
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

On the Menu Today ----

We have our choice of jello, clear juice, beef broth or chicken broth, gatorade, more jello ----

And clearer living through pharmaceuticals!

Oh, and popsicles ---but I don’t have those yet.  Someone is supposed to bring them home for me!

Yes, I can add tea to this.

Oh, and gum and hard candies as long as nothing has red food coloring in it.

See that bottle of sparkling cider?

I was saving that for a fancy occasion --- but what the heck!  It’s been in the cupboard for a couple years – so hopefully it hasn’t turned to cider vinegar.  What a fun way to get through this day!

The “Nitty Gritty” will start at noon – so before then I am getting more book orders out to the post office by 10 am and running out to pick up my NEW glasses that came in yesterday.

I’ll sew while I can …..and go through magazines --saving out pages I want to keep--while I can’t…

By noon tomorrow this will all be OVER!


~Kris~ said...

You are in good company. I am doing the same today. Here's to good results! I'll toast you with a Jello shooter.

Sue's Stitchin' said...

Good luck - glad I'm over that for a few more years -

Luann said...

You'll be fine! And on Thursday be saying "now that wasn't all that bad!".

Pati said...

You are a tough girl Bonnie, you can do this!! My 22 year old son went through 4 of these before his colon was removed 3 years ago. Its a good way to loose a couple of pounds today! Love ya'.

Margaret said...

Blessings to you Bonnie as you go through this...or as this goes through you...! Hugs!

simplestitchesbysp said...

Hang in there Bonnie! Once it is over you will have several funny stories to tell. Two good things will come of this. One, you get to lose a couple few pounds right before all the Christmas eating begins. And two, the results from the testing will give you a "clean" bill of health.

diegoagogo said...

Best of luck with that, I remember it well, it was not pleasant!!
Hope the results are good.

Valerie said...

Just went through this a week ago--it was over before I knew it. Best of luck on your results!

Sharon Thomsen said...

Be well. Plan on being tired tomorrow when you return home. Whole event takes a toll and you need to plan on tomorrow as a rest/ no-sew day. At least that was my experience.

Rori said...

Oh how funny Bonnie...I am on the same diet for the same procedure tomorrow, Wed. at 10am. Your "food" looks so much yummier than mine. I just made peach Jello instead of orange and I don't even like Jello. I guess I may get desperate enough tho!

Ana said...

Oh boy...good luck! Today is no fun for sure but bless your bottom for getting this important test done. If only my 51 yr old BIL had not been stubborn about getting this test 2 yrs ago he would be fighting a winning battle :(.

PS: IT'S OK. If you don't share the glossies!

Ana said...

Oh boy...good luck! Today is no fun for sure but bless your bottom for getting this important test done. If only my 51 yr old BIL had not been stubborn about getting this test 2 yrs ago he would be fighting a winning battle :(.

PS: IT'S OK. If you don't share the glossies!

Needled Mom said...

Those of us who have been there are relating!! Have a GREAT day.

sewnsew said...

My hubby said why would anyone talk about what you are going through on the internet, He thought it was most embarassing thing. I think it is great that you are doing this. Many of us out in netville would not think about such an important test. I agree that the worst part is prep, but it is not as bad as people make out. Sure you spend time on the JOHN but bring your mags and go through them. Best of luck on your test. Enjoy your diet today, you can do it!!!!
Just need to trim up step 4. All sewn, yeah for me!!!!!

Lynn Dykstra said...

If doing the liquid prep:
Refrigerate the prep liquid
Pour it cold over ice so the ice doesn't dilute and make more to drink
Use a straw to bypass most of your tastebuds
Drink about a cup, take a five minute break, drink another cup--repeat til completed

Not Lucy said...

Had to to this the day before surgery this summer and will need to have my first colonoscopy sometime next year. I can't put it off forever!

Grammy's Quilting Studio said...

Wishing you good luck on your procedure.

Frog Quilter said...

When I drank the yucky stuff I would mix it with a coke, hold my nose and down the hatch. You'll be up till at least midnight and your best friend will be the china goddess lol. You will be fine!!!!!! Just think I will have to have another in 2.5 years UGH!

Sharon said...

Is tomorrow National Colonoscopy Day? Sounds like several of us, on this thread will be visiting our gastro doc tomorrow! Happy cleansing girls...right there with you. I do this every 5 years to prevent what my mom went through, at my age.

Peggy said...

Stay away from blue Gatorade too. It made for some interesting "blue lagoon" comments from my husband's doctor!

Anonymous said...

This is so funny! I went through prep yesterday and today at noon get my procedure. I;ve had it several times now. A routine test every 5 years because my mother had Colon Cancer. aput vaseline around your bum otherwise you will get chapped/burnt. I'm lookng for ward to the sleep! My jello was prebought and it was red so a no go Just stuck to juice and water. Loved the video clip!

Judy said...

My 27 year old son just had to have one done along with an endoscope for issues with his stomach. He said he got the best rest during the procedure that he has had in 2 weeks. Hang in there! Step 4 is done and I continue to work on my Tulip Fields. Thanks for all you do!

Dorothy said...

I heard from Aussie friends that most Aussie GIs give you a couple pills to take instead of all the liquid gunk to drink. Bless them!

As for me, nothing tasted good to me that day. I tried broth but ended up simply drinking LOTS of water.

Whatever (within the guidelines) gets you through the prep is what you should eat and drink.

Don't be like my husband's uncle. He didn't do the prep thoroughly, and they sent him home to do it right. Yikes!!

And as others have said, bravo, Bonnie, for being so open about this. If even one of your fans gets a colonoscopy from reading about your experience, you may save a life!

MelissaSue said...

Best wishes Bonnie! I know it's uncomfortable, but it's worth it. Just stay distracted!

Sandy D said...

Hubby did this a month ago and he was told to flavor the "Drink" with crystal light.I laughed so hard over the video clip hope you get through it better then Jeff and don't have to get on your hands and knees. LOL

Valerie said...

It's more about the anticipation than anything else, as I recall. As far as the prep, it wasn't as bad as I anticipated, or as bad as all the stories you hear, except for drinking all that stuff. Thank goodness DH came in the hear what the doctor said afterward the procedure, because I don't remember much except that I was quite witty, amusing myself quite a bit.

Lori in Virginia said...

Bonnie, I feel sorry for ya having to go to the Post Office today!! But hurry, cause...you gotta get going!! (Sorry, I couldn't resist...my payback's coming though. I need to do this too)

Lori in VA

Beth said...

Bonnie, you have taken being a great role model to a new level. Really...the test is important and I am glad you are getting it done. Your food for the day made me smile cause I remember it well.
To all of you going through prep today hang in there and hugs. I wish you all a clean bill of health tomorrow.

Maree in NC ☺ said...

thinking of you today and tonight. tomorrow, you will get a wonderful nap!

Mary said...


Tami C said...

Hang in there Bonnie. It will be over soon and you'll have news that will make you feel much better. (((Huggles)))

Carolyn Sullivan said...

Jello Shots!!!!

Teresa said...

I know how you feel, been there done that - the worst part is the prep - looks like you have 24 hrs - my Dr. wanted 48 hrs - the procedure is a piece of cake - then you look forward to eating whatever you want afterward. Good luck and you will do fine.

ria vogelzang said...

Thinking of you tomorrow!! Good luck! Hope everything will be fine!
Xxxxx from Holland

Sailor's Mom said...

Good luck and remember: Vaseline is your best friend, drink broth so you won't get the sugar crash shakes, and stay near the bathroom, as near as you can be. Preferably with a good book. You'll be fine, just fine.

Mariel said...

Hoping that all turns out well for you! The prep definitely is the worst. The only thing missing from picture above is the nice Cottonelle or the quilted Northern! :)

gmp said...

Good Luck tomorrow, Bonnie, and to all the other ladies that are going too.

Karen said...

with all that liquid all I can say is....Bottoms up! lol

Mary Ellen said...

My brother in California also was given just a couple of pills to take. I floated that idea past my doc and he said, "Nope, I want it really, really clean in there." Anyway, think of it as a celebrity Hollywood "cleanse."

HoosierKitty said...

I came home after my colonscopy and scrubbed floors. Must have been the drugs. I'd be surprised if you didn't get right back to quilting.

Cathy said...

WHAT.....no quilt cam tonight?? Hahahahaha....just kidding! I bought all kinds of stuff to drink but didn't drink anything but the gallon of stuff that I HAD to drink. There wasn't room in my stomach for any of the other stuff.

Good luck tomorrow....today is the hard part.

Lori Huffman said...

I'll pray for you! Tomorrow will be a breeze compared to today! And tomorrow night, it will all be BEHIND you. haha, sorry. I had my first experience a couple months ago. I won't worry about it nearly so much next time. Take care!

Sharon J. Hughson said...

I feel for you,GF. Throughout the 90's and early 2000's I had one of these EVERY YEAR! Hate it but the drugs are good. LOL That's the payoff for the prep.

Tammy said...

My advice, don't mix the solution with anything. I just drank each glass "down the hatch" all at once so I didn't stop to taste it. I tried the first glass mixing it with juice and it was terrible. I didn't eat or drink anything else. Overall though it was a breeze compared to what people told me. Guess it depends on each person. One word of advice, have HH get you some tucks.

Stephanie Newman said...

Well, some Aussie's might get away with having to take only tablets but my guy insisted on the full deep cleanse routine. Ewwww. Disgusting but necessary. He was sweet and apologised for asking me to do it!! What a guy. What you have to do might depend on why you are having the exploration done and on the preferences of the specialist performing it- how squeaky clean they want you to be.
But really, aren't we lucky to live now in this time, to be able to benefit from life saving procedures like this? There are far worse things in life than the icky prep.

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