
Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Quiltmaker March/April 2014 GIVEAWAY!

**NOTE**  This Drawing Ended Saturday. Feb 8, 2014!!

 Circles Circles and MORE Circles!

The March/April 2014 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine is hitting newsstands and mail boxes near you!

There is a ton of good stuff in here, as always ---Quiltmaker Magazine is one of the best deals out there as far as pattern value goes – and these are GREAT patterns!

I’m always tickled to see which of the blocks I have sent in for my Addicted to Scraps column makes which issue….I send them all in in August, and then the design team decides which one fits which issue best….and when these packages show up in my mail box, it’s a quick grab of a cuppa tea, feet up in a comfy chair and a good browse, cover to cover!

This month’s Addicted to Scraps column block is a traditional one – but if you are looking for a new leader & ender project, this might just suit it!

It also might work perfectly for any red & white quilt you are dreaming of!



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This simple little 9-Patch and Snowball combo has been known by many names, and was called Flagstones by the Ladies Art Circle back in the day.  It has also been called Aunt Patsy’s Pet ((Doesn’t that make you wonder about who Aunt Patsy was?!)) Dutch Mill, Federal Chain, Pullman Puzzle and Snowball.

The design team at Quiltmaker has come up with this fun layout for a multicolored scrap quilt:



Click HERE For more info on what you need to make this quilt.

And to get you started, Let’s have a Giveaway!

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I have an extra issue to send to one lucky reader!

Leave me a comment on THIS POST to enter to win.

I head for Phoenix on Saturday Morning ---I will draw the winner on Friday night and set the winning post to go live on Saturday morning while I am flying across the country.

And did you know --- you can view all the other blocks I've had featured in my Addicted to Scraps column by clicking on the Addicted to Scraps tab at the top of the blog?  Clicking any of the links in that tab will take you to the corresponding info page on Quiltmaker.com.

**UPDATE!** How about we sweeten the pot a bit? Quiltmaker is adding to this give away!  Click to their blog HERE to learn more!

Please be sure when commenting that you leave your name and an email address if your profile is NOT inked to your email address.  If we can't contact you, you can't win --we'll have to draw someone else!

And remember: You have to click OUT of facebook if you are viewing this page on a mobile device by clicking a link in facebook. If you see the blue facebook bar at the top of your screen you are still IN FACEBOOK.  Better yet, get to a real computer :)

Click the Blog helps tab at the top of the blog for help with other "unable to comment" issues.

And how about we do Quilt-Cam on THURSDAY Night?  This next trip is over 2 weeks long so it’s our last chance to sew together for a while.  Bring a project, come sew along! I’ll keep you updated with reminders on that ---

Happy Tuesday, Everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


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Karen said...

I'd love to win the magazine. It's time to start a new charity quilt. Your block may be the ticket!

Beth said...

Thanks for another chance for being a winner. Love your Perkimon Hangover. Can't believe you get that from shaded nine-patches.

Thanks for all you do!

debbie said...

I currently get QM. I renewed my subscription primarily because of your addicted to scraps. I just went to the Quiltmaker site and posted a comment to their add on to your give a way. I am a longtime fan of yours. thanks for all you do.

Unknown said...

I love to look through quilting magazines! I need all the help I can get.

Deb said...

I would love to win a copy of this magazine. Quiltmaker is my favorite. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Diane H said...

Nothing better than Quiltmaker and scrap bustin' patterns from you, Bonnie. Thanks for a chance.

Terri said...

Oh boy! that's a long list of comments! I was just congratulating myself on getting 10 on one post. LOL.
Love QuiltMaker! Love this circle pattern.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a copy! Looks like a great issue.
Julie Y.

Quilting Tangent said...

Would love a chance to check out a new magazine. 24Tangent@gmail.com

~L said...

Thank you for so much creative inspiration, and now there is a chance to win more. :)

Anonymous said...

What a nice giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win!

tropicslady said...

Ah, red and white quilt as a leader and ender??? Wow, what a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I am already a subscriber to Quiltmaker , it was Bonnies scrap column that got me into it , love it . Would love a second copy to give to a friend . Many Thanks for the opportunity . Pauline East .

teachpany said...

Great block! I love your designs and ideas. I need to get my scraps more organized so I can start a leader/ender.

Liz L said...

As a relatively new quilter I have embraced Bonnie's Scrap Saver System with the small stash I have so far. This magazine will give me inspiration for my next projects. Thanks!

Theresa said...

Hi Bonnie, Another wonderful quilt pattern! love it! Love the magazine too

Kathryn said...

I always make 9 patches with my leftover scraps, and I think this is just the pattern I want to use with them. Thanks so much.

Anita said...

This looks like a fantastic prize! I would love to explore this issue. Thanks for the giveaway.

JANET said...

I would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker's. Thank you for the opportunity!.

kutiequilter said...

Looks like a wonderful issue! Hope I win!

sophie said...

The 9-patch + snowball combination is a classic--good choice for your column. Thanks for the chance in your giveaway. I don't subscribe to many magazines and pick up single issues when I absolutely cannot resist them instead. This looks like a winner.

barbara woods said...

would love to win, thanks

Gill said...

If this is open to international count me in please!!

Jeanne Gwin said...

I just love the simple tradition of 4 patch and all the other patches. My favorite quilts. Thanks Bonnie for a nice giveaway. I also entered QM's and thanked them. It is so fun to work in tandem with good folks.

GoGo said...

Love the Flagstones! Would love to win a copy of the magazine too. Thanks for everything you share with us Quiltvillains!

Ellen said...

I would love to receive a copy of this magazine. Enjoy reading your blog.

Maria in Tucson said...

I can't wait to see you in person next week - and in the meantime I will be anxiously watching the mailbox for my next copy of your column!
Thank you for all you do -
-Maria in Tucson

phyllis said...

Love Quiltmaker, love your patterns.Thanks for the opportunity.

phyllis said...

Love Quiltmaker, love your patterns.Thanks for the opportunity.

phyllis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheryl said...

I would love to have this magazine. I'm seriously thinking about subscribing to it also; but most importantly I LOVE BONNIE! Thanks for the inspiration!!

Jean C. said...

The pattern is great! I can see it used for a signature quilt. A red/white quilt would look great too! Guess it's time to go digging into the stash! Thank you for letting me enter! ;)
Jean C.

Paulinelentsmnet@gmail.com.au said...

Enjoy your trip and thanks Bonnie thanks for the opportunity to win Quiltmaker magazine

Lorraine B. said...

It would be lovely to sit and read this mag, snuggled under a quilt while the temperature outside is hitting -16 Celsius in these parts!

Wanda said...

I love scraps!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to win. Thanks, Stephanie

mjb said...

I love getting new ideas

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win this copy of Quiltmaker. And thanks for all the info you share with quilters.
cke49 @ yahoo.com

Deborah H. said...

I love that flagstone pattern. Thanks for giving the opportunity to win the magazine!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your quilts Bonnie and am glad to have a chance to win this giveaway.
Travel safe.

Pauline Perry


Thank you Bonnie for all you do! You have inspired me more than you will ever know. I hope and pray that I can attend some of your classes one of these days!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Another fantastic block. I'd love a copy of the magazine.

Aliceart said...

This looks like a fun issue - definitely a fun project! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Scrap quilts used to stress me out. I could not do them/ Then I started following your blog and bought one of your books. Now I love scrappy quilts.

Pauline Gudas

bluenines said...

Thank you for the giveaway , quiltcam on thurday sounds like a good plan, happy sewing

jean said...

looks fun!

Sue SA said...

Great pattern,I was just thinking of making a red and white snowball, but love the idea of incorporating 9 patches as well. Definitely need to start piecing this one as its own leader ender though, too lovely to wait for a "slow cooker" project! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa said...

Looks like a fun block with great possibilities! Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking of making a snowball quilt! Your pattern will make it more interesting.

Sunnybec said...

Would love to win this, it's always difficult getting mags etc in France. Thanks for the chance.

Jane said...

Oh, I'd like to win this. Started to pick it up at the bookstore the other day and then again at the grocery today, but didn't because I'm trying to cut down on my spending. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win I don't know why I enter I never win. You always have fun quilt ideas. I am getting addicted to your patterns
Patricia Gibbs pattiag2002@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, love your blog and all your blocks, would love to get a copy from you, Mac

Lori said...

my boyfriend just ordered me a new machine cant wait to get it could use some free stuff to get started.. appreciate the chance..


Betty said...

Some kind of Nine Patch and Snowball has been on my "Someday" list for way to long. This one just might be the one to get it jump started!

L said...

One of the best quilting magazines. Love the scrappy block. Would love to win!!

Sharmond said...

Would love a copy of Quiltmaker. Love your quilting blocks, and really admire your energy. I have recently become a fan, doing the Celtic Solistice and QuiltCam. You make me want to quilt, quilt, quilt!

Diane said...

Love Quiltmaker mag ... thanks for the chance!!

Joan and Kevin said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway! always love another quilty mag in my book stash!

Granny Lyn said...

Love your giving spirit!! Thanks for everything!!
Lyn bobahbooe@aol.com

Angelia Lanouette said...

I love your blocks and the Flagstone quilt! I think a beginner like me can definitely make this stunning quilt. Thank you for sharing!

LisaT said...

I am not currently a subscriber to Quiltmaker and if you say the value is great would love to check out a copy. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

What a great give giveaway. It has been a while since I had a subscription to a quilt magazine so this just might get me hooked again. Thanks for all you do for the quilting art.

Florence said...

have a safe trip,,,,,,,,,,,,,please enter me,,,,

Donna said...

I'll be watching the mail for my prize. (lol)

Laurie said...

You are the best. Thank you for all your teachings and inspirations. I quilt with St. Francis of Assisi in Mocksville, NC. We make Prayer Quilts.

Anonymous said...

My kind of give away!!! Love it!!!

Unknown said...

Quiltmaker just wouldn't be the same magazine without your monthly input, Bonnie. It's the first thing I look for in every issue! Great work, girl.

candi said...

Did someone say circles??? :) Beautiful quilt on the cover and I love your block.

LintLady said...

Hello Bonnie,
I would love to win the copy of Quiltmaker, too. Thank you for the chance.
I always follow your Blog. Its allways fun to read your posts.

Laura said...

What a fun give away! The quilt on the cover is just beautiful. Thanks, Bonnie!

Julia said...

Yes please I'd love to win a copy!


ajsgramie said...

Love this months block in your addicted to scraps column. Would use your nine patch method that I learned from your patterns.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

Renea said...

This magazine looks great. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bonnie,
I would love to win this issue.
Greetings from Germany, Angelika

Frankie White said...

Love the snowball block and the circles theme, and would love to win.
Frankie White

Judymc said...

I would love to have a copy of the Quiltmaker Magazine you are giving away! I've used their patterns many times!

Karen said...

It looks like an awesome issue! Fun, fun!

Shirley in Canada said...

thank you for the chance to win! Would love to make the Lion quilt!!

June D said...

What a fun give away! Thanks for putting my name in the hat for the drawing!

jlee said...

I've just gotten into quilting and I'm just trying to learn as much as possible. Thanks for a chance to win! juliekim727(at)yahoo(dot)com

Karen said...

I really like Quiltmaker magazine. I'm not currently receiving it, but would love to get a current copy. I always enjoy your column.

Barbara said...

Thank you the opportunity to win what looks to be a great magazine. I would love to check it out. Your blocks look great. I need a new leader and ender project so this might just be it.

Carla G said...

I'd love to win a copy of this magazine! :) Love the layout of the that quilt with your block! :)

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! thanks for everything.

Christine Gardner said...

Thanks for the chance Bonnie!

Emily C said...

I love snowball blocks! I am currently making a small snowball quilt for my SIL.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie: Thank your for the chance to win! Sue beachlufer@comcast.net

Dita Bybee said...

pramuditahandaristi at gmail dot com

SO cute! I love the multi-color thing that's going on there!

moonstar said...

Thank you for all of the info that you put out to us. I had to laugh, because in your blog about the magazine, you once again mentioned a red and white quilt. I think you should give in and make one. :-)
Would love to receive a free magazine from you.

Unknown said...

Great giveaway... would love a copy for an early April birthday present...can't wait for quilt cam on Thursday. .Thank you and quilt maker for amazing give aways

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this mag. I always buy them so I have your newest block. Thanks for the chance to win.


schultziequilts said...

Thank you for the contest! I used to subscribe but my subscription ran out - I would love this prize! Thanks to you, Bonnie, and thanks to Quiltmaker!

pattiespea said...

I think Winston ways is the most beautiful block I have seen in a long time, my favorite of all of your blocks, so beautiful!

Beth said...

HI Bonnie

Thank you for this opportunity. I hope you encounter some great weather in Arizona.

Unknown said...

I would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

Heather said...

I really like your blocks. Thanks for the chance to win!

Heather said...

I really like your blocks. Thanks for the chance to win!

sewspeciallady said...

Thank you for a wonderful chance to win, Your patterns are always so colorful

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this opportunity to win! I have never done a quilt with circles in it. If I win then it would be great to try one. Thanks so much!

Virginia Boudwin

Holly Mineau said...

I would love to win this, I'm thrilled with all you are teaching about scraps...it is very freeing.
Holly aka scarlet3894@yahoo.com

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

Thank you for the give away opportunity. What a fun block pattern!

Anonymous said...

I love your column in Quiltmaker.

u keep sewing said...

Yay, another give away. Thanks for the chance to win.

From a -16 below in SW Montana and it's also calving season here. We use lots of straw for bedding :-)

Gloria said...

I love the color way chosen for this quilt. When I finish CS and will give it a go.

Farm Quilter said...

Thank you and Quiltmaker for the fabulous giveaway!! I jumped on the Bonnie Bandwagon a few years ago when I was down in Brandon, Florida and you visited the Piecemakers down there!

Nyla said...

Would love to have a copy and see the beautiful quilts inside, perhaps try making some.

deanna said...

Thanks for the opportunity. That cover quilt is great as are the scrap blocks you have shown. I will have to put those on my to do list.

Flo said...

I would really like to win this Quiltmaker magazine. Thanks for the change.

Florence Daly

Sjen said...

Love a good quilting magazine! Feels more casual than a book, and fun to hold and examine...

kpagan said...

Hope I Win..sometimes I have difficulty posting to blog. And just in case my email...kpagan69@gmail.com

Nora said...

I really do not need to win. I have been looking at your Flagstones block beside my PC for a week. Love that block. Thanks.

Nora said...

I already have Quiltmaker. Love your Flagstones Block. very good Issue of Quiltmsker.

MaryLYnn said...

Would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker- trying not to buy any mags as I have so many,but really enjoy looking through them for new quilts!

Sparetime Quilting said...

Would love to win a copy of Quiltmaker. Thanks for all of your great patterns.


AnneO said...

Well of course it would be wonderful to win a copy of this inspiration!

Robin said...

I am a NEW -B I want to learn what a "Leader and Ender" is so that I can make such beautiful quilts too. Maybe this magazine will get me started? Bonnie you are an A person. I have never seen so many scrappy quilts made but so many beautiful quilters. I am HOOKED. Help Me! Help myself
Robin In Leavworth

Denny1600 said...

Hi Bonnie--this magazine looks good for a cold evening. Well, cold for Arizona . . .

Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net said...

Wow -- I just got this in my email and there are already over 300 comments. Shows how popular you are. I love your designs and would love to win this issue of Quiltmaker.

Linda Pink said...

Love the magazine and love the version of your block/quilt. Might just give this one a try!!!

Debbie said...

very nice blocks.

thanks for the giveaway!

Deb said...

Love the Flagstone blocks, and i'd love to win the book. i've entered in both places!

Cece said...

Thank you for the chance to win.

Margaret said...

Your blocks are beautiful Thank you for the chance to win

Jo said...

I would love to win a copy of this issue thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

Sure would love to win! I love all your ideas!!

Katkat said...

Pick me! Pick me!

sue s said...

Don't have this issue yet so it'd be great to win. I am so inspired by your ideas Bonnie!

lindaroo said...

The Quiltmaker layout for your Flagstones block is adorable! I'd love to win this copy of the magazine, and to make some circles!

Quiltgypsy said...

I would love to win a copy. I think I might learn to like "snowball" blocks, after all. 8-)

Susan G said...

Thanks Bonnie. Enjoyed meeting you last month at retreat. I was your best student! LOL
Susan G

Unknown said...

This is awesome Bonnie! The block looks so fun. Thank you for sharing with us once again.

QuiltyGal said...

I would love to have a copy Bonnie and thank you in advance for all the wonderful things you do even if I'm not picked *smile*

Thim3 said...

Thank you Bonnie for a chance to win a copy of Quiltmaker...I love that magazine and I love your blog, books, free patterns, web cam, etc..:)

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the opportunity! Love the beautiful quilt the editors came up with, too.

Brenda J. said...

This looks like a great issue of Quiltmaker magazine. Thanks for the chance to win!

Brenda J. said...

This issue of Quiltmaker looks great. Thanks for the give away!

virgdale said...

Love to read your blog. As a fellow 4wheeler, love those tales too!!!

AnnieBikes said...

I would love to win this magazine. Thanks for giving us the chance to win.

mere6sews said...

Love designs with circles! A win would be wonderful.

martha said...

I have made two quilts thst i was told are called a Snowball -9 patch: A twin black and scrappy pastels and a queen in navy and scrappy blues... so glad you love this pattern too! I would live a chance to win ... the nearest place for me to buy a copy is over. Sn hour away...time for a subscription! Thanks for all you do and who you are! Marti. (walkupmy@gmail.com)

Jan said...

Love the freebies. Maybe I will win one some day.

kdduncan said...

Thank you for the opportunity to enter this giveaway. I would love to get my hands on this magazine!

Lauriejo said...

I love your giveaways, thanks Bonnie!

Jan said...

Love the freebies. Maybe I will win one some day.

Jan said...

Love entering your give-aways.

Shar said...

I hope I win. I live these books.

Edna Kidd said...

I would love to win a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity..


Anonymous said...

Hi! Who doesn't love to win a giveaway? On top of that, who doesn't love to quilt! I love to quilt and I love everything quilty. I would love a copy of the magazine. Please enter me into your giveaway!

Sandi said...

I am a beginning quilter and I have learned so much from your site. Thank You!!

Sandi said...

I am a beginning quilter and I have learned so much from your site. Thank You!!

Unknown said...

Would love to see another of your patterns - I don't know how you think of them!

Sharon said...

Thanks for another chance to win! Your ideas for scrap quilts are so imaginative. It would be awesome to win. I'm sure i will give this idea a try in the near future.

Sandi said...

I am a beginning quilter and I have learned so much from your site. Thank You!!


OhioLori said...

Love your Quilt too!! Awesome!

Love this magazine soooo much..have subscribed before& have saved my issues...few years since tho..would love a current one!! Cool! Thanks! :)

Ness said...

OK ok...you have me so hooked on scraps now...my head is trying to keep up. So glad you have this blog to hold all that information. Having a blast with your patterns and lessons :).
Thanks for another giveaway...so fun. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the block and the magazine. Would love to win.

Karen4Q said...

Thanks for the chance to win in this giveaway

Anonymous said...

The circle quilt on the cover is so cute. I'd love to make one for my granddaughter.
paweis at yahoo dot com

Kim said...

That looks great! I'm rapidly making lots of scraps

Limbania said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Jan said...

I have loved Quiltmaker since it first came out, because of their original quilt patterns. Having your article and patternscis a bonus. I would love to win the Quiltmaker your offering. Is so, could you autograph it for me. Thanks! mshawii

Londa said...

The magazine looks fabulous and it would be great to win and see your column. Linda on travjonuk@yahoo.com

DebraKay Neiman said...

Bonnie, you are a dynamo...I will be sewing forever. Yes I want to be in this drawing...and I also commented over at Quiltmaker Blog for their two sweet additions. Thanks for all your do.. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

ritainalaska said...

sure miss my quiltmaker subs ... I've been going through the mags, one subs at a time, looking at all the interesting ones. I may just have to go with quiltmaker!

Unknown said...

I have only recently discovered you and "Addicted to Scraps" is the first thing I look for!

Nessy said...

Great giveaway! I'd love to win the magazine.

CA Bobbie said...

Loving the pattern-hope to win. thanks for all your info. I'm going over to QM to see their offer too.
rjc2cam@msn.com Bobbie C.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win a coy of Quiltmaker. Love to do curved piecing and the cover quilt looks great.

Have a good trip and thanks for all you do for the quilting community everywhere.


Unknown said...

I would love a copy! Thanks for all your work. Gill

Jitka said...

It would be fun to win. I love your Addicted to scraps column. I´m still working on Celtic Solstice mystery and for sure, I will use some of your pattern in future.

Anonymous said...

I also like to win. Thanks for the give away.
Greetings Dini

Linda H said...

Looks a great magazine issue. Thanks for the chance to win it. Such a simple set of blocks you have shown producing an outstanding finished top.
Linda (hedworth01@gmail.com).

Trudi said...

That issue looks fantastic. Pick me, I need some inspiration!

Julie said...

Great giveaway...love that magazine. Thanks

Sandy said...

looks like a fascinating magazine pity they are sooo expensive in Australia.
Thank you Bonnie for all that you do - you go above and beyond what anyone could reasonably expect.
My C.S. is growing slowly and should be a top by the end of this month, am enjoying the journey.
Sandy Askill

sue said...

Please put my name in to the draw. Our Local news agents don't keep it in stock.

Mokki said...

Thanks for the chance to win this magazine. I love circles. I'm a sucker for anything round, tables, bags, jewellery, quilt blocks etc.

Unknown said...

I am enjoying following your blog. I have started my Celtic Solstice, much slower than I would like. I love your scrappy hints and methods!
Safe travels!

MaryAnn said...

Looks like a great issue. Thanks for the chance.

Elizabeth said...

You are so INSPIRING and SHARING. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy. I enjoy "Quiltmaker".

Julie in GA said...

Your Addicted to Scraps column is one of my favorite parts of the Quiltmaker magazines. I would love to win this issue.

nancyb said...

I'd love to win a magazine! looking at your latest scrappy block gave me an idea to try. if it works out i'll send you a picture! love your blog! nancyb

Unknown said...

Love these patterns. Thank you

Judy S in New Hampshire said...

Looks like another fantastic issue. Love your blocks and the magazine.

Sandy said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

Love the circles and wouldn't that snowball be cute fussy cut as an I Spy quilt for a kid/baby? Hope I win, but I am a subscriber. I'll pass it on. VBG

cindyann said...

Bonnie I subscribe to the digital version just to get your patterns. Going to miss quilt cam....on vacation.

Angeliasue said...

I LOVE your Flagstones pattern! You have done it again. Angelia

cindyann said...

Bonnie I subscribe to the digital version just to get your patterns. Going to miss quilt cam....on vacation.

darlene said...

Your quilts are all so beautiful. Thanks for all you do for us!!

FancyNancyQuilts said...

looks great , I always enjoy 9 patch patterns.

Karen said...

you got me inspired after the retreat in Fairhope AL. Thank you for the chance.

Unknown said...

This looks like fun! Pick me! Pick Me please!

ellisjoy said...

Love to have a chance to win! Always enjoy your articles and quilts!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the generous give away!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Love to sit and get new ideas.

Sheri in Iowa said...

I love this layout.....great 2 block combo. Happy travel for us both on Saturday and I will look for you at Sky Harbor if we are timely!

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