
Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Envelope, Please! ((Give-Away!))

See this envelope?

I don’t know if you can see by the mailing label who it is going to, but it holds very special contents!

This envelope contains:

  • 6 blocks for my 2013 Addicted to Scraps column!
  • A block for a future 100 blocks by 100 designers issue!
  • A very late contract for a quilt that is running in the November issue!

Yes, I was supposed to GIVE the contract to Carolyn while we were in Williamsburg, but we got busy, and I put it off, and then her hubby showed up, and we all packed to go home and --- duh. There it was still in my suitcase! So she is getting it all in one large envelope that will be mailed off today.

This was one of the “MUST DO!” things on my list for this time that I’m home before Bali. My blocks for Quiltmaker are always due in August, because that’s when I’m home long enough to have the time to do them all in one big push.

And I am VERY excited about these blocks ---if you haven’t followed along with my column, be sure to click the “Addicted to Scraps” tab at the top of this blog. EVERY block I do for my column, whether I design it myself, or give an up-do on an old traditional favorite is a way to put my Scrap User’s System into good use.

For example….in the blocks I am sending in, I didn’t have to do ANY cutting of large pieces of fabric. I didn’t cut into Fat Quarters, I didn’t need Charm Squares!

I used the following strips from my pre-cut strip bins: 1.5” 2” 2.5”. I used 2” precut squares. I used 2.5” and 3.5” pre-cut squares. I used bonus triangles!

Making these blocks was a breeze---and because I tackle my scraps into uniform useable widths, they all combine together and made it really easy to pull the colors and fabrics I needed, getting me to sit and sew faster, and giving me the variety I need to give me blocks that I really love.

The hard part about designing and interpreting blocks for a whole year’s worth of magazine issues? I want to turn each and every one of them into a full size quilt!

To celebrate my completing this deadline, I want to do a little Give-Away.

Leave me a comment below, just give me ONE tip you’ve found here that has had a positive impact on your quilting, be it scrap management, or time management, or anything ----let me know how I’m doing!

quiltmaker 012

One lucky winner will get Quilts from Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks, signed by me --

AND! to sweeten the deal:


I’ll throw in a charm pack of Moda’s Summer Breeze!

Let’s do the drawing Sunday night after dinner time. That’s tomorrow. So get commenting!

Oh – the movie last night? We went and saw “Hope Springs” with Meryl Streep & Tommy Lee Jones. IT WAS AWESOME! Definitely cheaper than therapy, and I wonder how many couples went that benefited from just seeing this movie? I laughed til I cried, and I cried til I laughed. It so hit home in so many ways, but it did it in such a humorous way ---GREAT MOVIE!

See it, and take your significant other with you. Don’t delay! Don’t wait until it comes out on DVD. Go to a matinee…take contraband snacks in your purse if you think the expensive concessions are holding you back. ((After seeing an ordinary bottle of water priced at $5.75 ---my big purse goes with me. Seriously. for WATER?!?)) BUT GO.

Today on the list? Randy’s posted some new Sow-Along blocks last week. I need to get caught up!

How nice is this? To be HOME on a SATURDAY!? I relish these, I really do!


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Helen in the UK said...

I can't remember whether I found the Stashbusters group through you or your website through them ... but I'm so glad I found you both. I was only a few years into my quilting career and what I found on your site made so much sense. The best thing I learnt from you is to be a scrap USER not a scrap hoarder!! I have my labelled boxes full of organised scraps and I USE THEM to make quilts. I add to the boxes at the end of each project and always look there first when starting a new one.
That's the most fundamental thing I've learnt from you Bonnie, but I'm an avid reader of your blog and learn new things all the time. THANK YOU :)

Lovie said...

Scrap User System - I make it a point to direct new quilters to your site, and books. It took me weeks to sort thru 30+ years of scraps, I encourage them to start early sorting (and using) scraps.

Julie said...

I would have to say the cutting and sorting of strips. I used to just throw everything in a big pile which would never get used, now everything is cut and sorted and can be used in other quilts. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Your biggest tip for me is organization/leaders & enders/learning to use EZ angle/that "what was I thinking" fabric/strings/bonus triangles/re-purposing fabric... LOL, guess I love all of your tips. You've changed my way of looking at fabric. Thanks for the chance of winning!!

Becky in upstate SC

Anonymous said...

I adopted your scrap user system last year and it has rocked my quilting world! I feel good about my scraps now!! Thanks for the inspiration!


Terry said...

I think the lessons on what constitutes a light. Lights with some color in them bring the pieces to life.

Janet said...

After cutting out a quilt pattern, I cut the remaining fabric into usable pieces. When I need a fast quilt or a charity quilt I can go straight to my usable stash. Thank you for the chance to win the magazine.

jirons42 said...

Your scrap management system has been a huge impact on my quilting life. Many times I have pulled just what I needed from my labeled drawers of different size already cut scraps. I'm even getting better at cutting the scraps to size immediately rather than throwing all the scraps in a big bag and then having a marathon cutting session.

Anonymous said...

Your blog inspires me daily!
Shelvy Miller

Susan Stessin Cohn said...

Me too, leaders and enders. I also have a little bin where I am saving them all- Hope to get your new book and put them to good use!

Anonymous said...

Love the room key seam guide tip!

Sharon said...

I love the tips on scrapbusting. It caused me to getting my scape busted. It's so much nicer to work in an organized area. Eventually, I have to startusing my stash!

Sharon said...

I love the tips on scrapbusting. It caused me to getting my scape busted. It's so much nicer to work in an organized area. Eventually, I have to startusing my stash!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, you have been such an inspiration to me! Your scrap user's system has totally revolutionized the way I store and use my stash. Thank you for your latest book "String Fling"! Laurie in Brampton, ON, Canada

Anonymous said...

The biggest thing to impact my quilting is the scrap users system. Being a busy full time working mom, i dont get but a few minutes to do any sewing. By having it all precut and ready to go, i can just pick it up and zone out to the hum of the machine.

Carmela said...

The best tip I have received from the "Bonnie" is Leaders & Enders - what a novel idea! I have two projects (Leaders & Enders), that are coming along at a faster rate than if I had sat down just to do them. Thanks for the tip, the idea and being so inspirational!

Lenore said...

I have started following your blog daily for the inspiration you provide. I really love looking at all your workshop slideshows. The fabric combos are delightful. I have purchased drawers for my scraps and started slicing them up. I cut all the remaining fabrics from each project into useable scraps. Just finished making 2 of your Christmas Mystery quilts for gifts and my husband really wants to keep one. Looks like I will be making number 3!

Bonita Cantrell said...

I have learn that you don't have to spend a lot of money on fabric, just use something which has been discarded by some and watch it turn into something beautiful. Also learned how too cut up an old shirt for fabric.

sewyouquilt2 said...

One thing I have learned from you is to always have different projects in different stages for the right moment. example: little squares and triangles cut for leaders and enders, a hand project for those baseball games or doctor appointment idle times,or just taking my "oddball" blocks that were rejects and make them into something wonderful. love love love ya! have been a "stalker" since 2004ish.
Dawn from MA

Unknown said...


I have been happily cutting strips after completing projects, thus building my 1.5, 2, 2.5,and 3.5 strip stash. It makes me so happy to do something with these last bits of fabric that will contribute to one of your impressive scrap quilt patterns.

I also do the leaders and enders thus building my collection of 1" blocks!

Sue said...

love your books

MJinMichigan said...

Bonnie it's so hard to choose just one thing. I think the most important thing I learned from you was cutting with the specialty rulers so I wouldn't need to trim, especially half square triangles. It has saved me lots of time!

Anonymous said...

Things I have learned - how to use those rulers that sat in the drawer - there is not ugly fabric - make use of what you have on hand - leaders - enders as thread savers when stitching - how to cut up left over bits of fabric that will be ready for use in most anything you decide to make - how useful to have already cut strips in sizes you use the most - what a generous person you are to share so much with the rest of us -- Thank you!!!

DianneB said...

Dear Bonnie,
With over 600 comments, you must know the impact you have on quilters!

For me - you've given me a huge love of scrap quilts, educated me about antique quilts, taught me about my sewing machine ( I'm NOT mechanical at all), daily quotes to make me smile or think, scrap saver system and your free patterns. Ooops, was it supposed to be one thing??
Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I was first drawn here by the scrap management, and your blog is now a daily stop. There's so much more I've learned here, but you did say just one thing, so I figured I'd go with the first. Thank you!

kmen3035 at hotmail . com

Sally said...

My favorite tip from Bonnie is saving the cut off small triangles into a basket and using them to sew through the machine when you end your stitching that produces many, many two-tone small blocks for a future quilt made from scraps at the same time keeping your beginning sewing from not getting caught up down the needle plate. Thanks for this BIG multi-tasking tip. I love to multi-task. poultney@udel.edu

Peggy said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for telling us to run our backup machines periodically. My Bernina needs to go to the hospital and thank goodness, I know my little Jenome Gem is in perfect working order. I really have to finish putting the binding on my current cancer quilt and pass it along. Love your blog, the free Kindle suggestions and I'm going to Hope Springs this afternoon.

Peggy Simmons naplespeg@gmail.com

Cindy B. said...

It is hard to choose which tip of yours has impacted me the most. If I had to choose one it would be your leader ender concept and making every bit of thread count. I now produce two quilts at the same time with not a ton more effort!

Thanks Bonnie!

lisa0116 said...

I have gotten scrap management and how to deal with a gazillion half square triangles and small pieces. I fear none of that now after making several of your patterns. Thank you for getting me over those fears. I can tackle anything in increments.

Anonymous said...

Loved meeting you in Vermont. I can't wait to implement your system for actually using my scraps.

Anonymous said...

i just read your post regarding the 3M strips. You might want to try Joann's and use your coupon. I agree anything that is quilt related is so much more expensive, like the manufactures think we are so gullible to buy everything without researching to see if we can do it some other way. I have a problem with thimbles fitting and the little green dots just don't fit quite right so I use the self stick velcro dots and cut them to fit the area of my finger that I am always poking with my needle. Much cheaper and much better fit.



Susan Martin said...

I also love the leaders & enders idea. I use it for my Sunny Lanes quilts and all of yours of course. Speaking of that- time to finish Pineapple Blossom. Almost done. What a giveaway. Thank You

Ann said...

I made your Caorlina Christmas quilt and learned many things. Even complicated quilts are easy when you break down the steps. If one shade of red is good 15 are better. And finally, I have way too much orange/fall fabric.

Jeanne in Ohio said...

Leaders and Enders has changed my life!

HelenMarie said...

Only one thing I've learned from you???? I've learned so much! Most recently.. Measuring and cutting more accurately... and that little tool and green tape for an accurate 1/4 inch seam....which means my piecing will be more accurate! woo woo!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I would have to say Leaders & Enders is the most influential tip I have utilized from you. I also drew inspiration from your scrap bins and tackled three laundry baskets of scraps cutting into 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.5 strips and squares. I only had to draw strips for "Winston Ways" in Williamsburg.

Beth C

teresa said...

The biggest piece of inspiration from you is the idea that I need to use the fabric I have. Your scrap users system just clicked with me and I love that I can finally part with some well loved fabric and make beautiful quilts!!

Anonymous said...

Leaders and Enders....It's nice to take care of the scraps as you go and then use them as you are sewing another project.

Anonymous said...

My fav is the leaders and enders. I like to have a shoebox full of four patches ready to go. Thanks for all the scrap saver ideas.
Oh, one more thing, "cut the uglies small enough" lol
Bev H. in BC

Charlotte Key said...

The leaders and enders idea was a lightbulb moment for me, it really makes a difference. Thank you so much.

Charlotte Key

Karen, aka Yaya said...

I love reading (or sometimes skimming when I don't have enough time to read) your blog. You are very inspiring! I just don't know how you do so much sewing and quilting and writing blog posts daily, or read so many books!! I've "bought many of your suggested free kindle books," although I haven't been doing much reading of late!!!

I'm still making your Orca Bay Mystery quilt and I love how it is turning out. I will eventually finish it and post a picture--but I'm still in the middle of it-a WISP for sure!!

Diane said...

Your scrap management has helped me the most! I find that I love doing scrap quilts and am continuously going to your site. Thanks for all you do!

Jennie said...

Oh Bonnie...I have learned so much that has helped me. One of them being to cut and organize my strips. Each project I work on , I take and cut up the left over fabric into different size strips and put them in a drawer by color. It is so much more organized than just dumping all different size scraps into a big container. I get such joy from reading your blog and following along with you.

Unknown said...

I learned how to fix my machine up so that I can get a consistent 1/4 inch seam on my pieced blocks. Thank you thank you thank you..... I have been struggling with this for such a long time.

Anonymous said...

Love to make your quilts- just finshing Orca Bay and all from my stash- Lime green and rasberry pink- LOVE your patterns

Louise said...

Thanks for the opportunity! I love your saying "if the fabric is still ugly, you haven't cut it up small enough"! It makes me appreciate "ugly" fabric more.
That movie sounds like fun. I love Meryl Streep's acting...she can turn herself into anyone.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,
Well of all the things that you have taught me I think that the most important is the way I look at my scraps now. Before they were an unfortunate by product of my quilts, just a nuisance. Now they are an important part of my quiltmaking and for that I will be eternally grateful to you. The second important thing would be the leader/ender system, that is such a cool thing! Thanks for all you do. Susan Bonilla at saam109@yahoo.com

QuiltingShaz in Sunny South Africa said...

Bonnie, I love ALL your tips, and always have a leader-ender project on the go together with whatever I'm busy with and have sorted all my scraps (well most of - still have a plastic tub from the last few quilts waiting to be sorted) into sizes as per your suggestions. I find it such a pleasure now to just be able to pull down the 2" tub and scrummage for what I need. Also my sewing room looks neater (well to me at least) Thanks for all the advise you give.
Regards from South Africa

cvdnurse said...

Definitely scrap management. It saves me so much time whn I have my strips and squares pre-cut into an assortment of useable sizes, and I can get right to the sewing.
winston-salem, nc

Jaci Emerson said...

There are no ugly fabrics - there just not cut small enough yet!

Barb in MI said...

Bonnie, your scrap-saver system has worked extremely well for me... thanks for all your ecouragement with scrappy quilt patterns.

Barb in MI said...

Your scrap-saver system has been the most help to me... I love all the encouragement from you scrappy patterns.

Judy said...

After being in your class at VCQ, I have a whole new appreciation for using those "old and ugly" fabrics that are in my stash, and for not throwing away the bits and pieces. I am truly amazed that you have found a way to meet all of your teaching obligations and travel, and still have creative time to design quilts! Wow! Having your scraps precut into those useable pieces makes so much sense! Thanks for sharing so much of your energy with us via your blog! I am sewing more productively and I have you to thank for that!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, the best tip from your blog has to be the repositionable strips for sewing the perfect 1/4 inch seam. It has helped me treeeeeemeeeendously. Thanks for a wonderful give away. Suzanne in Maine, dump machine in Florida. suzyw.kendrick5@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

If I had to pick only one of the hundreds of things you have helped my quilting life, I guess I would have to go with the scrap user's system.


Bunnie said...

Bonnie, you are doing great!
The "best" tip?
Now I can't even throw away the slivers of fabric! I can use anything. The only problem is, now I have my friend's scraps. Wait, that's not really a problem, I love the variety! At least I can bring out your books to show skeptics what I do with the scraps. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

I have finally started using your leaders and enders tip and I now have made inroads on my postage stamp quilt....hurrah! I'm sorting by size too thanks to your tip so keep those ideas coming. I think I am a much more relaxed quilter since starting to read your blog...

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, I am new to quilting but just hearing you an expert say, cut scraps into strips has given me alot of insight to do that as I start my stash. Also I am using advise I read on your blog about using the washed salad tubs for storage. Recycling by reusing things. Thanks for the chance to win.
coopercarol@ymail.com Carol in Kansas

Lisa said...

Bonnie, that is one difficult question, too be honest I have a lit of things I have learnt from your blog, magazine articles and books. If I can only pick one that transformed my quilting life it would be the scrap users system, followed close by the leaders and enders, not to mention the inspiration in the many patterns you have for free on your website using the scrap users system, I could go on and I am sure I will have more to list once I get to take a class, just need you to be in a relatively close place for me to travel to seeing as I am in Canada, DAM# customs

Laura said...

I love using scraps and leaders and enders (which is how I ended up here in the first place!).

Janice said...

My favorite tip and it is hard to pick just one, is the sewing the bonus half square triangles. Now they are usable units and not trash.

Terri said...

Bonus HST's and the triangle buddy! What a fab savings! (love leaders &enders too- these 2 things have totally increased my production

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie...I hope my name will be on that envelope...but if it is not, that's okay!! I am collecting shirts by the dozens to make a shirt-tails quilt!!! :)

Thanks, Karen in Maine


QuilterLaura said...

It's gotta be leaders and enders, it's pure genious!

Unknown said...

You are such an inspiration. I love scrap quilts and you inspire me to make more and try new patterns.

Anonymous said...

Wow Bonnie! I am enjoying getting to know you through your blog posts. I guess the big thing I've learned from you is to never throw away my scraps.


Unknown said...

Bonnie, you have proven to me that no scrap is too small, heaven help me I can't sew fast enough! I might just drown in scraps!!!

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