
Thursday, October 24, 2013

iPhone -o-Gram! Backroads to Clinton!

I am here with the loose threads quilt guild of Clinton and Laurens, South Carolina!

We've got 40 happy women sewing away on our class project – Oklahoma Backroads. !

There are 11 vintage machines amongst us – that means 25% of this class are sewing on featherweights, 301's– or even a vintage New Home!

The blocks are coming together – we are working this class completely from 2 1/2 inch squares and 2.5" x 4.5" rectangles!

After class there will be a short break while we set up for this evening's lecture – and the fun will continue with the guild meeting tonight.

The weather is gorgeous in South Carolina – big blue sky and not a cloud in sight.

Much love from all of us to all of you –


Ivani said...

How fun ! I would like to live near and take a class with you. Looks like everyone there have a great time together. Hugs

jeri said...

I just love that quilt pattern.

janequiltsslowly said...

One of my favorite Bonnie patterns. Lots of free bonus triangle squares from this one!

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