She writes:
Tonight the cat and I are knitting instead of quilting. This sweater is going to take 100 years!I think all the best projects contain SOME pet-fur!
I think she looks a lot like Emmy Lou. She’s such a big help with both knitting and quilting! I have gray fur as integral parts of all my projects.
Let’s give new Quilt-Cam venue a try!
I’m really excited…we even went out and upped the speed of our internet in an effort to make it better for everyone.
I enjoy the time we spend on cam – and I’m even thinking of having “Guest” quilters on the cam from time to time, but before we venture there, I need some time to work out kinks and see how it goes.
Please know there will ALWAYS be variables.
My internet connection may wax and wane as may yours. It might be GREAT in Canada or Australia, but terrible reception in Indiana or Illinois. There is nothing I can do to fix it. Fuzzy picture, cutting out words, words that are not in synch with my mouth –nothing I can do about it.
I was SO frustrated with the negative response last session that I didn’t know whether I was going to give up all together or keep trying.
Of course I have to KEEP TRYING! But it will NEVER be perfect, and we just need to be happy we can connect this way at all.
Remember this --- my signal is being bounced around via satellite and ran through Google+ servers and bounced back to you via satellite and/or cable to where you are around the world and it is coming across as LIVE!! Think on what a MIRACLE this is….it blows my mind, seriously!
Ready to play? All you should have to do is click the arrow on the screen below and it should play live for you. And our session will be recorded and saved via YouTube for future reference!
This is the clearest best QuiltCam so far!
Also wanted to let you know that i pick up my new-to me 221 Featherweight tomorrow! YAY! Can't wait!
You're coming in loud and clear in BC, Canada. Everything looks good, a little blurrier than when you were on Ustream, but nothing I can't live with - after all I am upsizing you to a 19" screen!
My first time participating in quilt cam! Looking forward to the company as I piece.
Wow, this is great!! The best ever!!! YAY!
Cindy in NY
Hi. Can't stand the excitement. Quiltcam will be saved on YouTube!!! YAY, Happy dance.
It's working beautifully!!! THANKS!!
Connection great in East Texas, but only on my laptop. Kindle Fire says no can do. Anyone out there connecting via Kindle Fire and how?
Ana in East Texas
Thanks for all you do for your fans. I enjoy watching Quilt Cam and a glitch here and there doesn't matter to me. Glad to be able to hang out with you on a Friday night.
Looks good to me here in Cary (NC)!
Bonnie, youre looking great lagging at the fact it will be recorded on youtube......I can have you to sew with whenever I like LOL my family think I am nuts...but hey...thank you!!
Ann-Maree in Sydney Australia
I like your change to Google. Clear picture no jumping in your voice. Very nice to watch.Working on hexies while watching you. Enjoy your weekend.
Wow...I REALLY needed a distraction...oops, I meant "Something Happy" tonight...this is wonderful...thank you Bonnie. Coming thru Loud and Clear!
loving the google live! and excited to see that if i have to miss one, i can catch ya later! way to go Bonnie!
Working beautifully on my IPad .
What is the quilt behind you?
Just home from the Lancaster PA quilt show. Got your leaders and Enders book. Going to look through while watching you tonight. great feed !
This is the best connection yet that I've had on quilt cam! Thanks Bonnie. :)
Perfect timing for the neutral discussion. Do you change that at all for the pineapple crazy since the pieces are so small? That's what I'm working on now.
YAY Google +. Working fabulous. And thanks for the tutorial on the neutrals. :-)
Thank you. I was looking at a scrappy pattern today and it said neutrals and I didn't know what to use in my stash. Now I know.
Thanks so much. Great sound and video.
Upstate NY
I'm working on my hexies for the HGTV Hexie Swap. :)
Cool video!
Hi from Central Alberta! Great reception -- took a minute to start up but I think that's just my pokey old computer, not the program! I'm embroidering again tonight so I can watch and listen in.
You are looking great! Best connection ever! No lagging. Looking forward to seeing you in person in Portland. I'm taking your midnight flight class. Working on pulling fabrics tonight and finishing up my exchange blocks.
I can see you great!
Hello from Kalamazoo, Michigan I have passed your name to many fellow quilters here. Our big group is Kalamazoo Log Cabin Quilters Guild. Penni
Perfect. Best connection So far. No delays etc.
Cool video!
Coming in great!
Coming in loud and clear in Owego, NY. I'm working on your design "My Blue Heaven". Just sewed last row and am starting to work on the borders. Excited to see you again in May at your workshop in Glen Falls, NY.
Working great! Watching on my IPhone. Can't watch on my Kindle Fire like I usually do as it tells me I have to install adobe player which I don't know how to do on the Kindle. No biggie as my computer should be back from the "doctor" tomorrow!
Loveing it! DH came home and wants to go to Dinner now. Great that I can watch later. See you SOON!
Hi Bonnie! I'm working on piecing a baby quilt while enjoying Quilt Cam. Jane in Liberty Lake, Washington.
Just saw you were on and you are showing up wonderfully well here in Houston! Yippee!!
Great video and I agree about drawing lines!
I was on a mission today finding shirts to make Tumalo Trail and Holy Toledo. As I'm taking the buttons off I found one shirt with Rayon and Polyester. Can't use that, can I? Thanks for teaching us about the background fabric. Watching tonight is perfect. Thanks. Good to have you back home.
Jan in WI
QGA is in Lafayette, Louisiana and Sammie and I loved driving you around.
Hi Bonnie, coming in great in TX. Just finished a Grandpa's Star with bonus triangles. Will be donated to a local abused children ministry. These quilts are theirs forever and something they can call their own.
Coming in clear as a bell on my iPhone -completely in sync! I love that I can catch you on YouTube when I have to be out.
You're coming thru loud and clear in Idaho. I'm working on a scrappy triangle quilt top. Hundreds of triangles to sew together tonight. Love your blog. Evelyn
Looks good here in New Zealand too :-) Next time are you able to make the embedded screen bigger (like in you quilt cam tab). I'd like you bigger but not full screen, as then you are a bit blurry.
Hi Bonnie, this is great! Loud and clear in western New York! Working on cheddar bowties and watching you! Furry kitty friend Henri sitting here and keeping me company.
I just turned you on here in St. Louis and it is a perfect picture and the sound is very clear too. I can even hear your sewing machine above your music. Yay for the new system.
Jumpy for me but the benefit for us is that we can go back and watch you later. Am having lunch ham,cheese and tomato and sewing hexing while watching here Pauline Lentsment in Horsham Australia
I sm on my fire and working great
Lunchtime Saturday here - a great time for quilt cam. The men are out working on a bore pump so I'm working on Easy Street and hanging out with you!
Lorraine in Gilgandra Australia
hi Bonnie. Luv the foot pedal tip.
Love the new quilt cam....great pic and sound...working on a denim apron =)
Love sewing bonus triangles!! I agree, must do it at the time or it never gets done :)
Happy Quilting from Pleasant Hill, Oregon
everything sounds/looks great. Working on a donation quilt for Relay for Life
Today, so my foot pedal won't slip, I put the under side of a bath mat on the outside instead of the rug. Seems to help the foot pedal stay put. Love the no commercials. Gale/Oklahoma
It is so nice to spend Friday evening with you instead of the investers on Shark Tank :)
I am not quilting, but sewing together 48 travel tissue holders for favors for a bridal shower. I plan on piecing all day tomorrow in celebration of National Quilt Day. My QBees (quilting buddies) will are be here for the day too! What a way to spend the day.
Miss Carol in Ohio
Too tired to quilt or do anything at all this evening. Spent all day at our guild quilt show hanging quilts. My feet are complaining and my back and arm muscles are not much happier. Ibuprofen was the order of the day when I got home, plus frozen pizza for dinner. Too tired to cook. Just watching tonight. Coming in loud and clear, though. No delays.
Best and clearest feed in Spokane Valley, WA.
As always, thank you so much for all you do for us. You are such and inspiration to us. I'm tidying up my sewing room and sorting and possibly cutting some scraps.
I'm working on a disappearing 9 patch tonight - alternating between 2 blocks at a is the leader and ender for the other. I learned that from you and share the technique with everyone who will listen.:-) I'm cranking out blocks like a crazy woman. Quiltcam is working great for me. What quilt are you working on tonight?
Did you get a new sewing chair? It looks comfy! :)
Good luck on your gluten free diet, Bonnie. I have to have another knee replacement April 8th then a shoulder replacement a couple months after that. I may have to try that myself.
Bonnie, you are lookin' good and soundin' better than ever! Woo Hoo, I think you have a winner with Google+! Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! (you did say you had chicken for dinner right?) LOL! I'm working on cutting fabric for a Quilt of Valor project.
This quilt cam is a winner! I adore the quilt behind you. I will have to watch quilt cam from the beginning so I can hear all about it.
Hi Bonnie, Loving the Hangout! What is your opinion of the colour "black" in a baby scrap quilt? I'm working on one now and am really waffling on including black. Cheers....Stephanie in Pickering, Ontario
Yay! I am loving Googleplus!!!
Julie in Alabama
Quiltcam is coming in loud and clear here in Burlington, Ontario. I'm working on my second scrsppy trip around the world. A great way to spend a Friday night.
Bonnie how do you figure the measurements for the corner triangles? I am making 9patches that finish at 31/2 inches what size should i cut the squares for the star points? Thanks for all you do
Bonnie T in Va.
Watching you here in Central Texas. OK I give in. Because you are friends with Mickey Depre I took her workshop on hexi's two weeks ago and I find I am loving making them. I like regular ones with conversationals and I like the pieced ones too.
Right now sitting and listening to you and cutting conversational fabric cats so they will be ready to work on this weekend.
Bonnie, I'm wondering if any of your viewers know a way to watch Quilt-cam on their TV screens instead of the smaller computer screens. I used to use Roku but so far haven't figured a way to get this on the TV. Google Plus doesn't come through on Youtube and my TV isn't one of the newer smart TVs that can access the Internet. I love the picture and the sound that is coming through tonight.
It was a great connection while it lasted. But that was a pretty abrupt ending. Oops.
Hi. Bonnie,,,,, just the "voice" of your nova reminds me of the voice of my granny.s machine when I was a little girl,,,,funny how a certain machine has a certain voice ,,,,thanks for the great flashback!!!! You're coming thru so clear today!!! Love it!!! Thanks, lyn
Thank you for quilt cam. I enjoy it so much!
Funny I was just going to ask what you were using to draw lines and you said it. I need to get some of those pens! Having fun watching from West Seneca NY
And we're back!
Lookin' good. Your mouth and the sound match!!
At work crochetimg along with you between phone calls. Can't wait to get home to my machine; ;-)
Hi Bonnie, love the new quilt cam. Tomorrow I am going to buy a new sewing machine. I love the Brother machines and I am going to buy a PQ1500S. And also probably a Gracie II quilting frame. The quilt shop owner found 1 new in box in her back room and is offering it to me for a great price.
Best quilt cam ever....Am quilting a king sisters choice.Loving it!
wish I could see you in Portland next week. Enjoy your time in the Rose City.
Hi Bonnie, I missed when you were talking about the pen you're using. Can you tell me what it is? Quilt cam is wonderful tonight.
Coming in great here, no sewing tonight, having fun Just watching and listening after a long day
Enjoyed quilt cam tonight. Especially the no commercials part.
Hope to tune in on Monday.
Quiltcam was great tonight here in Las Vegas, NV!
Hi,from Ontario Canada. Love your quilt cam. First time leaving a comment.
Missed most of quilt cam tonight, but you were coming in clear on the new quilt cam. Enjoy you time with hubby in the hot tub. Hope to be able to catch you next week.
you were coming in great on my desktop... but I can't figure how to work this on my kindle. does anyone have any hints for me???
TEXAS is here, wendy, Baytown Area Quilt Guild. Quilt cam is awesome compared to my 1st one the other day that I thought was live. lol.
Quilt Cam was awesome tonight, my third time to get to tune in. I am so glad you will have it on UTube!
Have a great weekend in the mountains!
I'll have to try it out tomorrow. Really looking forward to it. Started quilting my Easy Street tonight. I bought thread yesterday at the Lancaster AQS show. Today I browsed the Quilt Odyssey program for Hershey in July. Hope to see you for Jamestown landing. Signed up to be a helper, hope I make it!!
I didn't realize you were on You Tube, listening to one of your videos right now, thanks Bonnie you are the greatest!!
nice video & blog
Love that quilt cam is archived. Thanks again!
How wonderful, Bonnie!! Now we can watch quilt cam even if we missed the live broadcast!! Hurray. Thank you so much.
I worked today. You ended tonight's quilt cam about the time I got off work. So it is a real pleasure to be watching the archived version. Live is better, but since it can't always be that way, archived is great!
You sound really good tonight. I think this Google+ Hangout is agreeing with you! I stopped drinking all diet sodas and most other sodas about the same time you did. I have pain/inflamation issues myself. So I am following your efforts with interest.
I got registered for your opening night presentation at the QM Block Party next week. Kicking myself for not having the funds to register for your classes when registration first opened up. I am so excited to get to see you and hopefully meet you!
Congrats for success with Google Plus! While Quilt Cam was on, I was interrupted by hungry family. Was able to pause, and come back and not miss a thing! Hurray! I won't miss quilt cam while working nights anymore!
Thanks for the neutral tip! Boy, that really cleared things up for me in a big way! Still following you on Sister's Choice. Using bright rainbow colors for the points. My 4 year old granddaughter Addi has claimed this quilt for her own!
A million thanks for all that you do!
PS- you little sewing machine seam guide has really made a big difference! That and the credit card trick!
How wonderful to get home from a full day of tutorials and lectures at uni and find a Google + quiltcam! I'm taking some time out from assignment writing to listen to you and sew down the binding on a little quilt for the top of my washing machine.
lovelovelove! now I can catch you EVERY time from the UK! wooohoo!
I'm having sound :-(
An easy way to do half-square triangles. I first heard of it through Fons & Porter but here is a quick short video. Maybe it will work for you too.!
I know I've always been able to stream UStream on my ATT broadband, which is never more than 1/2 it's potential, but not if the view screen is maximized, only when it is at that normal space in the center of the page. Maximized is hopeless. Just saying, as that might be where problems are generated for someone else.
thanks for all you do!
Archives...So Cool! Sharyn in Kalama
Wow! Great and an applause for Google+!!
Now I'm able to watch you (oke, not live...). But while I'm quilting the "In my Garden", I can watch and learn from you!
Great explanation about neutrals!
Love, Ria
(the Netherlands)
Wonderful! It's Saturday afternoon, and I have just watched quilt-cam :)I'm in Norway, so it is really a treat to be able to watch each and every quilt-cam that will be done.
I really apreciate what you are doing!
Terrific sound and reception and THANK YOU so much Bonnie.
Bonnie Honey! I haven't yet looked at the youtube but your picture of quiltcam on the blog shows a very skinny YOU! If this is the cam and not you I am going to get myself on a cam somewhere fast! LOL!
I love the fact that now we can watch the live feed the day after!!!! Yippeee!!!
Recieving you well in the mountains of East TN.
Can I add this litle note? Folks, Bonnie is doing these bradcasts free tous and we all need to be pjakltient as we can be. There hVebeen times when I was unable to get QuiltCam. I know the frstration. THINK before you blast Bonniefor something she has no control over, ok?
WEall learnso muchfor heroenheartedgivingway ofsharing l..there should beTHANK YOU ineach post ,
Opppps sorry for tHose typos looking words. IPAD is trying to THINK for me lol
I just watched you on YouTube; I couldn't watch last night. Wow, this is great. Thank you for not giving up. LOL
watched on you tube Saturday afternoon. this is good. when I miss you live I can watch the next day .
Bonnie, another fan of the new video feed.I'm in the UK and loved being able to watch later on YouTube! I need to work out if I can download the video to my Android phone, that would be awesome to watch whilst I'm out of wifi range!
Bonnie, another fan of the new video feed.I'm in the UK and loved being able to watch later on YouTube! I need to work out if I can download the video to my Android phone, that would be awesome to watch whilst I'm out of wifi range!
Very clear video feed. Looking at this on 3/16. Wahoo!
Bonnie! just looking at you you remind me of Meryl Streep! You’re the Meryl Streep of the Quilting world
Great feed, just watched you at 6am this morning in the UK whist hand sewing my Isle of Man log cabin in bed, early bird lazy Sunday indulgence. I'm lovin' this, thank you!
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