
Tuesday, October 01, 2013

I’ve Been Hexie-Clocked!

Have you seen the IKEA Hexie clock that has been going around the internet, forwarded and posted by hexie lovers everywhere?

I had toyed with the idea of getting one on my next Ikea trip – which hasn’t happened yet.

And then I get a package from Sigrid in the mail, all the way from Germany!

The silly girl – just what is she up to?

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It shakes! It rattles!

This worries me because the package says FRAGILE on the front!

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Hahahahaha!  I recognize what this is by the pictures she has attached to the note!

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Hexi-Clock Fun!

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This is Ikea --- there are no directions!  Can I figure this out?!

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YES!!  It’s on the wall in my studio!

Now, know this – it is going to drive ANY of the OCD-Symmetrical folks out there batty ---because there are not enough of each color to do a normal “design”  This is a scrappy hexie clock for sure…but I love it!

It’s also not as easy to click together as you would think, as soon as I had one section attached, another side would come UNATTACHED…so go for the free form approach and just let them be wherever they will stay connected!

How about a clock UPDO!?


Click to SewFearless HERE to see how she covered her hexies with her favorite scraps!

What a great idea!

I don’t have time to dig into this project now ---but I like it!

I’m just happy to have Sigrid’s gift of a hexie clock hanging on my studio wall reminding me of the time we spent together in Ireland.

Thanks again, Sigrid!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!


Quilter Kathy said...

What a fun and thoughtful gift for a quilty friend!

Aunt Daisy said...

That was so sweet of Sigrid.

Janet O. said...

That clock is a hoot--and I am one of those OCD people who would have a hard time if it wasn't symmetrical. *LOL* Still, what fun!!
I love the fabric covered one, too.

pattyrein said...

I recently tried making a hexie clock I found on FB. Made of posterboard and scraps and lots of glue. It was harder than I thought! It ended up warping. I think I'd like the IKEA one better!

Sue said...

For the other hexie lovers out there, this clock is available at USA IKEA stores!

Unknown said...

Thanks for linking to my tutorial. It really is a doable project! :) I'm not much of a DIYer myself (i tend to stick to fabric and thread) and I managed it.

Sadie said...

Great idea Sigrid. Fun, fun, fun.
Cheers Dorothea

Anonymous said...

About your blog yesterday....where did you get your treadle tubing?

Sherri said...

you are so spoiled! But I love it! and there isn't a better thing to give you as a present than this! Funny how sometimes when you're thinking "I really want one of those" it just magically appears one day! lol I've had that happen a couple times in the last few years. So happy for you :) I would be afraid to have one of these because I would want to change the layout all the time!

PalmerGal said...

@Debbie - the tubing looks like the tubing used in aquariums which you can get at any pet store that sells aquarium supplies. You'd need to measure your leather belt and then figure out how to attach the ends. I use a leather belt (which I bought new several years ago at a quilt/sewing machine store) and don't have any problems with it. Love my treadle! <3

mascanlon said...

I so love unexpected treats in the mail! I may run off to ikea too!

Terri in BC said...

Too funny! I was just gifted the same clock this morning! I can't wait to hack it tonight (www.ikeahackers.net has great ideas - I've made the ironing board http://ufosandubis.blogspot.ca/2011/01/evolution-of-crafty-room-part-one.html) Have fun!

Terri in BC said...

Debbie, she has a link in the write-up to where she talks about how she did it.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

You are welcome! Thank you for writing it!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2013/08/girls-just-gotta-treadle.html all the info is there!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

http://quiltville.blogspot.com/2013/08/girls-just-gotta-treadle.html this post contains the tubing and the connector info.

crazy quilter said...

How wonderful! That Sigrid is sure a nice lady to have gifted another nice lady a wonderful hexy clock, Enjoy!

Beth said...

I have to get over to IKEA so I can get a couple of these clocks.

Mary said...

OOOOH There's an IKEA in Colorado,and I'm headed there on Friday. Just a week or so before you, DRAT! Nice of Sigrid to send it. A little Glue and fabrics could make it however you want it.

Andresa said...

So sweet!

FancyNancyQuilts said...

I appreciate quilters

Unknown said...

Quilters are the most giving people anytime and you so deserve the great gift . And way to go to Sigrid for the awesome gift gifted.

Unknown said...

Quilters are the most giving people anytime and you so deserve the great gift . And way to go to Sigrid for the awesome gift gifted.

Unknown said...

Quilters are the most giving people anytime and you so deserve the great gift . And way to go to Sigrid for the awesome gift gifted.

Unknown said...

Quilters are the most giving people anytime and you so deserve the great gift . And way to go to Sigrid for the awesome gift gifted.

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