
Monday, February 10, 2014

Blog Tour & Give-Away! The Modern Applique Workbook!

***NOTE!***  This drawing has ended!  Congrats to our winner, Wendy Buchanan!

Good morning Everyone!
Today is the day I’ve been waiting for and very excited about.

MY EDITOR, Jenifer Dick is also a widely published author herself, and when she asked me to kick off her Modern Applique Workbook Blog Tour, how could I say anything but YES!!

You can find Jenifer’s website at 42Quilts.com.
Through working with her over the past 6 years I have come to rely on her attention to detail and her vision for where a quality book needs to go ---and with her new book, you will find yourself open to a whole new direction adding applique by machine to modern quilts.
Wait a minute --- MODERN?  APPLIQUE?  I know a lot of us think that “modern” means stark empty spaces and linear designs with terms like "LOW VOLUME" or "NEGATIVE SPACE"  and applique sounds rather “traditional”.

It’s not the definition of applique that is modern, it’s all in the SHAPES and the feel of the quilt!
Shapes and colors and texture ---curves add a deliciousness to modern quilts!
And let’s face it – sometimes appliqueing a shape is a lot more freeing than trying to "piece in" that curve…..
With these easy techniques and a few readily found supplies, you will find machine applique a breeze and a delight.  Jenifer will guide you through the products she uses the most for the best results possible, step by step.
Chances are you probably have some of these items already on hand.  Freezer paper?  Got it! Glue stick? You betcha! Spray starch?  All right here!

All you need is the book and you are ready to discover how fun machine applique can be.
The projects are a delight ---
This is probably my favorite little ditty in the book!  I love the free placement of the baskets on the blocks, and the colors are terrific….and the quilting adds so much texture!
Love the look of these “Geese” on a wall quilt in lieu of a headboard.
Big bold shapes…so modern! You can do this!
Simple shapes in bold colors make a wonderful focal point in this little wall quilt.
Easy shapes become trees!
I love the appliqued X’s that go “Outside the box” on this quilt in blues and greys.
Fishes and waves!
I love the beautiful photography in the photos – the book is full of GREAT shots to inspire.
Tings that cat my eye?  The mouthwatering cut citrus the beautiful green goblet with the blue beverage in it ---and the quilt is such a great focal piece!
Jenifer Dick is the author of 4 quilt books from traditional to modern –and yes, there is a lot of cross-over in this book that will apply to any quilter’s desire to learn better, easier ways to do applique.


I’m so happy that Jenifer asked me to participate in this blog hop!
Find more on The Modern Applique Workbook and Jenifer’s other publications HERE.
Let’s have a little Give-Away!  Leave me a comment below to be entered in to my drawing!

I will be giving away one copy of The Modern Applique Workbook using the random number generator to draw me a winner by number.  I will be drawing our winner on Friday, Feb 21st when I arrive in San Antonio! 
Please be sure when commenting that you leave your name and an email address if your profile is NOT inked to your email address.  If we can't contact you, you can't win --we'll have to draw someone else!
And remember: You have to click OUT of Facebook if you are viewing this page on a mobile device by clicking a link in Facebook. If you see the blue Facebook bar at the top of your screen you are still IN FACEBOOK.  Click to view us in a new browser window outside of Facebook.

Better yet, get to a real computer :)  Some things just can’t be done effectively via mobile device.
Click the Blog Helps tab at the top of the blog for help with other "unable to comment" issues.

This is the schedule of events for this Blog Tour.  Be sure to visit each of these blogs and leave comments to enter to win, as well as learn more info on The Modern Appliqué Workbook!
Feb. 10: Bonnie Hunter www.quiltville.blogspot.com
Feb. 11: Amy Smart www.diaryofaquilter.com
Feb. 12: Angela Walters www.quiltingismytherapy.com/my-blog
Feb. 13: Debbie Grifka www.eschhousequilts.com
Feb. 14: Tammie Schaffer www.craftytammie.com
Feb. 17: Casey York www.studioloblog.wordpress.com
Feb. 18: Deb Rowden www.debrowden.blogspot.com
Feb. 19: Melissa Thompson Maher @ Generation Q magazine http://generationqmagazine.com/
Feb. 20: Shea Henderson www.emptybobbinsewing.com
Feb. 21: Diane Harris @ Quiltmaker Magazine http://www.quiltmaker.com/blogs/quiltypleasures/
Congratulations on another terrific book, Jenifer Dick!  And good luck everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


«Oldest   ‹Older   401 – 581 of 581
Donna W said...

Love applique and this would be a great addition to my library. Thanks for the chance to win.

Suellen said...

Number number number. Pick me!


Unknown said...

This looks to be a must have book. I love applique and I love the more modern quilt look.

Tonya Stewart said...

I love the books cover and can only imagine what lies beyond...thanks for the chance to win! My email is aynot1983@yahoo.com

Kim @ TiesThatBindQuilting said...

This looks like a great book!

Sherry said...

I love modern quilts, and this applique is fantastic. I like applique, but I prefer to hand applique.

Sherry Starr

Anonymous said...

Paula Triebenbach

This could be my entry into the world of applique. I have several projects started, but none are beyond started.


Lisa E said...

Applique fascinates and terrifies me. This sounds like a good book for me!

Anonymous said...

Bonny I will be over the moon if I can win this book.

Ali said...

I'm applique naive, and I love that modern flying geese headboard! Thank you for the look inside and the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win a copy of the book. I love machine applique! Thanks for a chance.


Binky said...

I 'need' this book, please let me have it.

Unknown said...

I love modern quilting and I hope I can add modern applique to my skills. Thanks for the giveaway even if I don't win but hoping that I do.

Liz, in MD

EmileeHope said...

I hope to get around to learning appliqué someday and this looks like a book to help me get the courage to do it!

TADVR said...

Love her stuff... the modern Monday/traditional Tuesday qal was fun.

Nena said...

Hello - beautiful! Thanks for the chance!

craftygramma said...

Hi there! I am just transitioning to modern quilts ( for the grandkids) and would love this book both for ideas and technique. Been doing some impromptu machine applique lately, so an actual plan might be nice!Thanks!

Pat in Tn. said...

Hi Bonnie, I am starting to do some applique. I would love to win this book. Thank you so much.

Sandie Rosenthal said...

I've been doing some applique lately and have been introduced to Modern Quilting lately. This sounds perfect for me to continue learning, this book should live with me.

Anonymous said...

I would love to own this book. It sound awesome. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would love to own this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

Jo said...

Applique is something I would love to learn how to do. The few times I have tried so far were disasters! I think my fav of all pics you showed from the book was the trees,thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

The book looks great, hope I get a chance to win this.

candy hood said...

I would love to have the book to encourage me to tackle applique again. Thank you for the giveaway

Shar said...

This looks like an amazing book. If I don't win it will have to go on my wish list.

Jen said...

Hi Bonnie! I have been wanting to try some modern quilts. This book looks interesting!

Anonymous said...

While I absolutely love to Applique' by hand, this could be a brand new pursuit for me! Love it! Linda Hartman lhartman1@comcast.net

Jo said...

Wow, a great looking book. Loving those appliquéd trees :)

Beth B said...

Would love to win this and learn to applique! Thanks
Beth, betheab199@gmail.com

Maree in NC ☺ said...

Thank you for the chance to win this awesome book!

my nana maree @ yahoo . com

krissy said...

Hope I win!! Looks like a lot of fun projects!

Karen said...

Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Anonymous said...

I have always been afraid of applique, so I would love to win this book! Keeping my fingers crossed...8-)

Karrie said...

This book looks perfect for me! Thanks for the chance to win! ksmith8@emich.edu

Jitka said...

It looks like nice book. I´m still looking for some easy applique. I can find it in this book!

Unknown said...

I want a copy, it looks great!


glorcour said...

amazing new ideas. inspiring to any quilter

Lori said...

I have never done applique, but I would love to learn!

Diane Baldwin said...

Oh my gosh! I don't think I can wait to try and win this book. MUST HAVE NOW:)

Unknown said...

I would love to have a copy of this beautiful book. Even if I don't win, where is the easiest place to purchase?

Anonymous said...

Hi, the book looks lovely! I've never appliquéd before and could use the inspiration.

Unknown said...

Great look!

Camille Mendel said...

I wold love to win this book. It looks lovely. Thank you.

Sue said...

Would love to learn machine applique and this book makes it look like fun.
Thank you for the chance to win it.

Anonymous said...

Fun giveaway....and great quilts!! Thanks!
Connie Hendryx
chendryx (at) nctv (dot) com

A-Squared said...

Sign me up! I'd love to try some of the projects in this book!

Kalynn's Creations said...

Looks like so much fun, Love to add this book to my collection. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love applique and also love the modern aspect. Would certainly love to win but whoever wins I am sure they will really enjoy it.

June D said...

Great ideas in this book. Thanks for putting my name in the hat for the drawing.

Lynne said...

Thanks for sharing. I would love to win this book.

tac73 said...

Looks like an intriguing book.

Brenda said...

Great projects. Want to make all you showed. Would love the book.

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Love the modern look very nice looking book. Thanks for being a part of it Bonnie :)

Rhonda said...

Such an awesome book with terrific ideas...I SEW need it. Thanks for the chance to win it!

Joni said...

Love the fresh designs and the quilting in the negative space is delcious! Thanks for the chance to win!

Hitch and Thread said...

Oh yes please! I love appliqué but could definitely use some pointers.

Barb and Sharon said...

I love how the appliqué and quilting work so well together. I'd love to own this book.

hafza said...

There a so many beautiful ideas in a book...thanks for the chance.

Gina S said...

This looks like it would be lots of fun.

Judy Cooper Textile Artist said...

Lovely quilted pieces. That looks like a great book to own. Thanks for sharing.

Kristy said...

Super cute book! I haven't done appliqué before but I am getting ready to try my hand at it very soon for a baby quilt

Kathie said...

This book looks amazing and I love the quilts! Thank you for the giveaway!

Afquilt said...

Working on applique right now, coudl really use this book! thanks for the chance!

Purl Buttons said...

I am so excited about this book! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. It combines two of my favorite facets of quilting: modern and applique.

Marly said...

This looks like a really interesting book. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Unknown said...

That book looks great, I would love to make the check boxes quilt!


I love the birds, so sweet Stop by my blog and share a love story and read others.. Happy Valentines.. ..

Unknown said...

I love applique! I'm excited to take a look at this book, I hope my local quilt store will have it!

Anonymous said...

Love appliqueing and a book with modern patterns....sounds super!!!!

Deb said...

This book looks great - I love the way she quilts the quilts....lots of inspirations!

Sherry VF said...

#472 commenter. I am going to have to be really lucky! I recently made an applique block designed by Jenifer Dick and would love to have her book. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com

Vivian said...

Interesting - I've always done invisible machine applique but admit I never thought about putting the idea of modern design and applique together.

I've been slowly venturing into the modern quilt landscape and would love to see how it gets applied to applique. So count me in on this giveaway!

DebraKay Neiman said...

I am teaching myself to applique. I would love a copy of this book. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

Karen said...

Thanks for sharing photos from the book. They make me want to see more!

Johanna said...

I have just started to really get interested in qpplique. I would love to win a copy of this book.
I'm glad you mentioned the give away a second time because I missed this post. I have been traveling a lot this month to take care of my father who is ill.

Desi said...

Applique is on my bucket list. This sounds like a wonderful way to start. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Would love to win this book and learn applique better than I do now.
Thanks for the give away.
Greetings Dini

ritainalaska said...

love jenifer's new book! would love to win a copy ... thanx for the chance to do so.

Amy said...

I would LOVE to see some modern applique patterns! The modern quilt bug is hitting me, and I'm intrigued by the idea of modern applique! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win a copy!

Terry and Linda Lee said...

This looks like a very useful book. I like the variety of shapes available. I also like the small projects.
I appreciate the opportunity to win this book.

debbees1999 said...

Love applique. Simple and stylish is even better

Diane M said...

I'd love to win a copy of this book. Looks like some fun projects! Thanks for the chance.

liz said...

I love applique and look forward to learning "The Modern Applique"
Way! Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

It is always a challenge to try something different, and this book would be different from what I have ever done before. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

vera said...

Love to applique and this book would give me some new ideas.


Vicki B said...

This book sounds wonderful.. Would love to own a copyl

Pat said...

Would love a copy of the book. I am starting to applique

Anonymous said...

i would love to win!julie

Valerie said...

This is an applique book I would love to have in my collection. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

Connie said...

This book would be a welcome addition in my sewing room. Just started doing some applique!


Connie said...

Would love to become better at applique

Celeste said...

Very different and fresh ideas. Would love to add this book to my collection and get busy learning new techniques! ♡

Christine Gardner said...

Would love it! Thank You for the chance :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this book! I've never really done applique and it is something I want to explore


Unknown said...

Just started a Baltimore Album quilt, a huge difference in the type of applique in this book. Both beautiful just different styles for different times :)

SherryWhy said...

This looks like an awesome and great new take on appliqué!

Sherry Yeakel

Linda said...

I would love to learn more applique techniques!

Amy said...

I'm always looking for new applique ideas! Love the look of this!

Unknown said...

Sweet pages to add to my quilt library! Plus a great Birthday gift! ;)

Anonymous said...

Would love to have this book

donnaatiu said...

I want to learn applique; need to get out of my comfort zone. Thanks for the giveaway.

The Rambling Quilter said...

I love applique!! and thanks to you :) I now see hexies everywhere!!

Hope@Acworthga said...

Bonnie, Please enter me for this book. I love appliqué quilts. Thanks

Debby said...

Looks like a fun book@ Thanks for hosting the giveaway! :)

Unknown said...

I need this today, getting ready to applique for the first time....YIKES! tina at theweddingmaker.com

Unknown said...

would love to add this to my collection and so great of you to have these free giveaways. Keep up all you great work you do

Unknown said...

I could use this today, getting ready to do my first applique! tina at theweddingmaker dot come

Unknown said...

This blurb has gotten me to want to try applique....so it is on my buy list. Thanks

Sandy in VA said...

Would love to win the book - interested in learning to applique!

Cousin Jill said...

Hi Bonnie!! modern appliqué sounds like something that will be in my future project!!!! Thanks for all your great give a ways!!!!

SharSews said...

This looks like a book I need for my library. I love machine applique'

Michelle said...

I love applique and this looks like a fun way to experiment with new designs. Thanks for the giveaway.

WhoMom said...

Love the birds and the fish...could really learn to do wavy stuff. Thanks for sharing another great book!

Laurie T said...

Love to applique and would love this book to learn more.

Nonnie said...


I have been lusting after this book since I first saw it last week... I would love to get a copy of it... Not into traditional applique but these look like new and refreshing ideas.. LOVE GRAPHIC blocks and these look stunning.

Ann said...

It's the first modern applique book I've seen!...Love it!

RosieGma said...

Hi Bonnie, Thank you for featuring this wonderful book. The trees or amazing.... and the waves with the fishies... so cute and with the movement on how the waves are quilted, you feel like you need to get a towel because your table is wet.....love to win....

Roxy said...

Pick me!!!

Robyn Davenport said...

Love Applique and would love to win this book.

Anonymous said...

WoW! Love me some applique!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Love me some applique! Lee Ann @ llively89@yahoo.com

Sparetime Quilting said...

Love checking out you blog every day. Gives me something to look forward to. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book.

kathy clarke said...

Fun and fresh! thanks for all you do, Bonnie!

Mary Elizabeth said...

Wow - what beautiful and inspiring ideas. This book likes like a very practical, fun way to learn some new design and sewing skills.

Unknown said...

I've always been fond of applique - ezpecially needleturn. This new take on applique may be just what I need to improve and "modernize" an old art. I hope I'm lucky enough to win this!

Midge E. said...

I would love to win, looks awesome!

Unknown said...

Never too many book, they get creative juices going.

Unknown said...

Blah! I don't see my post and I really want to be entered for a chance to win this new book! Thanks for the opportunity to win! I love applique!

dazzled said...

Obviously LOTS of people would like to win this book, including me. If I don't win, I just may have to buy it. But I'd rather spend money on thread and fabric.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, These quilts seem so fresh, wht a great book!
Thanks, Pat

Ellen said...

I would love to have a copy of this book. I have done a little applique and this would be a great resource for improving skills.
Denham Springs, LA

heather said...

Would love this !!

Donna Hollingsworth said...

I just learning to do applique and would love to add this book to my collection! Thank you for a chance to win!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, would like to have one of my own ��

Tiffanee said...

What a great book!! Would love to make a Modern Quilt!!

Laura Cobb said...

I love the quilt photos. The quilting is awesome!!! So... Even if I don't win the book give away, I'm going to buy her book!
Laura in SW Arkansas lakeside344@yahoo.com

Amy Lenk said...

I am an applique fanatic, but I have difficulty deciding how to quilt my items. This book looks like it could give lots of ideas. Sure hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win this book. I'm a quilting newbie who would love to increase her skills.

Mom in the Country said...

This sounds like a wonderful book! I would love to get my hands on it!

Judy said...

As I am a newbie quilter and new to applique, I would love to win this book to help me in my journey of learning applique!

Julie said...

I love applique! Lately I have been exploring modern quilts. This book looks like a good fit for me!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the book. Always interested in new creative ideas.


Anonymous said...

Started my travels in applique and this book would add to my adventure. Hope it comes my way.
Sharon W

Anonymous said...

Would love to learn this fascinating skill. Thanks for the chance !

Anonymous said...

Started my travels in applique and this book would add to my adventure. Hope it comes my way.
Sharon W

Cynthia H said...

Choose. Me. Please. Trying to appliqué on a quilt right now and I could definitely use some tutoring!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the endless hours of fun this book will provide.

Sewbig said...

Looks like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win.

Martha said...

This book looks amazing...what a special treat it would be to win this. Random number generator, please pick me!

Anonymous said...

Thank you (both) for giving us a chance to win such a nice book!

Mieneke - miepo73 (at) gmail (dot) com

Helen M said...

I would love to win this book - I love applique. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, would love to try some of these patterns in this book. Thanks for all your patterns, love them.

Freerose said...

This must be a wonderful book. I collect book ;). Thank you for the chance to win.

Anneliese Graves said...

Would Love to have this Book

Janny Wanny said...

Love applique and am always looking for new ideas.

molina97 said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win! Learning applique is on my to-do list!

Regina155 said...

These quilts are so pretty. Would like to know how to do. My husband's aunt does beautiful applique quilts with beautiful scenery on them.

debadobs said...

oh how I LOVE applique!!!! And I would definitely love to win this book! I'm always looking for more ideas and I saw some things I would like to try. PLEASE pick me!!!

debadobs said...

I LOVE applique!!! And I saw some things that I would love to make. I'm always looking for new ideas and it looks like this book is what I've been looking for! PLEASE pick me! I'd love to win! Thanks!!!

Lee Mills said...

I am a member of the South Coast Modern Quilters and I would love a copy of this book to share with all the girls in my group.

Anonymous said...

Great blog, who needs to go further for any info, patterns, tips... One stop quilt genius!

Lindab quilts said...

Looks like a fun book! Linda B in Naples, FL


Lindab quilts said...

Would love this book! thanks Bonnie.

Linda B in Naples (Paradise) FL

Maureen said...

Would love to add this to my library. Exciting designs.

Unknown said...

This book looks like fun would love to win one

Unknown said...

would love to win a book looks like lots of fun

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I love to try new techniques. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Shanon from Ohio

Unknown said...

I love applique of any kind!!

Anonymous said...

I especially like Fishes & Waves but all have such a clean and fresh look I would be happy to play in this book!
Melody - mlgriego@email.arizona.edu

Just Plain Pam said...

I'm always looking to learn somthing new - this book would help fill that need - I have a spot for it on my bookshelf too!
Thanks for the opportunity. Pam

Caniseetoo said...

Pick me! Love reading your blog daily. Thanks!
R Penning

crazy quilter said...

Pick me pick ME ! I could ceratainly use this one!

crazy quilter said...

Pick me pick ME ! I could ceratainly use this one!

Esther Sherrill said...

Thanks for the chance at winning something.

Anonymous said...

I've been reluctant to move from traditional quilts to the more modern, although the designs in this book are wonderful. Would love to win it and try them.

Diana said...

Would love to win this book. The cover is very eye catching. Thanks Bonnie for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a copy of this fabulous book. Thanks for the chance to win one.

Pauline Perry

Schuetzela said...

Never done much applique but this looks rather interesting.

Donna said...

Hi Bonnie wold love a copy of this new book

Anonymous said...

Beh non so se sono ancora in tempo, ma ci provo. Non ho mai vinto nulla e magari chissà questa volta vinco io! Così posso provare questa tecnica che per me è ancora nuova.
Grazie per questa opportunità.

Eunicebennett said...

Learning to quilt would love this

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