How can life be so busy that there is no way to even schedule down time in to be SICK? I don’t like to get sick.No one does, I know. And I’d much rather choose a head cold/chest thing ---even bronchitis, over this gripping nausea.
Thank heavens for ginger ale and crackers!
I honestly can’t say it was the sushi. I also had fresh salad from the salad bar. I had fruit. I had soup. I had broccoli tempura –it could have come from the silverware or the water glass ---
I didn’t eat any RAW sushi –just the cooked kind, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t come in contact with anything raw. There are too many variables.
All I know is that it doesn’t hit me often that I feel sick enough to want to stop doing ---if you are sick to your tummy, sitting at the machine doesn’t appeal. It takes too much concentration to think about threading a needle and doing handwork. All you can do is want to be in bed sleeping it off, trying to find a comfortable spot of respite.
The whole thing brings to mind this video clip from “Ferris Beuhler” LOL! Just change the words to “Let My Bonnie Go!!”
I was going to edit down all the workshop photos and post those this morning --- but I don’t even want to stare at a monitor that long to get them edited down, so how about some pre-sushi scenery?!
This is not the ocean! This is the Chesapeake Bay! And if you look closely you will see cargo ships waiting their turn to go through the channel ---OVER the tunnel that goes UNDER the water carrying cars from one side to the other while ships pass above. The whole thing is fascinating to me. This is part of First Landing State Park
These pics were taken on Tuesday afternoon, the day where the sun shone brightly, but temps were still cold and the wind biting!
From here, we drove to the other edge of the park, where the cypress swamp sat still and dark ---trees dripping with moss, standing ancient and knob-kneed. Is there anything eerier than the reflection of cypress trees in black swamp water? I love how the sun is beginning to set in this picture…
A glance toward the sky showed the tree tops, black, twisted and winter-bare silhouetted against a late afternoon March sky. This picture reminds me of an ink blotch painting –the kind where you drop the ink on the page and blow through the straw to spread it around with your breath.
While it was very windy on the beaches, it was still and motionless in the swamp. Look at the texture of the trees in this photo…and the mirrored reflection in the water ---at first glance you might think this a basically colorless photo, until you really look, really see ---
Anyone know what kind of plant this is? I love odd foliage and funky fruit/berry/seed things. I just thought this looked really interesting.
And just for fun, a man made funny! Virginia Beach has “bad language” warning signs posted down the main strip! I should use this sign for the next mystery along with the “No whining” rule! LOL! Evidently they want to keep it a “Family Safe” zone – and there are things that kids should not have to hear out and about on the streets. I thought this was great, there were these signs all over the place.
It’s supposed to be a lovely day today ---Temps around 70. If I’m feeling up to it, there are some things I’d like to see before leaving town. There are light houses, museums, and other historical attractions calling my name.
It’s a 5 hour drive home – and Jason is heading up today from Columbia, SC to spend some family time this weekend, so I’ll want to be home by dinner time to see him. I won’t have long to dawdle in Virginia Beach, but I want to see more of it than I have so far, and the weather will be cooperating. Now if I can only get the tummy to behave too!
Pics of the workshop to come after I’m back home in my own digs – and maybe a few iphone-o-Grams of the sights on my journey as I go ----
Sorry you are feeling bad. I've been having bad sinus stuff the past few days. Not nearly as bad as nausea. Have a safe drive back and enjoy family time this weekend. I'll be busy showing off my vintage machines at our quilt show.
I hope you start feeling better soon! Love the pictures...such different landscapes than up north!
Oh, Bonnie, I can only imagine how bad you must feel. Hope you're better real soon.
Sorry you are crook Bonnie, hope it "passes" soon, no pun intended. I think the plant is Fatsia Japonica, i have always called it Japanese Aralia, a very hardy plant
If I remember correctly there are lots of fun antique shops around there...maybe you should take an easy ride home with lots of stops....hope you feel better soon!
The plant looks like a Fatsia to me. Feel better.
Feel better soon and a save traveling day for you.
REST, and then get more rest! It will help more than you thik. Sorry to hear you are not well. Feeling yucky is the pits!!!
Bonnie, Hope you feel better,food poisoning is sooooo not good.
The plant you saw is Fatsia. I had one in my other yard here in Florence. It is not always hardy, really cold weather is not it's friend.
Stay hydrated and rest... and maybe ask a pharmacist for something for your tummy! Take care and travel safely.
Yuck Pooey! What a drag. You are always so much on the go, that I know you don't have time for this nonsense. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Love the no swearing funny sign!!
Take a day and rest. It is okay.
We'll keep the world turning why you
rest and recover.
Sweet Dreams :0)
I can handle any pain better than nausea! So sorry you are having to deal with this. And to have a 5 hour drive ahead before you can be home in your jammies with family to fuss over you--not cool.
Safe journey! (Love the sign!)
I ate a bad sandwich last week, so I know how you feel. Being sick is no fun anytime. I was SO thirsty, so it really drained me. Food just did NOT look good for a long time.
Hope you're feeling better soon.
You are a real trooper, Bonnie. "It's not easy being green!" I hope you feel better and have a safe trip home.
Being sick is no fun but it is worse when you are on the road. Take it easy, have a safe trip home and feel better fast!
OH Bonnie You poor thing. Food poisoning really is horrid Especially when you are away from home. Get well soon.
Bless you for posting even when you are feeling so cruddy. What a trooper. Hope it is out of your system soon.
I like the no bad language sign - wish there were more of those around! :)
There is a stomach thing going around. MR had it last week, and he had not eaten out. Hope you're feeling better soon, and found some time to look around. I lived in that area for 14 years, but have been gone for 16+. You sure made me miss it, except for that winter breeze off the water. It can be brutal well in to Spring!
My doctor recommended drinking Gatorade--and it really works!! I got a flu shot last fall and still got the stomach flu when visiting Michigan. The flu shot is only for upper respetory flu. I did not know that. You may have gotten it from "somebody" not from food. You never got it on the cruise ship--where there was lots of fresh fruits and vegies. This is flu season right now. Sorry--hope you feel better soon.
The only thing worse then a tummy problem is a tummy problem away from home... take care of yourself.
Hi Bonnie,
When my kids were little their Doctor gave me this remedy for upset tummys. I have used it for 30+ years and it usually does the trick. For the nausea you need to sip a half and half mixture of room temp Coke and 7up (no substituting other cola brands it must be Coke and 7up and it must be room temp). Once your feeling up to eating again the "BRAT" diet is needed. Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and dry Toast.
Get well soon
I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I hope that you feel better soon. I have to tell you I do love that sign. That should be all over. There is just too much cussing these days. And those trees, what wonderful pictures. You have made me look at things in a whole new light.
Sorry I talked about sushi during lunch Tuesday so you were hungry for it Tuesday night. You did great on Wednesday during the workshop.
You're making me nervous, though. Ami Simms was sick after I saw her, too. Maybe it's just our wierd weather here in Tidewater/Hampton Roads/Virginia Beach/Chesapeake. My friends seem to be immune. Or at least tolerant:)
It was so great to see you! Hope you're feeling better.
So sorry to hear you were ill. Putting it out in blog land causes hundreds of people to be praying for your healing. We've had a bad cause of stomach illness on the west coast as well. But another thought is: Have you had Hepatitis A and B shots? If I recall correctly one of them is to help protect you against food poisoning. You may want to ask you doctor about it the next time you see him/her.
I love the kid friendly zone.
I had food poisoning once. I got sick on Monday, so I assumed it was what I ate on Sunday. The gastro guy had me go back further and we figured it was a sandwich I ate on Friday. Think back... If it doesn't clear up soon, you may need antibiotics to help you through this. Feel better.
Bonnie, so glad you enjoyed Virginia Beach and our inn. So sorry your tummy was on strike. You sure powered through it, though. Hoping you'll come back on a non-sushi adventure.
We would love to have you again!!!
I love the photo of the trees reflected in the swamp with the sun behind them. Really love it. Looks like an amazing place.
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