
Saturday, January 26, 2013

iPhone-o-Gram! Yes, We Have No Bananas!

Is there a current run on bananas that I am unaware of?

I am out picking up just a few groceries and one of the things on my list is bananas!

The couple of measly bananas left on the shelf at Walmart will not do the job I need them to do!

Of all the things to run out of, who would think they would run out of bananas on a Saturday?

I guess the banana bread will have to wait –

Out of bananas? Have you ever heard of such a thing? Seriously?


Debra said...

yes! and when I do find them they're green.

Teri said...

That is not a great price either. Beats me?!

Lee said...

lol, and I was going to say I thought it WAS a good price as around here they're more like 65-69 cents a pound! Did you know you can freeze ripe or overripe bananas in the skin to save for when you want to make banana bread? No need to peel, just toss them into the freezer as is.

Jackie said...

Plenty in Ohio today!

Unknown said...

I just made 4 loaves of banana bread and I even threw in walnuts and chocolate chips! I have to say my 16 year old and the neighbor LOVE me! I always have some bananas in the freezer, also just scored an apple bag full of not totally over ripe bananas for 99 cents. Also I always go to Kwik trip and they sell potatoes, bananas and onions for 39 cents a pound. All day every day. Sorry Bonnie- I feel your pain!

Paula Z in AZ said...

I can't believe the prices of bananas!! I have to agree, they seem to be in limited supply, and in your case very limited just 2 :( Hopefully you were not wanting to bake anything.

scraphappy said...

I just got back from the store with a nice bunch of bananas. I always try to through the brown ones in the freezer for Banana bread later. Nothing better than warm banana bread with butter.

Unknown said...

That is crazy !


JaNae said...

That silly kids song popped into my head with this. " Yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today"

Lisa said...

At .57 cents a pound I can understand being out of bananas. I'd stock up at that price.

Anonymous said...

Wow - that's so cheap! We pay 5 times that here in Oz and we grow them here :-S

50 and counting said...

The lousy weather in the Carribbean destroyed much of the banana crop. Never saw on the entire time we were in Jamaica.

Oh, and they are .77cents/lb in my part of the world.

sewnsew said...

YES! We have no bananas,
We have no bananas today.
We've string beans and HON-ions,
Cab-BAH-ges and scallions
And all kinds of fruit, and say
We have an old fashioned to-MAH-to,
Long Island po-TAH-to,
But YES! We have no bananas.
We have no bananas today

Kathi Kraftyzales said...

I have banana trees and freeze then. They taste better than store bought. Taste like apples and bananas combined.

Margaret said...

Just for you, m'dear...The Original:


I do hope that link works! It's YouTube...and Spike Jones. Enjoy@ :-)

Barb in Mi said...

Sounds like East Germany during the "times of the wall"...

Deborah said...

Any road races being run in your area? There was one at the reservoir here in Jackson, MS and they offered bananas as after race snack.

Angie said...

Plenty in No. Calif. but not at 57 cents a pound. At that price I'm sure that is why there was a run on them.

Janice said...

In Ontario, Canada I paid 79 cents at Walmart today. The shelf was full.

Mary Ellen said...

Go to Aldi's. 24 cents per pound. Nuff said.

Kim said...

Did you know that bananas are the most popular fruit in the world?
gotta say I love them but they are getting more expensive all the time.

I bet you can find some tomorrow :0), maybe the produce stocker stayed home with a cold today.

Happy Sewing

Kelly said...

I'm allergic to bananas, so you can all enjoy them for me.

The Thimblemouse of Country Crossroads said...

Weird...our Wallyworld had very slim picken's too today

Anonymous said...

Wow the prices listed here are all over the place. Here they range from about .53 to 57. cents pound.

Could it be so many folks are sick with the flu and that virus...bananas are soft food. And banana bread also gets them in you tasty and soft to.

When we see them, they are ghreen. But that is usually because they have been sold out, and restocked.


rondiquilts said...

Useless piece of brain flotsom here, but I read once that bananas are Walmarts biggest seller. Sell more bananas then anything else in store. If you notice when you are checking out, most everyone around you has bananas in their buggie. Here they are 52 cents a pound. What movie did you go see? My husband and I couldn't make up our mind plus we were passing the theatre at the in between time.

Maria said...

Ok.. I am in shock at the price of bananas in your part of the world. I know it is for a pound and we do kg here in Sweden but if I were to buy bananas here it would cost me 3$ a kg which is 19,90 swedish kr (and converting kg to pounds would be 1.5$/pound I think) and that is still considered a good price here!

Pauline said...

In the Walmart store in Uvalde, Texas they are very frequently out of something popular and it may take weeks for an item to be restocked. Very frustrating. But, usually they have bananas.

Irene Onderweegs said...

Would like to stock up your bananas. They are about $3 a kilo over here.... equals $1,40 a pound.
See that we all are ready to go bananas LOL!
Remember: banana's are c.o.m.f.o.r.t food! That's what we need, comfort, maybe a (yellow!) quilt around our shoulders would do the same trick?
Raining cats and dogs over here, no men raining today. Just one man in our new bathroom that is =^} working around to get it ready for concrete floor pouring out....
I'll have some coffee now, comforts as well!
Love from a very wet and windy Amsterdam, almost all snow gone

Sandra Henderson said...

THey are a little higher here too and we are near the ports. Maybe that is why... such a good price. My poor hubby has been living off them for months now while his teeth situation gets resolved. Saw a show where an older lady had some odd disease way back when.. she ate two bananas a day for the first 5 years of her life. Poor thing. Point is, they are a PERFECT FOOD. I like to get them as green as I can since they ripen so fast and we throw so many away, hard to find here.

SandraC said...

I am in Ontario and the other day the banana section and cooking onion sections were bare! Took me by surprise.

VA said...

Last weekend I was shocked to find our local grocery store was out of bananas. They're about 65 cents a pound here. Now that song's stuck in my head!!!! :-) (and I don't even LIKE bananas!)

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

I read an article somewhere that Wal*Mart is having problems getting full orders in. Are there actual shortages or is it a ploy to raise prices? Who knows.

Soosan said...

That's what I was going to say:) My freezer has about 6 old bananas just sitting there waiting on the next call for banana bread:)

Cathorse said...

My husband grows ours and he got a bunch with 231 bananas.We shared with family and neighbors. They get cheaper here in Oz when there is a glut. But never that cheap.

Dora, the Quilter said...

Last week and the week before our local stores were out of bananas. Also, for the last two weeks, grapes, when we can find them, have been over $2.50 per pound. I resorted to paying almost %6.00 for 24 ounces of blueberries, because I can take just a few ounces a day and still have fresh fruit.

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