Regarding this mornings copyright post:
Some commenters think I should handle this like it’s CNN with a presidential debate and leave equal time for both sides to share their story? I'm not writing a term paper here. This is my blog for my thoughts. Sometimes straight out of my head to my fingers, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00.
I read what I read. I posted my genuine fears on what I saw going on. A fellow author and designer was pulled into the midst of a nasty threat of law suit, demanded that 10s of thousands of dollars be paid, her books destroyed – you think that doesn’t upset me from where I stand? The legal letters and threats to her were REAL. In print, in her mailbox. How would you feel?
My opinions are just that. Opinions. Of COURSE there is more than one side. There always is. Is it my job to check them both out FOR YOU before I post what MY gut feelings are? No – that is your job. If you don’t agree with me, do more research. You are allowed your own opinion, but what I don’t need is for random strangers to belittle mine. You want to type your feelings for the other side? Please do it on your own blog ---this is mine.
The threats to Emily were quite real. I feel for her. It puts my stomach in knots. That’s all I was saying, right or wrong, one sided or not. It still stands as true ---
I can see it in the future – Oh, you hand dye your fabric for use in your quilts that are in your book? You didn’t name ((insert dye manufacturer here)) as the dye producer and you used our product, so now we are going to sue you. We live in a sue happy society, and it’s a shame. It really is.
I thought that maybe I would just go to using only SOLIDS in my quilts – but then, there could be someone that says --- “That’s our cheddar ---where are our royalties?”
I own my fears. You own yours. End of story. I don’t try to make you feel stupid for your view point, and I simply ask that you not bulldoze me into accepting that mine is wrong.
Likely we will never see eye to eye, all of us ---Remind me never to bring up Religion, Politics, Breastfeeding in public without a blanket over your shoulder, ((you had to be on facebook to catch THAT hornet’s nest)) and now my thoughts on sue-happy lawyers and fabric designers who …..never mind. I’m not saying it. I’ve poked the hornet’s nest enough today! Just for expressing my OWN thoughts and feelings with no malice or misinformation intended.
And just to make myself feel better ---I want to introduce you to the latest machine to join my fleet --- because THIS is what I do. I sew.
Isn’t she gorgeous?! She is a Morse, from the early 60s I think…need to do some checking on her serial number. Her dials are pearl toned! And she has zig-zag! I can’t wait to get to know her better…who wouldn’t want that lovely raspberry ice color? Pati and I found her in Piccolo Antique Mall in Belmont, NC. We wandered FOREVER in there, there is so much to see! I also brought home a couple other goodies, I will show those later --
As for this girl….she needs a name. And let me tell you, she is quite the hefty girl! I put her on the scale after getting her in the house….with her case on she weighs 43.9 lbs! LOL! I do love sewing on a solid heavy machine. Nothing feels like it.
Thanks, Pati for meeting up with me for an awesome day of fabric shopping, eating, antiquing and lots of laughing and catching up!
Is that a Good Housekeeping seal on that PINK sewing machine! Woooo hooo! I love it!!!!!!
I'd call her Beri!
What a cool looking machine!
Wow! She's a beauty!!
shes gorgeous,,,,,,,,,,,,:))happy looking tooooooooo
she's hot!
Well, Rosie!
How DO you always manage to find the most unusual color machines!?!!
Thanks for sharing. Now when ever I get to a mall, I'm going to be looking for old odd colored machines, LOL.
What a beautiful machine!
Your post makes me laugh...People just can't help themselves - have to complain about YOUR opinion. WHATEVER! Maybe that's why I love my pets, they tend to keep their opinions to themselves (for the most part!). Glad you had a fun day and your new machine is a beauty!!
Well said, Bonnie! You Go Girl!!! And I love your new sewing companion. What a FUN color!
I laugh at the ads that said these were "portable" machines- I suppose compared to a treadle they were. I have a "Princess" which weighs 45 pounds, and it's not going anywhere, it's staying right where I last heaved it!
I have an old Brother, really old. But I'm afraid to plug it in and try it. I'm sure it hasn't been run for a very long time. Maybe I should take it to a repair shop first for an oiling? Do you have yours checked out first?I guess if it's started smoking I'd know to pull the plug real fast! heh
I'll try to post a pic of it. I bought it at a garage sale for only $10! Mostly because it was so pretty. Black, but has lots of silver with designs.
Deb noll7@yahoo.com
and I completely agree with what you posted on the above matter.........you go, girl!
I've been away all day and just now read both of today's posts. Thank you for keeping us informed of what is happening in our quilt world. It is my feeling that you did it in a professional manner and I agree we are all entitled to our opinions and feelings, and those will differ based on where we are coming from and our own "background baggage". I enjoy your straight forward writing, and I love the color of your new machine. Barb
Well, this pink babe is a standout of the 60s! That being said, I believe her name should be Opi, long O short i. Because, opinions, like her, can stand on their own and are typically applicable to a certain topic and many can stand the test of time. As Opi, apparently has done so well. I loved this posting, and I say to you, although I didn't read the related story, hold your own girlfriend, hold your own! This is, after all a FREE society that we live in. We don't have to agree and rarely will, but our soldiers haven't lost lives for nothing. Sadly, the judicial system is burdened with volumes of wasteful lawsuits! SEW, I SAY, YOU GO GIRL; GO SEW WITH OPI!
Very pretty machine! Please keep sharing your opinions. The hornets nest needs to be stirred once in awhile. Keeps us on our toes.
I loved the controversies over breastfeeding and copyrights! I think it's interesting to see how worked up some people get over what amounts to very little. I'm 72, and have learned the hard way how insignificant many things are.
AND it's your blog and you should continue to say whatever you feel like saying. Nobody has to read it.
I still have my mother's 1950 Kenmore, in its cabinet, and it works fine. Weighs a ton though. They don't make themn like that anymore
Beautiful machine. Beautiful post. :o) Good for you.
What a great machine. Looks just like rhubarb to me. Hey, that may be the perfect name.
Donna Weeks
Lordy Girl, she's a pretty little thing now isn't she! Raspberry Pie! That looks like a Machine my Gram Had. If my memory is half right the button on the sole plate isn't that the Z/Z button! I have my Mom's 201 would not like to sewing on much else! She's only a straight down the lane machine but I can sew through anything and Layers the more the merrier!
I love the machine!
BTW, Totally agree with you about your blog post today Bonnie, we are loosing our rights to state our Opinions little by little, if you can't do it on our own BLOG where else can you do it!
Call her Rosie...like the robot on the Jetsons!
And you are sooooo right about the "other"!
OOOOhhhhhh! Love your new machine! My husband has a Rocketeer from around the same time and he absolutely loves it. He treats it like most other guys treat their cars - constant cleaning and maintenance!
May I suggest Marion Berry? She is gorgous!
I don't think I have ever heard of a Morse machine before. And I love that color! How fun!
Raspberry Ice. She's cool!
I think you should should name her Nellie...'cause at first I thought it said HORSE, not Morse! :D
I like Rosie or pearl.
I am doing some research on my Morse machine. I know I got it after our first daughter was born, so I'm thinking 1972-74. It was touted by the (ready) door-to-door salesman as being the first machine to change stitches without manually changing the cams! Oh how I loved that machine. I used it until about 10 years ago when my daughters bought me an Elna with a sleeve arm. It is very lightweight compared to the old Morse but not as sturdy. Anyway, I need to get it out of the closet and see if it still works. I remember it sewed the heaviest of fabrics/materials without slowing down. I'll be sure to weigh it if I can hold it long enough! Yours is a beauty, by the way. Love the color!!
Oh, and I agree, you spoke your opinion and you have every right to do that on your own blog. Love your quote!!
I love the machine and the color of it Bonnie. And the name Nellie is cute as stated above. Relax and enjoy.
Love ya,
It is one thing to disagree and be civil, and another to belittle another person. I feel as though you have a higher stake in this, than us readers, because you are the quilt designer and author. Your opinions and feelings are valid.
Btw: Gorgeous machine!
love that color...it reminds me of fingernail polish for some reason.
I agree with you totally about the copyright issue. I cannot believe it to tell you the truth. The designer should feel flattered and grateful that Emily used the fabric in one of her quilts.
Awesome machine! Love the color! Reminds me of raspberry sherbert.
1. So glad you posted the info today, Bonnie. As one commenter put it: it keeps us aware and on our toes.
2. I am of the "opinion" that if you "do not like what I have said, there's the door; don't let it hit you in the butt on the way out through".
3. The machine is GORGEOUS!!! I have not heard of a Morse either, what a find. As Carol stated above regarding her Kenmore from the 50's...I purchased a Kenmore from the same era last summer and just today got a chance to try it out. It, too, is in a cabinet and weighs a ton just lifting it to set up. It has a knee "peddle" and I sewed 8 blocks together for Tues. night's quilt. What a great machine, so quiet, even after 50+ years....maybe some of those "irksome commenters" should keep that in mind...the keeping quiet part!! lol
Faye in Maine
Razzle Dazzle?
Even though I've spent 23+ years breastfeeding, you didn't offend me. Hey, my fil called me, "The Dairy" (even though he was glad the kids got the best nutrition). I have my own reasons...
And, I appreciate you defending US. It is more than your opinion, it's standing up for OUR FABRIC!
Once we own it, it should be ours to make and do as we want!
I've never heard of a Morse! At her weight, I think you should call her Moose! And as far as your opinion, I think designers need to be a whole lot less touchy about how fabrics are used--they need to remember that that making something is the REASON we buy the fabric in the first place. And after something is made, it needs to be free to have a life of it's own, not controlled by each and every designer in the scrap quilt! :)
I love reading YOUR blog. I learn or see something new each day.
I appreciate YOUR opinions. I love the quotes. I love YOUR pictures.
My only request is that you don't respond to those commenters who are so quick to voice their opinions on YOUR blog. Do Not validate them. Please don't waste your blog space talking about them.
I have more to learn and see.
Thank you.
Your blog is yours for you to express your fears. The cease and desist letters have to strike fear in the hearts of all quilters who write books like you do. I didn't read all of the comments to your blog, but perhaps you could read some of them as attempts (if clumsy and contemptuous) of calming your fear and pointing you to another way of looking at the letter.
That machine is simply goorrrgeous!!! And it's really a shame people can't be more respectful. I appreciated your posts immensely regarding copyright, and it's a very scary topic indeed.
More power to you Bonnie! Don't let the trolls get you down and ALWAYS share your opinion honestly - that's what a blog is for.
I totally agree with you that pretty soon we won't be able to make quilts for our books unless we spin, weave, dye, cut, piece, and quilt the entire thing ourselves thanks to the sue happy nazis in our midst.
When I see the words "for home use only" on fabric these days it goes straight in the trash - exactly where it belongs!
Leah Day
My mom has a Morse that's blue that looks very much like yours! Hers came in a black and blue case and she still has it and it runs like a gem! My dad, ever the romantic, bought her the machine as a present after they got engaged so his pants would always be able to be fixed LOL He was a very sensible man :)
My dad bought that machine in 1949 so you might be in the ballpark on yours. I hope you find out all the info you need on yours....
My mom still has hers in Florida with her and at the age of 85 it gets used only on occasion. I'm in line to get it whenever you know what happens to mom...which I hope is not too soon.
Peggy in NJ Enjoy the Morse!!!
Bonnie, I LOVE your new sewing machine. She is one gorgeous girl. I love the color of her. I never have seen one like that. I guess because I have had Singers most of my life.
Keep up these posts as we need to know what is going on. We need to know about things like this as I also sell things. I know I will look at selveges more closely from now on.
Just keep on keepin on and we will all be here for you!!!! {{{{hugs}}}}
Sandy in TN
Love the vintage sewing machine. She looks like a Ruby Rose to me.
As someone who has been threatened with a lawsuit, I agree with you Bonnie. I once made a quilt, a full year before another quilter/designer did, and I posted some pics of it, when I was finishing it for a show. It is a public domain pattern, "Trip Around The World", but, I used a rainbow of colors, and this pattern designer told me that if I entered it in a show, and won anything, I would owe her money....WHAT!!!! I had never seen this person,the "pattern" was brand new, I have dated and timestamped blog and photos, but, I owe HER money if I win, just because our COLORS were similar. Give me a flippin' break. So, I guess we just don't buy the fabric someone is selling if they are going to sue....our dollars can speak in more ways than one. And, my very smart husband made a wonderful observation....if this person is designing FABRIC, for sale, and someone buys the FABRIC, and uses it, what right does that person have to the end product, as the goal was to sell FABRIC, correct???? So, goal reached......
Your new machine is wonderful. I agree with you, this world is sue happy. I wonder if Kate would like it if we boycotted her fabrics since many times when I see a quilt that I like in one of the quilt books I try to find some of the fabrics that the pattern designer used
And I just had a thought...I use EQ7 to design.
Since it is their software...do they own my design???
And the million bagillion possibilities???
She's purdy & she is so-o-o-o pink! I like the name rhubarb & then call her Rhu (rue) for short.
Oh me......as someone once said, "Opinions are like belly buttons. Everyone has one." All I can say is mine seems to match Bonnies (opinion that is).
All of my machines have names like Phoebe Pfaff, Brother Brody, Sally Singer (get the idea?) so when I see that new treasure I see Morgon Morse........or maybe Mage (short for magenta) Morse. Have fun, Bonnie!
After I buy fabric it is mine to use as I wish . Wheather it is to make things for my family or things for sale. I paid the price. and the price goes to the shop/manufacturer/designer who was paid up- front.
Morse how interesting.
I volunteer at the Samuel F.B. Morse estate here in Poughkeepsie, NY, he was the inventor of the "Morse code" but also many other inventions, I wonder if it has anything to do with him? Let me know if you find out.
I agree with you ..it's your blog, your words, enough said.
If folks don't like it, don't read it.
Happy Sewing
Love the new machine. I never find anything good at our antique malls. I guess I live in the wrong part of the country. As to your opinion- it is your opinion. I have mine and everyone has theirs. The important thing is that we should respect each others opinions (I need work in this area).
What a find! Rosie looks to be in very good condition.
You go, girl! (Wait, did someone copyright that?)
In any case, I can't imagine the stress Emily has had to endure for nearly five months as people with more money than she has battle this out!
Morse has had their name on sewing machines for generations, although I do not recall, off the top of my head, if they manufactured the machines or merely branded them. In 1930 at the age of 10, my mother was given a used Morse treadle that led her on a lifelong journey as a seamstress, sometimes for her family, sometimes for others.
I'm not absolutely sure, but it looks like your Morse could be treadled too if it were removed from its case and placed in treadle irons. Love the color, although I'd like one in teal, please!
What a find! Keep those opinions coming too!
she would be a lovely one named Ruby...just love her! great buy
What a lovely machine I would call her Iris as she reminds me of them when they grow in my garden and the sun shines on them! A very lovely, yet hardy flower.
The last time I checked we lived in America - where we have freedom of speech. Our forefathers and mothers came here to give us various freedoms that we did not or would not have else where. Our military has fought for that right time and time again and I say thank you. Thank you that we can talk about various topics, listen to them, discuss them, accept the differences that we all have and UNDERSTAND that what is important to one is not the case for everyone. We have to remember that as a society once we let one right/privilege go by the way side, others soon can/will follow. HOWEVER having said that RESPECTING the others opinion and feelings is always a TOP priority. Kudos to Bonnie for stating her opinion and standing with it.
How about Pearl for your new machine? Love it. Keep those opinions coming, I agree with you ONE HUNDRED PERCENT!!
Oh dear, I won't get on a soap box about ludicrous lawsuits! I only just popped online tonight to catch up on some blogs and was immediately drawn to reading your posts for the day. Who wants to spend their lives worrying about the possibility of getting sued? I don't...which is why I closed down my pinterest after reading that it's not specifically 'legal' to put other people's pictures on it. I don't have time for all that.
Anyway, I hope that we continue to have some freedom of speech, even though it is more and more restricted. Thank you for sharing today.
And that is one wild machine. Does it actually sew?
I love the sewing machine. I would name her Pearl. And as far as your opinion for the earlier post. I felt it was a honest post, and it really made me think. Thanks for sharing!
I worry about this as a small store owner; the ramifications are great. This has become such a litigious society; there seems to be no common sense any more. I read many blogs; some I agree with, some I don't; but it is YOUR blog! You get to say whatever you wish; it is a free country after all. And if folks don't like the post, then read somewhere else. I love your blog:) Merrie
forgot; I LOVE the machine!! PINKY !!
I she should be named either "Razzie" or "Minnie" (for the "M" in Minnie Mouse!) Whatever name you choose it will be just the right fit for this new addition - She's lovely!
LOVE the machine! Call her ROSIE!! As for your opinions...your blog, your say...don't stop saying, then "they" win. Behind you as always...it is, afterall, still the free world here in North America.
Love your new machine. I know what you mean about sewing on a heavy machine, my Kenmore is from 1961 and weighs a ton, but still sews like a dream, has zig-zag and a few other cams that I rarely use.
Jevne @ richard.eilts@comcast.net
Bonnie, I love love her If you decide not to keep her let me know. I would love to have her. Bea @ bitchnstitch@prodigy.net
Lucy or her cohort. I sew can see them sewing on that hefty beauty. Wendy on Fb
That machines just screams .... "BERTHA" .... she is SUCH a beauty!
You go, Girl! The way I look at it, if you don't like reading what I post, it's just a mouse click to leave the page...
That machine looks like it was designed after a car in the '60's - I was looking for fins! haha. Seriously, though, she is a beauty. Love that color. And as far as being a heavy machine, those are worth their weight in gold. I love my old machines the best. Metal gears ROCK!
I think LEILA would be a good name for her. What a cutie! I still sew on a 1961 Singer Slantomatic 500. ("The greatest machine ever built!") I think she was the first Singer zig-zag. She has plastic discs for the decorative stitches. And her name is Sunny. She folds into her own cute sewing table. Bonnie, thank you so much for standing up for yourself. I admire you and I love your blog!
I enjoyed reading your opinion, I find your view very down to earth.
I like the new "old" machine. Was it made in the USA ? I will be waiting to hear more about her and what you name her.
Since she is raspberry, why not call her Rita, Rhea, or Rhetta? You are right, of course, she is beautiful! Enjoy! Hugs, Dian
LOVE that machine! The color!! This is only the second time I've heard of Morse sewing machines. My mom has one that reminds me of a big old car from the 50's...chrome plated and all; it also weighs a ton! It's a funky blue color. I used it for a long time and then got my Topaz.
I think that research will show that your new work horse should be named in honor of 'Rosie the Riveter".
Linda Frihart
Pittsburg, KS
Wow, she is a BEAUTY, love her color, that would be the machine I would sew on when I needed a little "pick-me-up".
She is beautiful! How about Rosita?
The raspberry ice color is gorgeous.
I once sold civil war fabrics on ebay. I, like lots of sellers, mentioned that they would be perfect for a "Quilt by Jane Stickle" quilt. I got a sort of intimidating letter from....... saying I couldn't refer to the copyrighted name period. and it made me feel like I was using it out of line and I would be in big trouble and how dare I. I understood that it was from the book, but that was the point telling what the civil war fabrics could be used for. Well, I eliminated it immediately, but I didn't get why is it wasn't a win win, and figured I was doing something wrong. I invested in buying the fabric wholesale and tried to resale it. She would sell more books if someone liked it. Whether I and other fabrics sellers were in the wrong, I would never really know. But, I sold my "quilt by jane stickle" book, sold out the rest of my civil war line never mentioning the book name again and really didn't want to even make a "quilt by Jane Stickle" it was so upsetting and I was naive. But 7-8 years later, I was over it, and I re bought the "quilt by jane stickle" book and cd, since I still love and collect civil war fabrics, and love the quilt Jane Stickle made, I started mine last year, happily. The author ended up getting 2 book sells this way. It was the manner in which she handled we sellers that was sad. I cringed when I read your post this morning cuz it reminded me. One poor gal at the time was selling her completed "quilt by Jane Stickle" quilt and was getting wonderful bids for it. She was rudely asked to remove the auction, or repercussions would be enforced (ie % $), and the lady was hurt beyond belief, and wrote an open letter which conveyed her disbelief. She was selling one quilt she made from a book and gave credit and this was wrong according to the person who sold her the book! Oh well. Today, I just figure the author got nervous over her profits and got nasty. I completely understand Emily for never wanting to use those fabrics again. They turn from pretty to ugly awful quick.
Scince She's from the Day of "Flower Power" how about Petunia. The same color as the ones I've seen and scince she's a workhorse she'll keep on blooming without much effort.
LOVE the machine Bonnie! Such a lovely shade of pink...almost fuchsia!
I'm so glad you stood up for yourself. Your enthusiasm for what you do is contagious and it would be such a shame if you let the cyber-bullies dim your joy!
Keep on piecin' and teachin'!
You must be a real hoot in person. I always love the fact that you are such a straight shooter. Differences is what makes the world go round. I, personally, love it.
Love your new Big Girl but would not want to move her very often. Please don't ever change. I follow all your posts and look forward to them. Susan
Well said. I read both blogs and now tonight read this post http://www.ctpubblog.com/2012/03/26/a-few-thoughts-about-copyright-and-quilts/ by the company that published the book and made the totes. He brings up some wonderful questions also. I just thought you might want to know. Oh, and love the new machine! I love your blog Bonnie, keep it about your thoughts, sewing, and whatever else you like to include and forget the meanies out there.
As a scrap quilter myself, your earlier post has me completely rattled. How am I supposed to know if the 2" triangle in the far left corner of my quilt has a Do Not Sell Under Penalty of Death Copyright attached to it? Don't fabric designers sell their fabrics knowing they will be used for bigger and better things, including marketing in a pattern book? In my opinion, each fabric selvage should say something like "Sell to your heart's content, and more power to ya!"
I Just Want To Quilt, Not Litigate
How about Mrs. Morse? I knew a Mrs. Morse once (really!) and she was very regal, always dressed perfectly and in high heels (this is back in the early 80s). She did have a great sense of humor though! I think this machine looks like something that would belong to her....and there's that name right on front!
right on Bonnie...everyone is money hungry and suing they think is easy money...lawyers see money in this too...it can be a mess for all concerned....yes nothing like sewing on old heavy machine..that is why i am still using my 55 year old neechi...love it!
She is an absolutely gorgeous sewing machines. I'm happy (and a little jealous) that you found each other.
I think your pretty new machine should be Mary Tyler Moore as in That Girl. She is just so bright and perky.
Your machine is beautiful! Some one earlier mentioned rhubarb, so how about Barb or Barbara for her name? My son got me a beautiful old Singer at a thrift store. It was mounted into the base of a "Morse" carrying case that looks a lot like the one yours is in. That was the first time I had ever seen the Morse name. I love seeing all the interesting things you find at antique stores!
Oh, your Morse is wonderful. They were made in the Toyota factory, so I suggest calling her Miss Geisha. I have a blue and tan one, but a pink! oh, my!
As for people who think you should write/feel/do/say what they want, pfffff. I think you are wonderful, and I appreciate the links you provide to such interesting things. Rock on, girl!
I love your new machine. I think you should name her "Sugar Plum". She sure is sweet. And the color is perfect for it.
I'm glad you posted your opinion. When I read all the blogs, from Kate's to Emily's and then finally the response from C&T publishing, I found it very disturbing that after C&T publishing accepted that they made a mistake and stopped producing the bags that caused this to start, that Kate's lawyers continued to request that Emily's books be destroyed. This is scary. Of coarse they settled. But, we all have a right to be scared about how this will affect us as quilter's. Especially for those that make a small living by selling patterns and books. Also, those who may have thought of putting a proposal for a book or sell patterns will be affected. They may be more reluctant to put there ideas forward.
It's sad. I'm glad you shared. That's my 2 cents.
Wow!! is that the original color on that machine? Cool, very cool. Just be sure you change off arms carrying her...don't want to be strong on one side and puny on the other. :)
Oh, I think she is a Monica. That just seems right for her. She's a beaut! That is the thing about blogs. They are a place to express your ideas, thoughts and opinions. That is why they were started. Don't like it, read something else. We need an emoticon that is a pancake spatula tossing a bird in the air. LOL Of course, in some cities that will get you shot. What a crazy world we live in, no?
Funny you should say that....my uncle had a car about that color. I think it was about a 1959 Buick. :)
What a great find! I have my mom's Pink Singer from the 50's - the machine I grew up with - really must get it serviced and prettied up for a pic - thanks for the inspiration!
I thought of "Mindy" as I looked at the big M on the while dial. I've never heard of a Morris machine. I love the color! Original?
OH YES.....I think Petunia is PERFECT!!!
Love, love, love your machine. Ruby Rose would be a nice name. I'm a purple loving person so something that says purple in another way would be perfect for me.
Lovely machine indeed. I can barely wait for you to post more about her (and your other finds from the antiaue mall) and about the name you'll give her.
The color is awesome. In fact, I have never seen such a pretty colored machine on any flea market or other antique shop over here in Germany. I kinda envy you for finding those machines everynow and then.
...and about the "other post": I just think that it is one of the best things that we have in blogland that you have the chance to get to read about other people's opinions in a very short time after such news hit the community. And I really like what you write and your thoughts about things - so please never stop posting what YOU think and what your opinion is.
1. What a beautiful sewing machine! :)
2. I respect your opinions, and I always want to hear what you have to say. If you have abusive comments again, how about just deleting them and ignoring those people? "Trolls" are just looking for attention, and they love it when they can make you upset.
Love you Bonnie! Dianne B. in England x
Love love love your newest acquisition! She is beautiful. Rosey comes to mind for a name.
In regard to the other matter, your blog, your opinion simple as that. I love popping in to see what you are up to and what you have to say. Thanks Bonnie
Kim in Australia x
Gorgeous coloured machine Bonnie.
I am glad you blog and share your opinions so freely. It would be a shame indeed if people who don't like what you write impact on what you choose to write. Not as if you're being paid to write to their satisfaction, LOL...
Life's short, enjoy your blogging knowing there are by far many, many more quilters and readers out in blogland who appreciate your contributions than the trolls who like to whine about the content of other's blogs and by their snide or nasty comments. try to shape the content of other people's blogs. One of the beauties of moderation if you should chose to use it, is the curiously satisfying act of refusing to publish comments you deem worthy of the trash!
Now, what are you going to sew as you christen the Morse? Its the most lovely shade of metallic Raspberry isn't it?
How about Inspector Morse? She can inspect your quilts as they are sewn.
I respect your opinion, and have always thought that once you buy fabric , it's yours.
Why not Robust Rosie.....You need to name her and when I saw her, I noted the "Rosy" colour she has and since she tips the scales on the hefty size like my 301, you can name her nicely "robust"....
Dear Bonnie,
what a circus about a fabric line, can't believe, that this is really happening. I've got the book "Scrap Republic" and love it...but because of the scrap quilts and not because of the non scrappy versions. But (as a german attorney) I've learned my lesson and won't buy Kate Spain fabrics anymore!Is it this sort of publicity, that Ms. Spain wanted to have?
By the way, your new baby looks so beautiful...but now, that you're showing it to us, do you hurt some Copyrights *LOL*
Have a nice day, I'm 100% with you!
Like that other shapely and stylish 60's beautiful lady, I think her name should be Barbie.
She's a beauty, and I'd call her Pearl!
Unbelievable! I find it amazing that people think they have the right to be nasty because you've expressed your opinion on your blog! If they don't like your opinion, they have choices - the grown up one, of course, is to respect your opinion, which doesn't mean they have to like it or agree with it. Another choice is to stop reading your blog! The absolutely wrong choice is to be nasty.
I love this machine - the color is amazing!
Bonnie- I am glad that you posted your feelings about the copyright issue. Without it I would not have educated myself.
I love your new machine. How about "Some Morse".
"No Re-Morse"? Morse machines are made by Toyota. If you google you can get references to them. No idea why Toyota chose that name for their U.S. exports.
OH Miss Bonnie you found a wonderful machine there and she is sporting a wonderful color! I would be tempted to call her Freedom! A small statement of your right to voice your opinion!
Raspberry Rose! That would be it for me.
Love your blog and sharing thoughts.
Some day can you maybe show some pics of the "older" machines in your collection. And how do you display them? All of that is interesting. Never have seen a raspberry machine though I am totally posessed by a need to make quilts full of pinks/raspberry year seven on that. When will I be cured? Never I hope.
Quilt on!
Well said
Keep your chin up! I think your new machine is awesome. I would like to go to an auction here on Saturday as they listed quilts and quilt tops and I wonder if they are very old or if the lady that owned them was a quilter. Going to try to squeeze in some time to go. My garden center is a bee hive of activity and I am waiting on 3,900 bare root perennials to arrive!
Ah...going with the theme of girl names that you have for the 401A Singer from the 1950s of ...is it Sandra Dee or Marilyn?... this lush, hefty gal looks British to me so I offer the name of Elizabeth for the beauty of the Sixties...Liz Taylor.
It is your machine so have fun naming. It is your blog so have fun sharing your opinions. :-) Donna
I was sick when I read about Emily. I had read something from the publishers just before I read your blog .I wanted to throw up.I am a scrap quilter.I often buy fabric or aquire it years before I use it. This just boggles my mind. Isn't the goal of a designer to sell fabric and have people USE it? My initial reaction when I read the publishers statement was," I wonder who the designer was?I want to boycott them!!" Keep being true to yourself:) I think that is a great machine! What a FUN color! There are some great name suggestions on here.Good luck naming her!
Love reading your blog Bonnie, keep up the good work. My daddy always told me, "You can't please ALL of the people ANY of the time, don't even try, you'll kill yourself."
Just found out you're going to be at one of my LQSs in May, and I recently signed up for a few of your classes about 90 minutes away. Looking forward to meeting you.
As for the Berry colored Morse's name... I like "Morry".
Her name is definitely YUMMY! She is indeed gorgeous. A little hefty perhaps, but still makes my mouth water.
Bonnie, here is the message from Todd Hensley from C&T about the whole episode.
Okay, now to get back to quilting. (Oh, wait. I'm writing this from my office. Drat.)
Hi Bonnie,
it's always interesting to read your opinions - whatever they involve! I was wondering how busy all the fabric designers would be if we asked their permission every time we wanted to 'do something' with their fabric designs? They might never have time to design more fabric! I think lawyers are only successful at what they do because they are so good at intimidation - I imagine that they were all bullies (or bullied!) as children. All except my own incredibly tall, handsome attorney, of course, who can do no wrong! (well, yeah, he's related!) ...lol!
Raspberry Ice was a very popular lipstick color (by Avon) at the same time this machine was popular - and it is a Gorgeous Morse! I cam imagine saying "Hellooooo Gorgeous!" to her every time I entered 'her room' ;-)
I second the idea of having you post pictures of how you display all of these beauties. I love looking at other's sewing rooms and I pick up ideas from them. I would love to know where this new beauty is going to be in your creative basement. Reading all of the posts with suggestions of names, I can't imagine how you will decide on one. All of these are great.
Bonnie, keep up the good work. Your blog is entertaining, informative and keeps me excited about quilting, old sewing machines, and antique quilts. Don't ever change.
Trina in San Antonio
BONNIE BONNIE BONNIE --- how true your words are about folks going sue-crazy! The terrible thing is that they seem to be egged on by not-so-great-type lawyers too.
Somehow we truly are forfieting our right to free speech in this country! So dear, you say what you will - it is YOUR blog and YOUR opinion. If someone doesn't like it, let them go elsewhere ...fast lolol.
As for your new Morse Machine... I say it is a cutie. How about Morse Code for a name LOLOL
Hugs and sunshine
I just have to tell you, I've never seen another Morse!!! I have an earlier one that was my mom's, circa 1959. It only does straight stitches, but, boy, what NICE straight stitches. She runs so smooth and quiet, I like to do my piecing on her. She's blue, and she is quite heavy; when I took her the first time to my local shop for servicing, they told me many machines came out of Japan at that time under different brand names. I just wish it had a few other stitches, but she is my favorite to sew on!!! I hope yours sews as beautifully as mine!
Machine name Ruby Patooti - LoL - not sure where that came from.
Unfortunately the lawyers are benefiting - but out of the ashes come the opportunities to make changes and create clarifications. Trying to look on the bright side. Judy C
I would have bought that machine in a heartbeat just for the colour. why don't today's manufacturers understand that sewers love colour and we might like something other than a white machine?
Pati's Blush
Blushing Beauty
What a lovely machine. I'm sure she will tell you her name when the time comes. Have fun with her! and... Keep posting YOUR opinions on YOUR blog. First Amendment Rights.
I was trying to remember what we used to call nasty folks on the web...Trolls! Thanks for reminding me! It was driving me crazy....
I couldn't agree with you more. Your opinions are just that and you have a right to them. I agree that we are a "SUE Happy" country. I just testified in court for just that reason because someone thought that because the company involved was a big name company they should pay $500,000. for a broken pinky finger and pain and anguish. Not on my watch. I like to read your blog very much and enjoy hearing how you feel about things but I don't feel that I or anyone has a right to come at you like you did something wrong. You were just expressing your opinion that is all. Keep up the good work. I love the new sewing machine and think her name should be Emma. Daisy
I like Rosie, too...we have a Shih Tzu named Rosie, and I love roses, so yes, I'm partial....however, the name Beryl (rhymes with Pearl) popped into my head when I read she has pearlized knobs...and she is berry colored.
Love your opinions, too, BTW.
Connie - Boise, ID
Rosie is a good name. Or maybe Peony (by way of the deep pink peonies in my Mom's garden). Pink Pearl, perhaps? I personally am envious. If I come home with one more vintage machine I may have trouble finding room for her!
Blush / Strawberry Wine / Candy Apple / .... lovely machine!!
anyway, we do live in a sue happy society, sad really. it's difficult to "do good" sometimes,
your blog, is so-o-o very well known... and your opinions are exactly that - yours. i 'cruize' blogs all the time, and i don't always take what i read as gospel.... that's what google is for, so i can do searches and researches...to check.
humans are a peculiar bunch!!
thanks for all that you do, and all that you share with all of us.
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