
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

iPhone-o-gram! Lost My Head!

I'm teaching a workshop without the right quilt!

Guess where My Blue Heaven is???

At home! Not with me. Just shoot me now!!

Only some of the ladies said they'd shoot me after tomorrows workshop because they are signed up for that one too.

I don't know how it happened, but I think I just grabbed the wrong quilt that was folded backing side out.

So I've brought out Orca Bay and Smith Mountain Morning because they use the same rulers and techniques and everyone is being a really good sport with my faux pas!

And so the adventure continues!!


Becky said...

So you are really human . . .

Jans said...

well the ladies in the photos don't look so angry.
Mistakes do happen.
Don't worry.
Greetings from a cold Holland.
Janny S.

Jo said...

That sounds just like something I would do!! Hey give a shout out to Nell for me!

Kathaleeny said...

That's a happy bunch of campers you've got there. When I win the lottery I'm going to follow you all around and take all your classes.

Anonymous said...

None of the ladies look too upset that you brought an alternate quilt (notice I didn't say the wrong one). I personally would be thrilled to be in your class and really would not mind if you brought alternates! Enjoy your sunny day...it's pouring rain in Alaska---good excuse to stay in an organize my sewing area again! Joy

mmmegan38 said...

So really this is a mystery quilt class?!

Anonymous said...

They all look pretty happy so I doubt you have to worry about it. It wouldn't bother me at all. Quilters are a happy lot.

Saska said...

well...run home and get it! I bet they weren't too upset.

sewnsew said...

you will just have to show them a picture on your phone!!!!! That is why I love you, you are soooo human like the rest of us. Ramona from Maine

Kate said...

Oh Bonnie - you mean with all the miles and miles you've travelled and the scores and scores of classes you've taught, this is the first time it's happened? How you do it amazes me. I thought of you today. I am in France and I was minding my own business when a big white van (not a passenger van, an official something-or-other van) pulled up near me with "SAMU" on it - I immediately thought of you and SHAMU!

Miss Carol said...

It happens to the best!
They all look so happy just to have you there teaching the class!!

Peggy Klock said...

I see a man in this group. How refreshing to see a man truly appreciate quilting and not afraid to show it.

Unknown said...

Wrong quilt or not...we are having a blast and learning a lot! Thanks bunches!

Randy D. said...

Ooops... I'm sure no one minds. Just getting you for any workshop is worth the price of admission, I'm sure!

Kim said...

Well they can see it on line....and heavens knows how you keep track of all those quilts! Besides it's all fun.....ya gotta roll with it right?

Happy sewing :0)

sherry said...

I have the my blue heaven quilt top done but not quilted but I think I am still an hour or so away from you.....I'm only about an hour away, up 71. Just a thought. If you would like to use it, it's yours! Just not sure how to get a hold of you!

Janny Wanny said...

Love seeing my BFF Nell and her mom, Loretta, having such a great time. Nell told me about the fabulous ice cream and how much fun she is having. Maybe next time you are closer to Nebraska I can meet you. After all, as Nell's BFF, I am relatively fun to hang with too. HA. Will be glad to see her home!

carol said...

Quilters are always good at improvising, especially the ones of us who make mistakes (on rare occasions only) (I need a sarcasm button for the aside)

Sherri said...

I've been wondering if you really were human...thanks for doing something that confirms that you are. Albeit, you must be of the super human variety based on my observations. :-P

Anonymous said...

Wonderful quilts and so much thanks for sharing. Great to finally meet you in person. Enjoying the book, thanks Bonnie! Amy Bouchard

Shar said...

It's a happy bunch! Just smile! We all have those days!

Paul said...

What a great class! I had a great time. Actually using the scrap management system is going to change the way I do things. I have always shied away from the "Scrappy" because I am far too anal about far too many things. I like to have every stitch planned out.

Grabbing what strip was on top was difficult at first, but it really came together. Prior to today, the most fabrics I had ever had in one quilt was 16, and that was a King Size quilt! Today, I managed to get at least that many on four blocks!

janequiltsslowly said...

They look like they have totally "gotten over it" and well they should.

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