
Monday, June 25, 2012

iPhone-o-Gram! Just about that time!

When temps reach this level, there is one beeline I have to make when out running errands--

Hello, Summer!

Hello, Route 44 diet cherry limeade!

And then on to pick up my Janome 6500p from its tune-up.

Next stop?? Pedi time!!


Vicki said...

Love the Cranberry Limeade from Sonic. Give it a try sometime.

kmcallister said...

Good thing you are heading somewhere else later in the week. It is supposed to be 99 here Friday and I know it will be hoter than that in Winston-Salem! I am not a heat person.

Dorothy said...

That's my drink, too. But I'll be giving the Cranberry a try, too!

Debby Brown said...

Sounds like a great day!

Saska said...

Cranberry...sounds good! The cranberry tea is horrible.

susan said...

Its always a welcome site to see the sewing machine all serviced and ready to take home!

Debbie Lou said...

Sounds good to me! I'll have to try that Cranberry drink if I ever come across a Sonic. Jealous!

Lois Arnold said...

If it makes you feel any better it is 102 degrees here and heading up! Yeah, a cherry limeade sounds good! Have fun!

Rina Mason said...

It's 98 degrees with a heat index of 105 here in the KC area and I just happened to stop at Sonic on my way home. 1/2 price drinks so I went with the Route 44 Cranberry Slush. I think I'm going to run by my sisters and we'll head out to Sonic again for the Frito Pie hot dog with tater tots for dinner. It just looked so good on the order board that I can't get it out of my mind. Besides, who wants to cook in this heat.

Aunt LeAnn said...

Strawberry Limeade is really good too. Haven't tried the Cranberry but I will next time.

Anonymous said...

Diet caught my eye. I've had a cherry limeade somewhere else and all the sugar got to me. I've got a sonic about a mile from me . . . will have to check out the diet cherry limeade AND the frito pie
hot dog with tater tots! Who could resist?!

Cynthia in cool metro Portland, Oregon (61 in my 'hood right now!)

dorothy said...

I would take the 88 degrees, it is around 108+ all week here, started last Monday...our poor Colorado is either burning up literally or drying out so bad...it is a crispy state about now...

Dorothy S
Sterling, CO

Anonymous said...

We have 85 to 90 with gusting winds up to 40miles per. and LOTS, LOTS, LOTS MORE RAIN. wish I could send you some of the rain, Dorothy.

in wet Florida Gulf Coast.

Anonymous said...

Ask sometime for Sonic to make your Cherry Limeade a SLUSH instead of just a drink. It's much, much better if that can be so!!! Fond memories of the day when I could drink one. I also have the Janome 6500 and it's a wonder machine. I quilt on it since I don't have a longarm and it does wonderfully.
Loved the box of scraps story with quilt tops recently. Well I love all of it come to think of it. Keep blogging.

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