This was the view this morning as I bundled up to take Sadie out for her much needed morning walk--
I couldn't get her to go out last night before bed – she was having NONE of it! So out into the 13 degree morning light we went, my feet crunching on the newly fallen snow, and Sadie’s nose down into the white stuff, sniffing for the right place to get it done…
That was the shortest morning walk ever, and she knew as soon as she had taken care of business to high-tail it back to the cabin door to get in out of the cold!
Cabin in morning light, sun just coming up on the left ---
It might not look steep –but there is ice under the snow which was what caused us much grief last night trying to get up the mountain to the cabin. I’ve heard it all evening last night from people in Northern areas where road equipment is readily available and weather like this is often “Nothing” to them. Chains, really? YES, REALLY!
Here --- there is not equipment to handle the way out country roads, and if you don’t have 4-wheel drive, it’s tough to get up the roads when they turn icy.
People laughed at our need for chains….but without chains we would not have been able to make it up the mountain – there were several vehicles already off to the sides, in ditches – because they tried without chains, even 4-wheel drive trucks didn’t make it!
Love the morning light!
This is the fire place insert ready to be hooked up tomorrow! I can't wait to feel the warm glow, and curl up to read a book in the much unused living room.
Lights in the sewing nook area are AWESOME!
Bonus triangles in baggies!
I cleared out the under the cupboard for stashed back bonus triangles and I couldn't believe what I found! These are left from several quilts, all in the same size – the bonus of doing a sew & flip corner with a 2.5” square.
I want to do something with these – I’m not sure what yet – but I have learned something. Press and de-dog-ear AS YOU MAKE THEM!
DO NOT just store them in baggies for later – because this is what happens…years down the road I’m still looking at these and all the work it will take to get them pressed, squared and de dog eared and I’m daunted at the task ahead of me.
At least the ones in the purple bag in the front are ones where I used the triangle-buddy method found in my Bonus Triangle Tutorial to have them come out the right size:
2” with dog ears removed!
I will never ever just toss these in a bag again. I want them useable. They need to be stored in the right size, pressed and de-dog-eared and ready to be sewn into something.
It's worth it to just do it right as you make them --so the job is not saved for later. ((Which we know never comes!))
I plan to spend the day sewing away!
However you spend your Wednesday, I hope it’s a good one!
What a beautiful place you have up there in the mountains! Enjoy your sew-snow day! Be safe and warm dear friend.
Anonymous = Jessica - couldn't remember my google password this morning.....Duh!
I completely understand the snow and ice issue. South is not prepared for it, and usually shouldn't need to be. Glad you were able to make it to the cabin. And Sadie, did she like the snow? Our dogs would always want to bury they noses in the snow. Don's know why, but they loved it.
I am home today all by myself. Grandkids are finally back to school. They haven't been there for a week. Yikes! I will sew a bit, then head out to return some gifts that must be returned. Can't wait any longer.
Have a great day!
Hmmmm....I have a bunch that I just tossed into a bag on Sunday. You're right though, if I don't get them back out tonight and trim and press them, they will probably stay there for in the bag for years. I know what I will be doing tonight. LOL
I think some do not realize how steep the mountain roads are in your area - I have been out there and they are much steeper and curvier in places than I would have thought they would be. they are like the mountains in Arkansas - the ice is what really does them in. And we do not have enough snow/ice equipment around here to take care of it either. your cabin is really pretty
I have been in your shoes with not planning ahead with things that you have in your hands. Do it while you are holding onto it. I have a whole container of cut off corners, but I at least stitched them. Now I need to square up and press them. Good luck with pressing. Chris
Beautiful place to stay warm, sew and enjoy the view. I envy your day of sewing. Yesterday was my day, but granddaughter has a yearning for Mamaw to come see her at lunch. Love your view. Stay safe.
You have just inspired me to sit and trim and press my bonus HSTs through my bout of sinusitis!
There are teeny ones from clue 2 of Celtic Solstice, some from a Moda Bake Shop pattern called Charming Stars, and some "gifted" to me by a quilty friend rather than throwing them in the trash - lol - she's trained!
Now to get busy!! Enjoy your snow while it lasts!
Beautiful place. that is my lifelong have a mountain cabin!!!
Love to see that you made it safe to the cabin. I would have taken that ride up the mountain with my eyes shut tightly!
Just finished watching the archive of Quilt Cam and I don't think you have to worry so much about what you wear on the Quilt Show. Ricky Tims is always in jeans. I guess there is a double standard . Men can get away with jeans. Alex seems to always be in black pants. I think you looked very pretty on Quilt Cam with your royal purple shirt and your hair pulled back.
Enjoy your new bright sewing room!
Yep, time to get my baggies, or in my case shoe boxes out and de-ear and press those little blocks!
Even the most experience snow drivers can't drive successfully on one inch of solid ice, which was the case in Atlanta last night.
it looks like most people here where i live are stayng inside today. Usually the parking lot of the apartment complex where we live is almost devoid of cars by 9 am, but today every one of those cars is parked solid in it's space and covered with snow. I think we're all waiting for the big melt down on Friday. I did see one brave soul wipe the snow off his mini cooper, clear the winshield and stomp down the snow in front of the tires,and try to get out of his parking space this morning with no luck.
So glad that you've got chains for your vehicle on those mountain roads!
you might want to call ahead to see if your BIL's flight might be cancelled due to the snow before you try to get back down that hill today. stay warm and stay safe!
Love your pics of quiltvilla! So nice and serene with the snow on the ground :) Have a wonderful time at your cabin... even if you can't make the girls thing tomorrow... maybe things will get better before then! Kathi
One of the things I remember about living in NC is that people do buy chains and use them. In Georgia, we don't buy chains so you end up with 14 hours traffic jams like we have today. Enjoy your time quilting today. I'm going to try to see if I can get to my studio without breaking my neck on the ice.
I can only imagine..snow is one thing but ice makes for difficult driving!But isn't the snow pretty when you are on the inside looking out!!Love the winter weather here in Ontario Canada
I love your tip about storing the pieces in useable form. And how to make the bonus blocks the right size by drawing the second sewing line in the right place... thanks again Bonnie! Stay warm!
So beautiful in the morning light...especially when you are staying close today and sewing!
What are you using for a design wall. Love your room. stay warm.
Reading your posts is like reading a letter from an old friend! I enjoy your love of life and it reminds me to enjoy the moments too.
I am working on a quilt that is yielding many, many, (over 300 and counting) bonus triangles. I am wondering daily what I will do with them and have started looking at some ideas. I will be excited to see what you are going to create with your triangles!
Enjoy your time at the cabin. We have been snowed in since Saturday and I am looking forward to getting out today!
Meg in Michigan
In our neck of the woods, should we go to the mountains, we're referred to as "flatlanders" (i.e. those who don't know how to drive in snow). It's okay, 'they' don't know how to drive freeways, lol. Somehow, the world always seems so fresh and clean after a snow storm with the following beautiful blue skies. I remember those times from childhood. I recognized recently about trimming and pressing those bonus triangles...except, thankfully, I don't have near as many as you.
Glad you are safe and snug in your cabin. I am glad you were able to buy chains to put on the truck to get to the cabin safely. Ice and snow are no fun to drive in and we do what we need to do. Have a great sewy weekend.
At our old cabin we had sleds so we could get to our car - but getting back up to the house wasn't easy - we had a long rope.
What a beautiful place you have up there in the mountains! Four-wheel drive will not help you much on solid ice. Glad you bought the chains. And that you are now safe and warm in your cabin.
In the last move I found (3) three gallon size bags stuffed of those triangles. UGH! I'm with you I will never do that again! I hope. I am working on a design that I hope will get them used and outta here!
Enjoy the beauty out the window.
Maybe you could call those pieces (HST) leaders and enders for your pressing area. Just leave a small stack and just before you turn off your iron after a sewing adventure, press a few and then take them to your sitting area to be dog-earred. In a short while, you'll have them all pressed. Your place is beautiful! However, can't wait until spring.
Ice and snow outside but toasty warm of both worlds. And yes, we here understand about folks laughing at our predicaments about snow and ice. But when your county or city has to decide where to spend the taxes .. making them stretch out over so many places .. winter equipment is last on the list, or next to last. Schools, roads etc need help first.
Sadie The Smart Pup!!! Do what is needed and head inside. If we would just follow their ideas lolol... get it done and do it fast. THEN snuggle inside. Love it.
Smiles, JulieinTN
Chains!! Heck yah!! Where I grew up you got laughed at if you didn't have them...haha! and some added weight in the trunk ( no the real trunk! LOL! now I have both! oh wells! ) as in sand bag or in my case dad would throw in a haybale..LOL!! Good memories! :) Glad you are at the cabin and sewing away! Sounds lovely!!! Vanessa Taylor :)
really is beautiful with the sun out! but brrrr. are you going to use some of those triangles for the string quilt? they could be really fun...
I have never seen a picture of Sadie---I have a Sadie too, a golden.
now you know the real reason for bad weather days...LOL...
Love the fireplace!
Happy sewing1
The lights look great, as do the blocks on your wall. I made a rule a year or two ago that if I bother with saving the bonus triangles (and I usually do) I MUST iron and organize them as I go. I too found the dreaded baggies and it seems like so much work to get them set at that point! I love it now that they are ready to go when I find a place for them!
I totally understand what you mean by having others from a cold climate chuckle at your dilemma. Although I live in Canada, I live on the West Coast just north of Seattle. Our town has one snow plow and the only roads that get plowed are the main drags and the hills. Two years ago, I was snowed in for a week because my Volkswagon Beetle bottomed out at the end of my driveway in the snow and would not move! Your cabin looks beautiful in the snow - have a wonderful weekend with your boys!
Just pure Heaven as long as one does not have to go anywhere. I am aware when we had ice last week, we could not get to Austin for heart procedure until 5 hours later cause of the roads and our 32 foot wheelchair ramp was coated in ice.
Such beautiful pictures of Quiltvilla in the snow! We woke up to snow here, continued on and off all day, a bit over 3", but we are about 20" behind for the year. Love the snow, but I stay inside and quilt!
Oh don't listen to them Northerners (carpetbaggers). You may or may not have heard that Atlanta school kids spent the night in the school for fear of buses slip sliding away on the homeward journeys. You be safe, Bonnie, because many people depend on you and your wonderfulness.
Thanks for the simply put half square triangle lesson here and on the other post, Bonnie! Can you tell us more about that fantastic block on the design wall (with the corner triangles made from triangles)?
I agree with you on the HQTs. I finally got mine ironed and am ready to make something from them.
Alice in Raleigh
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