
Sunday, March 03, 2013

Hello, Texas!

A day of delays!

I wasn’t at the airport and through the security check for more than 10 minutes before I got a notice on my phone that my outbound flight from  Greensboro was running an hour late – which meant FOR SURE I was going to miss my connecting flight from Charlotte to Houston.

I made it to the counter to ask for other alternatives when the ticket guy said – there is a 2:50 flight --- with only 3 seats left.  Two exit rows which will cost you a ridiculous amount of money, or the very last aisle seat at the back of the plane by the lavatory.  I said TAKE IT ---I needed to get to Houston today ---there was no way I was going to miss a fabulous Tex-Mex dinner with a group of 10 guild girls all ready to dip the chips and laugh and talk and get to know each other!  ((Well, they knew each other, but I didn’t know them and they didn’t know me!))

Actually the last seat in the plane on the aisle is not all that  bad.  I’m not much of a seat recliner anyway – I need to sit up to stitch ;c)

TX_Mar2013 027

And yes, I did have people in line in the aisle next to me waiting their turn for the lavatory nearly the whole trip ---- but it gave me a chance to talk to others and answer their inquisitive questions like:

“What are you making?”
“Are you doing all of that by hand?”
“How big will it be?”
“How long will it take you?”
“How many pieces will it have?”
“My grandmother used to quilt!”
“What would you charge to make ME one?”

Yes folks, there is MUCH opportunity for promoting the art of quilting!  You just have to book yourself into seat 26D!

As you can tell by the photo above --- I plugged myself into catching up on a couple episodes of Downton Abbey, Season 2 while I stitched.  The two hour flight went by really fast!  And I’m making good progress with my hexies.  Only one problem.  I left the red ones at home :c/ 

Tomorrow’s class is Roll Roll Cotton Boll, and I have a plan to beg some red scraps from my students just so I have enough to do what I need to do!

TX_Mar2013 028

Baggage all spoken for!  YAY!

We met up with the guild girls at a terrific Mexican restaurant --- and spent a couple hours chatting and laughing and chip dunking and enjoying the evening.  And look what I spied on a trip to the ladies room? LOL!!

So – I have hexies and diamonds on the brain…can you blame me??

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I’m all tucked into my room for the night….there  will be more hexies to follow….but I bust out laughing the moment I walked into the room…Uhhhhhhhhhhh:

TX_Mar2013 030

Could you sleep with this outside your window?!?

HOUSTON!  We Have A Problem!!

TX_Mar2013 031

Problem solved!

G’night everyone!


Mary said...

OMG .. the coat hanger was such a great idea. I can't stop laughing!!!

Kelly said...

I'm sure that, after reading this post, the guild girls will have more red scraps for you than you ever hoped for!!! Have a great time. :)

Paula Z in AZ said...

I'd never have thought of the coat hanger ... you're a Genius! Sleep well :D

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

where did you get season two from - I checked on Netflix the other day and it wasn't available - do you have the dvd?

http://thankfullga447 said...

I love the hanger idea, I needed that 2 weeks ago when I was in Dallas. I am working on hexies also and love doing them.

crazy quilter said...

Welcome back to Texas! I have had that seat before and had pretty much the same experience with all the questions about what is being made. I usually travel with my hexeies also sine they are always ready to travel. Hope you have a wonderful time int Houston wish I lived farther south so I could join the fun!

Mary W Quilts said...

That's Awesome! I'll have to remember that next time I stay at the airport hotel. Have fun!!

giddy99 said...

The hanger is PURE GENIUS!

Anonymous said...

You clever girl! Where there's a will there's a way! :) Just think how many people on that plane will go home and see if they can find that quilt that gamma/aunt/insert name of relative made. Even if it's only one person... you've passed the ball onto someone else! Hope you enjoyed your Tex Mex!

mardigrasgirl said...

Great idea will try to remember it

mardigrasgirl said...

Great idea will try to remember it

Nann said...

Thanks for the coathanger tip!

Lori Huffman said...

You are a brilliant problem solver Bonnie! Way to go!

Lee said...

Love your problem solve !

Andee said...

I am sure some red scraps will be coming your way soon and you will have stitched memories of those gals into your hexi quilt!

Janet O. said...

Oh, you made me laugh. Very ingenious!

Judymc said...

The coat hanger is a great idea! I used to use my straight pins for holding the blackout drapes closed when I was working out of town. I just needed to remember to remove them so the maid wouldn't stick a finger!

joanold said...

What an ingenious method to keep the curtains closed. You are so resourceful. Love it!

Lynda said...

Lookig forward to seeing all the Roll, roll, cotton boll quilts - that was the first mystery I ever did with you. Just love that quilt!

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the maid's reaction will be to the floating hanger? On with the day....

Potpourri said...

Necessity is the Mother of invention, great use for the coat hanger.
Your hexes are lovely, great shades.
Enjoy Texas.

Becky G said...

I bought mine from Target over a year ago for $19+ tax. Hope you find it!

Anonymous said...

You're such an experienced traveler I guess you can figure out how to fix anything!!! Genius!

Loretta said...

I LOL when I saw the coat hanger! Good thinking! :)

The Calico Quilter said...

I only hope that wasn't a plane model with a jet engine in the center of the tail fin. I flew from Florida to Kentucky on one sitting in the last seat (which ended up being darned close to right under the jet!) and just about went deaf. And no earplugs to be had.

I love the hanger idea because I never feel that those motel drapes close very tightly - which creeps me out when there are people walking by right outside the window. I always carry safety pins in my "emergency pack" in my purse and have pinned the drapes closed in the past.

Material Girl said...

What an awesome idea to use a coat hanger, I never would have thought of that... hope you had a great sleep!

mtrquilts said...

Was your Tex-Mex meal by any chance at Ninfa's? Our gang eats there at least once a day when we go to Festival! Oh, yumm!

Karen in Kentucky said...

Did you know O'Brien is not going to come back for the next season? I can't imagine Downton without the mean old O'Brien!!! Oh well, as long as I have the Dowager Miss Maggie, I will survive!!!

Kevin the Quilter said...

Welcome to my world Bonnie!

Angeliasue said...

GREAT idea, Bonnie, to use the coat hanger to keep those curtains shut! My husband took note of the idea & said you were getting smarter by the minute! Wish I were there to take the Cotton Boll class. Those Texas gals are gonna have great fun!!

Carla said...

Okay inquiring minds what to know what Tex Mex did you hit? Darn you were in Houston and I didn't even know. It's funny how quilt blocks pop into everything we look at. Hope you had a pleasant trip.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear of this problem you had, but thank you for sharing. I had a good healthy chuckle....good for the soul. Happy New Year!!

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