
Friday, May 04, 2012

Late Night Edition --- Free QUILT Kindle book!

It’s one of those evenings. I checked into my hotel here in Danbury CT for the Somers, NY show that starts tomorrow ((YAY! I can hardly wait to see this show, I’ve been waiting at least 2 years!)) and laid down on my bed for “just a few minutes” to “rest my eyes” ----

3 hours later I’m waking up after 8 pm just a bit disoriented and just a whole lot HUNGRY!

What I love about this area of the country is the abundance of really good NY style pizza places! I found one just down the street….right next to….TADA!!!! Trader Joes!

Since I’m here for 4 nights --- can you say HAPPY QUILTER?!

So I’m tucked in --- no sewing going on…..instead I’m trying to dig myself out of over 800 emails in my inbox that have piled up over the past few days ---THANK YOU so much for the comments on “Talkin’ Tiurkey!” I too love that quilt had a great time making it – and it just reinforces my belief that a great quilt for me is one that is NOT all about “The latest greatest newest fabric line” but about the color, the contrast, the variety and the geometric design. It’s where my heart is. I LOVE time honored traditional well known blocks. And I love kicking them up a notch, plain and simple!

While digging through the emails, I came across this one by Nik, informing me of a great book about historic quilts:

From the Author:

From May 3 - 5, 2012, the Kindle eBook of "This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers' Bible Quilt and Other Pieces" will be available for ... FREE. You can read the eBook on a Kindle or Kindle app.
For the UK:
For the US: http://amzn.to/IvGRjL
For France:
For Germany:
Feel free to share the appropriate link(s) with your quilting friends. I'm happy more will learn about Mrs. Powers!
Sincerely, Kyra

Product Description

The powerful quilts of Harriet Powers (1837-1910), a former Athens, Georgia slave, continue to capture our imagination today. Her two-known creations, the Bible Quilt and the Pictorial Quilt, have independently survived since stitched more than a century ago. Over the years, thousands of museum visitors to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C. and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston have stood transfixed viewing her artwork.

Powers' two quilts are arguably the most well-known and cited coverings in American quilt history. But, until today, no one has told the entire, dramatic story of how these two quilts, one of which initially sold for $5, were coveted, cared for, and cherished for decades in private homes before emerging as priceless, national treasures.

This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers' Bible Quilt and Other Pieces brings to light new, exciting facts - many never before published: complete exhibition history for both known quilts; proof Harriet Powers was a literate, award-winning quilter, who stitched at least five quilts and promoted her own artwork; profiles of the two nineteenth century women who sought to purchase the Bible Quilt; profiles of the three men who once owned the Pictorial Quilt; unveiling of a young artist who embellished the Pictorial Quilt; and the name of the person who first made the connection in the twentieth century that Harriet Powers stitched both quilts.

This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers' Bible Quilt and Other Pieces is the most comprehensive resource guide on this influential African American quilter. The book includes nearly 200 bibliographic references, most annotative, including books, exhibition catalogs, newspapers, plays, poetry, interactive map and more. For the first time ever, readers are provided with clues and encouraged to search for Harriet Powers' lost 1882 Lord's Supper Quilt.
This I Accomplish: Harriet Powers' Bible Quilt and Other Pieces is written by Kyra E. Hicks, a quilter whose story quilts have appeared in over forty group exhibitions in places such as the Fenimore Art Museum in Cooperstown, NY, the Renwick Gallery in Washington, D.C., and the American Folk Art Museum in NY. Hicks is the author of Black Threads: An African American Quilting Sourcebook and Martha Ann's Quilt for Queen Victoria. She lives in Arlington, Virginia.

About the Author

Kyra E. Hicks is a marketing professional and quilter. She was so mesmerized after seeing Eva Ungar Grudin's 1990 exhibition, "Stitching Memories: African-American Story Quilts," that she began to teach herself to create her own quilts. "I found my voice that afternoon in the museum," she remembers. Today, Kyra's quilts have been included in more than forty exhibitions in venues such as the American Craft Museum in New York, the Renwick Gallery in Washington, D.C., and the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum in Hartford. She hosts the African American quilting news blog, Black Threads.

It looks to be an amazing book, and I wish I had sent this on sooner but didn’t find it til now, and that is why it is a LATE NIGHT EDITION! It’s my hopes that it is still free for you when you go to click it….it was for me!

Much love from the NY/CT state line!


Ruth said...

I know that Trader Joe's very well. We always stop there on our way from NJ to MA. Good nibbles and a bathroom, too.

Kathleen said...

Thanks, Bonnie - looks fabulous!

Nik said...

Wow - so excited to see my name on your blog! I am glad you liked the book recommendation.

Anonymous said...

Wow the documentation on these 2 quilts is amazing. What an interesting book.

Mary W Quilts said...

Thanks Bonnie. Planning to drive up from Boston tomorrow. Hoping to catch your lecture. :-)). Mary

Kyra said...

Bonnie and Nik,

Thank you for sharing the link to the limited time free eBook, This I Accomplish. Great that others will know more about Harriet Powers and her quilts!

Best, Kyra

Man for all seasons said...

Thanks so much for including the UK Amazon link - most of the other books you post will not download free to a UK IP address, and this one looks really interesting.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Bonnie & Kyra for the link to the free eBook . Can't wait to read it later today . I love your Blog & website Bonnie !I look forward to it with my coffee everyday .

KatieQ said...

I know that pizza place very well. I shop at that Trader Joe's. It fun hearing you talk about my neck of the woods.

Hagrids Mom said...

Saw this at 11:45 pm- got my kindle PC downloaded, unzipped, installed and ready to go - have been reading the book since- thanks so much for mentioning this!

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