
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jan 23rd Quilt Cam!

Well, yes.  It came home!

The gentleman selling the machine was SO nice….he said that the machine belonged to his next-door neighbors mother and she had it since it was new. 

That makes me either the 2nd or the 3rd owner as there was no discussion on whether the son or daughter or their family sewed on it!

I asked him if he knew what his neighbor’s mother’s name was – and he said he would try to find out for me.  If he calls fine –I’ll name the machine after her, but if he doesn’t call, I’m sure we can come up with something!

vintagemachines 037

Back to Back treadles!

Now when friends come over, we can both treadle away to beat the band.

There wasn’t enough time to do more than wipe the machine down and give it some much needed oil because it was pretty gunked up.  I won’t be sewing on it tonight….I have to monkey with the bobbin winder because it’s not making good contact right now.  It’s a  bullet shuttle and long bobbin ((Not a shuttle bobbin as I was corrected repeatedly the other day!)) and I’m not very skilled at winding those – YET!  Just you wait – I’m going to get that mastered!

I will be sewing on the Red Eye tonight…I’ve got more string geese to finish!  Tonight should do it on the number I need to finish the center, and then I’ll start thinking of how to set them, and what to do for borders. This has NOT made a dent in the string bucket!

Oh, and our winner for the Quiltmaker Giveaway!!  BECKY!!

She wrote:

Becky has left a new comment on your post "Lazy Sunday Sneak Preview! Give-Away!": 
My last semester of grad school I was out of tuition money and not sure how I was going to pay for it. I got a letter in the mail that I won a $10000 scholarship that I forgot I had applied for. My luck day! 

Congrats, Becky!  Email me and send your snail mail address and we will get your goodies right off to you!

Want to come join me?  Bring a project!  I’m turning on the cam in the studio for a while!

You can leave a comment in the comment section below, or leave one in the guest book by clicking the blue guest book button in the left hand side bar, While I can't answer them all ---I do pick randomly and try to answer questions and comments as I sew!


Thearica said...

woo-hoo!! I have been upstairs putting together some packages of fabric and other yummy goodies to send to some friends and cut out 7 coin purses while I was up there. Just happened to go on Facebook and saw you post! I missed a few Quilt Cams when we did about 4 weeks of traveling over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. So glad I could come for a bit tonight.

Kevin the Quilter said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie! And many, many more! Yay for you on your newest member of your sewing family! It looks beautiful! Going to de-bone some shirts tonight during QuiltCam. Hope everybody enjoys their evening tonight!

Debbie said...

Happy birthday, Bonnie! Beautiful machine! In the last quilt cam you were talking about WAZE. Did you know that it's an Israeli invention? We've been using it since it began. It's the most useful app you can install on your smartphone ever. We can tell you many stories like the one you told about that detour trip with your father. Enjoy your new machine! Debbie in Jerusalem

kwiltnkats said...

Sounds like you are rocking out on your Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Quilt Cam Birthday Edition. So nice of you to spend some of your birthday sewing with us. Hope you Birthday week is all you wanted and more. Tonight I'm sewing my binding on "Easy Street".
Upstate NY

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie! I hope you had a wonderful day. I love your new machine - she looks very elegant. I've been piecing backings for all my flimsies over the last few days so now I'm going to sit in the air condigtioning and watch you sew. Sounds a bit creepy LOL.

Margaret said...

Hi Bonnie,

So glad to be with you for your Birthday Quilt Cam! And what a prezzie you bought yourself today, eh? May you get her up and running smoothly soon, and may she bring you many hours of treadling fun. :-)

P.S. Only got to be here tonight because it's too stormy to drive out to music practice (25 miles away). Snow and blowing snow here in Central Alberta!

simplestitchesbysp said...

What a way to spend your Birthday! Thank you! Love the new machine!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Happy Birthday! I love your birthday present.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie, I'm enjoying the video so much, Thanks for the enjoyable time. Your new machine looks great, you sure deserved it. Yes the audio is a tad behind, it's still great though.

Vicki said...

Hi Bonnie
Happy Birthday,what a great treadle, I have one out in the garage,do not have much space to set it up. I am busily working away quilting my Grannies hexies on the fly quilt.I plan to a kids quilt in bright scrap for the geese ,thinking maybe blue for the wings. Any ideas?

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Wow-You found another place to put the new treadle! We can get very creative when we have to do so!!!
working on putting pages into page protectors! Have several inches pulled from magazines and don't want them to get messed up!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

I forgot to tell you that I finally finished piecing my Easy Street top. I need to get fabric for the backing and can't wait to get it quilted. I love the colors and the pattern you created.

Stephanie Newman said...

Happy birthday girl!! I'm at home with sick kids who have chickenpox, so I'm housebound till they are not contagious...
bummer, but at least I'm assembling a scrappy trips I started over 2 years ago. What a great way to recycle scraps, thanks so much!!

Mary said...

Hi Bonnie. This is Mary in Canada. I have you on the laptop as I piece a back for a baby quilt. Doing ten and a half inch blocks of all my juvenile fabrics.

Lakegaldonna said...

It's the first time I could catch Quiltcam and my iPad wont load it. Have fun ladies and Bonnie, happiest of birthdays to you.

kwiltnkats said...

look at that knee going!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Happy birthday Bonnie! It's Colleen in Lewisville. I love your new machine, so pretty. I'm working on my second Scrappy trip around the world. I made a baby quilt first and now am using some forties repro strips I had left over from another project in a rainbow of color. I threw in some kona coal and it sets of the bright cheery prints nicely.

Tazzie said...

Hi there Bonnie hon, it's around 100f here in Adelaide, so I'm staying in and sewing along with you!
Hope to get my Mrs Billings kite borders assembled today.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, your new treadle looks like the one I just got. Mine belonged to my father in laws mother. 1909. I have been loving it. Had it all checked out, cleaned the cabinet and it was ready to go.

Thearica said...

Bonnie... The 5 can soup was really delicious!! You should try it... I made Mexican cornbread to go with it and we made pigs of ourselves. Butch finished it for supper while I had a tomatoe and lettuce on a bun.

I am glad that your birthday has been so terrific!

scrapsgalore said...

Hi Birthday Girl! Sounds like a fun day for you! The soup you just mentioned is how we do it for our quilting at the cabin days sometimes - each one brings a can of soup, her choice, and adds it to my crockpot of potatoes, carrots,& chicken broth--we used to call it hobo stew in Texas, always comes out tasting good! I first heard it called "Stone Soup" as in, the hobo had a stone in a pot of boiling water, and everyone who came along added what they could to it in the way of vegetable until it became good soup!

Mrs MomMegan Craftsalot said...

I was reading your past blog posts trying to figure out if your beautiful machine quilting was freehand or pantograph before you bought the compu quilter. I have been free hand long arm quilting for a year and I want mine to look like yours.

Grace said...


Janet O. said...

Hey, Birthday girl! I loved hearing that you sometimes mash a twisted seam flat with your iron. I always look over my shoulder for the quilt police when I do that. : )
I'm working on my first wool applique project while I watch. I keep looking up at you and stabbing my finger.

craftymary's blog said...

Thanks Bonnie I got my leaders and enders book today I am still working on easy street all the A blocks are together and went back to fix my 4 patches before I started on B blocks

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Happy birthday Bonnie! It's Colleen in Lewisville. I love your new machine, so pretty. I'm working on my second Scrappy trip around the world. I made a baby quilt first and now am using some forties repro strips I had left over from another project in a rainbow of color. I threw in some kona coal and it sets of the bright cheery prints nicely.

bucksmama said...

This is really cool to see you sewing on a treadle...I have been trying to learn on mine but recently closed it and forgot to dis-lodge the belt. Guess what?? It broke. Do you have a web store you are fond of to find replacement parts?
Thank You and Happy Birthday!!
Terry from Nebraska

Anonymous said...

Hey, Bonnie! Thanks for doing quilt cam on your birthday. That's very sweet of you. :) I'm working on my sister's choice quilt and I'm using Easy Street as the leaders and enders. I haven't been using leaders and enders very long, but I love seeing the progress on something that I'm not focusing on. It's definitely worth the little bit of time to prepare something rather than using an old scrap of fabric that gets thrown away.

-Bobbi in MT

SubeeSews said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie...I made 150 Flying geese with 300 bonus triangles...all from a wild assortment of batiks!

Kat said...

Happy Birthday today! What a great way to spend your birthday with everyone. Thank you for being company whenever I'm on the computer doing books, right now it's year end books.
I am interested in going on the Alaska cruise and need a cabin mate as well. Please forward my email to the lady that is still looking for a cabin mate. It just so happens that I am from Calgary Alberta as well.

Quilter Kathy said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie!
SO great to hear you treated yourself to a such a special gift on your birthday!
I am sewing Easy Street blocks tonight...about half way done now!

Gwen said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie! I just finished my Easy Street flimsy and am watching Quilt Cam while I stay-stitch the edges. Then comes the not so fun part - cleaning up all those raveling threads on the back before taking it to the long armer. Thanks so much for this mystery quilt-a-long; it has been such fun!

Tammy said...

Happy Birthday, Bonnie! Love your new friend (wink, wink). (music is a little loud) What a find! I'm working on placemats this evening.

Robyn of Coffee and Cotton said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie!
I am just watching because I've been in bed all day not feeling well. You've saved me from watching another cooking show! I may have missed your explanation ... Is your Singer treadle a vibrating shuttle? I have a German made Vesta treadle and haven't used it yet and wonder what it's like to wind those long skinny bobbins

Eccles said...

'Tis your birthday?? Well, Happy Birthday!! I hope you've had a lovely day. I love your singer treadle. She's gorgeous. My DH found & bought a "Brash" treadle for me. I've been Googling it, but I've not found much info. It's a shuttle bobbin. (I think). So much to learn.
Carol (In a very hot Melbourne)

Unknown said...

Boy am I weird, watching movie with husband while looking ar you on cam.

debgiggles said...

happy Birthday!! First quilt cam I've caught. Love the new machine.

marilyn said...

Hi ! Bonnie ..Working on Easy Street...want you to know your enthusium for vintage machines has me working on getting Gr.Grandmas'
treadle up and running..she's an Improved Family pre-15 made 1888, Scotland. I last sewed on her 30 yrs ago...not a beauty...but she is family !
Wish me luck !

Andee said...

So happy my friend Becky (that you just met a few weeks ago!) won the giveaway...WHOOT. Watching quiltcam--happy night here in AZ!

Linda H said...

Hi Bonnie, Sending you warm Birthday Wishes from very cold eastern Canada. It's minus 38 C with the wind chill tonight. Brrr. Good night to be sewing!! I'm string piecing border for my Turkey Tracks! Linda

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous machine! I've been on the lookout for a treadle since I let the other one get away, and a Sphinx has been on my list of the "good" ones! Enjoy!

Unknown said...

Was at an auction on Saturday. Two treadle machines were sold for $25 cnd each. Couldn't believe it. Yes, both machines worked.

AmyDe said...

Happy day to you. It sounds like you're having a wonderful week! I'm working on easy street. My goal is to have it finished before you are at the guild here in ga in February! Hope it truly is the best year ever!

Stephanie Newman said...

Bonnie those scratches and corrosion on your 66 treadle bobbin cover you can remove by removing the cover, spray on some WD40 and leave for a few moments. Then sand with some wet and dry sandpaper that is nice and fine. You'll be able to smooth it off nicely and improve its performance and appearance.
These old machines are so much fun, even when the pretty decals get worn down. Just think how much sewing she's done already to loose that much paint? And she's sewing great still, What a life!

Vicki said...

Woo-Hoo! What a PAIR!!! Congrats! and a very Happy Birthday to you!!

Myrna said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie! Enjoying QuiltCam tonight while working on a mug rug for my first paper pieced project.

Bev @ kwiltpharm said...

Just found the pages from the QM j/F 2008 that is your Blue Ridge Beauty pattern! My Quiltmakers are missing lots of pages when I am done with them! Love your patterns!

Louise said...

I love the treadle...I have a Red Eye in that exact same cabinet, that I've had for about 7 years. One of my goals this year is to learn to sew on it! I hope all the parts work.
Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Bonnie! Enjoying watching you use your treadle machine. I learned to sew on one as a very young child--wish I had it now!

Mary said...

Wow, what fun to have back to back treadles. I am glad it came home with you. The decals are so pretty on those, are they called Sphinx machines? Love seeing the, but I'm afraid of the different bobbins. Happy Birthday to YOU! 51 years young.

rondiquilts said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie, glad to be sharing it with you. I love idea of a vacation home! I am 51 too, we were growing up at same time. My fondest memories are summers in Lake Toxaway, how far is that from you? My great Aunt and Uncle are from Naples, Florida and have had a home in Lake Toxaway for over 40 years. They go in spring and back to Florida in late fall. Beautiful area if when 2 hours of you. Also my husband and I for the last 7 years on vacations have stayed in rented homes, etc. Its the way to go.

lisa shenk said...

Happy Birthday, Bonnie! I just heard you mention my friend Connie! I live about half an hour south of Holton, KS. I had to giggle at your story about getting in the wrong van today. My mother in law did that at the local Walmart, she got into a car with a man sitting behind the wheel (she had left my father in law doing the same thing, waiting in the car for her) She actually got in and turned to the man to talk to him, imagine her surprise! My father in law saw the whole thing and thought it was hilarious! I am sure we all have done something similar, but I always giggle when I think of that!

Cousin Jill said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie! I'm looking forward to going to my mom's and using her treddle machine...it's what I learned to sew on!

Not Lucy said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie!

I am lucky I don't have to justify sewing machine purchases to my husband either. He has actually purchased more than I have. He has also taught himself how to fix them so I have my own personal repair guy. I don't even have to oil my own machine!

I am working on getting the rows of my One Block Wonder quilt together. I started it Saturday at a class and I am excited to have it all together.


Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Hi again I had to share this Instagram pic I took of my sewing , catand you on tv!

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Oops forgot the link http://www.flickr.com/photos/luckyduckdreams/8409298645/in/photostream and here are my giant 16" scrappy trips http://www.flickr.com/photos/luckyduckdreams/8406338939/in/photostream/ . Thanks for giving me sewing company

simplestitchesbysp said...

Great Grandmas old treadle machine is worn and weary. The belt is long gone. How do I measure for a new one. All the feet in it's wonderful puzzle box are here. She dates according to the Singer site 1898. Really would like to get her going again. Thanks for any points in the right direction.

Centergranny said...

This is the first time I have watched QuiltCam! I love it, it is like being in a class with you! Happy Birthday!-- sandy G

Louise said...

Name for the Sphinx? Cleo, as in Cleopatra!

gail.designs said...

Bonnie, a very happy birthday to you! I just finished sewing together three rows of my Jamestown Landing quilt. Two rows to go. Can't wait to finish the quilt body and start on the string border. Question, I didn't have a large variety of neutral strings, so I used the back of the fabric in some of my blocks. So far, like the look and not one of my sewing buddies has noticed or they are just too nice to say anything..
Gail in Verona

Unknown said...

I'm so happy to watch you treadle tonight. I just inherited my Busia's (grandmother's) treadle machine. Ive only cleaned and started to set up so far, but my wish is to make quilt on it soon! All the parts are there except the key to lock it, but I found one on eBay. You are inspiring me.
Oh she was made in the roaring twenties 1927 and was bought through a traveling salesman that came to the little town in Wyandotte, MI. One of his receipts was still in the drawer with his calling card. I love the memorabilia.

Kim said...

Hi Bonnie. Happy Birthday. I'm prepping for my first Scrap Happy club meeting at our local quilt shop in Wylie Texas. On the first class agenda - Leaders and Enders & Bonus Triangles. I'm excited to share you will my club members. Also...last week I finally finished my Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll. I love it! Thanks for all you do to inspire and motivate us quilters.

Kathryn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathryn said...

When and how do you remove paper?

sawsan said...

How can I send u a picture and some information about my work

Its 7 35 AM how much is 2 u talking about

Glady said...

Happy, happy birthday, Bonnie. My granddaughter's birthday is tomorrow, the 24th. I hope you have quilt cam at night Friday, since I'll be working all day. If you do, I'll work on my Easy Street. All my pieces parts are made, and I'm starting my blocks. Two done and the block size measured right on 15 and 1/2; so far so good. Yea!

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm making progress on Easy Street. One of my friends posted a picture of her first B block, and it looks great. I'm about half finished with the A blocks, but after seeing hers I had to switch over and piece one B block just to see it. Love it!! Thank you!

rondiquilts said...

Bonnie,Lake Toxaway is in western NC, on a man made lake, beautiful. I just looked it up on mapquest. Looks like it is I-40 W from you, 3 hours and 50 minutes. Just south of Asheville. Of note, Lake Toxaway has been talked up in the media the last year. The Hunger Games was filmed in and around the area. Beautiful mountains, valleys, and lots of waterfalls. If not too far you may want to check on it. And its not touristy either.

scrapsgalore said...

Hi again, I talked about the soup and forgot to tell you; I finished the Easy Street top today--thinking about the borders now. Also, while I enjoy quiltcam, I've taken up my knitting again after many years of neglecting it! Need a warm scarf for these cold winter days! And, you said you weren't going to use ebay anymore for machines, understand that, just got a FW that was damaged in the mail, and trying to resolve that - it may become a candidate to paint for my friend I got it for. In Dec tho, I scored a white FW in mint condition, just needed threads removed from the bobbin area and oiled up, she purrs like a kitten, love it! I shall call her "Fancy" she's so pretty! Not that I will neglect my other two FWs, bought one each in Texas and Arkansas. Also have a treadle, and handcrank, a 1956 Singer 15- (my original machine that I always go back to!)Not to mention two Berninas that I also love! I told my machine guy that I wasn't a collector, but he and his quiltshop wife/quilter/machine collector insist that I am, when they count up the ones I have! Oh, yes we have six or is it seven out in the quilt cabin for the quilt group ladies to use on quilting days. Next Tuesday, I plan to do your scrappy trips, help them get started on it, anyway! I will have a birthday soon, too (it amazes me to keep finding things that you and I have in common!)I'm also Aquarius - 8 Feb - only I've have a lot more birthdays than you - you are the same age as my youngest daughter. I had two kids, too. Sadly, I lost my firstborn in a car wreck in 2005 - only my quilting and friends have kept me from the edge on that one! She was born when I was 18 - we grew up together, and it still hurts so much, why am I telling you this, but feel like you are an understanding friend, thanks for all you do - Carol

Material Girl said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie, glad you had a great day and congratulations on your new machine, thanks for doing quiltcam on your birthday, it's always so nice to spend an evening with you in my sewing room... I didn't sew a darn thing tonight tho, just watched and listened. Thanks for explaining the reason behind the paper when doing string quilts, I was wondering the same thing, I've never done a string quilt, so I'm going to have to give it a try now.
Hope you enjoy your hot tub time, I'm wishing I could be in mine tonight, but we're stormed in here tonight, big snow storm and very cold 42k winds blowing all day here in Saskatchewan, not a nice night to sit in the hot tub at all.

Nane said...

Happy birthday Bonnie...the new machine is great I have two treadles now. One that should work and one that may be too far gone but at least I know who can help me set them up one day. I made my first sewing project ever on a treadle. Mon thought it was safer to learn that way I guess.

Tammy said...

I thik those machines are absolutely gorgous. How lucky you are to own those pieces of history. conn_and_vans_mom(at)yahoo(dot)com

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