
Monday, February 10, 2014

Blog Tour & Give-Away! The Modern Applique Workbook!

***NOTE!***  This drawing has ended!  Congrats to our winner, Wendy Buchanan!

Good morning Everyone!
Today is the day I’ve been waiting for and very excited about.

MY EDITOR, Jenifer Dick is also a widely published author herself, and when she asked me to kick off her Modern Applique Workbook Blog Tour, how could I say anything but YES!!

You can find Jenifer’s website at 42Quilts.com.
Through working with her over the past 6 years I have come to rely on her attention to detail and her vision for where a quality book needs to go ---and with her new book, you will find yourself open to a whole new direction adding applique by machine to modern quilts.
Wait a minute --- MODERN?  APPLIQUE?  I know a lot of us think that “modern” means stark empty spaces and linear designs with terms like "LOW VOLUME" or "NEGATIVE SPACE"  and applique sounds rather “traditional”.

It’s not the definition of applique that is modern, it’s all in the SHAPES and the feel of the quilt!
Shapes and colors and texture ---curves add a deliciousness to modern quilts!
And let’s face it – sometimes appliqueing a shape is a lot more freeing than trying to "piece in" that curve…..
With these easy techniques and a few readily found supplies, you will find machine applique a breeze and a delight.  Jenifer will guide you through the products she uses the most for the best results possible, step by step.
Chances are you probably have some of these items already on hand.  Freezer paper?  Got it! Glue stick? You betcha! Spray starch?  All right here!

All you need is the book and you are ready to discover how fun machine applique can be.
The projects are a delight ---
This is probably my favorite little ditty in the book!  I love the free placement of the baskets on the blocks, and the colors are terrific….and the quilting adds so much texture!
Love the look of these “Geese” on a wall quilt in lieu of a headboard.
Big bold shapes…so modern! You can do this!
Simple shapes in bold colors make a wonderful focal point in this little wall quilt.
Easy shapes become trees!
I love the appliqued X’s that go “Outside the box” on this quilt in blues and greys.
Fishes and waves!
I love the beautiful photography in the photos – the book is full of GREAT shots to inspire.
Tings that cat my eye?  The mouthwatering cut citrus the beautiful green goblet with the blue beverage in it ---and the quilt is such a great focal piece!
Jenifer Dick is the author of 4 quilt books from traditional to modern –and yes, there is a lot of cross-over in this book that will apply to any quilter’s desire to learn better, easier ways to do applique.


I’m so happy that Jenifer asked me to participate in this blog hop!
Find more on The Modern Applique Workbook and Jenifer’s other publications HERE.
Let’s have a little Give-Away!  Leave me a comment below to be entered in to my drawing!

I will be giving away one copy of The Modern Applique Workbook using the random number generator to draw me a winner by number.  I will be drawing our winner on Friday, Feb 21st when I arrive in San Antonio! 
Please be sure when commenting that you leave your name and an email address if your profile is NOT inked to your email address.  If we can't contact you, you can't win --we'll have to draw someone else!
And remember: You have to click OUT of Facebook if you are viewing this page on a mobile device by clicking a link in Facebook. If you see the blue Facebook bar at the top of your screen you are still IN FACEBOOK.  Click to view us in a new browser window outside of Facebook.

Better yet, get to a real computer :)  Some things just can’t be done effectively via mobile device.
Click the Blog Helps tab at the top of the blog for help with other "unable to comment" issues.

This is the schedule of events for this Blog Tour.  Be sure to visit each of these blogs and leave comments to enter to win, as well as learn more info on The Modern Appliqué Workbook!
Feb. 10: Bonnie Hunter www.quiltville.blogspot.com
Feb. 11: Amy Smart www.diaryofaquilter.com
Feb. 12: Angela Walters www.quiltingismytherapy.com/my-blog
Feb. 13: Debbie Grifka www.eschhousequilts.com
Feb. 14: Tammie Schaffer www.craftytammie.com
Feb. 17: Casey York www.studioloblog.wordpress.com
Feb. 18: Deb Rowden www.debrowden.blogspot.com
Feb. 19: Melissa Thompson Maher @ Generation Q magazine http://generationqmagazine.com/
Feb. 20: Shea Henderson www.emptybobbinsewing.com
Feb. 21: Diane Harris @ Quiltmaker Magazine http://www.quiltmaker.com/blogs/quiltypleasures/
Congratulations on another terrific book, Jenifer Dick!  And good luck everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!
You do not need a Facebook account to read the Facebook posts - They are viewable to all! Feel free to read & quilt along with us!


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Lee said...

Just love the Modern quilts. Her baskets are wonderful and I'd love to make them.

Bennett and Graves said...

Every year after Road 2 Calif I proclaim that 'this year I will applique!' I could use the book. :0)

sophie said...

The photos you have shared from the book are beautiful and the projects look interesting. I'd love to win a copy–thanks for the chance.

Mary W Quilts said...

Would love to learn how to do that! Looks like a great book.

QuiltyGal said...

Applique is definitely on my bucket list! I even have this gorgeous tangerine colored pattern on my inspiration wall ... now I just need the skill and further motivation and I know this book would be wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity!

scrappy101 said...

Sounds like a good challenge, count me in for the draw.

crazy quilter said...

Yes Machine Applique is the way to go and I would love to get on the Modern Quilt Bandwagon. I have heard so much about them. Maybe this will be the one to help be break away from the traditional. Thanks !

Kathy said...

I love quilt books!!

Unknown said...

The samples look fabulous. Great job with cover, too!

Pam said...

I know Jenifer and the quality of her work as well as her amazing teaching skills. This book will be a must have for all quilters.

Anonymous said...

I find myself branching out from the traditional applique to more modern and this book would be a great addition to my bookshelf. Karen S

Pam said...

I know Jenifer and the quality of her work as well as her amazing teaching skills. This book will be a must have for all quilters.

Unknown said...

Would love this appliqué book...

skutovr said...

I've shied away from Applique for far too long! This is my next technique to master. This new book would be a super step in the right direction. Thank you for the opportunity.

MegB said...

Hope my usual good luck holds out for this drawing, as this book is exactly what I need to take my applique to the next level. Exciting!

Linda E in NM said...

I particularly like the fishes and look forward to seeing new modern applique ideas!

Beth said...

I'm going to create wallhangings this year that pull me out of my comfort zone--this book looks like it would help me do that in a very fun way.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Debbie said...

What a wonderful book to add to any quilting library!
Thanks for a chance to win!

Dwynette said...

Birds and fish! I would love to win! - dwynette@appleberryquilts.com

Rike Busch said...

Dear Bonnie,
I would love to get one copy of this interesting book and technique! Thanks for your many give-aways!!!
Love, Rike

Margaret said...

Put me on the list to win this fantastic book. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Just my style!! Love the ideas and shapes - Thanks for the chance!!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to get my hands on this book. I would love to learn a new technique. Than you for the giveaway!

MaryKay said...

Looks like some great techniques are in the book. More to learn!

Anonymous said...

I've always been afraid of applique work but this book makes me want to try it! Thank you for the give-away.

Timtirim said...

My favorite is the quilt with the green trees. Thanks for the chance!

Tami C said...

Appliqué is on my ToDo List! I could definitely use some help and Jenifer's book looks that it would be a wonderful help. Thanks for the chance to win!

Timtirim said...

My favorite is the quilt with green trees. Thank you for the chance!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie: I would love to win this book...learning machine applique and machine quilting are things I need to learn. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book. Joyce Frazier in WV, joycemarlane@aol.com

noriem said...

This book could give me a whole new appreciation of applique!

Unknown said...

Love the clean look of modern quilts. Hope I win!

Mary Beth said...

Love applique,, love modern. What a great combination!

Iowa Quilter said...

This looks like a fantastic book. Thanks for the chance to win it.

KatieQ said...

I find applique intimidating. This book sounds like what I need to help me overcome my fear.

Becca said...

I am not a huge fan of applique, but this book continues to intrigue me. Thanks for sharing all this great info, Bonnie!

Unknown said...

Wow, I LOVE modern! And to add appliqué to the mix...doesn't get any better than that. Thanks for the heads up on the new book.

Unknown said...

That books looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

Christine said...

Hi Bonnie thanks for hosting this giveaway! Have to C.S going and Tulip Fields and Spiderweb one too have completed Easy Street and Lazy Sunday love all your ideas !!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful book!

Lisa said...

Love applique but usually don't include it on quilts as it is so time consuming. Jenifer's book opens up a whole new world of applique!!

Karla said...

Not only is the applique very unique, being a longarm quilter, I loved the quilting in the pictures of her projects.


Anonymous said...

Love that book!!

mast ockwell at yahoo dot com

Deanna W said...

Love applique! From the photos you posted this books offers a new take on applique!

Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

Hello from Minnesota! I's just love my own copy of this book; the project on the cover intrigues me to no end.

bitsandpiecesneedlework@blogspot.com said...

Wow! Such an awesome book, looks so bright and fun.

Jill said...

Fresh New Applique and looks like some great quilting too! love the book! Thank You.

maudie said...

This book sounds very interesting. Jillfroelich@yahoo.com

Hooked on Quilting said...

Beautiful quilts and I've been dying to try the more "Modern" quilt. Thanks for the great giveaway.

hooked.quilting @ gmail.com

Unknown said...

Thanks for a chance to win this book; the quilts look so cool!
Sue in MD
qr2012pl at gmail

Wendy said...

Another type of quilting for me to learn. WhootWhoot, The endless types of quilting just keep showing up. Thanks Bonnie for the chance to win this book. Happy quilting.

Wendy Bradley Ontario, Canada.

Jane said...

Would just love to learn more about applique as its always scared me to try it. Thanks for giving us the chance at this book.

Anonymous said...

looks like a great book I would love to win. Thanks Holly aka scarlet3894@yahoo.com

Judymc said...

I would enjoy this book! Thanks for the chance to win!

susan718 said...

The book looks so interesting. I would love to try some of those designs. THank you for the giveaway!

KJR said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like a real neat book. I would love to have the opportunity to flip its pages and learn from the glossy pages.

Sherri said...

Would love to win this....Sherri

Anonymous said...

What a great looking book. Would love to have one. Thanks for the contest.

JustPam said...

This sounds like a fun book-I am not a fan of doing applique, but maybe that could change.

Anonymous said...

An open door to a new adventure. Would really like to embark on this adventure. Thanks for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

Love the idea of a notebook. Makes me think back to all the things I learned in school and how much fun it was. Hopefully I will win a copy .

Cindy P. said...

So many appliqué ideas! I would love to win this book! Thanks!

Tradquilter said...

I am a traditionalist at heart but I find modern quilts quite appealing. I am always looking for new ways to expand my creative outlet. Thank you for sharing the opportunity to win.

c said...

I admit I do like some modern, and I love the motion she gave the birds!!!What a new awakening when Modern Quilts were in Austin at a show.....would love this book too.
thanks you two.

aka kingcooper0001@aol.com

Jocelyne said...

It is my challenge of 2014 to make at least one applique quilt (or perhaps a wall hanging to start). I love the cover quilt as well as those 3 gorgeous little birds.

Thank you for the change of winning this book; fingers crossed.
If I don't win (and I NEVER win), I will order this book.

Jennifer said...

That looks like a very fun book!

Theresa said...

Love this book! theresa2121@att.net

Esther said...

What a great book. Love the new approach to applique, and the blog tour!

Anonymous said...

Definitely fun applique! Those quilts look great! I would definitely be willing to try and do more applique with these patterns.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Looks like a really good book.

Anonymous said...

I love the modern trend and adding
applique is one more thing to love!

virgdale said...


Ellee said...

Would like to make the 3 birds quilt. -- soparkaveataoldotcom

Liz in KY said...

This looks like a wonderful book - I love the background fillers in all of the samples you showed us!

pkquilter said...

I would love a chance to win this book. It looks so fresh and colorful. Thinking that planning a quilt for spring is just what is needed!

Terry said...

This looks like a great book!

pkquilter said...

Thanks for a chance to win! Lovely for spring.484

scottylover said...

Oh, my, that quilt on the cover is spectacular! Thanks for sharing!

Sandy A

Ann D said...

What great examples...now I've gotten excited. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Kelly said...

What a wonderful idea for a book & quilt patterns! Congratulations!

Email: k2sattlers @ comcast dot net

Denny1600 said...

This book looks like a lot of fun!

Sharen said...

This book looks and sounds exciting! I love applique and would truly enjoying having a new book to pickup new ideas and tips to improve.
Thanks so much for all you do, Bonnie!

Sharen Jahnke

Southwest Quilting Bee said...

Beautiful quilts! The colors really pop on the backgrounds. I like trying new methods.

Dorothy Hall said...

I love piecing, but have done some applique. This has inspired me to try more.

JDonhorses said...

Hi Bonnie! I've just finished a flower basket block for a Craftsy class - Block of the Month 2013. It was all applique! I would Love to have a book that shows me more!! Joanne Donovan, SC, JDonhorses@Live.com.

Sewgirl said...

What a beautiful book. And the quilting is just outstanding as well.

Quilted bear lady said...

What a great idea. The sample quilt pictures are great starting ideas to adding appliqué to modern quilts.
I would love to see/own this book.
Diane Heller

Unknown said...

Really into applique right now. Would love this book to update my ideas.

Janarama said...

I love applique but never did it with freezer paper. Would love to win this book to learn new techniques for applique.

Unknown said...

What a pretty book! Could sure use this. Thanks for an enjoyable web site! Wendy at wedbuchanan@gmail.com

EmSewCrazy said...

What a fun book! I love appliqué and am learning my tastes run towards modern quilts. This seems like the perfect marriage of the two.
emsewcrazy at yahoo dot com

Ginger said...

Sounds like a great book. Would love to win.

Judy Lane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judy Lane said...

Those patterns look vibrant and fun. cundalini74@aol.com

Cheryl said...

Love applique and would enjoy seeing the modern quilts. The quilting in the pictures was great.

Betty said...

Oh I love applique especially as hand work! Thanks for the giveaway and I'll make sure to show everyone my progress on an applique projrct!!!

Cheryl said...

The books looks like it has many wonderful projects.

Katkat said...

Oooo! Pretty!!!!! Love the birds!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a beginner to Applique and feel inspired by just looking at a sample of your work & I can only imagine where winning your book would take me. I thank you most sincerely for your book as a prize & the opportunity to take part in a chance at winning it.
Kathleen K

Just Quilt It said...

I would love for you to pick me! I love applique, and this book looks like it has several great projects!

Ele said...

I love applique and find there is always something new to learn about it, so this wonderful book would be most welcome at my house. Many thanks for the chance.

WeedyMama said...

So fresh and clean! I've done lots of applique, but nothing came out looking like these.

Sharon said...

Wow! I would absolutely LOVE to have a copy of this book! The sample pictures you posted are awesome!

JanetBlaze said...

You have some of the most wonderful give aways. Thanks for all that you do for us. Love your quilts.

Unknown said...

Another give-away!! If I keep entering - maybe I will win - probably not but who can resist the chance to try!! Would love to win!! Ho about you add Jennifer's books to your Quiltville store and add your quality choices of other creators for us to peruse???

Unknown said...

I would love this book..looks like lot of great ideas :)

Elaine said...

I love applique and I would love this book. Thank you for the opportunity and I will check out this site as well. Just in case my email is eblunt@maine.rr.com

Always In Stitches said...

Oh boy what a fun book. Would love to win this one. Love the flying geese. Fingers are crossed.

Sharmond said...

Looks like a wonderful applique book. I have done a little machine applique and would really like to do more. Thanks for giveaway.

Liz L said...

I have not done any applique yet. This book would be so helpful!

Tamie said...

This looks like a fun book. Thanks for participating in the hop.

Brenda said...

Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the chance to win.
bveinotte at juno dot com

SubeeSews said...

This looks like a very interesting book. And if you recommend it Bonnie, we cannot go wrong!!!

Dolly Cowan said...

Bonnie, do so appreciate you offering this new applique book. I would be honored if my name was chosen. Thanks, Dolly

Anonymous said...

This book comes at the perfect time. Our guild is having a quilt show this fall, and the theme is Modern Quilts.


Unknown said...

Wow, sounds like a wonderful book. Thanks for sharing the pictures and information.
Su Palmer
Quilting in Michigan

Lin's Quilts said...

I'm always looking for inspiration. This book would help. Thanks for the chance to win.

From the mind of Terri said...

I would love to have a copy of this book, thank you for the opportunity.

Terri - Palm Bay, FL said...

I LOVE applique and love learning new techniques that make applique pop! Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful book. Your teasers certainly make you want to learn more AND to have the book to guide you and give you ideas.

Terri at the Drake's Nest in Palm Bay, FL terrinv@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Karen Kane
Southern Maryland

Chris10256 said...

I need lots of applique help!

Vivian said...

I love to work with applique. I wasn't sure what Modern Applique was but after seeing your pictures, I love the look of it. The simplicity. Would love to win this book.

Susan Stanton said...

What a great new book with a new idea! Would love to embrace this type of quilting!
yoyopattycakes at hotmail.com

Vivian said...

I love to work with applique. I wasn't sure what Modern Applique was but after seeing your pictures, I love the look of it. The simplicity. Would love to win this book.

Karen said...

This sounds great! Would love a copy.
Karen Stephens

Agneta quilts said...

Fascinated of the fun ideas she came up with. I do like appliqué but find most ideas old and like "done that, seen that houndreds of times before" and this is finally something NEW and long overdue!!

Unknown said...

I just returned from the AQS in Phoenix! I would love to quilt with my new fabrics using the techniques in the book ..

Terry H. said...

Love all the projects you showed. Especially the fish mat. Thanks for another blog hop and chance to win.

Melissa G. said...

I love the idea of modern applique. I have always enjoyed applique and am just starting to explore modern quilts.

Kathy in Guanajuato City, Mexico said...

This looks like a wonderful book! I would love to win it.


Lewjacks said...

I am a big applique fan, but have not tried much on my machine, what I have done is by hand. This book looks like it could widen my skill base and enjoy it at the same time. I would love this book.
Leslie in NC lewjacks@suddenlink.net

jane nj/wi said...

I love how quilting is "fusing" itself in so many different ways that it will allow different styles and techniques to become a new look/method. Quilting drags me along go adventure with these new ideas. The book looks flake a bunch of fun and more ways to drag me along o try new things. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy

Jane Modjeski

Anonymous said...

I'm new to modern quilting and would love to win a copy of this book and learn all about modern applique.

Annette Parsons

Debbie said...

You have such a fun editor, Bonnie! Her book looks like fun, too. Thanks for counting me in.

94Quilter said...

I love the modern quilts paired with retro grey velvet piped couch!!

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm hooked ... the book sounds not only interesting but is for sure stirring my creative juices

great job

Doris said...

my creative juices are stirred .... my inquisitive mind is buzzing ...great job

Anonymous said...

I've done a little bit of hand applique..machine applique sounds like a lot more fun.

sandrarumsey said...

Yes please! This book looks very exciting.

Anonymous said...

I love appliqué and have the perfect location for the "geese" wall hanging.

swakins said...

I have been getting caught by the modern quilting bug and would love to give applique a try.

Avon said...

Would love to win! I love appliqué and am always looking for new methods.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

This book would sure help me create a modern quilt as each time I've tried, the quilt ends up looking traditional! Thank you for offering this give

Anonymous said...

This book looks beautiful and might encourage me to get better at applique!
Thanks Bonnie, I love all that you're doing for us quilters!
Ruth Bahri

Farm Quilter said...

Love this book!!! I prefer to applique with my longarm and I would love to give it a go with some of these patterns!!!

Marbee said...

I'm good and ready to do some applique and would love to win this book.

Quiltinggirl said...

OMG! I didn't know how much I loved modern applique until I saw this book. The geese on the headboard are calling to me. Way cute!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this opportunity to win this beautiful book on appliqued quilts. Looks like this could be fun to learn and apply to my quilts.
Have a safe few weeks traveling.
Jean Keeter

Anonymous said...

Hand applique is difficult with arthritic hands, but with the new Book, it could be fun by machine. Patquilt@live.com

Lorraine B. said...

I love the quilting in this book!

Richard Lavimoniere said...

What a cool book! I'm doing the Modern Merry BOM which is a modern pieced and appliqued quilt. This book would be great to go along with it. I love the projects you've exampled in the blog! Would love to win this book!!

Quiltedchicken said...

Applique is on my list. I'm sure I could do it with the help of this book. Thanks for the great blog, Bonnie!

bethieport@gmail.com said...

Would love to see a easier way to do anything!!! Thanks for the fun Bonnie!

grammaterry6 said...

I love modern quilts. My house along the modern lines, so when I started back into quilting, I mainly looked for modern quilts. I love that yours has applique!

Cece said...

Great designs. Wishing to learn applique, this looks like a good place to begin.Thank you for the chance to win.

Corinne in California said...

Oh boy, this book looks wonderful. I haven't done machine applique before, so I hope I win the book!


Debbie said...

What a wonderful collection of ideas!
Thanks for a chance to add these to my quilting library.

Debbie in WA

Unknown said...


This book really puts a modern twist on appliqué. So fresh and so inspiring. Brilliant photos too.

I Would be so happy if I was a winner in this draw.


ruthsplace said...

It looks like a fabulous book.

DebraKay Neiman said...

I would love a copy of this book...getting into modern quilts and I love applique. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

CA Bobbie said...

I'm so excited about this book- hope I win. Thanks for the op.
Bobbie C

Helen in the UK said...

Wow this book looks stunning! Would love a chance to win a copy - thanks for giving us the opportunity to be in the draw :)

Edie Edie said...

The projects in this book look like so much fun. I would love to win a copy. Edie Lesslie at luv2stamp2001@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful book, I have just recently taken up quilting but I do alot of embroidery by hand in them and aplique or picture quilts I have about 12 going but none finished as of yet 3 are king size and will have to be taken to a long arm quilter when I get them finished. Once again thank you!
Robin Mclure, robinlmcclure@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

Applique is on my to do list... Would love the book

Joanne Sheahan said...

Recently started to applique again. Very open to a modern approach.

scrappy; said...

Looks like a wonderful book. Thanks for the chance to win it. landl2@comcast.net

Anonymous said...

I have always been a traditional quilter, but this past year I have fallen in love with modern quilting. This book will take me even one more step 'out of my box'.

darlene said...

Looks like a fun book to have.

Katie said...

Looks like a fun book. I like the quilting designs too. :-)

Nancy-Rose said...

Thanks for the opportunity to enter the drawing!

nancyrose123 @ hotmail.com

Marla said...

Beautiful I would love to try some modern applique.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the peek into Modern Applique'. Would love the chance to win a copy. mary4gen@cox.net

Flickenstichlerin said...

Thank you for this great offer. I do applique a lot and love new inspiration.

Bonnie said...

Love the variety of appliqué work. I would love to add it to my collection.

cpup40 said...

This book looks inspiring and amazing. Thank you for the chance to win this book.

Connie said...

Looks like an awesome book, Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

I love this "modern" applique. Can't wait to see the book and make some projects! Thanks, Bonnie. Cheri C. cuffmail@aol.com

Kris said...

My mom loved applique and someday I hope to give it a successful try. This book looks wonderful.

Anonymous said...

So many great ideas in this book, I really want it badly!!!

SusieQuilter said...

Sue Copeland at jmcope@cox.net

jean said...

I have lots of ideas already

Jusmom1 said...

I have not tried applique, but this seems a great way to start! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Her fresh ideas are just what I need. This book has beautiful quilts in beautiful colors.

Anonymous said...

What fun ideas and I can see the combination of both modern & traditional styles. Cindy at cwienstroer@amuniversal.com

Pat said...

I do both machine and hand applique. Would love a copy of this book to look at other techniques

Unknown said...

The book looks very interesting. I have done a lot of hand applique but not by machine. It would be great to learn.

Char Nash said...

Applique has always been a favorite of mine, so this book would be a delight for sure......

Angeliasue said...

My favorite technique is applique! Hope my number is selected! Have a good trip out West, Bonnie.

februarybaby54 said...

I am struggling with Applique! This book could really help me learn.Thank you so much for the book giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Bring on the random generator. Maybe I will win this beautiful book.

Bonnie58 said...

Looks like a great book. Thanks so much for sharing

Anonymous said...

OOH-love the look of these projects-what fun!

susan L in Albuquerque


CyndyK said...

We recently started a modern quilt guild and I'm floundering on the concept. This book looks like it could be a great help. Thanks for sharing. Cynthia. cknapp3626@sbcglobal.net

LD said...

Sounds like a good book. Thanks for the chance.

Darlene B said...

What a great new spin on applique! Love the cool ideas!

M.W. said...

Thanks for the chance to win this fun book. I really need help when it comes to applique.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

What a great book! Loving all the quilts you have shown.
highroadquilter live.com

ckwood50 said...

Would love to try modern applique. Looks Like a fun book.

RosieGma said...

Hi, Jennifer this book is one I would love to win!! I am a newbie when it comes to applique, I always thought it was something I could never learn, but you have written this book in a way that I will enjoy learning from. Thank you for the Giveaway!

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