But I wonder what the “neighbors” think!!
This was actually the front of a business that does porches and fences, so I presume it is in keeping with what they do!
If you look close, you will see a fishing boat, a fence made of oars, a canoe “planter” on the top of the roof complete with sunflowers and two more oars….
Do you need a closer look?
Isn’t this a hoot??
At first I couldn’t tell if the flowers in the canoe were real or not ----but if they are wanting to capture people’s attention, they’ve got it, hands down!
Here’s a glimpse of the land locked fishing boat as we first walked in on this house, wondering WHY this boat was in the front yard in the first place!
One thing you can say for Sisters, Oregon – it’s ecclectic, and they make no apologies for doing what they love to do no matter how they love to do it!
And THIS is an unrelated picture…but one of the best things about walking around the Sister’s Quilt Show is the KETTLE CORN!! I look forward to it every year. Is there any other smell that can captivate your nose and get your tummy rumbling at 9am as much as kettle corn on the air??
Hi bonnie - I know what popcorn is, but you'll have to explain to a Brit like me, what kettle corn is xxxx thanks Frugal Queen xx
I guess we could make a fence with posts carved into the shape of spools...... hey, whatever floats your boat
I think it is cute, being that I am from Orlando and we had a guy here that was jailed because of the GARBAGE that he called art in his yard, the county cleared it all away and when he got out did it again, he had a giant butt that he said was his message to the county to kiss his butt.
The boat is clean, not all rusty, there are flowers etc, maybe they hate mowing the grass. I do like the oars fence that is unique like Penguin said we could a thread spool fence, maybe a old fashioned hand crank bobbin style vs a current style.
the yard art house/yard would make a neat puzzle!
It looks well designed! and fun!
There is a house a couple blocks away from me that has an eclectic garden. It is well kept. I just so happened to walk I the right direction, and noticed an outhouse at the end in the backyard. Just part of the decor. Makes me smile each time I walk by! Another house has a pink bathroom set (tub, sink, and a newly discovered toilet. I learned the guy is a plumber.
Kettle corn is popped in a big kettle and seasoned with both salt and suger, it's an interesting combination!
That's the key to most yard art I think....this is crazy but beautifully maintained. No one could call it a junkyard. It might not be to everyone's taste, but it's kept beautifully.
Lori in VA
I love the yard art and I would have to join you in the Kettle Corn. Yum!!! Have a safe trip home with NO drama.
Between the Kettle Corn and the RIBS I was straving by 10am lol
Ah, Kettle Korn. That delectable sweet/salty mix. Definitely a weakness of mine. I would have been in line for that, for sure!
Don't let your dentist know about it!!!
I know elephant ears! They can be found in some grocery and bakery shops. There is a place close to me that calls my name when I drive by. The crisper the better.
That house was crazy. How funny! I've seen some interesting house in our historic district near down town but I'm not sure I've seen anything like that.
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