
Monday, June 04, 2012

----And They All Fall Down!

LAST Monday, which happened to be Memorial Day, when Lisa was over to sew ---we had noticed that yes, even in the basement, SUMMER was radiating it’s lovely heat making my studio a bit on the stuffy side. Time to pull out the oscillating fan I use to kind of move some air around here to make it feel not so “close”.

I couldn’t find it anywhere. WHERE did I put it? Did I move it after the closet re-do?

I checked upstairs…I checked in the guest room closet. I checked the garage, the storage room off the sun-room, I checked everywhere.

I finally opted for a floor fan that would at least blow a bit of air on our ankles ……but it didn’t oscillate.

Fast forward to SATURDAY ---I spy this TURBO OSCILLATING COLUMN FAN at Sam’s and think --- this has GOT to be just what I want, what I need! And home it comes.


Remember THIS PHOTO of my Jubilee blocks on my design wall from THIS POST last week?

antiquemall 066

After plugging in my fan, and spending time at the computer I looked up after printing out batches of invoices and labels to find THIS:

vintage machines 077

Where did everything go?! LOL!!

vintage machines 076

Everything else had been blown off the design wall that is semi-behind a door ---and landed in a heap on the floor.

I’m thinking maybe TURBO FAN is not such a great idea in a room with a design wall!

Oh, and the original oscillating fan that I could NOT find? Found it. As soon as I moved the roll of batting we needed for Lisa’s quilt yesterday --- THERE IT WAS.



jeri said...

:D Made me laugh out loud

KQ Sue said...

Best way to find something is buy a replacement!

Marsha B said...

Sounds familiar! That one block really sticks through anything!

sunshineannie said...

Welcome to my world Bonnie!

Joy said...

Oh my! And I thought this only happened in my sewing room. LOL! I am constantly picking my EPP lanterns up and re-sticking them on my design wall! I guess we must choose the lesser of these two evils.

Anonymous said...

You made me Laugh out Loud, also! I have to say you often put a smile on my face when I read your posts, but this one was very funny. -- Andrea Diamond

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me with a box fan..Blew my blocks
right off the wall!!

GeeMa said...

We've also misplaced our oscillating fan. We found the old, old, old one in the attic. The new one we bought last year hasn't turned up yet. I think the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz zoom around collecting them.

Sharon Stone said...

I have to be careful when I open the windows in my sewing room if I have things on the design wall. Sometimes I can open them only a little. When the dog was a puppy, he'd take blocks off the design wall and run into the other room with them - so proud of himself!

Anonymous said...

It is perfect....the new minimalist look. No - really - aren't you glad to took a photo? There's a lesson for all of us.

Linda said...

Same thing happened to me at a quilt get-away with friends. I finally had 1/2 inch triangles from a friend exchange arranged. But it was really hot so.... Simultaneously 3 people opened the window in front of me, the outer door (leadibg to the lake) next to me & turned on the induetrial dan behind me!

Diane Quilts said...

Thanks for the great laugh. This made my day! Thanks for the post!

Diane Quilts said...

I just read your post again and laughed even harder this time. Called my husband over and got him to laugh too. Thanks.

Miss Jamee Quilts said...

i am with anonymous...thank goodness you had a photo to reference to get it back the way it was...lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for clearing out my nasal passages~~~ I snorted Diet Dr Pepper when I read this post!
Joy in AK

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


sherry reynolds said...

LOL, I could see where this was going......been there, done that! too funny Bonnie.


teachpany said...

Funny! I guess you are glad you have the picture! It looked really good in that layout! Maybe you can direct the fan in a different way, so it doesn't hit the design wall, or use pins to hold them (I need to do that on the wall in my friend's shop). Oh, LOVED Floribunda. I love how you pick colors, and it looks very inviting on the bed.

Rina Mason said...

I knew what was coming but seeing the single block hanging on for dear life made me laugh out loud. Must think it's special enough to be a featured block. I am so glad you post your everyday mishaps - makes me know I'm not the only one.

gmp said...

Now that was a pretty funny story!! Good thing you had the "before" picture!! Who had any idea that the fan would be that powerful!

Quiet Quilter said...

Fans and design walls don't mix.....remember ...that's one of the first rules of sewing rooms.....

Karen Newman Fridy said...

LOL!! :D

Anonymous said...

too funny!!!

Dorothy Matheson said...

I just pin every block to the design wall by habit. LOL
They all fall off the flannel anyway, at least at my house.

Salem Stitcher said...

You know I'm dying laughing, right?

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Been there done that with my design wall. I now pin all my blocks onto the wall. If I don't pin, as you walk by the blocks fall off. When the fan is on it is even worse. Too funny! Thanks for the pictures and the laugh.

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

I have to pin everything on my design wall anyway, because I have a turbo cat that loves to come racing into the room and run up the board to the top, turn and race back down the board and out the room. Crazy crazy cat she is!

Julie said...

The best way to find something that is lost is to go out and buy a replacement. That is why I have so many seam rippers.

Outback Crafter - Debra said...

Oh Bonnie that is so funny. I can just imagine the 'cartoon' style falling blocks. And yes, I know the problem with buying new things and then finding the missing one. Ummm

Paul said...

I think I just woke the kids... Too funny!

Thanks for sharing.


Smiley Quilter said...

That was great for a laugh and remembering only mine wasn't a fan but a dog after spending quite a bit of time arranging scrappy blocks. They then got sewn together much more randomly and turned out fantastic(lesson learned-don't spend so much time arranging LOL).
As someone said a before picture would be have been great.

Janet O. said...

Tee Hee Hee!

Diane said...

Too funny! Having spent many times retrieving missing pieces after forgetting and turning the ceiling fan on high I still laughed out loud at your pictures.

janequiltsslowly said...

Hee hee. I had the same experience when I left the window open a bit in the room with my design wall and when a storm blew in I suddenly had tumbling blocks.

sawsan said...

Seems they were not happy with thier places and need to shift

Too funny, Good day.

Anita said...

LOL is right...only cause it wasn't me :)

me@home said...

LOL - I've had my blocks blown around by the fan too. My sewing room is on the hot side of the house (this is Israel too) and it just gets too hot and stuffy without the fan. I try to point it in a non-dangerous (to quilt blocks) direction!

me@home said...

forgot to mention that it's 90 degrees F today and it's only early June!

HelenMarie said...

LOL! I unfortunately have done that when organizing some papers! It was very frustrating to have to start all over again! I definitely do NOT use a fan or if I do I've learned to put a weight on my piles!

Teresa F. said...

I'm so sorry for you but your post sure made me laugh!!! I have the same heat problem but fortunately I don't have a design wall, only a design bed or design floor. Even though I still have to be very careful or my dog will chew everything.

Michele said...

I know that problem but mine happens when I fluff a quilt to lay it on the floor to trim it or to pin rows/binding/whatever. Everything on my design wall goes flying.

And I think that other fan was purposedly trying to drive yo umad by hiding. Glad you found it.

Sarah in Houston said...

I know it's bad to laugh at your misfortune, but this is funny-- Maybe it will give you a chance to see a new way to layout your blocks.

Josie McRazie said...

hahahahahahaha at least you have a pic so you know what you were thinking!! LOL

Janet said...


Anonymous said...

Years ago it was time to put the border on a quilt and I could not, for anything, find the fabric I had set aside for the (big) corners. Finally I "made do" and went with another plan. Several weather seasons later when doing clean-up on that side of the house, I found the fabric in the planting bed, underneath the window, faded, wet--but mystery solved! Sure wish it was hot enough to think about a cooling fan instead of a heat fan out here in the Pacific Northwest!

SusanBLuvsCrafts said...

I'm procrastinating on turning on the ceiling fan near my design wall for this very reason. I know I'll have to pin everything down or it will be on the floor.

Beth said...

Stuff flew off my wall when I walked by. LOL Right now I do not have a design wall so no falling blocks.

Marianne said...

I did that with Jacob's Ladder quilt blocks up on my design wall. I wanted it all scrappy so NONE of the blocks were sewn. I brought the vacuum in to just clean up a bit and forget that the air that goes into the vacuum, must also come out of the vacuum. Think hundreds of pieces fluttering onto the floor!

Anonymous said...

Lol, I agree with KQ Sue who said "Best way to find something is buy a replacement!" That is true in my world too ;)
Oh, and the design wall/fan incident... my cat did that to my design wall twice. Now, the cats are not allowed in the sewing room at all, and I have to keep the door closed all the time! But I have to say, at least you still had a photo in order to get things placed back on the wall the way you had them! I did not have a photo when everything came off my wall... and a friend and I spent a good amount of time getting the blocks arranged "just so"! I learned my lesson, and take pics of the design wall more often now!

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