This is about the time of day when I’d be posting pictures of a workshop in progress, or of some scenic site along a roadway, or pictures of antique mall visits or early morning walk jogs.
I’m home. I’m pressing and cutting and kitting up.
I’m printing invoices and mailing labels.
None of which is even slightly entertaining enough to show photos of ---
I just stopped my manic bouts of housekeeping for a bite of lunch and to do an email check, a bit of surfing ((As a reward to myself, because I can do that!!)) and found this book free on Amazon.
Love Unlisted: A Novel by Stephanie Haddad has received an average user rating of 4 out of 5 stars based on 18 customer reviews.
Book Description:
Grace Shields keeps her hectic life manageable one way and one way only: she makes lists, lots of them. Lists of her favorite Jackie Chan movies. Lists of her boyfriend’s Pros and Cons. Lists about her favorite places to get a pizza.
To Grace, each one is a very serious matter. And that’s why no one ever reads the lists. Well, no one except for a few people who got a hold of them by accident…
1. Her best friend Bernsie, who understands the lists might be the only thing keeping Grace out of an asylum;
2. A child psychologist she was forced to see after her father passed away and the listing become more than just a hobby;
3. A very-nearly-almost fiancé who left Grace because of the lists.
Now, as Grace struggles to deal with a career that’s getting away from her and the frustration of living with her brother George, the lists are all she can do to cope.
Enter Colin Kilbourne, a free-spirited musician with a knack for ruffling Grace’s pristine feathers. And spilling coffee on her favorite work clothes.
Immediately drawn to his carefree, stress-free attitude, Grace knows they’d be mismatched in every possible way. But that mischievous charm is hard to resist.
What’s a girl to do when the lists tell you to do one thing and your hearts tells you another?
Are you a list maker? I am! I have post it notes and papers stuck all around my desk. I have notes pinned to the quilts on the walls…half the stuff I can’t even remember what the note was for when I first wrote it ----THAT’s what pulled me in to wanting to read this book!
It’s a short one, only 228 pages, and should be a cute read!
And with that, the dryer beeps and more domesticity calls -----
Enjoy your afternoon!
LOL I made a 'list' on post it on my cutting of squares. this morning I wrote re cut all of these reds.... Can I get free kindles on the i-pad?
You know............you are the reason I'm getting a Kindle! Well, part of the reason. I'm a die-hard, paper-page-turning, voracious reader. But all of these freebies make me want a Kindle. Well, that, and the fact that they are anti-glare now, hold 1400 books, and are GREAT at the beach. Thanks for all the freebies!
Oh, and I'm a big list-maker, too. Just added to list: "go to Wal-Mart and buy Kindle". lol
Thank you for posting the Kindle links! I can download them to my ipod touch. I am set for reading material for a while to come! I read during my lunch break at work.
I am sometimes a list-maker! I have made a list of all the projects I would like to complete this summer. I am a teacher's aide and have summers off. I save projects through the year to work on in the summer. But, I need to keep a list or I forget some of them!
You washed windows!?!
Ha ha! Lists?! You betcha. Just this weekend I stuck a stickie on my laptop to remind me to get the car washed, oil changed, tires rotated for an upcoming road trip with the grand girl--Disneyland here we come! Another list is next to my laptop as I think of activities for the rest of my grandgirl's month-long visit. I also have a stickie in front of my face reminding me I have pillows drying in the sun out back--nothing like fresh, sun dried bedding!! I try to keep lists organized, corralled in one place, but well, sometimes I need a list to keep track of my lists!! (Vesuviusmam--my thought exactly!)
Windows--do people really wash those? : )
I'm a list make too - endless lists. I even make lists of my lists, I buy books and fill them with lists. Just looked on Amazon and the book may been free in the USA but over in UK it's £1.95 :(
Thanks for sending another Kindle Freebee. I'm getting ready for my summer break and plan to do a lot of reading.
The address I found is spinning48@hotmail.com if that helps.
This sounds like a movie I saw a couple years ago.
Bonnie....I don't want to alarm you but you need to get to the nearest ER...NOW!!!!!!!!! You have OBviously sustained a head injury if you washed windows and you need immediate medical attention.
Lori in VA
And I bet you enjoyed crossing "wash windows" off your list, didn't you?! I'm a list-maker, too. Sometimes it is the only thing that keeps my brain from exploding! I love the abcnotes app on my phone. Now I make electronic lists that go everywhere with me :-)
Yes! If you have the free kindle app on your ipad, you can get free kindle books on it.
I love my lists! I downloaded this right away, even though I don't get to read much...it's on my list! :-)
Connie - Boise, ID
Thanks, Bonnie! Learned lots from you today (like I always do) learned I could get free Kindle on my iPhone and a free book! Headed to the outer banks as I type, Perfect timing!
Seeing all the free books that you tell us about I went and bought a Kindle Fire today. Must say I'm having alot of trouble with it. Doesn't come with a instruction book and I have never used anything like this before. Two questions that may seem silly but here goes. 1. when entering data how do you backspace if you make a mistake? 2. Where do I find the list of free books?
And Miss Bonnie - window washing? Really?
Love you!
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