....I'm still working on Celtic Solstice but now you've diverted my quilty thoughts toward a red/white quilt! Love your patterns!

HelenMarie said...

thanks for a chance to win!
I love those patch pal quilts!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a copy of Quiltmaker! Thanks for the giveaway.


tealeafquilts said...

I always read your scrap columns and save the magazine for future reference.

Anonymous said...

How appropriate w/our newest batch of snow and ice here in PA! I would love a new project and magazine to give me a Quilty Vacation!! Thanks, Linda Hartman lhartman1@comcast.net

janequiltsslowly said...

I'd love a free copy of this magazine, but if I don't win, I'll probably buy one anyway. I love your idea of making your block in red and white.

Paula said...

Sounds like a fun magazine!

Marilyn said...

Thanks for the chance to enter for this draw. Would love to win this magazine. My email is mrlyn @ shaw.ca.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win because it is a great magazine. Thanks for sharing. Cindy at cwienstroer@amuniversal.com

Oneoldgoat1962 said...

I would love to win! Love your patterns and your blog too!

Jennifer Dyck said...

I would love to win the Quiltmaker magazine. The cover quilt is calling to me!! Wouldn't that be cute as a baby quilt?!

Jennifer Dyck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jennifer Dyck said...

I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Kathy said...

I'd love to win this Quiltmaker magazine. Maybe it would give me the confidence to try a circle quilt. Thanks for the giveaway and have a nice trip!

Always In Stitches said...

Love the chance to win. I have the mag but if I win I will give it to my bestest friend. I get that mag only because of your fantastic article. Love it!

Suellen said...

I'd love to be able to look at one of their magazines. I want to subscribe to a quilting magazine but I'm still trying to make up my mind which one.

Anonymous said...

What a fun issue! Love the colorful layout they came up with for your Stepping Stones.

DianneB said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for a chance to win your magazine. I'm enjoying my morning coffee with you and notice all the Canadian quilters showing on your sidebar. Must be our current deep freeze - everyone is online and at home. Enjoy all your posts - thanks for sharing your knowledge so freely.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

I love circles. I love quilts. I love Quiltmaker. All of that makes this a perfect giveaway!

Briarose said...

A giveaway! How fun! Just what I need to brighten up a snowy day. Claire

la crispedeuse said...

Thank you for this chance to win the magazine. Have been a fan of yours for many years now.

orchardquilter said...

Quiltmaker mag and you rock!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win one!

Pat L said...

Thanks for the chance to win.

Betsy (Ben Stein's Grandma) said...

Hi Bonnie,
Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the Quiltmaker magazine. I would love to be your winner. Have a great and safe trip! Am looking forward to Quiltcam on Thursday evening.

shelly said...

This is a timely issue! I've been suffering from circle "itis" and this one would surely help with that,lol.
Shelly - sdmc1@live.com

pkquilter said...

Love your monthly page in QUILTMAKER. Thanks for the give-away!

pkquilter said...

Love your page in Quiltmaker. Thanks for the give-away.

Scrappy/Cindy said...

Well, I guess my aka is anonymous. Anyway, that was me. I still love your block and look forward to quilt cam.

Andee said...

Thanks for the chance!

mardigrasgirl said...

Just printed it out another to do quilt. Love it.

Unknown said...

Thanks again Bonnie for your inspiration and for offering chances to win. Working on step 4 of Celtic Soltrice. Can't wait to see how it's gonna look as this is my 1st mystery quilt.

kmcallister said...

Pick me! Thanks for the chance to win.

Odyssey Quilter said...

Would love to have this. Your pattern would be great for our guild to use up our scraps for our donation quilts. Thanks for all you do. You are a SUPER HUMAN!!

Lucy said...

Bonnie, I learned about your webpage today from another quilter. I really enjoyed reading through it and will come back again if its o.k. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Quiltmaker magazine.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this magazine. I love your patterns; you are such an inspiration!

Sue.quilts at verizon (dot) net

Viola Queen said...

Hi Bonnie:
I love Quiltmaker and I love your blog. Would love the win your giveaway. Thanks
Viola form eastern Canada

Anonymous said...

I always like your scrap blocks. Would enjoy winning this issue of QuiltMaker.

Cat said...

I love Quiltmaker magazine and always check out your column. How cool that they sweetened the pot. Thanks for the chance to get this issue and have a great trip.

Debbie P said...

Looks like another great issue of Quiltmaker and another fun design by you!! Thanks Bonnie for being so creative and keeping us inspired to add more to our project lists! :)
Have a safe trip!

Debbie P said...

Looks like another great issue of Quiltmaker and another fun design by you!! Thanks Bonnie for being so creative and keeping us inspired to add more to our project lists! :)
Have a safe trip!

Lynne said...

Thank you Bonnie for your abundant generosity! I wish you could bottle your energy - I'd be first in line!

Lynne McClure

WhoMom said...

Love how this quilt turned out and it looks very doable. And yes, I do wonder who Aunt Patsy was. Si glad to know it's not just me.😁

Anonymous said...

Quiltmaker is my favorite American quilting magazine. Hope to win.


Josie McRazie said...

Beautiful circles! Thanks for the chance to win!

Ladydukes said...

I would LOVE to win the magazine. Not only am I addicted to scraps, I'm addicted to all Bonnie Hunter quilt designs! I've passed info on to my sister who is just getting into quilting and she's in love with your designs as well!

Nita said...

Looks like some great Sunday browsing!

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Thanks for the giveaway Bonnie - love the circles!

Unknown said...

What a great block! I have too many great ideas at the moment but I'd always be up for more! pbstrand@msn.com

Unknown said...

I love Quiltville and Quiltmaker is absolutely my favorite magazine!

Unknown said...

How cute is that! I just did that pattern using oriental fabric. I would love to win the free magazine to share with my sewing group! Thanks, Linda

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great issue of Quiltmaker and would love to read it. Judi Burr judib@gvtc.com

MissM said...

I visit your site often for inspiration. Thanks for all you do and thanks for the give away!

Joan H. said...

I would love to have this magazine. It looks so interesting

Unknown said...

I love your site! I love all things scrappy! :) Would love to read this magazine.

Marie said...

Love your quilt cam. Some day I really hope to make a string quilt!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all you do, just love watching you on quiltcam. You're so sweet sharing with us quiltmaker magazine. Thanks you're the best. Just love me some Bonnie

darlenekrystal@gmail.com said...

There are so many great nine patch block patterns to use and with the snowball block yet...that is really cool....

Schuetzela said...

Just finished watching quiltcam--was also working on string blocks. They were big ones, though--10". I liked your comment on smaller blocks having more movement. Have not seen Quiltmaker mag before--will have to investigate it. Thanx for all the sharing you do...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win this magazine!!! I am a beginner quilter and so addicted!!

Jolanda said...

I get a change you don't know. I like it to get post from another country.

joanne384 said...

Wonderful Giveaway...thank you for the chance!

mumbird3 said...

Great giveaway!

Rickie said...

Bonnie I love your quilts and your blog. And I also love Quiltmaker so I guess that means this give away is already win – win for me.
Hope you pick me and it’s a trifecta win!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! I'm an old new quilter,and loving it! You inspired me to start quilting. I'm on my second quilt.

Betty Woodlee said...

I love your scrappy patterns. Would love to have this issue of Quiltmaker's.

Unknown said...

I love the cover.Addict for brights.
Happy Quilting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, I would love to win!!

Judee said...

I love the quilt ideas as I have pieces of a quilt my daughter started and I didn't know what to do with them. I think I will try the one with the 9 patches.

Jennifer French said...

How fun! Thanks for the opportunity ... Pick me! ;)

bcquilts said...

I've been enjoying your work for quite a while & I've recently started looking at quilts with circles. I've always enjoyed scrappy quilts, which drew me to your work. I'd love to win this book & check it out. Thank you for the chance to!

bcquilts said...

I've been enjoying your work for quite a while & I've recently started looking at quilts with circles. I've always enjoyed scrappy quilts, which drew me to your work. I'd love to win this book & check it out. Thank you for the chance to!

alice A said...

On my list to to is a snowball block; this block would fulfill it.


Kathy A. said...

Thank you for a great contest. With this long cold winter, we all need to do a little dreaming about pleasant things. Thank you for the chance to be a winner and for all the quilt inspiration you provide for us.

Sharon E said...

Thanks for a chance to win such a great prize. Hope I'm lucky :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't ya just love a great give-away!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win. :)
samtaylorcjsmimi at yahoo dot com

PS - Love your blocks!

Anonymous said...

Please pick me - lol! I usually don't comment because I don't have a blog and couldn't figure out how to get my comment posted. So I'm trying again, as I see there are other anonymous posts! Thanks for the opportunity!


Mary Rogers said...

My subscription just ran out so I don't have this issue. I would love to have your pattern from it. Thanks

Laurie T said...

You're such a busy lady, I don't know how you do it! Thanks for the chance to win, Bonnie.

Ginnie said...

would love to win!!

Karen said...

Hi Bonnie,
put me in you hat please - I'm always in need of inspiration

Penny said...

Thank you for sharing your second copy of the magazine! The cover alone makes us cold Minnesota's feel warm. Safe travels the next couple weeks - Quilt ON! - Penny

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance at winning - love your patterns and Quiltmaker is my favorite quilting magazine.

Juliet_J said...

I love this magazine and I want to bust my stash!!!

Unknown said...

Quiltmaker + Bonnie = Happy Quilters.

Anonymous said...

You inspire me!

Caryn said...

Would love to get the Quiltmaker issue. I'm just starting to use my scraps after you came to our quild... and I have a lot of scraps because I never throw them away!

Unknown said...

Quiltmaker + Bonnie = Happy Quilters.

Ramona Johnson said...

Safe travel, Bonnie!!!

Animated_Librarian said...

I'm new to your blog. Thanks for the great content and the chance to win :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bonnie!


Donna in NW FL said...

Thanks for the chance to win the magazine! Love your blocks!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie Thanks for the chance to win this magazine, its hard to find in Australia. Allison from Sydney Australia. allisone63@optusnet.com.au

Unknown said...

Thanks for all of the inspiration!

Charlotte said...

I love your Addicted to Scraps column each month and Quiltmaker. I look forward to each issue.
Charlotte Betts

Charlotte said...

I love your Addicted to Scraps column each month and Quiltmaker. I look forward to each issue.
Charlotte Betts

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this.

MyQuiltingLady.com said...

Thanks Bonnie! Would love to win the magazine! Laurie myquiltinglady@gmail.com

hoff said...

Thanks so much for a chance to win a copy of Quiltmaker. Love reading about your quilting adventures. dian at

Mary Elizabeth said...

I haven't read Quiltmaker magazine but would love to - it looks very informative. Thanks for the daily inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Love Quiltmaker Magazine. There's always something I find interesting. Love the beautiful photography.

Gale Mathews

Jennifer Ciaccio said...

I love the pattern you included in the magazine this month. I hope I win, it will be a great way to celebrate my birthday.

suesmom said...

These blocks are great. I want to get this book. Thanks for the giveaway!

Helen Bazinet said...

Quiltmaker is my favorite magazine, always such clear instuctions, love the magazine.

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed! I'd love to win this issue.

Anonymous said...

Kathy Dixon
My comment is anonymous above.

Stephanie said...

A giveaway! I love giveaways! I always enjoy Quiltmaker magazines- especially your Addicted to scraps! :-) Thanks for a chance to win!!! Can't wait to see you on the Quilt Show! It will be the best Quilt Show ever :-)

Wyse Acres said...

It would be great fun to win this!!

Unknown said...

Please be yourself , don't worry we all love your quilts. Love your play with colors, you have given me the courage to be more free and what a feeling it is. watch you archived programs every time I sit down to quilt, you are good company and keep me working. Elizabeth from Vermont

eloidastitches said...

I Love your blog, and have learned a lot from you. Thanks for this opportunity to win this magazine, because I also Love Quiltmaker.

Unknown said...

Would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker!

Carol McAdow said...

Super fun quilt. I think my grand daughters would love to work on this with me.

Remembrances said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win this magazine - I have never read a copy of it! Where have I been?

Diane in Delaware said...

Neat giveaway! Don't think I have a "snowball's chance" of winning, but will try anyway! Thanks for the opportunity to win, Bonnie...and thanks for all you do for the "quilting world"!! Love your work, patterns, and MYSTERIES!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie! I would love a copy of Quiltmaker Magazine! I've been working on piecing and quilting placemats (24) for my family up in MI for Christmas! I'm going to finish my Craftsy BOM 2013 quilt, then start on Celtic Solstice! Joanne Donovan, JDonhorses@Live.com

Unknown said...

I have never seen the Quiltmaker magazine. Would love to see it to decide if I want to subscribe.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this giveaway

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this giveaway

Karen said...

Oh Yeah!

Unknown said...

Would love to win magazine giveaway. The quilts are always so pretty. Good luck to all.
Jean Keeter in N.C.
e-mail hercules12k@gmail.com

Jane said...

Would love a chance to win.Love everything you do!

Bonnie said...

Hi Bonnie I would love to win the give away. Thanks for the chance to win and for all you do for us. I enjoyed both sessions of quilt cam last night.


free indeed said...

I just started following you via fb now that I don't use the blog following feature. So glad to see what you are up to again and to be inspired to get my scraps in apple pie order! That will be a giant undertaking, but I love your stuff and I love scrappy! Perfect blend.

crazy quilter said...

Hi Bonnie , would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker magazine, since I have a subscription I will share with one of my friends if I win, but I did enter the one on the Quiltmaker blog, hope i get lucky! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I'm really getting into the leader ender blocks.
Sally Parrish

james said...

Thank You for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing a giveaway. It's so nice of you to make so many things free for your fans!

cindy said...

I love Quiltmaker magazine and would love to add the other 2 to my collection I start with Quiltmaker magazines and website when looking for new ideas and inspiration for my next projects.

Kacey said...

What a great give away!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog, Bonnie, and I love Quiltmaker Magazine, so it would be nice to win this issue. Have a great trip!

Best wishes,
Brenda B.

Unknown said...

would love to get this issue of Quiltmaker...not sure if you send to N.Z. if not just redraw

Love your blogs and quiltcam.thanks for all the tips

Bev J

kpagan said...

Here is hoping I win.... kpagan69@gmail.com

lisamcouey said...

I would so love to win this!! How wonderful of you and Quiltmaker magazine!!

Gweneth said...

Hope I am not too late to win feeling lucky today. Thanks for sharing your love of quilting

Anonymous said...

Love your website and would love a copy of Quilter's World mag. Thanks for the chance.
Helen hrglover at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

oooops! I should have said Quiltmaker. oh, well. both are great but thank for the chance for quiltmaker. Love the circles.

Helen hrglover at hotmail dot com

Susan Stanton said...

Would love to see this issue of Quiltmaker!
yoyopattycakes at hotmail.com

Barbara said...

I just started watching your quiltcam, Bonnie. It is so full of great information. thank you for your inspiration.

Unknown said...

I never win anything...would love to get this ..Love it!

quiltingwaldo said...

Pick Me! Pick Me! I love this magazine!

Unknown said...

Love, love, LOVE!!

Anonymous said...

Would love a chance to win this magazine. Thanks for the offer and all you do for the quilting world!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Io ci provo chissà magari questa volta riesco a vincere la copia! Mi piacerebbe! Adoro tutto ciò che fa Bonnie e mi piace molto la vostra rivista.
Silvana Italia

Unknown said...

Giveaways are always fun!! Thanks Bonnie :D



Bonnie Gale said...

Quiltmaker is a wonderful magazine! I teach elementary school children, and I use photographs of quilts (along with actual quilts) to demonstrate math concepts. It would be great to have an extra copy of the magazine to share with my students.

Anonymous said...


Iwould love to have a new book to drool over; it's been a long time since i've had new books to read as i'm out of work right now!

Robbin said...

I so enjoy my subscription to Quiltmaker and if I win, I'm wanting to keep the 100 block book and share the monthly issue to one of my students who comes to my house for quilting lessons, and the patch pals patterns with my best friend.
Thank you!
Robbin Golden
117 Curico Lane
Summerville, SC 29483

Unknown said...

Oh, I love this book.

Dr Thompson Gaba said...









EMAIL: heavensgatesolutionstemple@gmail.com
MOBILE NUMBER: +2348154270647

Sarah said...

I would love this magazine! Thanks for the giveaway. sarah@forrussia.org

Unknown said...

hey i love your quilt cam you are great company hope i win

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