I thought this might be such a FUN way to clear some things out, find them new homes and deal one on one with each other, instead of dealing through a service like ebay where you have to give up part of your proceeds to pay the piper.
I know that this first one of 2012 might not get as much participation as I’d like ---but the idea could grow, and it’s worth a shot! I did find a home for a set of vintage blocks last time around, and I hope that SOMEONE will want to adopt my antique goodies today!

***UPDATE!!*** I have sold ALL of my items below! It's been a terrific day....but still be sure to check the links in the linky below, other people have stuff to sell too!
First up..
I have a beautiful Double T top, with the blocks circa 1900! There are wonderful indigos, mourning prints, dress prints and shirtings. the blocks measure about 8.5” each. Machine sewn.
The blue border and outer border could have been added at a later date. The blue has a bit of a different feel to it, still cotton. Look at these prints! There is a great space within the plain muslin alternate blocks to do some really gorgeous quilting!
More of the blocks
This top is just so sweet but at this stage of my life I know I’ll never get it quilted the way I want it to be…..
The quilt measures 64.5” X 81”. I paid $50.00 for it when I lived in Idaho. I’m offering it for the same price. If you want it, it’s yours! Just email me. The shipping is not included, and will be added to the purchase price upon determining the cost of shipping it to you.

Next up! SOLD TO BARBARA!! This item has SOLD --- For vintage fabric lovers! Here is a great antique fabric piece that dates to the latter part of the 1800's into the early 1900's! It is in crisp unwashed, unused condition. It is 36” wide, and 2 yards long, lots of great Victorian era fabric! There are a few little spots and a darker area on the fold line shown in the pic above. If you repair vintage tops and quilts, this fabric might be a great investment for you --- this is the real thing, not a repro. Price for the whole piece: $25.00 shipping not included ((I have seen other ads on ebay selling vintage shirting fabrics for $15 per half yard…this piece is a bit over 2 yards.))
Now this is fun! It came to me this way with patches removed! Seems it is a quilt top made of old shirting samples, and someone sampled them right out of there to use in another project! LOL! You can tell this is a LARGE piece – it’s over my machine table so it’s about 6 ft long, many many patches that could be used in repro quilt making, or as repair pieces for vintage quilts.
My hand is showing you the average size of the shirting pieces..this one has an adorable vintage print in with the stripe!
I have no idea on the age of these…stripes are hard to date. THere are a few printed ones that give a clue….can you see the stripe with the doo-dads next to the purple in the bottom center?
There are some yellowing spots and age marks, but this has not been washed…much of this stuff may wash out…GREAT stripes for vintage quilts! I’m selling the whole piece of shirtings in patchwork for $15.00. Drop me an email if you want it!
These vintage blocks were once part of a quilt. I wish I could have seen the quilt when it was still together, but evidently someone thought it best to salvage the blocks and separate the layers. They are all hand pieced of indigos and mourning prints with a few surprises thrown in! There are 34 “whole” blocks…and some that have had patches cannibalized out of them..maybe someone was using them for repair?
The blocks measure about 6” each ---and I think they could be used for doll quilt replicas or other crafts. I find the fabrics in them fascinating! Lots of shirting prints and fun stuff! The whole set goes for $12.00
And then there are THESE! I bought the whole set wanting to set them with other shirting fabrics, but there just isn’t a whole lot of variety block to block….and I know I won’t get around to it! These are great fun, though, look at those plaids and stripes!
The tag that came with them said 26 blocks, but there are only 25 --- I just counted! They measure 9.5” and would make an instant antique for someone who wanted to set them together! I’m charging the same $20.00 that I paid for them. If you want them, for $20 they are yours…shipping not included!
I’m sure I’ll dig up more vintage fun in the future! If you wish to purchase any of the above items please EMAIL ME instead of leaving a comment so I can reach you. I am traveling this weekend, Teaching in Pennsylvania and Maryland, so be patient with my ability to reply. I’ll answer all emails as I have a chance to --- the first one to say they want it, gets it ---- if the transaction for some reason falls through, the next person in line is next runner up, etc!
If you wish to participate in our Yard Sale Saturday, simply write your blog post about your quiltie items and link your blog post below! Remember we need the whole address of your individual POST, not just the address to your blog…it’s post specific. If you use the wrong address and link it to just your blog, I’ll have to remove you and have you try again as I can’t fix that for you.
You can sell books, magazines, tools, gadgets, fabric, patterns, UFOS, blocks, quilt tops, quilts, sewing machines, machine cabinets, etc -- but all must be second hand at second hand prices – this is not for “newly made for the craft sale or retail” type of item.
Have fun with it, and let’s clear this stuff OUT!!
Thanks Bonnie for the platform to see all of these quilty goodies for sale!! It should be a fun day!!
Do you know what the Blogger rules are if you list something to sell on your blog? Do you have to have a "commercial" Blogger account? Or can you list things for sale regardless of account designation? Or can you point me to where I would find this info? Would like to join in.
This is FUN ! Thanks Bonnie ... I found a pattern I've wanted for a long time !!!
On Yahoo there are several sites that sell fabric to quilty stuff for free. Even machines and patterns.
Great idea.
Bonnie, this is a fantastic idea! If you have a button to share for yard sale saturdays I would be happy to add it to my sidebar. I'm going to see what I might have for next Saturday. Thank you for coming up with this!
How fun is this. I didn't find anything this time, but will keep looking in the future.
This was great. I sold my binding in about one hour! Hmm. Gives me some ideas... ;-)
Wow, Bonnie! That was really successful! Some of these gals have sold nearly everything by 11:00 a.m.! Woot! I'm hoping you will do this again.....I didn't get my butt in gear for this one! :o(
Oh thank you! I've been trying to sell a few things this week so that I can pay to have my sewing machine repaired....I just linked up and hopefully someone will want to take something home!!! =) Thank you.
Thanks for hosting Yard Sale Saturday! Love the idea!
Thank you for hosting this. I need to get my act together so I am ready for next month as I have some things to sell and finding more as I clean out my sewing room.
No need to reply. My thoughts were: hey,neat stuff, what can I find that calls my name? do I REALLY need more stuff? how much noise would my kids make if I started having stuff delivered in the mail? So, think I ought to get some stuff done before going yard salin'. Great idea and wonderful stuff. Bev (kwiltpharm@aol.com)
Where are the pricing rules? It seems to me that a person should be able to charge what they want. I didn't see this ad, but if you don't like the price, don't buy it. Negative comments should be kept to yourself!
Thanks Bonnie! I cleaned out some stuff I had been collecting to get rid of! I love being able to pair up things with people I know will use and appreciate them. Plus as I had to buy new shoes for the No Boundaries training program that starts Monday the $ really helped. Wish me luck as I embark on 10 week training from chair to 5k and hopefully work my way off my diabetes meds!
Thank you so much for hosting this quilting yard sale! What fun to get some things listed in hopes that someone else will enjoy them!
This was great Bonnie! I missed it on Saturday but still was able to get some things today. Looking forward to the next one!
What a great idea! Will this be on the first Saturday of each month?
I like the idea of having a button that we all can add to the sidebar of our blogs.
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