
Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Envelope, Please! ((Give-Away!))

See this envelope?

I don’t know if you can see by the mailing label who it is going to, but it holds very special contents!

This envelope contains:

  • 6 blocks for my 2013 Addicted to Scraps column!
  • A block for a future 100 blocks by 100 designers issue!
  • A very late contract for a quilt that is running in the November issue!

Yes, I was supposed to GIVE the contract to Carolyn while we were in Williamsburg, but we got busy, and I put it off, and then her hubby showed up, and we all packed to go home and --- duh. There it was still in my suitcase! So she is getting it all in one large envelope that will be mailed off today.

This was one of the “MUST DO!” things on my list for this time that I’m home before Bali. My blocks for Quiltmaker are always due in August, because that’s when I’m home long enough to have the time to do them all in one big push.

And I am VERY excited about these blocks ---if you haven’t followed along with my column, be sure to click the “Addicted to Scraps” tab at the top of this blog. EVERY block I do for my column, whether I design it myself, or give an up-do on an old traditional favorite is a way to put my Scrap User’s System into good use.

For example….in the blocks I am sending in, I didn’t have to do ANY cutting of large pieces of fabric. I didn’t cut into Fat Quarters, I didn’t need Charm Squares!

I used the following strips from my pre-cut strip bins: 1.5” 2” 2.5”. I used 2” precut squares. I used 2.5” and 3.5” pre-cut squares. I used bonus triangles!

Making these blocks was a breeze---and because I tackle my scraps into uniform useable widths, they all combine together and made it really easy to pull the colors and fabrics I needed, getting me to sit and sew faster, and giving me the variety I need to give me blocks that I really love.

The hard part about designing and interpreting blocks for a whole year’s worth of magazine issues? I want to turn each and every one of them into a full size quilt!

To celebrate my completing this deadline, I want to do a little Give-Away.

Leave me a comment below, just give me ONE tip you’ve found here that has had a positive impact on your quilting, be it scrap management, or time management, or anything ----let me know how I’m doing!

quiltmaker 012

One lucky winner will get Quilts from Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks, signed by me --

AND! to sweeten the deal:


I’ll throw in a charm pack of Moda’s Summer Breeze!

Let’s do the drawing Sunday night after dinner time. That’s tomorrow. So get commenting!

Oh – the movie last night? We went and saw “Hope Springs” with Meryl Streep & Tommy Lee Jones. IT WAS AWESOME! Definitely cheaper than therapy, and I wonder how many couples went that benefited from just seeing this movie? I laughed til I cried, and I cried til I laughed. It so hit home in so many ways, but it did it in such a humorous way ---GREAT MOVIE!

See it, and take your significant other with you. Don’t delay! Don’t wait until it comes out on DVD. Go to a matinee…take contraband snacks in your purse if you think the expensive concessions are holding you back. ((After seeing an ordinary bottle of water priced at $5.75 ---my big purse goes with me. Seriously. for WATER?!?)) BUT GO.

Today on the list? Randy’s posted some new Sow-Along blocks last week. I need to get caught up!

How nice is this? To be HOME on a SATURDAY!? I relish these, I really do!


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J-Nessa said...

The tips on saving scraps in a readily usable fashion and the idea of creating a quilt as a by product of another (leaders and enders) is great. But though those are super helpful, I most love that in reading your blog, I am constantly inspired to quilt, create, and dream up new projects. THANKS!!

Shifra G. said...

I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and really like your instructions. I also especially like how you discuss antique quilts. mandmgold@yahoo.com

AnneP said...

I cut my scraps from each project into useable sizes - 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" bricks are my favourite - there are so many projects that use them. Also leaders and enders help me get a head start on a new quilt while finishing off another one.

AnnieBikes said...

I now cut the leftovers from a current project into sizes that I can use. If I have a strip left at the end of cutting something, I might leave it as a 2", 2.5" or 3" depending on the leftover size. So I always have strips to use if I am doing a scrap project! Thanks for all you do for us, Bonnie. You are an inspiration to keep on quilting!

Jeanne said...

Learning about leaders and enders from you has made my quilting so much easier.

Debbie Lou said...

Oh, Bonnie, what can I say? I love all you do and HOW you do it! If I have to pick one thing, I would say your scrap user system has been such a eye opener. Using it saves time, thread and makes me more daring in my fabric choices than I was before. Yeah, scraps! I love them. Thanks for all you do! Hope to see you again sometime, soon!

SubeeSews said...

Using the Leaders and Enders system. I used to HATE the final assembly of blocks into the quilt top. Now I have L&E's at the machine and it is a non-event! I have 154 of the 210 3 1/2" 9-patches for Tumalo Trail made from this system! Can I hear a WHOOT! for Our Bonnie?

AnneP said...

I cut scraps from each project into useable sizes - 2 1/2 x 4 1/2" brick my favourite - they can be used is so many projects. Also use leaders and enders to start a new project while finishing off another one

warlockbooks said...

I've started quilting again, thankyou. I've learned not to let the thought that it won't be 'perfect' to hold me back. If I want to try something then I do now and don't worry that it's not right first time but just keep on trying.

Anonymous said...

The best things I learned from you is that everything doesn't have to match perfectly for the end result to be beautiful. I started the scrap users system so I could make leaders and enders. Now my leaders and enders project has become the main project as I am making blocks. I'm excited to soon complete my first Bonnie quilt and the first quilt I've made for my bed!

Mary said...

I am ready to start a leader/ender quilt for the first time!

Mary said...

I am ready to start a leader/ender project! Thanks for the idea.

Allison in Plano said...

Oh Bonnie, You just changed the way I look at my leftovers is all!! Since you shared your "cleaning up after a project" list my scrap life has never been the same. I give all my longarm customers a copy with Quiltville.com so I can get them hooked too. Then with Leaders and Enders . . . me and my friend Cindy always comment to each other how wonderful having the Scrap User's System is because IT WORKS!! We feel better about our burgeoning (sp?) bins of scraps and the joy of cutting them into 'ready-to-go' piles and sorted into our bins. My Orca Bay is currently hanging in Quilt Plano this weekend. It was fun to give your new book String Fling a plug in the description. Hugs to you, Allison Bayer, Plano, TX allon0711@yahoo.com

chislove said...

You have given the courage to start quilting!! Love all your tips and ideas !!

kathy said...

thanks for the chance to win another book for my library and of course it will be put to good use

chislove said...

You have given me the "push" I needed to start sewing quilt tips !! Love your ideas and tips - especially the one that says there are no quilt police.

Louise said...

Because of you and your tips on how you cut your scraps up , I have been doing mine that way and it makes it a way much better way of managing the scraps....
Thanks for all your tips....
Happy Quilting,
Louise Bruce

Linda in PA said...

I love your scrap saver system. It has made my quilting life so much easier. Thank you for all that you share with us.

Jane said...

The quilt police (The quilt police, they live inside of my head.....). You've encouraged me not to listen to them; that a scrap of fabric with meaning is far more valuable than a bolt of $12.75yd quilt store fabric. You've made quilting accessible to those who don't have $250 to drop on one quilt; "found fabric", something from the scraps others toss out, free patterns, lessons, and cheerleading; and that the garage sale $50 sewing machine works just as well (better) as the new $2000 electronic ones. Thank you Bonnie. (of course,"if it is still ugly, you just didn't cut it small enough" is a close second.

Anonymous said...

I like your tip about leaders and enders. When I did your latest mysterie I made another quilt with leaders and enders. Great time saving
Greetings from the Netherlands, Dini

Earlean said...

Hi Bonnie,
I love how you have used the string piecing in your blocks !!!
String piecing is one of my favorite techniques in quilting and when you used it in other blocks: orca bay--it was soooooo fun.
Thanks again!

Unknown said...

I love your tips about stash organization and how some pieces can never be too small or too narrow. I have made several quilts from your patterns, and am eagerly waiting for two of your books, leaders and enders, and string fling. I wonder how many quilts I will have made by this time next year just from those books alone. :) Keep up the good work! Marianne

ritainalaska said...

scrap organization! that has been most helpful! easier than pawing through a whole bin [or 3 or 4] to find the pieces i'd like to use. thanx for the opportunity to win a really nice giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Bonnie! I think you ought to choose ME to send these goodies to! I'm hoping to be able to buy your string book soon!

Joan Lichtenstein - lichtensteinjoan@hotmailc.om

Vivian said...

I think your method of using shirts is fantastic. I have purchased my first bunch of shirts and plan to get stared this weekend. Would love to win the magazine and summer breeze is one of my favorite lines.

Marcia W. said...

Leaders and Enders is THE biggest idea I have used from your blog. The other I want to use, but don't have the back for it right now, is cutting scraps (ny mother's) into uniform sizes for future speed piecing.

Beth said...

Quite a while ago I purchased small organizer bins and pre-cut my scraps into squares and strips......this changed my quilting life! I mostly make donation cuddle quilts from this system and the recipients are always in awe at the fabric assortments. Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway!
Beth in AL

Gale said...

Dear Bonnie, you have no idea how much you inspire me. I used to throw out scraps. Gasp! Your scrap saver system now has me making many charity quilts from scraps alone. And I am more organized than I ever dreamed of. Now if some of your energy could just rub off on me I'd be a quilting queen.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, You inspire me to use leaders and Enders. I'm still getting in the habit and your lovely quilts are the motivation to keep at it until it is a habit! Thank you for your wonderful encouragement through your books, website and blog! Always look forward to reading and seeing what you are doing!

Vivian said...

I think your method of using shirts is my favorite. I have purchased my first set of shirts and have picked out a pattern. Hopefully I will get to start on it this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, your notes on measuring bindings has been one of the greatest things I have ever learned. Perfect borders every time! Thank you so much for all the knowledge and experience you offer the quilting community.
Nyla-Jean, quilt.knightly@yahoo.ca

Mary said...

I really love your scrap and strings storage system! The recent post about the Room key seam guide is pretty darn clever too!

Nik said...

People waving in photographs look happy and I couldn't manage now without having a leaders and enders quilt on the go.

Flying So High said...

You've given so many great tips but I think the very best one was posted today. Cutting your seam guide in half to keep from removing it every time you change bobbins will make sewing much easier. Now I'm going to go look for an old room key or something similar and adapt it for my machine. Thanks!!!

Stoney said...

Oh my word, which tip to select? First, your absolute attitude toward the audacity of the quilt police inspires me to keep on keeping on in the face of all those disapproving folks. Second, your use of shirts from thrift stores has me on my own search. Third, your appreciation for the history of fabrics helps center me and remind me that my ancestors understood what was important about quilts. Fourth, your tips on leaders and enders has increased my efficiency. Fifth, your newest work on string quilts has brought me back to them. After doing eight queen sized string quilts in eighteen months, I swore off doing another, but how can I resist your fresh take on them. Anyway, I'm blabbering by now so I'll stop for now. I would love to win your giveaway but no matter what, I read your blog faithfully every day. Stoney Monte

Stoney said...

forgot my email address:

Gail said...

I honestly used the pin 10 and found it really helped to keep track of how many I had made.

Have fun on your cruise. Sounds like a great time, but I'm taking my 85 year old mother on one to the Bahamas instead.

namebran@yahoo.com (aka. Gail)

picketsews said...

I am hooked on your blog and it is something I look forward to reading daily. As everyone is saying....to narrow our choice down to just one tip is virtually impossible...so my top 3 would be 3. the ugly fabric isn't cut small enough. 2. Scrap management system and the #1. tip is Leaders & Enders. Have a great Sat. and a wonderful trip to Bali. You are an INSPIRATION.
kk klassickeepsakes@hotmail.com

Patty said...

Has to be leaders and enders; however, the bonus triangles also great info...ok that does it, we can't be limited to just one. Your info is awesome. Thank you for sharing. You need to come to Omaha PLEASE!!!! for our guild meeting.

joyce g said...

The hugest impact you have on me is your love for fabric! Old,new. torn quilts it doesn't matter to you. I have learned to look at ugly fabric different. Now I love it All. Thank you.

Sue said...

I love the scrapiness of your quilts. I'm saving and using more of mt scraps.

Ida from Central PA said...

Leaders and enders!!! They make such a difference!! I use things like "goose poop". Those extra triangles cot off flying geese to make half square triangles, and.usig them as leaders/enders feels like I get so much more done

joyce g said...

The largest impact you have had on me is how you look at fabric, You LOVE them all! I look at ugly fabric in a different eye that I never would have before and give them all a try.

Mary said...

Oh Bonnie, Let me count the ways you have enabled me...I've learned to De-bone a shirt, Cut up my scraps for L & E, Look for Vintage Sewing machines and old quilts in Antique Malls ans Thrift stores and take pictures of them, (I can't afford to buy them all). Now to just use up all those shirts I bought to de-bone. I subscribed to QM because of your column, it the first thing I look for.

Unknown said...

All I can say is "I love you Bonnie"

Sue SA said...

I had always colour sorted my scraps. Now I cut and size sort them. Gives me an instant start in a project and your blog is a constant encouragement to USE them! Happy quilting, Sue SA.

Sandi said...

I have made several of your "free" quilt patterns and in so doing, I got the courage to try your latest mystery, "Orca Bay." I am so glad that I did as it is now my favorite quilt to have made! I love it and you!!

Anonymous said...


You have inspired and taught me in many ways since I found your blog several years ago. But I think your leaders/enders system would be the tip that really has made an impact on how I look at my quilt production.

Frances Robson

Aliceart said...

How's this: if it's still ugly you haven't cut it small enough! I have a large inherited fabric stash full of ugliness, but I just can't bear to get rid of it.

Anonymous said...

I learned to "web the top" early on in my discovery of you & your books and use it all the time. It's easier to put a webbed top on the design wall & find the error & fix it than sewing the whole thing & then fixing it!!!!! Thanks for the great chance to win Laurieh@bresnan.net

Anonymous said...

I love your instructions for cutting borders--no measuring tape, just common-sense laying it out and whacking it off. There are many other of your ideas that I have adopted, but since you asked for just ONE, there it is! Thanks a bunch for all your great ideas, tips and suggestions--you have revolutionized my quilting!

Gina in Missouri

Churn Dash said...

Leaders and enders for sure.

MaryBeth said...

Keep your machine well oiled and if it starts acting up, change your needle. These 2 tips have kept me going with less stress!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I thought I left a comment but can't find it now, so I'll try again! I love your method for measuring and applying borders. So simple, no measuring tape and averaging measurements and all that jazz. I use so many of your methods and tips, but you asked for ONE, and I'll leave it at that! You have had a huge impact on my quilting and my ability to use scrappy assortments more effectively. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Gina Hare

AddieNCE said...

Now, that's a hard one... I mean - you want to know only one thing that had a positive impact on my quilting? You must be kidding...

There are a gazillion things that I read on your blog that influence me every day. It's not just the most fabulous scrap users' system that I've ever seen, not the knowledge that a handfull of speciality rulers will do the trick for most blocks, the triangle buddies or one of your tutorials - it's your whole blog, all that you write and tell us. It's the inspiration you give us every day when posting pics of your work or the work of your students...

Bonnie, your blog is one of the biggest sources of inspiration for every quilter.

(and if you still one to know only one thing, I'd go for the scrap users' system which is just awesome!)

Brenda said...

One tip? Hmmmm.... I think that any fabric isn't ugly when cut small enough.... that is even more reason to keep ALL my stash! LOL! While your use of color and scraps isn't a "tip", you have really helped me not be so "matchy" in my quilts too. Thanks for all you do Bonnie!

Newbie Jen said...

It is not so much a tip that you have given me, but an example to go by - especially when it come to blogging, your blog is your blog and you are entitled to your own opinions and way of doing things, so stick with it.

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

I absolutely LOVE your scrap management system along with everyone else - but I also LOVE your mystery quilts. They are so much FUN!! I got hooked on them when I made your "Christmas Lights". I like the tons of itty bitty pieces - from our scraps - making tons of little "units" - and then watching them slowly grow into a spectacular quilt. And thanks for including us in your travels - I feel like I'm right by your side - seeing what you see - doing what you do. And the food always looks yummy - ;))

judy crumpler said...

JOY,INSPIRATION, RECYCLE, RENEW,SAVING THE PLANET,Gives me pleasure. to do all this & finish another Quilt w/ no effort using leaders & enders ......

judy crumpler said...

JOY,INSPIRATION, RECYCLE, RENEW,SAVING THE PLANET,Gives me pleasure. to do all this & finish another Quilt w/ no effort using leaders & enders ......

judy crumpler said...

JOY,INSPIRATION, RECYCLE, RENEW,SAVING THE PLANET,Gives me pleasure. to do all this & finish another Quilt w/ no effort using leaders & enders ......

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

I have used your bow tie leaders and enders! I went through all my scrap bins(mostly 90s fabric) to cut squares into sets for each block. I cut ALL my old tone on tone white and cream fabric (again 90's). Then I stacked all the pieces in a cute green little bucket. and grabbed them as I sewed. I now have over 100 bow tie blocks! I need to do another cutting.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie - I look forward to getting my Quiltmaker magazine and go right to your scrappy block to see what you have come up with! Love your blog, get lots of great ideas from you and you are truly an inspiration! Keep up the good work!

Liz Seaman (ladydenver@hotmail.com)

Ptquilter said...

This is probably a waste of time. After taking 15 minutes to scroll to the bottom of the page to leave a comment, I have to say your blog is very captivating. I can't not read what you write every day. If I do happen to miss a day, a keep reading "older post" until I catch up. I enjoy your book suggestions. I have more books on my iPhone than I can probably ever read, but the ones I have read so far I've liked. I'm in the process of turning my scraps into usable pieces trying out your scrap users system. I finished and gifted RRCB to my daughter last year. I started Orca Bay and plan to try to finish it during a retreat next month. I want to be ready when the next one comes out in November. I would very much like to win this give-a-way. Pick Me!! Thanks for being you.

Sandy said...

You are such an inspiration! Every time I see one of your post on facebook, I'm reminded that I should quilt more. Spending time at the sewing machine is such a stress reliever!

Matilda J. Wingie said...

What I have learned from you is to "enjoy the process" ---from color /fabric selection to quilting the complete top. No matter what quilt police say---"I am doing it MY way! Like you, I have a collection of older machines and two newer ones. Each has its special function that I utilize.
Presently am piecing a hexagon quilt top ---designed as I go along.
Also pieced crumb hexagons 5.5" across in a quilt as you go method.
You are an inspirational gal!!!! tilliejanegal@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I think the things I have found the best for me is the inspiration and the fun attitude!!


Anonymous said...

I love your Scrap Users System. I also like your Addicted to Scraps column, and save them all for future reference. Sharon ssauser@dishmail.net

Karen M said...

Your Leaders & Enders and your scrap organization system has changed the way I work when I sew. I thank you SOOOO much.

Janet O. said...

#1 tip that has revolutionized my quilting is the leader/ender idea. #2 would be the scrap users system of organizing scraps. They both make me so much more productive and effective in my quilting. Thanks, Bonnie!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie....recycling shirts hit home in a big way. I lost my brother last November to COPD. My therapy was to ask for all his shirts (20 of them).. I have now completed a quilt top for my mother who turns 92 in Oct. I have started the next one for my sister-in-law and will then make one for each of my two sisters. Thank you for the inspiration to do this. Thank you for all that you do for us on a daily basis with your blog. Hope to take your class in Iowa in 2015.

Norma said...

I have followed you for a long time, Bonnie. I used to do leaders but it was just the same piece over and over. Leaders and enders have multiplied my quilts, saved me thread and made machine quilting them better because I don't have to deal with thread tails. Thanks!

cross my heART Studio said...

So many things I have learned from you it is hard to pick one...sorting strips I think is my fave, oh no..leaders and enders..well and how to make a 1/4 inch guide! Your blog is such a joy! I love to hear what you are doing, where you are going! It jazzes me yup to be creative, try new things and sew sew sew!! Thanks Bonnie :)

qltmom9 said...

Just today, I was grateful to you for my creative memories hexie cutter...SO fun! I'm setting up for hexies GALORE. I have a zillion things to thank you for.~


qltmom9 said...

Just today, I was using my creative memories hexie cutter, but I THANK YOU for a ZILLION wonderful ideas.

Lucy (in IN)

Amy Laura said...

Will everything suffice? Specifically, scrap users system, leader/ender method, free patterns, thinking about value more than color.


Anonymous said...

Your blog has inspired me to use the 'ugly' fabrics cut in small pieces. I am usually the person that takes scraps that others do not want and it is so true that ugly prints work out well, if I cut them very small. I enjoy reading your adventures daily.
Roxie in KS

hehjude said...

Bonnie, all of your tours, sewing, and sharing on your blog are truly appreciated! I have picked up a lot of hints on sewing machines, old quilts using dated fabrics and what to keep my eyes open for. A most appreciated tip is the scrap storage system. I have strips and squares in measurements starting at 1.5" and upwards in .25" increments. How easy you have made it to just have the strip sizes that are most often used and to keep just the strips that are 12" or longer and cut the shorter ones into squares or bricks. This method has certainly changed my way of storing scraps!
I'm looking forward to weeding out the short and odd strip sizes to make a new quilt from your new book!

Carolyn said...

I'll be watching for the envelope! Thanks Bonnie! It was so much fun hanging with you in Williamsburg - can't wait to do it again.

Anonymous said...

Because of you I made my first scrap quilt. I always planned every quilt and bought the fabric. Your Strip Twist pattern was the one I used to make me use the leftovers, and I haven't looked back. I started a Blue Ridge Beauty at Judy Laquidara's retreat last February. Fun that you commented on her blog while we were there.


Pauline said...

Bonnie, thanks for the opportunity to win the 100 block magazine AND the beautiful charm pack. I use your scrap system and love the organization of my scraps. One of the best tips for me has been your video of deboning a shirt. I've put that one to quick use! The one on this post of taping a split card to the sewing deck is ingenious! I'll incorporate that one tomorrow! Thanks again for the give-away, even if I won't win it, I'm still a winner.

Miranda said...

Just on time I hope. Thanks for the give away! Good luck with counting all those people....greetings

Mary said...

I can't decide between "leaders & enders" or the EZ angle ruler. both have had a big impact on my quilting and made me more productive. When I look a pattern now and it says "cut a square and cut in half" I say "why not cut a strip and angle cut" such a time saver.

snowlady said...

Bonnie I love your blog. It is so full of energy it keeps me motivated. What I find to be the biggest impact of your blog for me is, step out of my comfort area and use all kinds and colors in a single quilt. I so many times want to match everything. Your quilts are so colorful but beautifully done. Thanks for keeping me motivated.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie!
I have been folowing your journey since you lived in Texas. I am so glad that your star is on the rise! Not sure if you realize how much we appreciate your sharing and your generosity in providing so much to our quilt world.
Thank you!
June Sommer
East Brunswick,NJ

free indeed said...

I've loved your scrap quilt patterns...it's helped me to put ANYTHING together...it looks great in the finished item :)

marilyn said...

I love your crazy use of color and your motto that if it is still ugly, you didn't cut it small enough. I am terrible about matching colors, but you have shown that everything goes together if you mix enough different colors in there. Thanks for the giveaway.

Pauline said...

Your best tip for me is your video on deboning a shirt. The split plastic seam guide on this post is another one that will work for me. Thanks for the give away opportunity. I l♥ve the charm pack and would definately enjoy the 100 block book. Thanks for your genorisity!

Kelly L. said...

I'm really getting into scrap quilt lately. I just started Orca Bay.

Diane said...

My favorite tip and one I use for every quilt is how to measure for the borders! So easy and the best ever way to measure for the most accurate length border for a quilt. I share this method with anyone who wants a great border technique always telling them where I learned of this method and referring them to your awesome site!


Lisa said...

I'm not sure you've mentioned this directly in your blog but what I learned from you is to sew. Use the machine and do it. Don't procrastinate. And enjoy the process along the way.

Katherine McNeese said...

just one tip?
leaders/enders...just like grandmother taught!

Anonymous said...

Cutting my scraps into strips and squares and storing them separately has really helped me with scrap quilting. Everything is cut up and ready to go!

sklinn62 at yahoo.com

Carole D. said...

Since reading here, I've started cutting leftover scraps into usable sized strips to store away for future quilting, except when I have larger chunks that I think I might use for larger shapes. (I have a LOT of strips now!!)

swakins said...

Well like most folks the leaders and enders tip is probably the best tip. But seeing you at a quilt guild meeting and hearing about your scrap users system is probably the most useful idea.

Nancy said...

I had a very close friend who was killed tragically in 2006 and she gave me SO many wonderful quilting tips and I miss her terribly. I told her once that she was the most generous person I'd ever known and now I have to say that you have been my NEW "most generous person" for giving all of us so many fun and helpful tips. I have been cutting my scraps into your scrap saver's system for awhile now and IT IS WONDERFUL! Thanks so much, Bonnie!!

Kathy W-P said...

I've learned use of the Easy Angle - I've learned reusing men's shirts is a great idea. I've learned you are never too busy to take a walk to refresh yourself. I've learned you are one of the most generous quilters!
Kathy Wall

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Oh Bonnie, finding only one tip that has helped is too hard because I have learned so much from reading your blog. I guess the main tip I have taken away from you is to use my scraps and not toss them in the trash. Since reading your blog I have started making lots and lots of scrap and crumb quilts and being able to give these quilts to the QOV program and other charities in need. This giving of myself and my quilts has had a huge impact on me and my family. Thank you for being you and sharing so freely with all of us. ( sue @ asdfwordpro . com )

KatieQ said...

Of all of your tips that I have followed, leaders and enders has had the most impact. I was taught to take my first and last stitches on a piece of scrap cloth. Thanks to you, every time I sit and sew, I am working on an additional project with the potential of becoming a UFO.

Mickierae said...

After making Orca Bay last year I vowed to get control over my scraps and I have. Thank you, Bonnie!

Missy Shay said...

Leaders and enders have been a big help!

TADVR said...

My favorite is... if the fabric is still ugly, you just haven't cut it small enough. Told a friend this and she laughted so hard tears ran down her leg. Have a great trip.

Jindi's Cottage said...

Congratulations on meeting your deadline! Don't you just love crossing off items on that to-do list :)One tip, you want to know just one of your tips, oh my that is a tricky one and there was much pushing and shoving and pick me of the tips but the one that jostled to the front of the line and the one that I know I've repeated to others is - no fabric is too ugly, it just isn't cut small enough. Enjoy your Saturday at home, you've certainly earned it.

~Joan said...

Hard to narrow down to one, but the webbing the quilt top after it's in blocks has me thinking of you every time I do it. I am teaching my 14-year-old neighbor to quilt, and she LOVES webbing!!

Maya said...

Congratulations on making your deadline.
Your leader/ender method has been the best tip I've received from your blog! I love all your scrap management ideas.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Maya @ http://hobby.pavanashree.org

Fiona said...

I keep several small bins within easy reach of my machine so I always have leaders/enders to use. I love the great ways you suggest using up scraps. My DH bought me a Go cutter for our anniversary and I've been using your precut and sort ideas to work my way through my stash. I know you said to list one thing, but those are both equally helpful, so I couldn't decide between them. Thanks again.

Kristy said...

Like many others have mentioned, leader and enders have been a great time-saver for me and my quilting! Plus, your blog is a great inspiration to just sit and sew some days! :)

Bunnie said...

Wow! lots of comments! I use leaders and enders and scrap user's system. You are an inspiration.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

bonus HST's--hence the pile of 1-1/2" hst squares growing beside my cutting table--i don't know yet how I'll use them but if they didn't find a place in the quilt they'll make a cute mug rug!

Lori said...

The best tip I've learned from you is how to organize all my scraps. I use see-through plastic tubs, one for each size I want to save. A little bit of time spent organizing the scraps saves a whole lot of time later!

lybmail said...

Use it up..this has got to go...been here too long are comments that stick my mind from Bonnie. My scrap bin is finally under control....if I have too many scraps I then make a quilt for charity....they are very well received and appreciated. I have made quite a few of your quilts, have two of your books and have currently got another quilt on the go using my scrap stash. Thank you so much for your website/blog.

Anonymous said...

You have helped me immensely with your scrap cutting and organizing information. Also, never knew what to do with plaids.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, the best tip is to organize my scraps. I have started to sort by color and size of scrap. Can't wait to get lots of scrappy quilts made. Faith Bpoolside@gmail.com

KMSC said...

Just having a system that works for scraps has helped me!

Anonymous said...

There is no way I can pick one thing! You are an inspiration every day in so many ways!!!! I am leader-endering a quilt for my mom, from my already-cut-and-sorted scraps, I am controlling my leftovers as I go and not getting overwhelmed, and I can use the fabric I already have whenever I want and however I want! Most recently, I took the plunge and purchased my first Featherweight - I did not worry that it had no case, I went to a "big box" store and found a rolling suitcase that fits it perfectly!
Thank you so much for all you do and all you share with all of us!!!
-Maria in Tucson

Bonnie said...

Leaders and Enders are my favorite!

Cathy44647 said...

The proper way to use a ruler to cut my fabric - ever since following your directions for the Orca Bay Mystery Quilt - my cutting has been very accurate - even points are where they should be now! I love using my rulers now - even learned to use the Companion Angle Ruler and the Easy Angle Ruler and love them! Thank you for sharing all of your tips!

Loretta said...

I love your scrap management system. As soon as I'm done with a piece of fabric from a large project, I cut up the leftovers according to your system and put them in marked draws. It's so much more efficient than sorting through a big wad of wrinkled scraps and having to iron and cut them.

Anonymous said...

I have learned so much! And thank you! Leaders n Enders, I'm doing the Bow Ties, my first leader enders quilt.

momto1 said...

The best tip I have ever found on these pages is to throw away the guilt about saving scraps!!! They become such works of art with your tutelage, and every one of your workshop photos bears witness to that.

JoAnn said...

I love the Leaders and Enders book and use the technique all the time. I previously cut some of my scraps into squares and strips, but now they are more organized and usable. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, because of you I tried the companion and easy angle rulers and love them. You also took me way out of my comfort zone with the Orca Bay Mystery. I also learned about string blocks from doing the mystery and now I'm hooked on them. Thank you for all you do for us!!! sandi1100@yahoo.com

Material Mary said...

I just love your addicted to scraps and appreciate that you are so willing to share tips and tricks tor wrangling our scraps...thank you

barbara woods said...

i'm learning and you are helping me thanks

Kelly in PA said...

Leaders and enders is a fabulous idea that I learned here.

SueB said...

I love your blog and books, they make you feel like YOU CAN DO IT.
thanks. I would love to win the book.

Anonymous said...

The best tips was given thru the Orca Bay mystery quilt, I learned to use easy and companion angle. And you would be proud of me, my block of the months had you making your squares larger to cut in half just to make triangle squares. I used your idea of two strip right sides together and used the easy angle. Easy and fun, fun, fun!!!! Oh, I finally fixed my computer and got a new printer after I ordered the String Fling the snailmail way (boo-hoo!) but I can't wait!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, Ann Marie (Rea)

Aggie said...

Leaders/Enders is the best tip I have gotten here. I've completed two 'bonus' quilt tops and am on a third. I am doing a complicated block as a leaders and enders project that has so many pieces, I know to sit down and do the quilt, it would never happen. I cut 4-5 blocks worth of pieces (80+) at a time and work them in a leaders/enders. I have completed 16 blocks so far!

Paige said...

More than anything...leaders and enders.

Susan said...

Thank, Bonnie, for all you do for us dedicated scrap quilters!

trudys_person said...

I can't believe how prolific you are! Thank you for you blog, and for the giveaway!

Dayjilly said...

You have me doing string quilting and admiring plaids! I look forward to your updates at the end of my day.

li cricket said...

I have only been a subscriber end yours for about 6 weeks now and I am amazed that I have learned so much for you in such a short time,but organization of scraps and using them is the best tip. I have your new book and am going to tackle one of your GORGEOUS quilts shortly. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Your scrap savers system got me interested in following your blog. I love scrap quilts and even more like the idea of using every bit of that expensive fabric. I've learned a lot...from leaders and enders to using shirts for background.
Betty Evans

Janet said...

I'm so glad I found your blog several years ago. I was excited when you showed just how much fabric can be obtained from men's shirts! My local thrift has them for $1, and I now have a good sized tote of deconstructed (used to call them disarticulated) shirt parts waiting to be cut up. The seams can be used for tying up tomato plants, or as fire kindling. I just need to figure out what to do with the buttons, though they are pretty in jelly jars.

Nancy said...

I'm a new quilter and there are two tips that have made a world of different to my quilting efforts. I think the very best tip is using 2" blocks as leaders and enders to become another quilt. It's like making two quilts at once. The other tip is using a lined index card to mark a 1/4" from the stitching line. Thanks for sharing with us.

pbs.seams said...

Most of my scraps are now color coded but my favorite tip is your inspiration. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

One tip????? I would have to say your scrap user's system for sure. I have de-boned men's shirts from the thrift store which has saved me so much money. Love to read about your travels and classes/workshops. Read your blog everyday!!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazine and charm pack.

Carol Sc said...

Wow! I'm reading this later in the evening and already over 500 comments --- guess that tells you how popular your blog is!! I find your scrap management to be most helpful and use the leaders and enders as part of it. You have made my piecing so much more efficient and enjoyable.

Deb said...

Always find your ideas so helpful. Thanks.

Ruth Ann said...

The thing I have gained most from Quiltville.com and Quips and Snips is inspiration! Almost 5 years ago, I lost both my mother and brother within 4 months of each other. It was hard to quilt between hospital visits and after funerals. But there were days I would come home from work and sew up some strings or crumbs and it was my therapy. I still have a Sisters' Choice quilt all cut and partly pieced from 5 years ago. I've made many quilts in the last few years but when I get beyond some quilts due for weddings and babies, I will get back to that quilt. Most recently, I was inspired this spring to make quilts for my 2 sisters, my other brother, and myself from my mother's woven clothes. Some of the clothes were very old and one shirt she wore the week she passed away at 93. Thanks for the confidence and inspiration you give to so many. You have taught us that if we like it and it makes up happy, go for it!

Dasha said...

Hi Bonnie,
I work with a group making charity quilts, and for years now I have been known as the "scrap girl". I collect all the bits no one wants, and have been known to go through the bins at the end of lessons etc. picking out the bits everyone throws away. After collecting the scraps I sort them, pre-cut them to size in 1/2" increments and store them that way. I love your idea of sorting by colourway. I have also started on a leaders and enders project (your tip again) with 2" squares.
Would love the book. I haven't seen this in Australia. xx Dasha

Anonymous said...

I purchased the clear Iris shoes boxes at Costco. I have cut 2", 2.5" and 3.5" strips as well as various widths (1" to 2.5") strips and 2.5" squares for leaders and enders. I labeled them using an index card place inside the box loose so if I need to change it I can.

Sherri I said...

I really appreciate your tips on scrap management. Cutting scraps and storing by size really saves time for quilt making later. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I think I like your leaders and enders better than anything. I've already made one quilt that way. I've already started cutting my fabric into 2 1/2" strips and 4 1/2" strips and blocks. So useful!

Anonymous said...

You gave me the strip and block system and it is wonderful not have hunks of fabric laying around but rather cut strips that I can immediately use whenever I want to start using in a quilt.
St. Matthews, SC

Anonymous said...

I was so impressed recently with your scrap management system that I have started one for myself. My O.C.D. loves it (and so do I)! Thank you for a scrap management system that really works well, and I must admit I love to go into my sewing room and just look at it. No more piles of scraps!!! Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

love to be considered in this drawing as I have yet to own any of your books and as a newby I am looking for guidence. So far I have made 4 quilts and only one was from a pattern. I love moda and have done hundreds of "one star" for their program.
cherri I use yahoo sew_grannyo@yaoo.com

Unknown said...

I would have to say: I learned that ugly fabric can be beautiful when it is cut small enough. Thanks

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie,
I found your website about 6 months ago and have since converted my scraps to your system. This week I started on my first quilt from my scraps. I am using your free basket weave strings pattern. I am just ready to sew the first border on it. Should happen tomorrow. So excited and it is really turning out great. When I get it done I will send a picture!

Thanks for all you do and your inspiration is awesome!
Deb Brandt
Prior Lake, MN

Anonymous said...

I now keep all the "extra" corners that I have cut off and use them to make 1/2 square triangles (chain pieced, of course). Then I have lots of fun arranging these into different patterns to make interesting blocks. I have made several quilts using these blocks -- I give them away to charities to keep those less fortunate warm and cozy -- all from "leftovers". Thanks, Bonnie! Love your blog.

Unknown said...

YOU! finding this blog some years back (about 5) packed full of exciting quilt designs and more tips and tricks than I knew existed has made a major impact on how I cut, sew, and quilt. I completed two of your quilts and will make more in the future. Keep it coming, Bonnie...you are the B E S T!

Anonymous said...

The inspiration and motivation! Traveling along with you! Using the easy angle for timesaving and perfect squares! Having coffee with you every morning when I read your blog. Thank you! paulinefisher@verizon.net

Anonymous said...

leaders and enders from WAY back! and cutting leftovers into strips and squares right away instead of leaving them in a big, unmanageable pile

iquilt at cciwireless dot ca

Unknown said...

Finding YOUR blog and all the wonderful tips and tricks AND using men's shirts to make quilts was such an eye opening experience. Thank you very much. I have one of your books and have made two of your mystery quilts. Your work is really ART! I simply love your quilts!!!

wishing you continued success

Anonymous said...

I learned to save my scraps and not toss them away so now they go into quilts and not in the trash can.
Carol in Delaware

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Read it every day. One of the best tips I got from you is to chain sew. I have 1/2 square triangles everywhere...but instead of tossing them, I play with them and make different blocks. The quilts I make out of these blocks go to charity.

Debra said...

You have inspired me to work from my stash and enjoy the happy outcome of small scraps and nothing to matchy matchy.Thanks for all that you share with the quilting world.

Anonymous said...

Organizing my scraps into usable pieces has been incredible and allows me to use so much more creativity. It's a blast to just pull out the appropriate drawer or storage box to easily find what I need so that I can sew faster. Your blog and books ROCK!!!!!

Karen N.

Sam said...

I now purposely buy every fat quarter that "makes my heart sing" instead of buying "coordinating" fabric or fabric for a specific quilt. I know now they will end up in quilts (designed by you, or adapted by me!) that are much more interesting, appealing and fun to make! Thank you for "freeing up" my quilting. Of course I have a scrap system that works really well too!

cindyann said...

Bonnie, I've been following you for many years. I tell all my quilting friends and quilters I hardly know about you. a matter of fact I tell people who are NOT quilters about you and what big fan I am.
I think the scrap users system has had the biggest impact on my quilting. Before I found your scrap savers system I was totally overwhelmed by my scraps. Now I still have bins of uncut fabrics, but I also have drawers full of pre-cut strips and boxes full of pre-cut patches in all the sizes you recommend.
Thank-you for all your patterns and hint.

Paula said...


I am glad to know I will be seeing your scrap blocks in Quiltmaker in the next months. A tip I have learned from you: cutting fabric in the scrapsavers system and what is a neutral fabric! I learned I can go as dark as a brown paper bag and have it still work as a neutral. I was at the Ashtabula, Ohio lecture.
Paula Mullet

Anonymous said...

You, Bonnie, are my inspiration! My friends are blog followers and have introduced me to quilting. I started in April and soon thereafter my Aunt gave me her scraps so I would have a stash. I had to tame it and you taught me how! My friends taught me about your Leader and Enders! You are amazing! Love following you around the country and how you quilt! I would be very pleased to win your giveaway!

Debra said...

Thanks for encouraging me to work with smaller units and to work from my stash. Supports my natural inclination to not be too matchy matchy.

goatgal said...

Bonnie, your organization of your many trips and ability to sew in your Hotel/Motel room has inspired me to find time to sew/quilt even on the days I am caring for my grandchildren. The key to your production is time management.

JeanInMaine said...

I have learned so much from your site but I think my favorite is what to do with my hubby's outgrown shirts. He's a big man and there's a lot of fabric to be had from his shirts. Thanks so much for doing the video on how to strip a shirt.

N. Smith said...

I could name many tips, but strip organization would be a good one. Thank you for everything that you do.

goatgal said...

Bonnie your ability to find time to quilt after a day of driving, teaching, etc has inspired me to manage my time. I now devote a part of my day to sewing/quilting even on the days I care for grandchildren, age 2 and 3and half.

Marjorie Anderson

sherryberrybim said...

Your scrap saver system has been really helpful to me in organizing my stash and making it easier to use.

Shar said...

Thank you so much for teaching me how to use my scraps. I have learned to cut up my leftovers to make beautiful blocks!

Anonymous said...

I think the most exciting thing I've learned from you was the bonus triangles. I made a doll quilt for my granddaughter #2 from the bonus triangles from her baby quilt. She loves that it matches her's. I do use leaders and enders all the time now also.


nami said...

I am with JustPam... leaders and enders are awesome, and I do it alot, but I love the tip you just posted about using an old room key attached in place with the mounting tape as your seam guide. I will definetly try that one.

Quiltingfool said...

I have made all my scraps into 1 1/2", 2", & 2 1/2" strips, and I just started a scrappy strips for the paper pieced blocks and I'm amazed at how freed up I am. My neutrals always had to be plain fabrics and I saw all the funky stuff you throw in and I saw "It really does make it more interesting!!"
Thank you Bonnie

Debbie said...

For me it's using leaders and enders, although I haven't done it in a while.:( Thanks, Bonnie!

Sherry said...

One wonderful thing that I've learned from you and Quiltville is that I can make some beautiful blocks out of very small scraps. At first I thought that they were to complicated for me (a fairly new quilter), but you taught me that if I take a small step at a time, I can make any block I want. Thanks, Bonnie.

Ellee said...

I now cut my leftover fabrics into usable strips so they're ready to go when I'm ready to create. Saves me a lot of time in the long run. soparkaveataoldotcom

Dorothy Matheson said...

I know that your love of older quilts and of using up all the odd bits and pieces of fabric together in one quilt like My Grandmother Terry did just has given the biggest boost to my quilting.
I have spent a lot of time this year cutting and kitting up different scrappy quilts. Even have gotten a couple of them to top stage.
The books I ordered came today in perfect shape so thank you for your prompt shipping.
Dorothy in Texas.

Gloria said...

I followed your directions for using the scrap saver system 5 years ago and as you said today, it works so well. I love searching in my precut bins and finding the perfect pieces just waiting for me. thanks Bonnie

Anonymous said...

I have learned so much from you! One of the best,for me,is the Leaders & Enders. I can get so many extra blocks done. I shared the info with some fellow quilters and they loved the idea too. (Gave you credit!) I have always hated to throw away that bonus hst, now I feel like I'm not alone!LOL I also love to go with you to places that I won't ever get to. Your pictures are always great. Like a lot of other quilters, I would love to meet you in person. You are so upbeat and fun on this blog, you must be wonderful to know. Thank you for all you do! Sara In AL (ohsirius7@hotmail.com)

jan in AR said...

I have learned so many things from reading your blog. Have always been "a buy fabric for a certain quilt pattern" - HAHAHA - not as much anymore. I love my scraps and leaders and enders and am actually making blocks out of all those scraps!!!!!!! Thank you, Bonnie, for all the inspiration!!!!!!!

Kathy J said...

My biggest inspiration has been to get out my Easy Angle ruler and actually use it after seeing what you have done with it!

Thanks for the giveaway - and for a fun read every day.

Anonymous said...

I love your site and just adore your quilts. I,ve gotten 3 done so far and love them all. I have been quilting for 3 yrs now( vertual newby) and entered my Orca Bay at the county fair and it took a ribbon. I like the fact that you tought me to use scraps and how to organize them. It makes my job soooo much easier when I start on another of your quilts.And your leaders and enders is also a big help to me.

peg sullinger said...

I too am always late and forgetting things. You are not alone. I can't wait to see a copy of this wonderful book. I think I look at the pictures more than I make. Have a great break till the 20th. peg in ny

Karen in Kentucky said...

I'm a new follower. The biggest time saver I've gleaned so far is to go ahead and cut scraps up into sizes. I've always saved my scraps, but in one humongous container. If I cut them and store them in little plastic shoebox sized containers with lids on, it makes it so much easier and such a big time-saver!



Becky said...

Your scrap users system totally changed how I deal with my scraps and has turned me into a huge scrap quilter. Thank you so much!

Jacqueline said...

I have learned more than I can ever put in one comment block! lol Everything from how to organize my stash, to traveling with you for free - lol. My favorite so far though is how to debone a shirt. I now am doing them at night while I watch Criminal Minds with my disabled son. You are a blessing to me everyday! Hope I win!
Jacque in Oklahoma

Craftyheart2 said...

Precutting my scraps into strips and squares according the the sizes I like to sew has had a big impact. It saves so much time cutting when I want to start a new quilt.

quiltma said...

Leader and enders as well as looking at fabric other than just on the bolts.

joanne said...

All my quilting life I could never bare to toss any scrap pieces away.So kudos to you for teaching me how to use them .

joanne said...

All my quilting life I could never bare to toss any scrap pieces away.So kudos to you for teaching me how to use them .

joanne said...

All my quilting life I could never bare to toss any scrap pieces away.So kudos to you for teaching me how to use them .

joanne said...

All my quilting life I could never bare to toss any scrap pieces away.So kudos to you for teaching me how to use them .

Anonymous said...

One word -- CONFIDENCE -- that's the gift I have received from you. You gave me the confidence to throw caution to the wind and trust your suggestion on color selection to make RRCB. They were not MY colors, but honestly they became my colors because I grew to love that quilt the more I worked on the various units. You also made me a better fabric cutter, piecer, and made me open my eyes to new color possibilities. My Orca Bay quilt is a real work of art and I have you to thank for giving me the confidence to know that I could make this quilt one step at a time and get it done. Just today I received OB back from my long-arm quilter and it is stunning! Thank you Bonnie!

Mary A
amesalv at yahoo dot com

Carolyn in Kentucky said...

Bonnie, your blog and site are so very inspiring. Your scrap management system has made an amazing difference in my quilting and I am so grateful. Thanks also for the chance to enter the giveaway.

Karin Wastesson said...

l would love to win.
you are a great inspiration for everyone.
Karin Wastesson
The Netherlands

Joyful Noise said...

I loved your tutorial on cutting bias bindings!

Karin Wastesson said...

I would love to win this!
you are a great inspiration to everyone!
Karin Wastesson
The Netherlands

Karin Wastesson said...

I cut my scraps into strips like you.
Karin Wastesson
The netherlands

Anonymous said...

Leaders and Enders is such a time saver and I also am encourage to think that everything doesn't have to be perfect. Enjoy reading your adventures every day.


Aggiequilter said...

Scrap management has been the biggest help for me, saving precious time for more actual SEWING and QUILTING !! Thanks for sharing your creativity and great tips with us !

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